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What is a good sandwich filler? except cheese or ham


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25 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Old news, don't forget fat causes insulin resistance and burgers can be full of fat

I will stop debating.

There are conflicting studies out there.

And it's up to you to decide which studies have more validity. 


Did you ever notice that meat that has no fat tastes like cardboard?

A chicken breast has no fat, but is only palatable with mayo or in a salad with olive oil or as the Indians cook it -- butter chicken.


I'm moving to Pattaya for the Indian restaurants - not for the girls. 


Ain't. She. Sweet.

Finger Lickin' Butter Chicken (Murgh Makhani)

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3 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

It's not difficult, don't eat it with fatty junk. I generally eat healthily hence why my BMI is as it should be. BTW if you're overweight i don't take nutrition advice from fat people

As I said - it is a matter of pluses and minuses, but most people eat bread with fat of some sort (mayo, butter, etc.).   However, many people don't have your pluses and it bites them on their big fat *ss.  in America 42%+ are considered obese.  Oh and those BMI charts, I learned early on how bad they can be - as it does not take into account body type....  When I was not running 10km a day and very low BMI (long time ago - knees won't allow me to do that) the chart itself would tell me that I was 'just under being obese' but the caliper would give me a more reasonable estimation.


Obesity is rising around the world... and yet many people are eating or doing the wrong thing and blaming it on slow metabolic issues beyond their control... for the most part it is BS.   It is as simple as calories in vs calories out and making sure you have enough of what your body needs so you don't get issues with cravings.  Then they decide to lose weight and starve themselves, triggering your body into reacting to sedentary starvation and it starts to conserve and ready their body for bad times by ejecting 'unused' heavy body mass (muscle, muscle is heavier than fat so it is first to go)... which when they return to a normal diet means that they don't require the same calories and the cycle getting worse and worse.  


Japanese are taught from their early years (lived for many years with a very Japanese woman) to innately know and create meals that are nutritionally balanced and reasonably sized.  When you grow older, they switch to a omayagy (forget - vague recollection) diet... what it means is it is 'old persons' diet - which reduces the oils and fats and is more based on things like steaming vegetables etc.  In the west we have no such widely understood concepts taught to us when we are young.   Being aware of where you get worthless calories, being aware of the tradeoffs... and not just brushing peoples issues off with things that they cannot control... Understanding that will help people not to become big butterball turkeys which in dire times will be great help in the soylent green factories... 


A good start for most people is waking up and starting with a long walk (hour or two - which I do - usually use the market that is around 4.5km away and back).  The largest muscles in your body are your leg muscles and even very light exercise such as walking will use those muscles... and larger muscles burn more calories.  Many people are not aware that most western sauces are packed with fat... it is what makes them taste great... other foods that are high in calories and low on nutrition..

Edited by bkkcanuck8
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The white fattening flour bread used in those XL sandwiches is no better healthwise then the ham-butter-cheese-mayonnaise fillers. Whole wheat brown bread is a better option that is often overlooked. As for the fillers, cucumbers or any vegetables. In fact even shreds of lamb or beef are better choices then pork or cheese and butter.

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9 minutes ago, SingAPorn said:

The white fattening flour bread used in those XL sandwiches is no better healthwise then the ham-butter-cheese-mayonnaise fillers. Whole wheat brown bread is a better option that is often overlooked. As for the fillers, cucumbers or any vegetables. In fact even shreds of lamb or beef are better choices then pork or cheese and butter.

Whole grain rye bread is actually slightly better than whole wheat - as it is more filling and has a more gradual effect on your blood sugar (not a big spike).  Rye sourdough bread is also an interesting option. (more popular in germany / and scandinavian countries)

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