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Thai Visa Brings Out The Worst In People


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Garro, I feel like starting a thread like this from time to time, and not because I have lots of time. As said earlier, text based communication leaves a lot to be desired. That said, the writer could then try extra hard to make sure the correct meaning is conveyed. Assuming he or she cares. :o

I think the main problem is that many posters don't give much thought to how their posts will affect people (any more than the blind motorbike rider on his cellphone thinks about how his darting around will affect other drivers, etc.). There are many effects.

Sometimes it is a kind of offense, caused by mean spirited or trollish insults. I think that's what most people think of as a bad effect.

Other times it is more simple kind of "netiquette" or "forumiquette" issue, such as quoting an entire previous post that is already full of earlier posts, just to add a "hear hear", "no no" or "<deleted>".

As for quoted posts, it's too bad that the forum software doesn't highlight the "tags" in color, so that "<qoute>" can be easily spotted. But its not usually necessary to quote anything - select all and delete doesn't require any web programming knowledge. Otherwise delete everything except the <quote> tags and the sentence you want to focus on. :D

For that matter, numerous single word, flatulent and otherwise silly responses, that don't really attempt to answer the OP question, just fill up the mailboxes of anyone who has subscribed to the tread. That's an effect that I doubt anyone seriously considers. But since the email subject lines don't even indicate the thread name, it causes me to consider unsubscribing to threads that get busy with potshots even if I'm interested in useful follow-ups.

Some of us have nothing better to do than browse through cruft and contribute to it, but I guess I'm not one of them - right now I'm questioning whether I should even be 'wasting' time replying to this! :D

I've been thinking of suggesting a rating system similar to Amazon, and other web places, where readers can indicate whether or not a post was helpful. We could have a TV web page where all members are ranked by the number of constructive or useless posts they've made. Problem is it would probably descend into a darker version of the buyer/seller rating snits that happen on eBay!

Well, I really got myself started here, probably get a few negative stars for this one! :D

But I think some discussion and reflection on how we can be better net-citizens is worthwhile. BTW, I appreciate a good joke on this forum as much as the next guy, but at the same time I hate to see threads diminished by trollish and egotistical behavior.

One more thing - never hurts to say you're sorry. :D

I agree.

Sorry. :bah:

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Quote Jasreeve: I think that people that post with genuine problems are usually helped pretty well.

Lopburi3 is a standout poster, but everyone helps the needy best they can.

We have different areas of expertise too.

For example; Bendix can really wind people up, but he has been very useful on many threads too.

Agreed, JR.

Since you're quoting Bendix and his oft acrimonious comments, you and I have no problems with that.

I can have a verbal joust with him and others without being offended or offensive.

Because we don't take a forum seriously, as you may have noted from some of my less serious posts.

This post is directed more at the folks who get wound up because they don't get the answers they expect.

Edited by qwertz
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Sorry about the title but I am trying to keep it Thai related, what I really mean that forums generally can bring out the worst in people. Most threads end up in a clash of egos with nobody listening to anyone else. I know because I am probably one of the worst offenders :D . I often leave this or other forums feeling bad about insulting others or feeling slighted. I sometimes wonder what the point of it all is? :o

Don't get me wrong. There are some fantastic threads with great info but when your busy defending your own post it can be difficult to see the value in others. Is this just me?

I imagine that almost everyone here likes Thailand and can feel very protective of this. We all have unique experiences in the land of LOS and it is easy to dismiss the experiences of others.

What ya think? Are these forums just an excuse to verbally assault as many people as possible and attempt to be the 'big man' on campus?

BTW, I apologise to anyone I have previously insulted in the heat of a debate here.


(My FIRST Troll accusation :D:D )

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As has been pointed out, posters can be affected differently by the more "confrontational" exchanges. The fascinating thing is that our "fight/Flight" reactions can easily be triggered during an online interaction. On reading an aggressive post aimed at you, your body will release stress hormones, your heart will beat faster, breathing will accelerate etc etc. This ancient physiological system will leave you wanting to either strangle the person at the other end of the forum or log off. Of course you can't strangle them, so you have all this pent up anger that you try to vent by attacking them at the keyboard.

Ulitmately you are doomed to failure as you will either get more abuse or get banned (although there have been a few cases where TV members have tried to get a "real world" attack in).

Each person is affected by this to differing degrees, but there is not a lot you can do to stop it happening. If you notice it - take a deep breath and try to get your logical brain in gear - "It's only a computer!" I have met people that are still ranting about a forum exchange several days after it happened. I have recently had an ebay exchange that has deteriorated into retaliatory feedback. I could not stop myself wanting to cause deep physical pain to the T*@t at the other end... hold on, deep breath....that's better.

Edited by Charma
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As a footnote to Charma's post.

There are people who take pleasure in cyber stalking, threatening letters etc.

This forum can't filter out such junk but if you find it directed at you, you can either ignore it or call in the admin.

