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Physical Condition Since Moving To Thailand

Dr. Burrito

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When I'm in Thailand and eat mainly Thai food I always lose weight and get in better shape. Gaining weight has nothing to do with being in Thailand, but more to do with advancing age, decreasing metabolism, not enough exercise, and poor diet.

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Please ... I hate to hear people say bread should be banished :o That comes from people selling high-protein diets ).

Bread is a wonderful part of people's diets ... especially if it's wholegrain bread.

Delicious & nutricious ... just like brown/other whole grain rice or pasta..

It's not the bread that was the problem for me. It was the propensity to cover it in lashings of butter and huge chunks of cheese.

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I eat and drink whatever I want. My diet is probably 95 percent Thai home cooked food. My Thai wife is an excellent cook. I have lost ten kilos, my blood pressure is way down, my pulse rate is also down about ten beats a minute. I don't get enough exercise and I smoke WAY to much. I like beer but when I overdo it, I suffer so much that it is easy to control my consumption. I drink about the same amount as when I was living in the US.

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Please ... I hate to hear people say bread should be banished :D That comes from people selling high-protein diets ).

Bread is a wonderful part of people's diets ... especially if it's wholegrain bread.

Delicious & nutricious ... just like brown/other whole grain rice or pasta..

It's not the bread that was the problem for me. It was the propensity to cover it in lashings of butter and huge chunks of cheese.

But you forgot the tomato sauce surely???? :o

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This is abit off topic but I find that because I suffer from very bad hangovers in Thailand alot worse than in Farangland I have cut down on my drinking alot too.This is the main reason I have lost more than 10 kg`s I suspect.

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Weigh 78 kilos now, but never topped 73 kilos when I was living in Thailand. I'm much more active when in Thailand and rarely eat out of boredom. Any diet will work if you stay active and don't over indulge on a regular basis. Most people slip into a sedentary lifestyle and gradually put on the weight.

It must be hel_l trying to loose the extra weight. If your 20 kilos overweight, you will need to shave roughly 100,000 calories to lose the 20 kilos. Now that takes commitment! If you shave 500 calories from your diet and add 1 hour of aerobic exorcise(~600 calories), it would take 90 days. That doesn't seem all that bad I guess.

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I eat and drink whatever I want. My diet is probably 95 percent Thai home cooked food. My Thai wife is an excellent cook. I have lost ten kilos, my blood pressure is way down, my pulse rate is also down about ten beats a minute. I don't get enough exercise and I smoke WAY to much. I like beer but when I overdo it, I suffer so much that it is easy to control my consumption. I drink about the same amount as when I was living in the US.


I've read quite a few of your posts and you seem to be one happy dude. Did you ever expect to be as happy in Thailand as you seem to be? Were you happy in your home country?

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It's easy to both gain and lose here.

I've lost over 30kg, exercising and dieting on and off over the last year. I'm in pretty good shape right now, at 72kg and 178cm. It's just about eating properly (easy to do anywhere) and regular exercise.

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:D Left Chiengmai two years ago at 89 kilo, stopped beer, now am 73 kilo, have had

excellent emotional health since coming here, 14 years on antidepressants, have not

touched them for 5 years, some kind of indictment on living in LOS from my perspective.

Diet and exercise have been the key for me..one hour swimming per day plus gym ....

Hyperstension since 30 years of age, on medication, a few scares since living here

for 7 years but Buddha willing will live to see another day..Satu Satu Satu

:o Dukkha

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How do you guys put ON weight?!

I lost weight the first few times i was in thailand. I usually stuck to thai food (sometimes only 1 meal a day), if i was drinking i'd have a few beers (chang) then go on to bourbon and i would swim every day.

the most recent couple of times i have put on weight. i was sticking to beer (singha), eating mostly farang food, usually twice a day at least (including a fry-up for breakfast) and - bar swimming - i didnt really push myself physically.

singha seems to bloat me - chang had me rushing for the bog every half hour!! :o

so, to answer your question - farang food + singha + laziness = fat b*****d.

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You have to eliminate all sugar from your diet .

I think that I rather die. :D

Why live in f*cking misery for the sake of an extra five years in the geriatric ward of the old folks home?

So if a few drinks and a slice of pie puts the weight on you so what? At least the whole town will know what's going on when they cremate us General.

Yes YES :o:D

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Due to the fact I have so much leisure time here and a great gym at my condo I am putting in some serious gym time. Heavier than before but most of it is muscle so I am not complaining, also the Thai diet agrees with me. Couple this with the fact that the Thai people in my gym are lazy <deleted> who like to look at themselves in the mirror all the time and not break a sweat gives us real enthusiasts the opportunity to train hard.

PS The gym is cheap as chips here too

I can see the muscle, but how did you turn green? :o

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I've been here over six years now and clearly, my once Atlas figure has gone the route of Homer Simpson :D

Not enough places to ride a bike, gyms are too expensive, jogging here is a joke.... I have an endless list of excuses :o

I've finally agreed with the wife to bite the bullet and start bringing off some of the tonnage if for no other reason than it is cheaper than a new wardrobe.

How have you fared since your arrival? Is it Thailand, advancing age or the simple fact of laziness and sedentary lifestyles?

Dr. B

11 years in Thailand..ripped, healthy,fit and strong.

Doesn't matter where you are in the world mate....diet and exercise.period.you only get one body.


Actually you get many, many, many bodies...

Yes dont you grow a new body every seven years? exoskeleton and all bodily organs??

