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Prostate Problem


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Its a bummer getting old and now my prostate is enlarged and I'm having trouble peeing

Been taking Proscar for the past couple of years but I think I need to consider surgery. The thought of getting cut doesn't apeal to me.

Thinking that laser surgery might be less invasive but don't know anything about it. Can anyone give me some advice as to where to get it done, how much should I expect to pay. In fact any advice pertainingto this problem.

Thanhyou Joe

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Its a bummer getting old and now my prostate is enlarged and I'm having trouble peeing

Been taking Proscar for the past couple of years but I think I need to consider surgery. The thought of getting cut doesn't apeal to me.

Thinking that laser surgery might be less invasive but don't know anything about it. Can anyone give me some advice as to where to get it done, how much should I expect to pay. In fact any advice pertainingto this problem.

Thanhyou Joe


Don't know about availability in Thailand but some good information can be found on the Mayo Clinic Website at http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/enlarged-...99/PAGE=BP00020

I suspect that any laser surgery you want is going to be available here thought, and I wish you good luck and ask that you keep us old goats posted on what you end up doing.

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Its a bummer getting old and now my prostate is enlarged and I'm having trouble peeing

Been taking Proscar for the past couple of years but I think I need to consider surgery. The thought of getting cut doesn't apeal to me.

Thinking that laser surgery might be less invasive but don't know anything about it. Can anyone give me some advice as to where to get it done, how much should I expect to pay. In fact any advice pertainingto this problem.

Thanhyou Joe

before surgery I think will be better for you to search what is your real problem...

1- adenoma prostatic

2- bacteria

3- bacteria + adenoma

remember that the search of bacteria must be made in PCR ( DNA of bacteria ) otherwise nobody is able to find something correct...they tell you have nothing but you can have chlamydia+ gonococco & Co. into your prostate ( this was my problem for a lot of years)

now one or two time a year I go to Manila to have prostatic massage + antibiotics and I am able to procrastinate the surgery

I am looking also to find a good doctor in Bangkok that is able to make the prostatic massage so I can avoid to go to Manila( I don't like the city ), but I am not able where to look for...if you know someone able to make this kind of treatment, please tell me

good luck, ready to give you all info you need


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Its a bummer getting old and now my prostate is enlarged and I'm having trouble peeing

Been taking Proscar for the past couple of years but I think I need to consider surgery. The thought of getting cut doesn't apeal to me.

Thinking that laser surgery might be less invasive but don't know anything about it. Can anyone give me some advice as to where to get it done, how much should I expect to pay. In fact any advice pertainingto this problem.

Thanhyou Joe

I hate to state the obvious, but before you consider surgery you should have a PSA check, and/or a biopsy if the PSA is high (10+). Dr Thanoo Choovichian at Samitivej hospital Bangkok, has seen several people accessing this forum. He has excellent English, understands how farangs need to be informed, and knows his stuff.

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Its a bummer getting old and now my prostate is enlarged and I'm having trouble peeing

Been taking Proscar for the past couple of years but I think I need to consider surgery. The thought of getting cut doesn't apeal to me.

Thinking that laser surgery might be less invasive but don't know anything about it. Can anyone give me some advice as to where to get it done, how much should I expect to pay. In fact any advice pertainingto this problem.

Thanhyou Joe

I hate to state the obvious, but before you consider surgery you should have a PSA check, and/or a biopsy if the PSA is high (10+). Dr Thanoo Choovichian at Samitivej hospital Bangkok, has seen several people accessing this forum. He has excellent English, understands how farangs need to be informed, and knows his stuff.


