Makes you wonder where all the garbage in Bangkok ends up.
Anyway the river does look a lot cleaner nowadays compared to say 20 years ago.
But I have seen a fleet of ships going up and down the river that skim garbage from it.
Hopefully fixing their problem doesn't mean installing a roller blind so no one can see them dumping trash.
There is NO transparency in this goverment total lies !! She and her clan should resign, this is total embarrassment for the Thai people and the country on the world stage shame on you Thailand
I was thinking of going to Immigration. They should be able to run the name and come up with a phone number/address.
(Have to check his stamps first - in case there's a reason that ID was "lost". The passport is valid but buddy only posted a shiny pic of the face page and cut the passport number off.)
Not sure who's the biggest idiot ... Vance or Trump , what an embarrassment those lunatics are ... they just showed the world their true colors, extorsion not democracy !!
Well done Zelensky for not cowering to those two morons.
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