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I have a problem with my neighbours' chickens and ducks. They come everyday in my garden and destroy lawn, flowers and plants. I've already asked my neighbours to keep their animals in an enclosure. Not to avail.

Recently, the problem has grown out of proportion. Yesterday for example, they have completely destroyed about 10 m2.

No need to say that they come when my GF and I are not at home.

A wall is out of the question : I prefer a hedge. I'm also not rich enough to build anything (my garden is quite big). A slingshot is useless. I don't like guns.

So that leaves poison.

Does anybody know an efficient (and painless ?) lethal poison ?



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I understand your frustration, but I don't think you need to poison them. Just pound some bamboo into the ground and string some shade cloth on it. Bamboo is free and the 2m high shade cloth is about 15baht perlinear meter. pretty cheap. Maybe your neighbor will reimburse you or do it himself if you suggest it.

I understand your frustration, but I don't think you need to poison them. Just pound some bamboo into the ground and string some shade cloth on it. Bamboo is free and the 2m high shade cloth is about 15baht perlinear meter. pretty cheap. Maybe your neighbor will reimburse you or do it himself if you suggest it.

That would be ugly in comparison with my patiently grown hedge.

Actually that's how I protect the kitchen garden but no way that I put this around the "park"

Anyway thanks for your suggestions



Before you go killing your neighbour's animals I would really consider the ramifications of such extreme action...Thai's are generally very non-confrontational but if you cross the line (killing!) you could find yourself on the wrong side of a very large, pis5ed off family and have a h3ll of a lot more to worry about than a few chickens. I really do understand your situation though..we have the neighbour's chickens, pigs and dog get into our garden. Even after building a "pig-proof" vegie patch the little babies still managed to get in and eat everything :o I've had to abandon my much loved vegie patch because there's just no way to keep them out and the neighbour won't pen them in at night..grr

I understand your frustration, but I don't think you need to poison them. Just pound some bamboo into the ground and string some shade cloth on it. Bamboo is free and the 2m high shade cloth is about 15baht perlinear meter. pretty cheap. Maybe your neighbor will reimburse you or do it himself if you suggest it.

That would be ugly in comparison with my patiently grown hedge.

Actually that's how I protect the kitchen garden but no way that I put this around the "park"

Anyway thanks for your suggestions


I know it's a shitty situation. I hope you find a solution without having to resort to extreme measures These situations can spiral out of control if we're not very careful. Remember that poor Danish in Chumphon guy whose dog "allegedly" killed a neighbors chicken?

Before you go killing your neighbour's animals I would really consider the ramifications of such extreme action...Thai's are generally very non-confrontational but if you cross the line (killing!) you could find yourself on the wrong side of a very large, pis5ed off family and have a h3ll of a lot more to worry about than a few chickens. I really do understand your situation though..we have the neighbour's chickens, pigs and dog get into our garden. Even after building a "pig-proof" vegie patch the little babies still managed to get in and eat everything :o I've had to abandon my much loved vegie patch because there's just no way to keep them out and the neighbour won't pen them in at night..grr

I also have a pig and some dogs into my garden. The dogs are friendly and the pig comes only when depressed. They don't destroy anything (can you believe that ? the pig has never broken or eaten anything !)

But those ?>%';% chickens and ducks...

After more than 3 years I'm loosing control. I'm afraid the birds have met their homme fatal.


Would you consider poisoning your neighbours animals in your home country? What would be the consequences?

Also consider that these animals unlike dogs and cats, are food animals, it's quite possible that one that you poison could be eaten and potentially kill a child, is your concience up to that?

It is your problem to keep them out, I'm quite sure that the green mesh, if carefully woven into your precious hedge will keep the beasts out and will soon become invisible.

Otherwise, try offering to pay for a simple enclosure for your neighbour.

Sorry, but I see so many people on this board who want to kill anything and everything that comes near them that it makes my blood boil!!!!!

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

Thai's are generally very non-confrontational but if you cross the line (killing!) you could find yourself on the wrong side of a very large, pis5ed off family

I forgot to mention that GF and I are part of one those very large, pis555sed off family which own some of the chickens. Anyway we are not related to the ducks' owner. :D

You're both right. I should take some time to think before taking drastic actions. Another 3 years :o

No kidding. You're begging me to spare the birds : give me good ideas. Ideas that work.