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We have different areas of expertise too. For example; Bendix can really wind people up, but he has been very useful on many threads too.

Oi. I take great exception to that.

Take it back. There is no need to post such hurtful things. I'm sure you wouldnt dare say that to my face. I bitterly resent the idea that I have EVER been useful on any thread.

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Just because someone posts something that annoys you, why let it get your blood pressure up? Its not like you are ever going to see that person F2F, unless you both mutually want to.

On a public forum you are dealing with internet personalities, some very much like their real life versions, some completely ficticious, and most somewhere in between. :D

Someone doesn't like your point of view, that's their perogative, irrespective of whether their position is right or wrong. You don't have to agree with them either. However, becoming fanatical about one's own position, creates tension & dis-harmony on a public board. :o

Better to think about the forum being a kin to a law court where any issue is up for discussion. A topic comes up, you get your say, somebody else gets theirs. Chance for a rebuttle, no problems.

Contempt of court & the magistrate will quickly dish out some justice! :D

My say.....


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Maybe the "Add Reply" button should be on the same line as the "Reply" button.

Note, JetsetBkk, I'm resisting the temptation to go in and copy every entry in this forum so far, and put it in above these lines in nested quotes. :D

Sometimes quoting a block of nested comments can be useful, if the pertinent stuff is several pages back in a thread, but here's why I try to suggest that people consider not quoting:

Less quoting of previous posts means more replies can fit on one page. I don't think I'm the only one who has a dramatically slow Internet connection sometimes. It's a pain to have to click on "next" and wait for a new page to load when half of it is redundant quotes submitted by "lazyboneheads". :D I don't think I'm the only one who gets annoyed by this, especially when many responders don't have much to offer to the discussion anyway.

BTW, JetsetBkk illustrates how you can use the quoted stuff to highlight a part that is particularly important in the context of the rest of the post.

Oh, and apologies to anyone who thinks I'm too serious in bringing up the ancient concept of "webequette"!

Said the punchee: "I have a right not to get punched."

Said the puncher: "I have a right to swing my fists!"

Said the troll cooking up his groaners: "Get out of the &lt;deleted&gt;' TV kitchen!" :o

... and I think I've responded enough to this thread, so I'm signing off... :D

Edited by Upcountry
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I might regret a thing or two I have said, mostly because I could have said them better, but there’s no way Thai Visa has ever seen my worst.

If you make this too polite, you take away the reality factor. I want to have debates with real responses, not just PC make-nice antiphons.

I believe this forum often brings out people’s best.

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Quote Jasreeve: I think that people that post with genuine problems are usually helped pretty well.

Lopburi3 is a standout poster, but everyone helps the needy best they can.

We have different areas of expertise too.

For example; Bendix can really wind people up, but he has been very useful on many threads too.

Agreed, JR.

Since you're quoting Bendix and his oft acrimonious comments, you and I have no problems with that.

I can have a verbal joust with him and others without being offended or offensive.

Because we don't take a forum seriously, as you may have noted from some of my less serious posts.

This post is directed more at the folks who get wound up because they don't get the answers they expect.

As is often the case I agree with your words, as above.

I'm not sure about the suggestion of no problem with Bendix. Is it true that he has asked the airport authorities to let the touts back into the arrivals hall, quoting several little known Thai bylaws?

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We have different areas of expertise too. For example; Bendix can really wind people up, but he has been very useful on many threads too.

Oi. I take great exception to that.

Take it back. There is no need to post such hurtful things. I'm sure you wouldnt dare say that to my face. I bitterly resent the idea that I have EVER been useful on any thread.

I didn't say on this thread. I thought that you legal sorts were supposed to pay attention to details...

And stop using quotes, or you'll upset Upcountry.

(I thought that you did an excellent job on the sacking compensation thread. Good man.)

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Should some subjects such as religion and politics be a 'no-no' on an open forum like this?

It is not like we are going to change each other's opinions on here, or are we?

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Maybe the "Add Reply" button should be on the same line as the "Reply" button.
Not that is an excellent idea!
Note, JetsetBkk, I'm resisting the temptation to go in and copy every entry in this forum so far, and put it in above these lines in nested quotes. :o

We could start a competition: find the most heavily "quotes-within-quotes" post on the forum. I saw one recently where you couldn't work out who said what because you couldn't follow the outline from the name at the top to the text at the bottom.

Maybe they should be colour coded?

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On reading an aggressive post aimed at you, your body will release stress hormones, your heart will beat faster, breathing will accelerate etc etc. This ancient physiological system will leave you wanting to either strangle the person at the other end of the forum or log off. Of course you can't strangle them, so you have all this pent up anger that you try to vent by attacking them at the keyboard.

i would hope your response is not common. seems you need to take a step back

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Should some subjects such as religion and politics be a 'no-no' on an open forum like this?

