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158 dems vote against bill to deport illegals, who commit sex crimes


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I just posted the gist of the opposition. It has to pass the Senate before it becomes law.

And just to note, Lauren Boebert (R) Colorado was one of 6 co-sponsors in addition to Sponsor Ms. Mace. Edited by jerrymahoney
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42 minutes ago, jcmj said:

I’m just surprised that anyone would be willing to keep them there. They should be deported immediately for any crimes. They aren’t even legally entitled to live there and if they commit crimes they definitely aren’t entitled to a jail term paid for by the citizens. 

Go buy a butterfly net and go catch them , let us know how you do 

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You guys in The Cult of Lunatics, Dems have been man handled enough , We ain’t gonna take it anymore the gloves our off , Biden was a non  confrontational President, Kamala is Not , Enjoy the Ride 

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4 hours ago, mdr224 said:

This country is a joke. Save yourselves

I hope you mean the US...one can see that the democrats again show their true colors - just like in too many other countries, some in Asia, do not look at rape as the HORRIBLE crime that it is.  From what I read and understand, rape victims NEVER fully recover mentally from that violent act yet some rapists get minimum time in prison or even just freedom but have to wear a bracelet of some type so that the police can know where they are for some period of time.  But we have seen since the demonstrations by the BLM that the dems have been more lenient on criminals of all types, excusing them based on their poor upbringing.  SICK is right in my opinion

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1 hour ago, jerrymahoney said:

House Judiciary Committee ranking member Jerry Nadler (D-NY) called the legislation a Republican attempt to “scapegoat and fearmonger about immigrants.”

“Sexual offenses and domestic violence are serious crimes, and if this bill fixed some gap in current law, I would have no problem supporting this legislation,” Nadler said during debate. “But that is not the case here. In reality, the redundancies in this bill all but assure that no additional dangerous individuals would face immigration consequences if it were to become law.”

Nadler argued that domestic violence and sexual offenses are already deplorable offenses and the “overly broad” definitions and lack of waiver authority in the bill would result in “extremely harsh and unintended consequences, including the removal of survivors of domestic violence.”




 They are there illegally and then commit a violent sex crime - just being illegal should make them liable to be exported from the country.  The US has some of the most liberal immigration laws of most countries yet illegals continue pouring into the country due to lax enforcement.  Time for sure to make the &^%$hole countries pay for sending their folks especially those

 countries for which the US has paid big $$ to help the problem citizens but which most likely through corruption goes into some politcian's pockets.  My opinion on this issue anyway.

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1 hour ago, Ben Zioner said:


1 hour ago, Ben Zioner said:



2 hours ago, renaissanc said:

Expats in Thailand love to support the authoritarian and corrupt Democrat-Marxists. I wonder if they will be keeping silent out of embarrassment today.




1 hour ago, Ben Zioner said:




So you reckon US politics is all about "Democrat Marxists" against "Republican Nazis" ?

Case In point  by @renaissanc. Part of being one of these liberal SAPS like you is never admitting you are wrong. And in this case dem Marxist against Rep Nazis. That has nothing whatsoever to post by @renaissanc. A

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20 minutes ago, tilaceer said:

Domestic violence can be considered a crime of moral turpitude or aggravated felony and is also listed by name in the federal statutory grounds of deportability, meaning an immigrant convicted of this crime can be removed from the United States.

The Bill was performative and did not do what Republicans claimed it would do.
Specifically, it:

-did not add any new protections for victims of DV

-did not add any grounds for deportation that do not already exist without this bill

-did not add any new grounds for denial of entry into the US that do not already exist without this bill

But the bigger problem is that it was drafted so broadly that it risked making being a victim of DV grounds for inadmissibility or deportation.

And as Jerry has already posted, Nader gives a reasonable argument why to oppose this theatrical legislation, especially when the legislation to deport already exists.

If I see that 158 politicians opposed a bill, especially considering who some of those are, I want to find out what their reasonings are. But, in a rush to post something, (anything), derogatory about Dems a link is posted, typically from Fox (who would never post both sides of a story), and then Maga's run around like chickens with their heads cut off without doing any research. Fox is all they need !

Actually, the US House just wastes way too much  time on bills such as this when they should be tackling, immigration and budget bills but instead they are following some guidelines from their party and if they wish to garner any support for another term on the government dole, they have to toe the party line.  SICK is right and in my opinion getting sicker by the day.

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7 hours ago, riclag said:

They shouldn’t be allowed into our country.

Splendid idea.

The thing is how would you know someone on the street is illegal? And how would you know he is a criminal or will commit a crime in the future?

They are not the brightest law makers. Q.e.d. 🥴

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7 minutes ago, john donson said:

you have to wonder if they do this till people get fed up and civil war (finally) can start for a reset

instead of people killing each other americans need to kill the politicians. The only problems with the jan 6 riot was they were too peaceful


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14 minutes ago, Presnock said:


 They are there illegally and then commit a violent sex crime - just being illegal should make them liable to be exported from the country.  The US has some of the most liberal immigration laws of most countries yet illegals continue pouring into the country due to lax enforcement.  Time for sure to make the &^%$hole countries pay for sending their folks especially those

 countries for which the US has paid big $$ to help the problem citizens but which most likely through corruption goes into some politcian's pockets.  My opinion on this issue anyway.

Look at Europe a <deleted>e show it’s happening all over 

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2 minutes ago, mdr224 said:

instead of people killing each other americans need to kill the politicians. The only problems with the jan 6 riot was they were too peaceful


Traitor trying to overthrow a Govt , Disturbing make it easy on yourself and pack your bags to the Kremlin 

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4 minutes ago, mdr224 said:

instead of people killing each other americans need to kill the politicians. The only problems with the jan 6 riot was they were too peaceful


I believe the Secret Service would like a word with you 

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