Thai's are generally very non-confrontational but if you cross the line (killing!) you could find yourself on the wrong side of a very large, pis5ed off family

I forgot to mention that GF and I are part of one those very large, pis555sed off family which own some of the chickens. Anyway we are not related to the ducks' owner. :D

You're both right. I should take some time to think before taking drastic actions. Another 3 years :o

No kidding. You're begging me to spare the birds : give me good ideas. Ideas that work.

I have two male Rottweilers, they will eat anything, up to the size of a cow :D , they have chased evrything of from my farm ( including me and the wife :D a few times) This might work for you,



Sorry, but I see so many people on this board who want to kill anything and everything that comes near them that it makes my blood boil!!!!!

I don't want to kill everything that comes near me. As i said in my previous post, i have a pig, dogs as guests + squirrels, birds, snakes... A couple of rabbits. My cat is queen of the garden (and she doesn't give a sh1t about the chickens and the ducks. Actually she seems to like the ducks. It's like they make her smile).

OK. I won't kill anything.


Beggars can't be choosers....build the shade cloth or nylon net fence if that's all you can afford. Unless you can get cooperation from the animal's owners then there is no other good solution...poisoning will make problems not solve them. Your problem is not unique to you....the default setting in Thailand seems to be that if you want to keep things out then you build a fence or wall capable of keeping them out.

I have two male Rottweilers, they will eat anything, up to the size of a cow :D , they have chased evrything of from my farm ( including me and the wife :o a few times) This might work for you,



Rottweilers, I don't know. I don't trust these dogs and i have a 5 years old boy.

But a dog, a good reliable mongrel is definitely a very good idea. It's just that my girlfriend doesn't like dogs. But comes another "disaster" and she might like the idea.

Thai's are generally very non-confrontational but if you cross the line (killing!) you could find yourself on the wrong side of a very large, pis5ed off family

I forgot to mention that GF and I are part of one those very large, pis555sed off family which own some of the chickens. Anyway we are not related to the ducks' owner. :D

You're both right. I should take some time to think before taking drastic actions. Another 3 years :o

No kidding. You're begging me to spare the birds : give me good ideas. Ideas that work.

I have two male Rottweilers, they will eat anything, up to the size of a cow :D , they have chased evrything of from my farm ( including me and the wife :D a few times) This might work for you,



That's the one..... it just needs to be any good sized dog.

We informed all our neighbours a long time ago that if one of our dogs went on their land and killed any livestock, we would pay for it....full chicken price for a chick.... but if their livestock happened to wander on to our land, then nothing 'som nam nar'..... the small bamboo fences go up very quickly.


I have a problem with my neighbours' chickens and ducks. They come everyday in my garden and destroy lawn, flowers and plants. I've already asked my neighbours to keep their animals in an enclosure. Not to avail.

Recently, the problem has grown out of proportion. Yesterday for example, they have completely destroyed about 10 m2.

No need to say that they come when my GF and I are not at home.

A wall is out of the question : I prefer a hedge. I'm also not rich enough to build anything (my garden is quite big). A slingshot is useless. I don't like guns.

So that leaves poison.

Does anybody know an efficient (and painless ?) lethal poison ?



Before you go killing your neighbour's animals I would really consider the ramifications of such extreme action...Thai's are generally very non-confrontational but if you cross the line (killing!) you could find yourself on the wrong side of a very large, pis5ed off family and have a h3ll of a lot more to worry about than a few chickens. I really do understand your situation though..we have the neighbour's chickens, pigs and dog get into our garden. Even after building a "pig-proof" vegie patch the little babies still managed to get in and eat everything :o I've had to abandon my much loved vegie patch because there's just no way to keep them out and the neighbour won't pen them in at night..grr

I also have a pig and some dogs into my garden. The dogs are friendly and the pig comes only when depressed. They don't destroy anything (can you believe that ? the pig has never broken or eaten anything !)

But those ?>%';% chickens and ducks...