It is not like we are going to change each other's opinions on here, or are we?

no, they should not. posters who are unable to take discussion with a grain of salt should refrain from reading and posting in topics that are too sensitive for them.

it is only when you disallow discussion that all hope of change is lost

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For me, TV and its members are a welcome diversion from hours of boring computer translations.

I log in because I'm interested in what other people think and how they think; and I often have a good chuckle.

I've made a number of cyber friends and I'm sure I'd like them as much if we ever get to meet.

However, you can't possibly judge a person's character from anonymous missives.

I don't speak as I write - who does in truth?

Reading a book or article tells me nothing about how the author is in person.

If I meet someone, I know more about them in the first 5 minutes than from hours of reading their posts.

It's communication nevertheless and should be valued as such.

Well said, qwertz :o

You took the words right out of my mouth. What you just posted was exactly in my mind about how I join in this forum. I know one thing I'm going to be friend and might meet some of my terific forumers in a near future.

The world is gettimg smaller each day.

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as a newbie thats been lurking awhile, i agree with the op.Debate is fine, often though, it spills into saying whatever you can to annoy a particular person.The only motivation to post becomes a desire to pay-back a poster.I reckon too much of that gets boring and lowers the standard of tv.Which overall is great.

"And my favourite is Jungle Jim syndrome. People who have lived in Thailand for a long time and feel threatened by those who have just arrived. They then set about attacking every little thing that person says or does."

I think this quote explains a lot of the aggro posts.Plus a lot of forums seem to have this underlying tone, of who has the most knowledge about the particular forum, like a pecking order, especially amoung the longer serving members.Guess thats basically ego, or lack of it.Oh i have lived here for 320 years and you just got off the plane what would you know.

I see lopuri as the ideal poster.Brilliantly helpful, and criticizes only when it is warranted, rather than at any opportunity.

"Upcountry, you seem to worry too much about the internet being just as you'd like it."..... This is a quote from this thread, i reckon it is an example of an unnecessary shot at a poster.Firstly upcountry doesnt seem like this at all, it strikes me as a cheap shot, the kind that can lead to flame wars.Fun and entertainment is one thing, shitstirring is another.

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The people who have lived in Thailand a long time are well worth getting advice from as it is no easy achievement. The majority of people who come to Thailand to stay end up leaving after a couple of years. One problem that I have noticed from time to time is that you get people who don't live in Thailand (or no longer live in Thailand) lecturing those who do live in Thailand on how to do it.

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i think its therapeutic to be able to have a pop at the self inflated or ill informed.

i insult , and have been insulted , but its only a forum and shouldnt be taken too seriously.

The problem for me taxexile is that I am not sure there is any therapeutic value for me in finding fault with others.

If this forum is a concentrated form of fault finding for you then you could use it as a way for you to examine this fault finding characteristic that you have (and me too) and thus develop some insight into the nature of your self.


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i think its therapeutic to be able to have a pop at the self inflated or ill informed.

i insult , and have been insulted , but its only a forum and shouldnt be taken too seriously.

The problem for me taxexile is that I am not sure there is any therapeutic value for me in finding fault with others.

If this forum is a concentrated form of fault finding for you then you could use it as a way for you to examine this fault finding characteristic that you have (and me too) and thus develop some insight into the nature of your self.


Good point Chownah :o

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There are many long timers here with huge egos, and therein lies the problem. Their way or the highway. Sad, really.

Absolutely spot on , the first group of know it all’s on this site are well basically the run-a-ways from their homelands, quite possibly due to marital problems or the fact of having no friends

I find that TV has over the past 3 years has just gone down the pan….so many of the members (second group) don’t even live here..Yet know everything (They think)

By the way I live here & know everything :o (I'm in group three)

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I am not an old-timer but I do respect the wisdom of those who have been here a bit longer. I have lived here 5 years and I think it takes about that long for your head to settle. I look back to the first couple of years and realise that I was a bit of a prat in regards to many things, I will likely feel the same way about my opinions now in five years time :o

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Oh no, I've lived here 10 years and my head's not settled yet! Good thread for the most part. Sometimes we do get a little mean-spirited on TV; but I've had the occasion to get together eyeball to eyeball with a few members and made some friends with mutual interests. All in all it's good sport. Sometimes this TV gets addictive and I've found it good to put down for awhile and enjoy the family!

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Oh no, I've lived here 10 years and my head's not settled yet! Good thread for the most part. Sometimes we do get a little mean-spirited on TV; but I've had the occasion to get together eyeball to eyeball with a few members and made some friends with mutual interests. All in all it's good sport. Sometimes this TV gets addictive and I've found it good to put down for awhile and enjoy the family!

Ah Mr mdeland, a sensible post as usual. I need to put Thai Visa down for a few hours now as I am hitting the bright lights of Phitsanulok and the wonders of Tesco/Lotus. I may try and irritate some fellow ex-pats by making eye contact. Hey, I might completely annoy them by giving them a wai :o

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