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Los Angeles Archdiocese Reaches Historic $880M Settlement in Sexual Abuse Cases

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The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has agreed to a groundbreaking $880 million settlement to resolve 1,353 claims of childhood sexual abuse. This monumental agreement, considered the largest of its kind by a Catholic archdiocese, follows the introduction of California Assembly Bill 218, which allowed victims a three-year window to revive past civil claims of sexual abuse involving minors.


Many of the claims date back decades, some as far as the 1940s. The alleged perpetrators include clergy members, lay individuals, religious order priests, and clergy from other dioceses who were serving in Los Angeles.


The breadth of the settlement reflects both the scale of the abuse and the magnitude of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, which is the largest Catholic diocese in the United States. In a letter addressing the settlement, Archbishop José H. Gomez expressed deep regret for the suffering endured by the victims. "I am sorry for every one of these incidents, from the bottom of my heart," Gomez wrote. "My hope is that this settlement will provide some measure of healing for what these men and women have suffered."


The settlement was reached following mediation that began last fall, after the window for reviving claims under California's bill had closed. Lawyers for the plaintiffs and the Archdiocese worked together to find a resolution that would allow victims to receive compensation while ensuring the archdiocese could continue its operations. A joint statement released by the Plaintiffs’ Liaison Counsel acknowledged the archdiocese’s acceptance of responsibility, stating: “While there is no amount of money that can replace what was taken from these 1,353 brave individuals who have suffered in silence for decades, there is justice in accountability.”


Archbishop Gomez explained in his letter that the funding for the settlement would not come from donations but instead from reserves, investments, loans, and other archdiocesan assets. The settlement represents yet another chapter in the Catholic Church’s ongoing struggle to address its global history of abuse. In California alone, at least a third of the state's 12 Roman Catholic dioceses have either filed for bankruptcy or considered doing so in response to the influx of sexual abuse lawsuits, according to reports from last year.


This settlement underscores the immense toll that decades of abuse have taken on survivors and marks a significant moment in the church’s reckoning with its troubled past. While financial compensation may offer some relief, the pain and trauma of those affected cannot be erased. Archbishop Gomez’s hope, shared by many, is that this resolution will provide victims with some degree of healing and justice.


Based on a report from the WP 2024-10-19







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Hundreds of young lives blighted by the abuse from peodo priests in every country. 

The unforgivable cover up and denial for decades from the Catholic  authorities allowed the abuse to continue and denied justice and closure to millions of children worldwide


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Its amazing they managed to find the time to indulge in any church related activities at all. Seems that they live a life of non stop sodomy and depravity,  Any other organisation behaving like this  would have been shut down years ago.  Why haven't this band of kiddie fiddling charlatans all been locked up ? 

          The church is at it, the leftie liberals are encouraging it with their "M.A.P"  "classification"  and we have twisted perverts dressed as "women" reading stories to 6 year old kids.  What example are they setting ? and what could possibly go wrong? 

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Biggest pedo ring in the world. 
Time for the whole church to be disbanded, the whole of Christianity was built on a lie that Mary was a virgin.


Scientifically impossible.


She lied about it to cover up cheating on poor Joseph. She couldn’t have imagined that that lie would spurn a cult movement that would end up being the richest organization in the world, tens of thousands of grand churches being build around the world and hundreds of thousands of raped children.


Arguably the biggest lie in the history of mankind.

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6 hours ago, Social Media said:

Archbishop Gomez explained in his letter that the funding for the settlement would not come from donations but instead from reserves, investments, loans, and other archdiocesan assets.

I've no evidence to suggest this is false.  What I do know, seen with my own eyes, is that the catholic church boosted school fees by an extraordinary amount just when all this started to kick off.  But those weren't 'donations' of course.  They were school fees from hardworking American families who felt (ahem, were bullied into believing that) a Catholic education was best for their children

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