After more than 3 years I'm loosing control. I'm afraid the birds have met their homme fatal.

Duck a,lorange.chicken kiev at yours ? :D

I'm happy to hear you're not going to kill anything (very good point about the poison and people eating it)..it could be you that ends up meeting your homme fatal, even if it is your extended family. If you're at home you could just sick your son of them to scare them away..will give him a thrill too!

the default setting in Thailand seems to be that if you want to keep things out then you build a fence or wall capable of keeping them out.

Unfortunately that's the default setting in every country. My girlfriend wants a low wall or some kind of artificial fence. I don't. In my village, the only guy who did that is the Other Farang (we're two. It's not too crowdy) but he doesn't care as he spends 11 (if not 12) months out of 12 in clean Switzerland.

They all have edges and it's very nice. In a village the default setting is often an eyesore.


How about throwing some chicken feed on the other side of the hedge? Rice may work as well.

After some time it may work to your advantage....not only stopping them before reaching your garden, but they may get too fat to fit through the hedge!!


Very easy! Buy a few rolls of the blue nylon netting & put it around your perimiter, under your hedge, cheap & very effective; we have ducks one side, veggies the other. Maybe you'll still get a few chickens hopping over, but it will stop the ducks & it is they that do the real damage.

Someone recently poisoned 30 ducks in our village; theres been hel_l to pay & it has started a feud that isn't gong to end!


My wife put the blue net/screen around the plants she wanted to protect. The chickens were able to go under or over it. We ended up with a two meter high wall all around the whole two rai. I'm glad I had the wall built. It also keeps the kids with their slingshots from killing all the lizards. My animals stay in, other animals and kids stay out.


I used to get crazy about the neigbours Chickens also, I have a 1.5m brick wall all around the birds just fly over. my neigbour has no grass and lots and lots of chickens , so he's quite happy that there in our garden. I have realised over time that they do little harm except for shit everywhere, unless you have something like pineapples growing, and actually keep insects down. I also regularly joke with the neigbour about how well MY chickens are doing and that they are good with a nice chilli sauce. I know also that if he had a Thai neibour instead of me he would take more care of his own chickens or they would start disapearing ;-)

The real problem is probably the Ducks, The Thai's appear to clip the wings of Ducks and not Chickens, So a simple bamboo and mesh fence as others suggest will keep them out . Ask your neigbour to help you build it, he probably will unless he's keen on the free foraging. If he's taking the Micheal, start eating them, but don't let him see you.

The real problem is probably the Ducks,

If he's taking the Micheal, start eating them, but don't let him see you.

Yes, the real problem is the ducks but, you're right, a "magret de canard au poivre vert" is not a problem anymore. It's a treat. :o

Before you go killing your neighbour's animals I would really consider the ramifications of such extreme action...Thai's are generally very non-confrontational but if you cross the line (killing!) you could find yourself on the wrong side of a very large, pis5ed off family and have a h3ll of a lot more to worry about than a few chickens. I really do understand your situation though..we have the neighbour's chickens, pigs and dog get into our garden. Even after building a "pig-proof" vegie patch the little babies still managed to get in and eat everything :o I've had to abandon my much loved vegie patch because there's just no way to keep them out and the neighbour won't pen them in at night..grr

I also have a pig and some dogs into my garden. The dogs are friendly and the pig comes only when depressed. They don't destroy anything (can you believe that ? the pig has never broken or eaten anything !)

But those ?>%';% chickens and ducks...

After more than 3 years I'm loosing control. I'm afraid the birds have met their homme fatal.

Duck a,lorange.chicken kiev at yours ? :D

When my GF has problem with aunts chicken coming into house Tom Yam Gai. never to be seen again :D


Would you consider poisoning your neighbours animals in your home country? What would be the consequences?

Nieghbours in our countries will keep there animals in there yard!!

I have bullets and a Bar-B-Q


I have a 6 ft fence around my modest 1 rai. I also have a Thai BangGeaow dog.. This dog is a lover to family ,hates and distrusts strangers. If a chicken flies over the fence or comes in thru bars in the gate it is dead meat for he just loves to kill them.

We take them away from him as soon as we can and don't tell any one what goes on behind the fence.

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