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Are You Proud To Have A Thai Gf?


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Are you proud to have a Thai gf?

In the UK, to have a smart, attractive girlfriend is an achievement to be proud of. Other people who see you with such a prize automatically give you respect. It means one or all of these things: you have a good personality, you are good-looking, you have money.

What's the reaction when you see a farang guy here with a Thai woman? For me my first thought is sad loser. I know i'm being both terribly unfair and hypocritical, but i just can't seem to stop myself. Why do i think like this?

We all know that acquiring a nice gf here for any half respectable farang guy is like shooting fish in a barrel. Many guys here have clearly pulled way out of their league and had their gf been on a trip to the UK (not including bar girls in this statement) or whatever the country, when they met, what are the chances the girl would have chosen them? No, the sad truth is that for many of us, had we stayed in our country of origin, we would either be sad single men with just our right hand for a weekend date, or we'd be lumbered with some over-weight plain Jane or maybe even worse! By coming here we're cheating the natural dating system which keeps a number 4 with his like equivalent.

A number 4 with a number 8 or 9 is going against nature. What have i got against cheating the system? Well nothing i guess, i've cheated too. Am i proud of that? Not at all. It's why i keep my relationship as low profile as possible. Certainly not shouting about it with pride or walking loved up, hand in hand on the street. I've got nothing to be ashamed of in my gf, indeed i can be proud of her. But proud of myself for wooing such a prize. No.

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I don't have a Thai girlfriend, so I wouldn't know about pride in having one.

As for:

What's the reaction when you see a farang guy here with a Thai woman? For me my first thought is sad loser.

Not automatically. If there is a clear age/looks difference then I'd probably agree with you . . . walking ATMs and too thick to realise they're being fleeced.

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Sure I'm proud but then I was proud about my Japanese ex and my previous flirtations with women from many different countries.

I think you are saying that if you see a poorly educated old man lacking in social skills but having a young asian wife then you automatically think that he has been shopping at "Rent a wife". Perhaps and some guys know it as well but they choose that route rather than the fat pig of a plain Jane you talk about.

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From time to time there are some fairly bigoted and closed minded posts on this forum.

The original post is one of the worst that i have seen in a while.

I am proud of my Thai wife.

I love her, and have travelled all over the world with her.

She has met all of my family, and is accepted as part of the family.

Do you tell your girlfriend that you do not want to be seen in public with her?

How does she react to this?

How can you say that you are proud of her, but will not be seen walking down the street holding her hand.

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To be honest when I see a man with a Thai wife in the UK I automatically assume he is a loser. The fact that he is 20 years older than his much more attractive girlfriend makes me think money is involved, whether directly or indirectly. But, if he said to me, 'she obviously is only with me for my money, but she makes me happy', then I would have a lot more respect for him, but some of these guys think its true love and thats what makes him a loser, but then I see it in Thailand as well. If I saw a couple who were of a similar age and attractiveness then I would be less likely to assume he was a loser. (edit- but the same goes for any situation like that I suppose, its just easier to spot with a thai girlfriend).

As for me, I'm not necessarily proud to have a Thai gf, I'm proud of her and love her, but pride seems incorrect. I don't see why I would be proud for having a Thai gf in particular, I'm a 20 year old male, its hardly an achievement to have a girlfriend from any nationality.

Edited by mikalmus
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I have been proud of every GF I was ever with or they wouldn't have been my GF. I am especially proud of my wife.

I disagree about it being more difficult to attract a women in the UK. Perhaps this is just the OP's experience.

I never had any problem attracting women in the West. Especially in the UK where the women loved my Irish accent and the twinkle in my eye.

I am curious as to why the OP is so bothered about other peoples girlfriends/wives?

Perhaps the Op would be better spending his time refining his chat up lines because if he thinks it is hard to get a girl in the UK he has big problems.

Edited by garro
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Am i proud of that? Not at all. It's why i keep my relationship as low profile as possible. Certainly not shouting about it with pride or walking loved up, hand in hand on the street. I've got nothing to be ashamed of in my gf, indeed i can be proud of her. But proud of myself for wooing such a prize. No.

then why do you ask a stupid question? :o

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I am proud to be seen with my Thai lady because I love her and I am proud of her.

I understand the notion of 4's going out with 4's because I was a teenager once and immature relationships are based far more on appearance than they are on personality.

BUT if you mature with the advancing years you realise that the person who will genuinely love you and make you happy is the one you can love for their personality.

Men are far more influenced by looks than women and a woman will look for the qualities of who you are rather than check you solely on the scale against Brad Pitt.

