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Walking it Off


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I don't frequent this part of the forum much... But another medical situation brought me here and I thought I'd share what's worked for me. Walking it off, but it takes time - two years ago during my annual physical I tipped the scales at 135 kg... That was a "breaking point" for me, since I just clicked and said "there's no way I'm doing 140"... I started walking, a lot, skip the baht bus, moto taxi, etc. walk everywhere you can. I also do one (moderately sized) meal a day*, sometimes two, and I DID NOT stop drinking. With time my 135 has become 95 with a goal of 85. While these aren't the best "dramatic weight loss" results I can attest to those who want to begin that it is a method which works and you do not bounce up and down. 


*One problem I noticed is I would often see food I like and just eat it because it's delicious. Instead now I have a list of food I like and simply cross off an item until the list is complete and start over, this way I don't succumb to "fear of missing out" on a delicious meal. 


I'm sure this isn't shocking news, but to those who are wanting to follow it and have reservations about it being effective, I can assure you it is. 



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