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Taken for fools....


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20 years ago, someone wrote an AI program that allowed users to chat with a computer, fooling the end-user into thinking that they were chatting with a real person.


The BBC stated that this program (called Natachata) "...the best candidate for passing the Turing test". 


The Turing test, in case you don't know, is named after the mathematician Alan Turing, as a test of a computer/ computer program which can fool people into thinking that they are chatting with an unseen but real person.


BBC link to this report is here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/3503465.stm


Well, 20 years later, it seems that this is exactly what is happening here in the community pub forum.  People are being fooled by an AI application.  In many cases, they are not conversing with another forum poster - they are conversing with AI, and being taken for fools!  Of course, if you're happy to chat with a 'machine', then up to you, as they say in Thailand.


By the way, the person who wrote that AI program 20 years ago was none other than myself 🙂

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