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Iranian-Born Norwegian Man Sentenced to 30 Years for Oslo LGBTQ+ Festival Attack

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In a landmark decision, an Iranian-born Norwegian man was sentenced to 30 years in prison for his role in a terrorist attack on an LGBTQ+ festival in Oslo in 2022. The Oslo District Court found Zaniar Matapour guilty of terrorism for the June 25, 2022, attack, which left two people dead and nine seriously wounded. The incident took place at three locations, with the main attack occurring outside the London Pub, a well-known gay bar.


Matapour, who had sworn allegiance to the Islamic State group, fired ten rounds with a machine gun and eight shots with a handgun into the crowd. The court noted that Matapour had been radicalized for several years. His sentence is the most severe penalty issued in Norway since the country's terror legislation was revised in 2015. Under the terms of his sentence, Matapour can request parole after 20 years, but he will only be released if he is deemed no longer a threat to society.


Prosecutor Aud Kinsarvik Gravås described the outcome as "the right outcome" and emphasized the historical severity of the punishment. Matapour’s lawyer, Marius Dietrichson, acknowledged the severity of the sentence and mentioned that a decision on whether to appeal has not yet been made. One of the victims, Espen Evjenth, who was shot in the forehead at the London Pub, expressed relief at the verdict.


The court presented extensive video evidence of the attack during the trial. While the verdict was not read aloud in court, it was distributed electronically, and Matapour was to have it read to him in prison. Matapour was apprehended by bystanders shortly after the attack and was subsequently arrested. The attack led to the cancellation of a planned Pride parade due to security concerns.


The shooting deeply shocked Norway, a country known for its low crime rate but which has experienced several "lone wolf" attacks in recent years. The most notable of these was the 2011 mass shooting on the island of Utoya, where a right-wing extremist killed 69 people after setting off a bomb in Oslo that claimed eight more lives.


In the days leading up to the 2022 attack, Norway’s external intelligence agency, E-Tjenesten, had received information from an undercover agent about a potential action in a Nordic country. This information was shared with the domestic security service. Matapour, who pleaded innocent, was evaluated by a court-appointed psychiatrist who concluded that he was sane at the time of the attack.


During the trial, both the prosecution and defense agreed that Matapour had fired into the crowd and that the attack was terror-motivated. However, Matapour's lawyer argued for acquittal, claiming that his client had been provoked by an E-Tjenesten agent posing as a high-ranking Islamic State member. The court dismissed this claim, stating that the actions of the E-Tjenesten did not involve any illegal provocation and did not incite a terrorist act that would not have otherwise been committed.


The trial, which began in March and concluded on May 16, marks a significant moment in Norway's ongoing efforts to combat terrorism and ensure justice for victims of such heinous acts.


Start of Trial


Credit: ABC News 2024-07-05



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Normally  I would think that 30 years would be long enough to ensure that this savage no longer poses a threat to anybody, But with the ongoing islamification of western countries who knows what might happen in the future? A future muslim government might even pardon him,  Therefore he should have been dealt with "permanently" as should any others

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3 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

Let him do the 30 years, then strip him of his Norwegian citizenship and then deport him to Iran! 

Let him do some of  the time then hang him one day , completely by surprise, no advance warning, no appeals, just a knock on the cell door at 6am one day.  Same goes for the rest of them

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