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1 hour ago, GammaGlobulin said:


A veritable ARMY of those wishing to illegally enter the USA.


Are they nuts?


For some reason, they seem to feel that it is their RIGHT to invade the US.


But what do they think actually GIVES them the right?


By the way:  I am NEVER going back, after watching your linked video.  No Way...JOSE!!!!!





You mean like battle hardened soldiers?  Or are they all rapists and murderers and escaped convicts......and BROWN !


Do you know the demographic breakdown of migrants and illegals in the US? One guess as is which nation is represented the most in the last 4 years......


China. People escaping the Middle Kingdom and all that paradise.


While I appreciate the need to have some sort of filter system for migrants, it’s best not to forget how much of a part dumb luck played in what you are and where you are.


Do you think all of what you are is because of some special skills and talents you have, or just an accident of birth? Those born in the US, especially as a white male, materialized on 3rd base with the pitcher passing out on the mound. Easy to score, relative to the other 125 billion or so home sapiens who have lived since Oldavai Gorge or when Eve had a hankering for fruit.


Because you were whelped in a developed and prosperous nation---of which your contribution at the time of your birth was ZERO---you are allowed to move yourself into an alien culture and reside as long as you want. You’ve now chosen Thailand. Good for you. Folks can tell you’re not native, and a good many of them might prefer you go home….NOW. Tribalism does that. It makes us see "others" as bad or potentially dangerous.


Frankly, a little humility is called for. I happen to be a multimillionaire and graduated from top universities, an Ivy and Stanford. I turned down Harvard Biz and Wharton for my MBA. Am I special? No, just lucky. I never forget that. Can I say with certainty that some young woman who walked 800 miles from Central America, dragging two kids the whole way, trying to escape gang violence and poverty, would not have achieved far more than me, if she had been born as I was to smart and athletic parents in the US? I cannot.

No contrafactual data.


Yes, life ain’t fair. At the same time, I understand why the systems each bordered land has established needs to have some means of vetting all those who might want to come. Frankly, if up to me, I’d prefer that woman who walked 800 miles than some beefing, moaning MAGA on SSDI in a Red State, sitting on his bloated butt binge-watching the Kardashians or Fox. I suspect that woman will be grateful and work hard to add value to both her family and society, whereas the SSDI MAGA is a drain, as are the vast majority of Red States.


Humility. Empathy. Those are attractive human qualities.





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