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I just did a package at praram9 and my calcium score is 50. Given I've had high blood pressure for at least 25 years, drink far too much alcohol in past years (now about 15-20 drinks per wk) I was over the moon happy with the score.


I queried Grok and median score for American males is 100 while sadly the average is 300!!


My issue is as most with the left side. Apparently, the is very common.


Can anyone provide what this score actually means? Everywhere I look the scores are super vague in bands of 100 or even more. I saw the scan and it's just a tiny bit clumped into a few areas.


Need I worry about my arteries or can a general assumption be made?


What actually does a score of 50 tell me? What might I do to reduce or maintain this level?





A CAC of 50 means you have a mild amount of coronary plaque and likely a mild degree of coronary artery stenosis. Moved to the regular Health forum accordingly. 


To pevent it from worsening, manage risk factors:


 Keep blood pressure well controlled (weight loss, diet, exercise   medication if necessary) 


 Control LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. If possible  aim for LDL  under  70. (Weight loss, diet, exercise, medication if necessary). 


If diabetic or pre-diabetic, address this as well. (Ditto).


A cardiologist can do a more detailed assessment of your cardiac risk profile taking into account lipid profile and family history as well as CAC score. 



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