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60 Days

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Normally that want you to apply with between 3-4 weeks remaining on your current permitted to stay stamp so that would be about 60 days after arrival. If you use bank account money it must be in bank for 3 months prior to application.

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Normally that want you to apply with between 3-4 weeks remaining on your current permitted to stay stamp so that would be about 60 days after arrival. If you use bank account money it must be in bank for 3 months prior to application.

Many thanks for your prompt reply


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Morning all,

I am retiring to Thailand next week arriving on a one year o visa.

Do I have to live in Thailand for 60 days before I can apply for a retirement visa?



Welcome to Thailand. With your Non-O-Visa you have to leave the country every 90 days, e.g. you have to make a so-called borderun. After that you will be allowed to stay in-country for another 90 days. Borderrun means that you have to leave Thailand, go to a neighbour country (ask for a visa there) and return straight away into Thailand again without visiting the Thai consulate of that neighbour country.

In your visa it says that the visa has to be utilised until ........ Latest the day before that expiry date you have to do an additional borderrun and you will activate another 90 days, which in fact gives you a total of 15 months stay in Thailand with your present visa.

After that you can seek Extension of your present visa or an Extension for Retirement.

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He can seek an extension of stay on any 90 day entry.

I am sorry to interrupt , but I had a question related to this topic , wanting to ask or a long time .

I want to make the retirement extension for my mom , she's got about 750k yearly income .

I know she can do the mixed method to just transfer some cash in a bank account .

Will 100k be enough ? She is staying on her first (mult non O) entry now .

We are going to our embassy( in Bangkok) the end of November to show she is still alive ( prove to keep her allowances ) , at the same time I was thinking to get that paper to show to immigration she in fact has got this income .

Alright the question is now , from that date of extension wile approved , do they give another year on top of that date ,

or until the expiry date mentioned in the current visa ?

When not given a year we will apply for it next year ( my mom does not like to travel too much) , the next question would be then if the original paper signed by the embassy

is still legitimate to use next year around ? If not it would be an expense for nothing .

Thank you very much for the always so helpful advise .

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I am not sure I have read your questions right so please ask again if I don't get it right.

Extension of stay will start from date of current entry into Thailand. I assume she just entered? Otherwise a November trip will be three months down the road from entry and she would need a new entry into Thailand (if she has a multi entry visa) or have to obtain and then change a border entry visa exempt stamp. Entry is only permitted until the date stamped on entry - not the date of visa stamped by Consulate.

So if she entered 9 August and you visit very early in November she could apply for an extension of stay at that time and it would cover until 8 August 2008.

There is talk that Embassy pension letters may have to be verified by Ministry of Foreign Affairs later this year but that is not confirmed yet. If so it could add a day or two to the process.

People are being told different things about letter - some say it can be used each year - others are told they need a new letter each year.

Not sure why you say it would be an expense for nothing as if she uses multi entry stays she will have to exit country every 90 days and return - surly for most people that would cost more than an Embassy letter I should think.

//edit: I see you said late November so she must be planning a new entry prior to then - Immigration likes to see applicants with between 4-3 weeks remaining on current permitted to stay stamp from most reports but do not believe they would be too strict on that for her.

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I am not sure I have read your questions right so please ask again if I don't get it right.

Extension of stay will start from date of current entry into Thailand. I assume she just entered? Otherwise a November trip will be three months down the road from entry and she would need a new entry into Thailand (if she has a multi entry visa) or have to obtain and then change a border entry visa exempt stamp. Entry is only permitted until the date stamped on entry - not the date of visa stamped by Consulate.

So if she entered 9 August and you visit very early in November she could apply for an extension of stay at that time and it would cover until 8 August 2008.

There is talk that Embassy pension letters may have to be verified by Ministry of Foreign Affairs later this year but that is not confirmed yet. If so it could add a day or two to the process.

People are being told different things about letter - some say it can be used each year - others are told they need a new letter each year.

Not sure why you say it would be an expense for nothing as if she uses multi entry stays she will have to exit country every 90 days and return - surly for most people that would cost more than an Embassy letter I should think.

//edit: I see you said late November so she must be planning a new entry prior to then - Immigration likes to see applicants with between 4-3 weeks remaining on current permitted to stay stamp from most reports but do not believe they would be too strict on that for her.

I got my main question answered , my mom entered in June . Myself entered in May and we make the border run trips together.

I have to go anyway so she just travel with me , also we do not stay too far from the border .

I asked about the embassy letter because she got to visit our embassy anyway ( at end of each year by Dutch law),

so I thought it would be more wise to ask if the letter is still usable the next year.

This being not to clear I just wait and apply for it by post when she does the extension (also possible) .

What I understand now it is like this , she entered in June this year , for extension in November (need to wait for the 3 months just being transferred to her Bank).

When given the extension it will be until June 2008 right ? So after half a year extend it again for a full year .

If it goes like this I know enough . thanks for your respond.

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1. There is no 3 month rule if she is using primary pension letter. So she can do any time after she has the difference money in the bank.

2. The extension of stay will start from the current entry - not from June (unless it was done now). Will normally be about nine months the first year. Thereafter will always be the same date, one year later.

3. You should be able to use letter obtained in November next June or whenever you extend - we should have better word next month but do not believe it would not be accepted - but I would check back to make sure if an MFA verification is being required.

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1. There is no 3 month rule if she is using primary pension letter. So she can do any time after she has the difference money in the bank.

2. The extension of stay will start from the current entry - not from June (unless it was done now). Will normally be about nine months the first year. Thereafter will always be the same date, one year later.

3. You should be able to use letter obtained in November next June or whenever you extend - we should have better word next month but do not believe it would not be accepted - but I would check back to make sure if an MFA verification is being required.

Police record check only valid for three months so the 60 days is cutting it fine. As long as it is valid when you apply is that ok? Thank you for the welcome. Is all the hassle as daunting as it appears.?


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Thank you very much for your expertise Lopburi , it is very clear now.

I did not know there is no need for a 3 month rule , when using a primary pension letter , makes the matter

more easy indeed . For this MFA verification maybe being required in the future , do you have to go there

by yourself or will there be any services available for that verification you think ?

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Established translations services should be able to handle it.

lopburi3- thai consul in hull says you do need police record check- valid for 3 months-I am back to 60days question before my question was hijacked


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You do not need any police check for a retirement extension obtained from Immigration inside Thailand. The Consul is wrong. A police check in only required if you obtain a non immigrant O-A visa from a Consulate - not for extension of a non immigrant O visa inside Thailand.

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