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Forum Decorum

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Thaivisa.com has often been accused of being very clique, or a boys club or unwelcoming and rude to newbies but I suppose that depends on who you are.

Newbies are welcome, I didn't have any problems as a newbie but having said that I didn't rush feet first into a topic and start squabbling with well established members.

What attracted me to Thaivisa was funnily enough the above comments I had heard, and I had discovered from ajarn.com that it was no challenge to be accepted by students, fresh from university all waving their degrees and patting themselves on the back saying what a great farang they were and how many Thai friends they had and asking how long the next person had been here and how much Thai they spoke.

Thaivisa was full of old farts they said... Well old farts know the score and have lived and understand that there's more to life than how much one is earning or how many parachute jumps one did in NZ.

Many of my drinking associates back home are in their 40's-60's and can offer a better conversation than many in their 20's and 30's.

I had no time for the majority of posters on ajarn, and knew that had I remained then I would have got bored and deliberatly wound up these types of posters in a way that would have made my Ambassador look like Mother Teresa.

How many times have we heard the phrase, "respect and be respected" as used by bargirl appreciators. :o

Well, to any newbies reading this, and to Tony1234 whatever your name is, that's my 5 bhats worth and that's all anybody joining this forum needs to know and most of us do.

Thankyou - I'm off to Nana to get my shoes polished.

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I tend to agree generally with what you are saying.

At the end of the day who would walk into a crowded room with noboby they know and start shouting opinions or pick a fight with someone. :o

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In actually went and had a look at the ajan forum yesterday, did'nt think much of it seamed very childish (cant spell juvinile).

Anyway I just left, I did'nt go posting about how everyone was "So Childish" cos thats their forum and its up to them.

Same here if people dont like it dont read it and go somewhere else.

Nobodys going to agree with everything, there are about 11,000 members now I belive, unfortunatly when a newbie post something, they may get lots of helpful replies but it only takes one person to say something like how stupid, childish, trollish the post is then it all goes off topic and the newbie is left with the feeling that it's a bit of an "old boys club"

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I read that forum earlier today and began picturing boys standing in a nursery school playground. Like Random Chances, I couldn't be bothered to put in my little two cents. Seemed pointless. However, I couldn't help but read it through to see how all the mud slinging started. Kinda' like a train wreck. You can't help but rubber neck it. Anyway, I'm new here and I haven't had any problems. The majority of the people seem welcoming to me. I believe that how you behave when you're anonymous reflects strongly on who you really are, so name calling and threats at the drop of a hat ...... Well, you guys can figure it out.

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I read that forum earlier today and began picturing boys standing in a nursery school playground. Like Random Chances, I couldn't be bothered to put in my little two cents. Seemed pointless. However, I couldn't help but read it through to see how all the mud slinging started. Kinda' like a train wreck. You can't help but rubber neck it. Anyway, I'm new here and I haven't had any problems. The majority of the people seem welcoming to me. I believe that how you behave when you're anonymous reflects strongly on who you really are, so name calling and threats at the drop of a hat ...... Well, you guys can figure it out.

Brilliantly put by a fellow Rascal, Rogue and Scamp. :o


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I agree with all of you, as it is "forum decorum" (I have a trademark on that name by the way scampy :o )

I had the absolute pleasure chatting with "dirty rascal" the other day, his cyber breath was not to good, but he seemed normal and has not jumped from any buildings in Pattaya as yet :D

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Nobodys going to agree with everything, there are about 11,000 members now I belive, unfortunatly when a newbie post something, they may get lots of helpful replies but it only takes one person to say something like how stupid, childish, trollish the post is then it all goes off topic and the newbie is left with the feeling that it's a bit of an "old boys club"

I am a "newbie", and what about your reply to my first post - not very helpful, eh??

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Thaivisa.com has often been accused of being very clique, or a boys club or unwelcoming and rude to newbies but I suppose that depends on who you are.

Newbies are welcome, I didn't have any problems as a newbie but having said that I didn't rush feet first into a topic and start squabbling with well established members.

What attracted me to Thaivisa was funnily enough the above comments I had heard, and I had discovered from ajarn.com that it was no challenge to be accepted by students, fresh from university all waving their degrees and patting themselves on the back saying what a great farang they were and how many Thai friends they had and asking how long the next person had been here and how much Thai they spoke.

Thaivisa was full of old farts they said... Well old farts know the score and have lived and understand that there's more to life than how much one is earning or how many parachute jumps one did in NZ.

Many of my drinking associates back home are in their 40's-60's and can offer a better conversation than many in their 20's and 30's.

I had no time for the majority of posters on ajarn, and knew that had I remained then I would have got bored and deliberatly wound up these types of posters in a way that would have made my Ambassador look like Mother Teresa.

How many times have we heard the phrase, "respect and be respected" as used by bargirl appreciators. :o

Well, to any newbies reading this, and to Tony1234 whatever your name is, that's my 5 bhats worth and that's all anybody joining this forum needs to know and most of us do.

Thankyou - I'm off to Nana to get my shoes polished.

I agree with all although there are some positive things to say about ajarn.com too. It serves the largest English language teachers market in Thailand, it just that not much is required to be an English teacher in Thailand. This reflects on the board, I do think that Phil is doing a very good job. The site looks better than it ever did before he took over.


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Nobodys going to agree with everything, there are about 11,000 members now I belive, unfortunatly when a newbie post something, they may get lots of helpful replies but it only takes one person to say something like how stupid, childish, trollish the post is then it all goes off topic and the newbie is left with the feeling that it's a bit of an "old boys club"

I am a "newbie", and what about your reply to my first post - not very helpful, eh??

