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How sane is he?


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During an appearance on MSNBC on Sunday afternoon, noted political scientist Larry Sabato expressed extreme alarm at Donald Trump antics over the past few weeks and said there is a legitimate concern about the former president's sanity.


'How sane is he?' Larry Sabato casts doubt on 'unhinged' Trump's election hopes

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If your uncle showed up at a family gathering and spent 12 minutes talking about Arnold Palmer's junk, you would 1) get the kids out of the room, 2) check to see if he has taken his meds, 3) maybe just end the family gathering and go home.


His goobers, however, love that sort of thing in their candidate for the President of the United States of America, the man with the nuclear codes that can launch upwards of 7800 warheads via missiles, bombers and submarines, the person who represents the US' face to the rest of the world. One poster in another thread praised the felon and his Palmer 3-wood talk as funny and 'blue'.


Oddly, on actually significant issues like healthcare, the felon---after 9 years claiming 'within two weeks'--has merely a 'concept of a plan', but instead of moving from concept to actual plan, he prefers to devote his thoughts to Palmer's junk---and that gets his cult's votes.


Go figure.


I guess many also like the idea of 'military tribunals' for critics, as the felon claimed he would do against former Republican Rep Liz Cheney, because she dared to do her job and follow the oath she took to the US Constitution. Civics and US fundamental ideals are not something which the typical low-IQ, poorly educated felon supporter knows much about. Like their bloated messiah, most are never-served cowards who hope to live vicariously via their cult leader getting back against all the bright and successful people in life who have made his cult members feel as inadequate as the felon himself feels about his own micro junk.


Somewhat ironic is that the felon's campaign---in documents provided by Stormy Daniels' current lawyer to MSNBC talking head (and Rhodes Scholar) Rachel Maddow---has tried to pay Daniels to refrain from any further comments about her former short term sex partner and his microjunk, but the candidate himself can spend 12 minutes of one of his last campaign. speeches discussing Arnold Palmer's junk.


Go back to a simpler, gentler, saner time---such as 2014---when the Presidential nominee of a major political Party did not talk of holding military tribunals for critics, or say the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs should be executed for disloyalty---not to the US Constitution, but to the President, or call critics and political opponents 'the enemy within', or discuss the size of the appendages of sports stars. That used to be America, but it's been sullied and debased by one man and his cult of low-life losers.


No doubt our now peripatetic truck driver and, well, not the brightest bulb, will justify and rationalize all of the felon's rants, bizarre twists and 'weaving', unable to see that his love muffin is batshoot crazy and a threat to everything decent people (aka 'suckers and losers') spent the last 250 years fighting to defend.


It's been stated before, but never better than what H. L. Mencken said way back in 1920:


"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."


What Mencken left out was that the moron would also be a vindictive dictator wannabe, who is quite likely a psychopath (traits of a psychopath: a charm that fools the vulnerable, lies as easily as one breathes, thinks rules apply to others, but not self, feels no guilt, has no empathy).

Edited by Walker88
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17 hours ago, simple1 said:

During an appearance on MSNBC on Sunday afternoon, noted political scientist Larry Sabato expressed extreme alarm at Donald Trump antics over the past few weeks and said there is a legitimate concern about the former president's sanity.


'How sane is he?' Larry Sabato casts doubt on 'unhinged' Trump's election hopes

Yes, well-known behavioral psychologist Larry Sabato..... 


Trump is crazy, but crazy like a fox.  He is a brilliant politician at the retail level, manages the very difficult feat of appearing as an "everyman" in spite of being rather wealthy.  

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