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Personal security

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This may not be the right forum for this, but is anybody modifying their personal security measures lately due to the warnings and arrests of the last week or so. It's hard to get inside the mind of someone who wants to hurt you solely based on religion or nationality, but it seems that some individuals are intent on doing just that. Anybody spending less time out, or avoiding certain locations where a lot of farangs congregate? I know you can't live in fear or let someone change your life, but it's hard not to be looking over your shoulder at times, especially if you have a family. Just curious as to how people react.
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I live in Saudi Arabia. We have gone through all the same thought processes, especially since the Riyadh bombings.

Yes, there definately is a risk that we could become a victim of a terrorist attack. But you have to keep the risk in perspective.

I still believe that I have a much greater risk of being killed in a traffic accident than I do of being attacked by a terrorist. (Saudi drivers are much worse than the Thais...)

So sure, it doesn't hurt to pay a little more attention to what's going on around you, but I don't believe there is any need to become paranoid.

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I'm in the UK at the moment. I read yesterday that a guy was arrested in Thailand attempting to sell radioactive sesium (don't know if I spelled that correctly!) to some under cover agents. It was thought it could be used to make a 'dirty bomb' for Thai targets! What the #### can you do to defend against that sort of thing - short of living in a bunker or moving to Antarctica?


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Interesting I got sensored there - four hashes instead of the extreame expletive I used (as I can't write it, it was where Satan lives beginning with H, ending in double L and an E in the middle). Wiered I thought as I have seen real expletives appearing on this forum many times.

Oh well. :o

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