I think this is the correct way to follow if you suspect to have a cancer, after that you can consider biopsy....:

Abstract – In this retrospective study, the Authors report their experience on the analysis of sensitivity and specificity of DRE, PSA and transrectal ultrasound, individually and in association, in the study of 118 patients with suspected prostate cancer. Results show that the association of these three techniques give a specificity of 96.6% but low sensitivity (53%). Key words: DRE - PSA - transrectal ultrasound - sensitivity - specificity.

remember don't loose time and go immediately to the hospital if you or your urologist suspect a cancer...if you don't have a urologist bypass him and go directly to the hospital...urologist cost a lot and don't solve noting and make you to lost time...( my experience )

good luck


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Its a bummer getting old and now my prostate is enlarged and I'm having trouble peeing

Been taking Proscar for the past couple of years but I think I need to consider surgery. The thought of getting cut doesn't apeal to me.

Thinking that laser surgery might be less invasive but don't know anything about it. Can anyone give me some advice as to where to get it done, how much should I expect to pay. In fact any advice pertainingto this problem.

Thanhyou Joe

I hate to state the obvious, but before you consider surgery you should have a PSA check, and/or a biopsy if the PSA is high (10+). Dr Thanoo Choovichian at Samitivej hospital Bangkok, has seen several people accessing this forum. He has excellent English, understands how farangs need to be informed, and knows his stuff.


I think this is the correct way to follow if you suspect to have a cancer, after that you can consider biopsy....:

Abstract – In this retrospective study, the Authors report their experience on the analysis of sensitivity and specificity of DRE, PSA and transrectal ultrasound, individually and in association, in the study of 118 patients with suspected prostate cancer. Results show that the association of these three techniques give a specificity of 96.6% but low sensitivity (53%). Key words: DRE - PSA - transrectal ultrasound - sensitivity - specificity.

remember don't loose time and go immediately to the hospital if you or your urologist suspect a cancer...if you don't have a urologist bypass him and go directly to the hospital...urologist cost a lot and don't solve noting and make you to lost time...( my experience )

good luck


I would reccomend that if cancer is proven/suspected that you take time to meet and assess recommended surgeons and oncologists- find one that you are comfortable with at a hospital that you are comfortable with. I have friends who did not have surgery and are alive and doing well years after cancer of prostate was diagnosed - they had/are having other treatments.

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Jeez, Louise!

The guy has been seen and treated (Proscar, remember?) He asked a smiple question about laser surgery, and everyone jumps in with their own unsubstantiated and unsolicited advice about cancer.

Regardless of your personal experience, unless you have had your finger up his butt, and a look at his test results, maybe an ultrasound or cystoscopy, you really ought to put a sock in it, or try to respond to his question.


I was in your position about six years ago, and probably considered every option available at the time, including the TUMT, TUNA, and TURP. I also looked into the guy in the Philippines, who advocates aggressive prostate massage, and a regimen of antibiotics and anti-fungals. He's been around a long time, and is doing well (if doing good). True, I had chronic prostatitis, but it would come and go, and, as you probably have found out, is poorly understood, the Philipino doctor notwithstanding.

In the end, I had a TURP. While I had read plenty beforehand, there is nothing like the reality of feeling you have to pee constantly, after the operation for six months, to put the procedure in perspective. And, according to my doctor, the most common post-operative complication is urethral stenosis, either as an internal stricture, or as an external narrowing of the pee hole, which I had, and was treated for, painfully. I had to do self-caths to keep the urethra open for about two months afterward, as well.

Mind you, the TURP is the 'gold standard' in BPH treatment.

About a year later, I saw my urologist, and he told me that the new (at that time) green laser was available (thanks a lot, a year late), and that it was as effective as TURP without all the side effects, notably, it was less likely to cause retrograde ejaculation, which is another unpleasantness I endure.

The thing to remember here is that ALL these treatments are commercial; that is, they are for profit, and touted/hyped by the manufacturer of the particular system your doctor uses.

I have given you an honest look at TURP, and I hope you will seek a few more first-hand experiences with the laser procedures, and take the time to post your progress on this forum. I understand that there are now at least two different laser procedures, and as the previous poster had indicated, they are, I believe, available in Thailand. The usual caveats apply, however, if you choose to undergo a procedure in this land of face-saving, and denial.

Best wishes for quick and safe relief.