Sorry Johnniey I dont think I'v ever replied to any of your posts :o

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Thaivisa.com has often been accused of being very clique, or a boys club or unwelcoming and rude to newbies but I suppose that depends on who you are.

Newbies are welcome, I didn't have any problems as a newbie but having said that I didn't rush feet first into a topic and start squabbling with well established members.

What attracted me to Thaivisa was funnily enough the above comments I had heard, and I had discovered from ajarn.com that it was no challenge to be accepted by students, fresh from university all waving their degrees and patting themselves on the back saying what a great farang they were and how many Thai friends they had and asking how long the next person had been here and how much Thai they spoke.

Thaivisa was full of old farts they said... Well old farts know the score and have lived and understand that there's more to life than how much one is earning or how many parachute jumps one did in NZ.

Many of my drinking associates back home are in their 40's-60's and can offer a better conversation than many in their 20's and 30's.

I had no time for the majority of posters on ajarn, and knew that had I remained then I would have got bored and deliberatly wound up these types of posters in a way that would have made my Ambassador look like Mother Teresa.

How many times have we heard the phrase, "respect and be respected" as used by bargirl appreciators. :o

Well, to any newbies reading this, and to Tony1234 whatever your name is, that's my 5 bhats worth and that's all anybody joining this forum needs to know and most of us do.

Thankyou - I'm off to Nana to get my shoes polished.

I agree with all although there are some positive things to say about ajarn.com too. It serves the largest English language teachers market in Thailand, it just that not much is required to be an English teacher in Thailand. This reflects on the board, I do think that Phil is doing a very good job. The site looks better than it ever did before he took over.


I had a look the other day, but I didn't see much in the way of positive debate going on.

I am not saying this as a moderator of thaivisa.com I am saying this as a person looking for reasons to keep my role going here as a mod. I found it for sure, Ajarn seemed to be full of swearing, cussing fellows that would not cut it here.

I am proud to be associated with thaivisa, and even more proud to be invloved with the daily running of the site.

Thaivisa is a running concern, and as far as I am concerned as long as farang want to enter the Kingdom under whateer capacity thaivisa will always will be a neccessity.

Can you prove me wrong?

I dare you...

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Newbies as long as they are well mannered and don't break any rules- you'll have no problems here. I know quite well that user are warned before any drastic action is taken.

RESPECT is earned, and dare say that those newbies most offended are the ones that won't be back at any rate. (Erco Reincarnates)

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I am a "newbie", and what about your reply to my first post - not very helpful, eh??

Make another post, then reply to this and you will no longer be a newbie. :o

I would welcome you, but don't think I'm a member of the "old boys club" yet. :D

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Somehow one of the crap net points in Gullivers Soi 5 just logged me on as appleman_thai and wouldn't let me log on as TGS.

Anyway, I'm in a net cafe round the corner now and I've totally forgotten what I came in here to say so I'll come back and edit this post when it comes to me.

Have sent a PM to appleman_thai reminding him to log out in future.

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the old boys club?

want to give us a list of who is in it?

And please make sure I am there...I am a young guy but have been around on TV a while...

lets see what you all come up with :D:D

ps, don't forget who are the mods :o:D

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Somehow one of the crap net points in Gullivers Soi 5 just logged me on as appleman_thai and wouldn't let me log on as TGS.

it's at the top of the screen, click on the Log Out link...then enter your username/password...but for some reason i think you knew that and just wanted to let appleman_thai know he left his account spread eagled.

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My first post was in the Farang Pub - fun, food, entertainment and Expat life.

I decieded to add my reply to a thread where most were taking the piss and having fun.

The first response I got was: TROLL – clearly, I was being yelled at in the bar. I did not respond. Who’s the troll in this case.

If I have a serious question I’ll ask it. In the mean time I leave the one liners to the super posters.

I would like to add I’ve learned a lot in the more informative areas of the board. Thanks for that.

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  • 5 years later...
I am a "newbie", and what about your reply to my first post - not very helpful, eh??

Make another post, then reply to this and you will no longer be a newbie. :D

I would welcome you, but don't think I'm a member of the "old boys club" yet. :D

Yes, I'm not a newbie anymore :)

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This an old thread.

Bit I am still here, I wonder how many others from that time are still around.

Almost worth a thread of its own.

In 2004 we thought we were old timers on TV.

Anyway, glad I am no longer a mod, sorry that I can't delete my drunken posts in the morning like I used :)

How many of us 2003'ers are still posting?

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This an old thread.

Bit I am still here, I wonder how many others from that time are still around.

Almost worth a thread of its own.

In 2004 we thought we were old timers on TV.

Anyway, glad I am no longer a mod, sorry that I can't delete my drunken posts in the morning like I used :)

How many of us 2003'ers are still posting?

I am, but i did more reading than posting back then. Looking at your member number and mine, it looks like membership was growing exponentially back then.

Edited by Bukseeda
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I would think one tenet of forum decorum would be to not slag off other forums.

With regards to the OP, newbies are pretty much welcome at most forums, including TV. I think things can get a little rough and dirty at times and for somebody new to forums altogether it could be frustrating. Nevertheless, once people have developed a thicker skin they normally get on ok.

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This an old thread.

Bit I am still here, I wonder how many others from that time are still around.

Almost worth a thread of its own.

In 2004 we thought we were old timers on TV.

Anyway, glad I am no longer a mod, sorry that I can't delete my drunken posts in the morning like I used :)

How many of us 2003'ers are still posting?

The OP is still posting under the same name on another popular forum. Always interesting to read his posts

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