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15 hours ago, scoutman360 said:

I had same problem. I bought some Borax on Lazada, mixed it with some sugar (with a few drops of water you can melt it in a pan and soak some cotton buds). I spread the soaked cotton buds around the infested areas. It was fun to watch the ants gather around and eat it up. Gone 2 years now.

I do similar thing with boron powder. A tiny little spoon of boron (Spoon came with the boron) in a small sauce plate, a few drops of boiling water to desolve the powder, a normal teaspoon of honey (tried with jam or peanut butter but never worked for me) mix it good and put it near the path of the ants. Sometimes put some drops on the surface along the path as well. Soon enough there ants will come feeding on it and in few days no more ants.

1 hour ago, Tropicalevo said:

We put the ARS ant traps in the villas.

No mess, unobtrusive and very effective.

Put them where the ant 'trains' appear.

They ants do not usually come back



For me it worked once, failed 4 times so i binned it

2 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

We put the ARS ant traps in the villas.

No mess, unobtrusive and very effective.

Put them where the ant 'trains' appear.

They ants do not usually come back



I got some of these today and ordered the Bayer. Worst thing with these green traps is I poured the pellets into the middle container and shut the lid thinking it would contain them in there but the lid doesn't cover the bait area, so unless you pick it up dead straight it all pours out all over the floor lol.


OP .... just go buy a can of Chaindrite surface spray and spray along all your skirting boards, corners, cupboards, door bottoms, bench corners, everywhere .....   close the house after spraying ..... leave the house for a few hours .....   come back and air-out .. open windows etc ....


no more ants .... no bugs, no nothing ...      but wear a mask when your spraying ...  






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Diatomaceous earth is natural and safe. There is food grade level as well. It may or may not help with the level of infestation, though. We use it and its quite effective.

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19 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Bayer Quantum. Find a few of the ants paths and place a few small drops of this gel nearby. The ants will soon gather around to collect the gel and take it back to the nest, where it kills the colony.

Its quite expensive, at about 300THB for a small tube, but you only need a few drops to do the business.

IME - it eradicates them for a couple of months or more until you need to repeat the dose.

Sold in Tops, Big C, Lotuss etc.


235THB + delivery on Lazada.  No brainer.


Ants follow pheromone trails laid by scouts who found food. Get the gel stuff the other guy mentioned before to kill the queen  mop the floor and sterilize it by using a disinfectant. That will get rid of the pheromone trails. I'd also use a disinfectant on every entry point, like your doorstep for example. This will probably only help, if the ants came in from outside and are not nesting in the house somewhere. I had ants once that came in from under the main door because I had some fruit in a bowl. I mopped and disinfected the floor and the hallway and then killed of all the ants inside and they never came back. 


If all of that doesn't help, I'd consider getting an anteater as a pet. 🤪

18 hours ago, scoutman360 said:

I had same problem. I bought some Borax on Lazada, mixed it with some sugar (with a few drops of water you can melt it in a pan and soak some cotton buds). I spread the soaked cotton buds around the infested areas. It was fun to watch the ants gather around and eat it up. Gone 2 years now.

I also use borax.  To kill ants, termites, and cockroaches.  Different technique for each species, as it is not a contact poison and so they must be persuaded to consume it.  Have had the same problem with almost microscopically small ants, but black not red.  Made an aqueous solution of white sugar (unwanted gift from Makro), added some powdered borax (74 baht per kg from Chemipan: https://www.chemipan.com/a/en-gb/279-product.html) and then sacrificed a teaspoonful or two of raw honey (for aroma).  Surface of water soon covered with a black mantle of dead ants which can be thrown out the back-door.  Harmless to mammals.  And provides the trace element boron, needed by plants for healthy growth.

To protect timber and wood derivatives from termites, mould, and fungus, wash down twice with saturated borax solution.  Dissolve borax crystals in hot water to increase concentration.  Can be applied hot.  Not suitable where exposed to washing by, for example, rain.

To kill termites, treat cardboard with DILUTE borax solution.  To destroy a colony do the same, but dilution must be less, so they have time to return to the nest to die.

To kill cockroaches, sprinkle the powder over the paths they tread, typically doorways and along walls.  The powder will stick to their legs which they lick to clean.  Corpses of poisoned cockroaches are best left for a while, to be eaten by others of their species.

To avoid the musty smell of stored fabrics, such as clothing, especially in a climate such as that of Thailand, dissolve a couple of spoonfuls of borax powder in hot water and pour this into the final rinse when doing laundry.

Sore throat?  Try a gargle with borax solution.  Be sure to spit out and rinse to avoid possible disruption of gut microbiome (a common health threat posed by oral antibiotics).

If you braze metals, you will need borax as a flux.

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14 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

We used to have a huge problem with ants, if I would leave something on the counter for 5 minutes it would be invaded by thousands of ants crawling all over the floor, all over the walls, it was horrible. We also had a problem with flying insects and other creepy crawlers. I am not a fan of insects at all, I detest most of them.


My woman suggested we hire a exterminator, though I was against the idea, I finally gave in. It was one of the smartest things we've ever done here. They come every 3 months, they spray the entire outside of the house, and they do a minimal amount of spraying indoors, and I have not seen a crawling insect in the house for a few years now!


It's such a pleasure, and was so worth it. 

same here ..   I have Rentokil come once a month and spary the perminiter / walls ,,    the outside is now controlled, ants, centipedes, scorpions    had ants comming into the kitchen .  they placed a few drops of the gel around and have not ants in a year now I gotta work on the frogs/toads and snakes

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A friend had a 42,000 baht Apple MacBook pro that stopped working. She took it to Apple and they discovered these little ants had gotten into it and apparently they love eating the insulation inside. Also talked to another guy who had same issue.

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try a mix from sugar powder and bakking soda and after add some water for them to "drink".  

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