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Info On New Format Please


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I have seen that instead of getting a list of ten posts in full at a time I get one, the opening post of the page, then a one liner list of the responses, sort of slightly flow chart style. (Is there a technical name for that?)

I have gone back a month in the forum support forum and can find nothing.

I can also not find any preferences that get me back to as it was.

I must say I am bored clicking one at a time.


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This isn't really related to the OP, but I didn't want to start a new thread:

I never use "view new posts" - there's always far too many of them. I go to the subforums I like & look at the little icons to see if there are any new posts on subjects I've been following. Usually they are correct (lit up for new posts, not for no new posts), but just lately, there's been an increasing number looking as if they do have new posts (ie lit up), but when I look at the last post, it is one I've read previously. Is this a glitch on my computer? Or the way the forum is loaded on it? Is there anything I can do about it? Thanks.

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I always use that method and it is working fine for me - but I have had it mess up in one forum a few times so know it is passable. Can only suggest eating (deleting) your ThaiVisa cookies but really don't know if it will help or not.

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top right of your post , options > standard

cheers, thats fixed me as well, its been p@ssing me off for ages i aint been on so much!

maybe cant you type somthing on the bottom of a page like if you would like to see 10 or so at a time please click here!

only an idea!

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