I realise some men do like trophy gf's to hang on their arm, if they make the choice to have an object rather than a person as their companion that is up to them of course and I imagine as long as both parties get want they want from the relationship then good for them.

I realised in my early 20's in farangland that you can get gf's of 8 or 9 on the scale by the simple expedient of having the b @lls to start talking to them (not their boobs) and having the confidence to carry it off (make them laugh and you are halfway to the bedroom).

In my eyes my lady is a 10+ and at the end of the day that is all that really matters.

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In the UK, to have a smart, attractive girlfriend is an achievement to be proud of. Other people who see you with such a prize automatically give you respect. It means one or all of these things: you have a good personality, you are good-looking, you have money.

What you said above is contrary to all the bloody posts that I have seen in TV! In the UK, people are just not that bloody shallow!

:o funny post though!

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It's why i keep my relationship as low profile as possible. Certainly not shouting about it with pride or walking loved up, hand in hand on the street. I've got nothing to be ashamed of in my gf, indeed i can be proud of her. But proud of myself for wooing such a prize. No.

Perhaps you'll see things differently when you grow up and when you mature.

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I never thought I was liberal minded until I started reading threads like this.

Whenever I see a man with a woman, regardless of any disparity, I only see a couple.

I don't question relationships or their basis; mixed marriages, age gaps, monetary considerations or just not things I question.

Maybe the people who bother their heads about other peoples' affairs have too much time on their hands and should get out a bit more.

Edited by qwertz
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I am proud of my Thai wife and at the same time I am proud of myself. But I do not care very much about it. To me it counts much more that she is happy with her life which I know she is. This makes me very happy indeed. The life I am having with her gives me a life of excellent quality.

After a divorce (was married with one farang woman for over 30 years) I came into contact with a few attractive farang ladies half my age that were more than willing to move down to me in LOS “for ever”. Why – for the same reason the OP assumes all Thai ladies marry senior farangs!

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From time to time there are some fairly bigoted and closed minded posts on this forum.

The original post is one of the worst that i have seen in a while.

My post was poking fun, in what was supposed to be a light-hearted manner, at certain guys out here, myself included. Are you accusing me of being bigoted towards myself? People so quick to fly with serious accusations, really do kill the fun of these forums.

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If the question was put to my wife is she proud of her husband i know the answer would be a big YES . I treat her with the love and respect that she deserves and she is a fantastic wife .

My relationship before or after we married had nothing to do with money she has never asked me for one baht in saying that i dont leave her short :o .


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rixalex Posted Today, 2007-08-03 18:20:10

My post was poking fun, in what was supposed to be a light-hearted manner, at certain guys out here, myself included. Are you accusing me of being bigoted towards myself? People so quick to fly with serious accusations, really do kill the fun of these forums.

Ahh so you ARE a troll then.

Edited by quiksilva
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I have had some cracking looking girlfriends here in the uk, however none of them compare to my wife, who, is half thai half philipino, I am very proud of her and she is about a fifteen out of ten! :D

So am I! :o


Edited by markr
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I don't see anything wrong with an old man having a gorgeous young woman.Hopefully he will not be deceiving himself into believing, it do to his to his looks,although I have heard that some young women like good looking older men.I would like to believe that's the reason why so many pretty girls are nice to me here in the LOS.Even though my marital status keeps me from indulging,I find it quite pleasant.

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To the original poster

I don’t think your issue, however light hearted is one of pride but one of prejudice. In the uk certainly in the middle classes the sight of a young pretty Thai girl with a mature guy is viewed with suspicion and distain. That’s a fact. The women view the relationship with distaste masking their basic jealousy of a younger prettier model out to steal their hubbys. The men I just think take one look at there middle age wife and back at you and are just plain jealous thinking you lucky bast**d. 20 - 30years ago it was the black/white relationship. Today it’s the Falang/Thai relationship.

I myself am proud of my younger Thai Girlfriend but yes at time I do feel conscious. This is not a matter of my pride but others prejudices, unfortunate but true...... you just have to tough it out with the thought that, well your having a much better time than them, that also a fact. :o

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Also OP, not every person had a thai wife or gf only because they had money.

I can find a gf within one hour in where I come from.

So, where do you come from? You should post your picture, so we all can appreciate what a handsome & suave guy you must be.

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Also OP, not every person had a thai wife or gf only because they had money.

I can find a gf within one hour in where I come from.

Quite true, were not all fat, ugly and rich, I'm hansum and poor!


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