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The Status of the Various Lawsuits Seeking to Continue the Great Theft/Waste

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As everyone knows, President Trump, as part of his promise to end the theft and waste of our taxpayer dollars by both parties that has continued since the "Great Society" started, has promulgated various executive orders halting grants, loans, aid etc and terminating parts of the Federal Workforce.


Predictably, his efforts on behalf of the American taxpayer have been opposed by various groups. Numerous lawsuits have been filed, many of which involve significant legal questions.


Here are the summaries of those lawsuits.






Each particular lawsuit is linked. Hopefully, once these lawsuits are reviewed, non Americans will have a better understanding of whats going on.


As to the economic lawsuits, quoted from the above:


"While these cases remain in the early stages of litigation, given that several courts have entered injunctions commanding the Trump Administration to pay on grants and contracts, and to not terminate other awards, it is likely the appellate courts, or the Supreme Court, will intervene in the short term to address the fundamental issue of jurisdictions. Specifically, the appellate courts and eventually the U.S. Supreme Court will need to address whether federal district courts have jurisdiction to enter injunctions requiring the payment of grants and contracts for claims premised on the APA or the constitution.

The four-justice dissent in AIDS Vaccine suggests the answer is “no,” and that instead such claims must be brought in the federal Court of Claims. And here, it is important to note that the other Supreme Court justices did not conclude otherwise but merely denied the application for a stay of the TRO. (As explained above, TROs are typically not appealable.) But now that the lower courts have entered preliminary injunctions that are immediately appealable, the Supreme Court is likely to step in — if the appellate courts don’t put a halt to the judiciary’s micromanagement of the executive branch."

So I decided to have a look and before getting to any lawsuit evaluation I got this:

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