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Adolf Hitler


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I suggest that parallel to educating Asians about European history, you also educate yourself about Asian history and religious symbology. Should result in a lot more understanding of each other.

(This of course on the topic of swastikas, I can find less merit in using Adolf Hitler as a nickname. Then again, apparantly 'Adolf Hitler' is a perfectly acceptable name/example/word for 'An overly authoritatian, fierce person'. I've been called that in jest, in fact, but of course didn't feel overly humoured. Through mutual education and understanding we solved the issue though and are now more mindful of each others sensibilities.

I'll post some pics of legitimate swastika uses, hold on.



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"The Swastika" is the oldest cross and emblem in the world. It forms a combination of four "L's" standing for Luck, Light, Love and Life. It has been found in ancient Rome, excavations in Grecian cities, on Buddhist idols, on Chinese coins dated 315 B.C., and US Southwest Indians use it as an amulet.

It is claimed that the Mound Builders and Cliff Dwellers of Mexico, Central America consider "The Swastika" a charm to drive away evil and bring good luck, long life and prosperity to the possessor.

The Mound Builders inhabited the Ohio River Valley and the Cliff Dwellers lived in the Southwestern United States; however, both did use the swastika, as did the Mayas of Mexico. Furthermore, although the swastika may look like four "L's" to one who uses the Roman alphabet, in Greek it forms four Gammas ("G's"), in Hebrew it can be seen as four Daleths ("D's"), and among the non-literate people of North America, it corresponded to no letters at all.

So, I guess the Nazi's adopted the swastika for good luck but in turn, turned it into a symbol of death and evil.

With regard Adolf Hitler, he was just a dying man (riddled with parkinson's and full of drugs) who wanted to do as much damage as possible before he passed on. He even made sure his body would be cremated so nobody would ever find out the truth.

World history and Geography don't seem to be of much interest to Thai schools.

My 11 year old daughter not only didn't know where Thailand was on the world map but was totally gobsmacked when she saw how small England was.

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The Swastika" is the oldest cross and emblem in the world. It forms a combination of four "L's" standing for Luck, Light, Love and Life. It has been found in ancient Rome,

Well well, you live and learn, I was under the impression they spoke Latin in ancient Rome not English.

So the four "L's" is the same in Latin as it is in English is it?

Or looking at it another way why not two "Z's"?

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As a related note on T short design..

I recently saw a Thai wearing a T shirt with letters a good 8 -10 inches high to make maximum size writing. As I passed him on a bike the back (and front) of his shirt proudly proclaimed




Without the dots... You really would have to try to find a more offensive statement that that.. I am presuming he had no idea of the statement but whoever printed it must have.

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Theresa Francis Bo-Peep John XXIII Poppins-Proust sort.

If you mean the late not so great, well known walking advert for tea towels Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu well know admirer of dictators liar and hypocrite.

You might be better off with her name in your first list.

let's see...mother theresa, capitalist stooge and oppressor of the masses. Do tell.

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let's see...mother theresa, capitalist stooge and oppressor of the masses. Do tell.

She was not a great "oppressor of the masses" as such but may I direct you to

Christopher Hitchens book " The Missionary Position" he tells it so much better than I could?

This publication should not be read with rose tinted specs or any fans of this old hag with high blood pressure.

The portrait painted of her flying first class out of India to the west for medical treatment instead of popping down to her dispensary for an aspirin will bring tears to a glass eye.

As to the photo opportunity with "Papa Doc" in Haiti it should hang on any admirers wall.

Probably the only export from Albania besides gangsters anyone can think of.

Hope this helps.

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As a related note on T short design..

I recently saw a Thai wearing a T shirt with letters a good 8 -10 inches high to make maximum size writing.  As I passed him on a bike the back (and front) of his shirt proudly proclaimed




Without the dots... You really would have to try to find a more offensive statement that that.. I am presuming he had no idea of the statement but whoever printed it must have.

I see nothing offensive about that shirt. I feel he was the origional con-man.

Also the other day I was down getting new upholstery on my bike seat and a cute little fox there had some nice hooters inside a black T shirt that had a red swastica with a line thru it and in big red letters said F.U.C.K. NAZI'S,I thought it was a nice looking T shirt.

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Is flying kytes a banned activity?

Serioulsy though, calling oneself Adolf Hitler may sound offensive, but I think political correctness has alot to do with it. Sure the guy was a ratbag to the extreme but it was 60 years ago !! Maybe I am crossing that line called semetic, but Hitler was an over ambitous dude with a cruel disposition to human rights like many in history, and the future I am sure. Would we feel the same way about someone calling themselves Hannibal, Caesar, Attila, Genghis or Stalin etc ect?

And yeah, love the 'Nazi Punks f.. off t-shirt', beleive it was Dead Kennedys merchandise ?

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All baddies, for sure. But there have been very few who have set out to wipe an entire race from the face of the planet -- and got as far as Hitler did. Not just one group of people, but gypsies, gays, etc., as well. That's before one even begins to assess the damage he did in the course of his attempted empire-building.

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I suggest all of Thailand reads about AH. Some politicians here are starting to use the same methods, like banning newspapers from telling the truth, killing "unwanted" individuals without trial, imposing curfews without any clear guidelines, telling people that only they know what it means to be real "Thai", and that people with other ideas are wrong. Jeez, we even had a suggestion that people should spy on eachother (to prevent gambling) during the Euro 2004 tournament.


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Maybe the dude's name is Adolph Hitler, I know a couple of Jesse James,a lot of John Waynes, a few Jim Jones,,There is bound to be more than one family named HITLER.

