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Murdoch Family Legal Battle Could Shape the Future of Fox News

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In a courthouse in Reno, Nevada, a family feud with global ramifications is unfolding, as Rupert Murdoch, 93, seeks to ensure his eldest son, Lachlan Murdoch, succeeds him in running the vast media empire he built. At stake is control over one of the most influential news outlets in the world—Fox News—and its role in shaping political discourse, particularly in the United States.


Rupert Murdoch is arguing in court that Lachlan, his conservative-leaning eldest son, should be given control over the family trust's voting rights. If he succeeds, the future direction of Fox News, a major force behind Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) movement, is unlikely to change. Murdoch's argument, as reported by his own Wall Street Journal, is that “shifting voting control of the trust to Lachlan should be allowed because it is in the best interest of all the beneficiaries, including his other children.”


However, if Murdoch's legal maneuvering fails, his other children—James, Prudence, and Elizabeth—could wrest control of the trust and possibly change the conservative stance of Fox News. James Murdoch, in particular, has signaled a different political outlook than his father and brother. He hosted a fundraiser for Joe Biden in 2022 and has expressed support for Kamala Harris in the 2024 election, suggesting that a shift in Fox News' editorial slant might be on the horizon if he gains influence.


Such a change would be seismic in American politics. For the past two decades, Fox News has been a dominant voice in American conservatism, with both Republicans and Democrats recognizing its influence. Figures like Sean Hannity have become central figures in the MAGA movement, while former host Tucker Carlson, despite his exit from the network, still struggles to regain the prominence he once held within Fox’s massive audience.


Lachlan Murdoch’s views align closely with his father’s, maintaining a right-wing stance. But the question is whether the family’s internal power struggle will allow Fox to stay on that path. Michael Wolff, a biographer of Rupert Murdoch, captured the tension between the Murdoch sons, writing that the late Fox News chair Roger Ailes once described Lachlan and James as "wannabe little kings." Wolff added, “I think they both really believe they were put on earth to show up their father.”


The court case is about more than just politics, though. It hinges on corporate governance laws that allow families like the Murdochs to control companies through a dual-class stock structure, giving their shares more voting power than those of outside investors. This legal battle may shape not only the future of Fox News but also the broader media landscape in the U.S. and beyond.


As this family drama plays out, the world is watching to see whether Rupert Murdoch will secure his legacy through Lachlan, or if James and his sisters will shift the direction of one of the world’s most powerful media outlets.


Based on a report from: The Guardian 2024-09-24







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