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Education Ministry Urged To Emphasise Thai Writing Study

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Education Ministry urged to emphasise Thai writing study

BANGKOK: -- A national artist in literature Thursday urged the Education Ministry to emphasise the importance of classes about Thai-handwriting, Thai writing, Thai composition, Thai letter writing, Thai-poem recitation and Thai-song singing.

Naovarat Pongpaiboon said these classes would teach Thai children to know how put their thoughts in order and how to use Thai language properly.

By his estimate, more than 50 per cent of Thai children had problems forming a long sentence because they did not

-- The Nation 2007-08-08

Naovarat Pongpaiboon said these classes would teach Thai children to know how put their thoughts in order and how to use Thai language properly.

By his estimate, more than 50 per cent of Thai children had problems forming a long sentence because they did not

-- The Nation 2007-08-08

That last, incomplete sentence does rather prove the point. :o

Education Ministry urged to emphasise Thai writing study

Thai-poem recitation, Thai-song singing and Thai-handwriting.

-- The Nation 2007-08-08

Mmmmm...Recitation - now that's interesting...i had always believed that the Thai education system promoted enough of that 'under-stumulating' stuff as it was.

Next, when are these enlightened education officials ever gonna learn that recitation is in stark contrast to 'thinking for ones self'?

As for Thai-song singing, there is more than enough of that patritiotic/nationalistic activity in the country's institutes of thought control (Aka: Thai schools) as needed.

As for Thai-hand writing, geez.... Thai language teachers already spend half their lessons smacking their kids for any kind of untidy writing. Again, when are they gonna realize that the present and future holds no need for beautiful caligraphy.

Educational policies continue to contradict themselves.


What they need is a decent reading program at school, they can't be expected to write if they never read anything that consists of something more than speech bubbles, POWS and KAZAMs.

The reading program at primary level consists of the same book for each student regardless of ability and its not thought provoking stuff.

Outside of that its cartoons in their spare time. Promote reading, not competitions.


Surely it is up to the teacher to bring on the bright kids.

However my experience is that some of the kids in primary are smarter than their back packer teachers.

Surely it is up to the teacher to bring on the bright kids.

However my experience is that some of the kids in primary are smarter than their back packer teachers.

Indeed there may be some incompetent teachers loose in the schools ( foreign and Thai alike, lets not pick on any one group) but as this thread was about the student's thai language abilities then in this instance i hope they are smarter than their backpacker teachers.

Naovarat Pongpaiboon said these classes would teach Thai children to know how put their thoughts in order and how to use Thai language properly.

By his estimate, more than 50 per cent of Thai children had problems forming a long sentence because they did not

-- The Nation 2007-08-08

That last, incomplete sentence does rather prove the point.

:o Hilarious ! !

This "artist in literature" :D is probably just the latest in an apparently endless series of people who feel the need to get up on their hind legs and do some meaningless "urging" from time to time.


I'd be willing to buy a very large number of books and provide them to progressive teachers/schools. Can anyone here point me to a source of great childrens and adult literature that has already been translated into the Thai language? I haven't researched it thoroughly, but preliminary inquiries I've made indicate there is a dearth of such material.


555555555...This will be fun...55555555 The Ministry of Culture should organize the classes and lead the classes..

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