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I eat and drink whatever I want. My diet is probably 95 percent Thai home cooked food. My Thai wife is an excellent cook. I have lost ten kilos, my blood pressure is way down, my pulse rate is also down about ten beats a minute. I don't get enough exercise and I smoke WAY to much. I like beer but when I overdo it, I suffer so much that it is easy to control my consumption. I drink about the same amount as when I was living in the US.


I've read quite a few of your posts and you seem to be one happy dude. Did you ever expect to be as happy in Thailand as you seem to be? Were you happy in your home country?

I was always fortunate to be in a profession that allowed me to find good high paying jobs nearly anywhere I wanted to work. During my last year in California, I was NOT happy. The job was no longer enjoyable nor rewarding mentally. My girlfriend was in Thailand and she refused to move to the US with me. I think the happiest day of my life was when I officially retired and bought the one way ticket back to Thailand. I'm certainly not wealthy but I am quite comfortable here and am content living up country.

To answer the question I have to say that if anyone had told me four years ago that I would be happily living up country, I would have told them that they were insane. Things change. :o

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I stay in LOS for 30 to 45 days then back to the US for 90 to 120 days . Each time i go back to LOS I lose around 10 to 20 pounds (US) . But most of the time I am there I stay with Wife mostly In village and eat with the Thais. I guess its eating every two hours that does it and no flang fattie foods.

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Due to the fact I have so much leisure time here and a great gym at my condo I am putting in some serious gym time. Heavier than before but most of it is muscle so I am not complaining, also the Thai diet agrees with me. Couple this with the fact that the Thai people in my gym are lazy <deleted> who like to look at themselves in the mirror all the time and not break a sweat gives us real enthusiasts the opportunity to train hard.

PS The gym is cheap as chips here too

I can see the muscle, but how did you turn green? :o

Swimming in Pattaya

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I've been here over six years now and clearly, my once Atlas figure has gone the route of Homer Simpson :D

Not enough places to ride a bike, gyms are too expensive, jogging here is a joke.... I have an endless list of excuses :o

I've finally agreed with the wife to bite the bullet and start bringing off some of the tonnage if for no other reason than it is cheaper than a new wardrobe.

How have you fared since your arrival? Is it Thailand, advancing age or the simple fact of laziness and sedentary lifestyles?

Dr. B

11 years in Thailand..ripped, healthy,fit and strong.

Doesn't matter where you are in the world mate....diet and exercise.period.you only get one body.


Actually you get many, many, many bodies...

Yes dont you grow a new body every seven years? exoskeleton and all bodily organs??

you mean we've all turned into bugs??

is this Kafka, or just Thailand?

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I eat and drink whatever I want. My diet is probably 95 percent Thai home cooked food. My Thai wife is an excellent cook. I have lost ten kilos, my blood pressure is way down, my pulse rate is also down about ten beats a minute. I don't get enough exercise and I smoke WAY to much. I like beer but when I overdo it, I suffer so much that it is easy to control my consumption. I drink about the same amount as when I was living in the US.


I've read quite a few of your posts and you seem to be one happy dude. Did you ever expect to be as happy in Thailand as you seem to be? Were you happy in your home country?

I was always fortunate to be in a profession that allowed me to find good high paying jobs nearly anywhere I wanted to work. During my last year in California, I was NOT happy. The job was no longer enjoyable nor rewarding mentally. My girlfriend was in Thailand and she refused to move to the US with me. I think the happiest day of my life was when I officially retired and bought the one way ticket back to Thailand. I'm certainly not wealthy but I am quite comfortable here and am content living up country.

To answer the question I have to say that if anyone had told me four years ago that I would be happily living up country, I would have told them that they were insane. Things change. :o

Might give up country a try myself. My wife's father left her a few rai that borders a river a few kilometers from Buriam city. I have my doubts, but we might build a home. At least I would have have place to stay when we visit the family. I have enough money to live in Buriram and not have to work. I prefer CM, but I would need to work a little to make ends meet. Either choise sure sounds good at the moment.

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I joined one of those stupid overpriced gyms and got into excellent shape in LOS. When I left, I was close to the best shape of my life. Then I came home to the States and they treated me as if I was a famine victim. My family fed me until I gained about 15 pounds in less than 6 months. I gained about one size and a half, so now I actually need all the clothing I gave away in LOS. The funny thing about it is that I seem to get even more attention from men here when I am a little fuller. I am definitely going to join a gym again, though. I have tons of beautiful new clothing with tags still on in one size too small - aaaaargh!

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This is abit off topic but I find that because I suffer from very bad hangovers in Thailand alot worse than in Farangland I have cut down on my drinking alot too.This is the main reason I have lost more than 10 kg`s I suspect.

That's because the beer is stronger and you sweat a lot more in the hot country so you will have less water content in your body to dilute the alcohol.

I find if i drink a LOT of water during the night after being on the beer, i feel much better the following day than if i don't drink so much water.

I always lose weight when i'm in Thailand. I put this down to walking a lot more than i do home. Sweating more. Swimming regularly as well occasional miscallaneous excersizes ;-)

Eating much less, usually just one and a bit times a day v. 4 times at home, and healthier food at that (although i don't eat a lot of Thai food), but melon, fish, etc.

I think that if/when i do live there, it won't be the same as once i have wheels, there'll be a tendency to drive rather than walk and if i'm working there'll be less hours in bed, so may well eat more, & no time to go swimming every day.

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