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Jeez, Louise!

The guy has been seen and treated (Proscar, remember?) He asked a smiple question about laser surgery, and everyone jumps in with their own unsubstantiated and unsolicited advice about cancer.

Regardless of your personal experience, unless you have had your finger up his butt, and a look at his test results, maybe an ultrasound or cystoscopy, you really ought to put a sock in it, or try to respond to his question.


OP ended by saying that he would like "any advice pertaining to this problem". So we give him advice to make sure he does not have cancer and that his problem still is BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia, i.e.non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland). Who knows, maybe he put himself on Proscar on the advice of a friend - such things do happen!! OP needs to find an urologist who he feels comfortable with and trusts. Then he takes it from there, deciding which treatment is best for him after collecting info from his urologist and from other men who have had different procedures.

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I advice you to contact Dr. Viroz of Burmungrad

That's my Doc. He was recommended to me and I feel very comfortable with him.

At the momnet I take Cardura 4 mg and Harnal 0.2Mg and pee 2-3 times a night.

I'll keep going for as long as I can before resorting to sugery.

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My PC has been sick since just after I sent in my request for info. This is my first day back on line.

some times I get to sleep all night and other times I'm up peeing maybe twice. Had a biopsy about 18 months ago no cancer but I have to say the thought of cancer can get my fear levels up.

One of my main problems is the costs involved. Emptied out my bank account to build this house and I'm now in the process of building it up again. I have a daughter going to uni in Bangkok and have a 10 yo that I'm saving for the time when she will want to go to uni.

My choices are that I keep stashing my money away until I have enough to have an op here or o home to Aust. where I can get it done cheaper. If I can figure out the costs it wil be a great help.

There is notmuch helpful advice around here where I live.

Every thing that you guys have told me has been helpful and I really do appreciate it.

Many thanks to all of you


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  • 3 weeks later...

For five years I have the pee problems now and its getting me down now, have every day pain, and every six months a prostate infection. Have visited urologists in Phuket and Bangkok and the doctors told me that my prostate is only a little enlarged , and I used first Xatral and now Cordura XL. The medicine works after a few weeks very well but later it seems to loose some effect but without using medicines its gets very bad.

For strawberry;

A doctor who works in the better hospitals in Bangkok would do the TURP procedure for 50.000 baht in an other clinic, normal price was 135000 for TURP, 200K for green laser.

But he advised me strongly to use the medicines.

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Please keep in mind that there is a learning curve with new procedures. Therefore, you may wish to give consideration to the surgery in a country where the surgical experience exists and the surgeons have seen the potential complications. As such, Australia, Singapore, Canada & the USA may prove more viable for early stage surgeries. (At least 2-3 years.) The Thai surgeons usually will go where someone in doing the surgery already for a week or two of training, so you might as well follow their example. Remember too that due to the learning curve, complications are always higher in the first years of a procedure, until the kinks get worked out. Sort of like a new car model aint it.

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You can find good docs with experience in using the laser and training in the west at both Samitivej and Bumrungrad. HOWEVER, laser procedures are not cheap. The equipment is very costly and the hospitals recoup that big investment from the patients. If you can get it done for free in Oz then, since money is a factor and it is an elective prociedure, I';d suggest waiting and doing it there (find out ifrst if the national helath covers the laser procedure. Also, will surely be a long wait, might do well tyo get yourself in the queue now).

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My father has prostate cancer and is going to north shore in Sydney tomorrow. He has chosen to go with radiopherapy, this used to have bad side effects like burnt bowell etc but now they they insert gold seeds into your prostate to focus the therapy. I think this opton is because his has spread beyond prostate though. Have not heard of the laser but know somebody who had the cut version and he said they take out your guts and bowell and everything to get at prostate so maybe check if gold seed thing is applicable in your case. Better getting it on medicare in oz.

Advantage of the cut is that they can try to preserve the nerve that runs underneath for sexual function.

Edited by stevenjm
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