There is folks named after and just named the same as some famous and infamous folks. so no telling just what it is,so cut the guy some slack til you find out for sure.Or I guess we could get a bunch together and go hang the son of a bitch. :o

I don't think this is about having the family name "Hitler" or the using the name "Adolf", however I doubt anybody would like to be known as both of the names together, If my name was Adolf Hitler I'm sure I would be very embarassed and would change it ASAP

There was this guy who came down to the registrar's office to submit a petition for trying to change his name.

The official in charge of applications looks at him and explains,

"It's quite unlikely that a petition for changing your name would be approved.There must be very special circumstances"!

"But I do have very special reasons for wanting this change",the man replies.

"And what would those reasons be then?",asks the incredulous official.

"Well...errr..you see,my name is Herman",answers the man.

"Herman!Not good enough for an application",says the registrar. :D

"Not good enough...but...my full name is Herman Hitler"!

The official is genuinely shocked and stammers, :D

"That.. certainly is a horrible name for anyone to carry and suffer with throughout his life so I think you have a valid reason for a name change"!

"I'm so grateful you can understand my dilemma",says Herman Hitler with relief. :wub:

"Sir! We have a long list right here with different suggestions from which you can choose your new name"!

"Thanks,but that's not necessary because I already know exactly what name I really want"!

"What name"? :D

"Adolf"! :D


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And there might be some one named Benito Moselini[sp] Or Josef Stalin,and he killed more of his own people than Hitler did. so whats in a name?

I once red somewhere that American Henry Kissinger caused the most non-natural deaths during last century. Mainly by sending American soldiers to other countries to kill local people there. Is that really truth?

Nobody would put him on one line with Hannibal, Ceasar, Khan, Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler and other mega-killers. He is one of the few American politicians who holds the respectable title of 'elder statesman'.

A stupid question maybe, but is genocide in historical perspective a matter of public relations? The 'great' Hannibal, the 'great' Ceasar, the 'very bad' Hitler, the 'very bad' Pol Pot, the 'decent and wise' Kissinger?

Personally I believe that this century will be the last during which nations will send stupid young boys with arms to other countries to kill people.

Fifty years ago there was a catholic minister of war (nowadays called ministers of defence) of a European country who refused to send soldiers to an Asian former colony. Not only because of the fact that he didn't want innocent people get killed, nut also because he didn't want to turn young boys into murderers.

Wasn't it Einstein who called armies the shame of civilisation?

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"The Swastika" is the oldest cross and emblem in the world. It forms a combination of four "L's" standing for Luck, Light, Love and Life.

I didn't know that. Also not that the Romans spoke English.

Joke aside: My compliments for your posting.

Is there anybody who knows where you can buy copies of ''Encarta'' in Thailand?

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Nobody would put him on one line with Hannibal, Ceasar, Khan, Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler and other mega-killers. He is one of the few American politicians who holds the respectable title of 'elder statesman'.
Why not?

Hope the bit underneath helps.

Incredibly, Henry Kissinger—the man who rivals Pol Pot for the dubious honor of being the person responsible for the death of the largest number of innocent people in South East Asia (and far surpasses Pol Pot in criminality when one factors in Kissinger's various levels of responsibility for wholesale slaughter and repression in other parts of the world)—still wields significant power in the United States; but his role as eager facilitator of mass murder, totalitarian repression and other atrocities is never discussed in polite society. Although Kissinger is a frequent guest on Nightline, where he is treated as a harmless and venerable elder statesman, his friend Ted Koppel has never brought up the topic of Kissinger's responsibility for the horrifying deaths of so many in Asia, Latin America and other areas of the world. It is safe to assume that Koppel has no intention of doing so in the future.
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Kissinger? I would have thought it was Starlin if you include deaths due to war too. 10 million dies on the Russian Front, he also made "the streets of Moscow run red with blood" - as he promised.

I have seen the Swastika (the correct way around) in the Roman mosaic near my parents village in Kent (UK). It is also sometimes on armour and crests from the middle ages.

Don't think the 4 L's bit is correct though - it predates English by a long way. English was not spoken before or during the time Rome held Britania. It was 'created' from Latin and the various Saxon languages (Angle being the one that gave England its name) - note: 'French' did not come over with the Normans, because the invading Normans of 1066 were actually Saxons that conquored Normandy 5 years before!

That is why English is closer to the Germanic languages (German, Dutch, Fin etc) than the Latino (French, Spanish, Italian etc), but still kept some Latin grammar rules and word roots.

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I can't believe it...w.a.n.k.e.r. is a banned word!

And for us Christians you are the real W.A.N.K.E.R.

Why do you have to go there and upset people feelings! Grow up!

We Dutch do indeed still have strong feelings about WW2. I dont see any reason why people have to be offensive to others by having Hitlers name in their email address. Like many other Dutch people, I also have family members who died during the war in camps and will always remember the stories I heard from my grand parents and other family members.

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As a related note on T short design..

I recently saw a Thai wearing a T shirt with letters a good 8 -10 inches high to make maximum size writing. As I passed him on a bike the back (and front) of his shirt proudly proclaimed




Without the dots... You really would have to try to find a more offensive statement that that.. I am presuming he had no idea of the statement but whoever printed it must have.

If you asked around in Thailand you would be hard put to find a Thai who knows anything about Jesus.

Who he was or whatever he was.

If Jesus popped up in front of their very eyes they wouldn't know Jesus from Tony Blair or George W Bush.

It's exactly like everything else they print on T shirts here as long as it sells who gives a <deleted>.

The almighty baht rules supreme :o

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I can't believe it...w.a.n.k.e.r. is a banned word!

And for us Christians you are the real W.A.N.K.E.R.

Why do you have to go there and upset people feelings! Grow up!

Why would it upset you if I thought Jesus was a w.a.n.k.e.r? All that should matter to you is how YOU feel about him.

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