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Pit Bulls In Thailand

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I have had a few requests for pictures but thought it would be nice to have a dedicated Pit Bull thread for owners and potential owners. Currently I have 6 Pitbulls in my yard, four are my personal dogs, one was sold in the sales forum and will have a new home in Bangkok soon and one is still for sale in the sales and give away forum.

If you have a Pitbull here in Thailand please show us a picture and tell us about the dog. Honest firsthand commentary is welcomed, secondhand propaganda is most unwelcome. I want to start this as a very pro Pitbull thread so reader beware, there are lots of negative Pit Bull comments and websites out there but this does not need to be the place for it.

For anyone considering having one of these dogs in Thailand there are many reasons they make a great pet here. First off the breed is strong and healthy, with its short hair and general toughness its one of the few imported dogs that can actually thrive in this tropical environment. Contrary to what most of the public image of the dog is they are people orientated dogs, I have found them to make fantastic pets.

Choosing a Pitbull is a very personal choice here and it is not without some disadvantages. The first being you can never ever let these dogs run loose beyond your own wall. Every dog owner of any breed large or small should follow that general rule of keeping their dogs up but most fail to do so. If your dog does get loose your chicken raising neighbor will most likely be ringing the buzzer with a bill. I wont even bother to go into other liabilities of a powerful dog running loose in public, its just a very bad idea. The good thing is I have never had a Pitbull that would run off or run out of the gate when its opened. In fact my adult Pit stays well out of the way when the gate is opened to take cars and trucks in and out, totally the opposite of the Thai dog we had which tried to sneak out every time the maid took out the trash.

While their is a long list of benefits to having these dogs, namely they are loyal companions in Thailand there is one bennifit that supersedes all others. That benefit is their ability and desire to kill snakes. Anyone who lives here long enough will be confronted by a snake and many will find them inside their own homes at one time or another. Pit bulls just flat out hate snakes and will go after them and even tree them if you have a single tree and the snake goes up it. It is a great comfort to me to know my dogs are own patrol 24 hours a day keeping the snakes out. Yea they keep the thieves away to but thats just because of the noise factor, any five or more dogs of any breed will make enough noise to keep the majority of thieves from wanting to come around, never mind the other ten soi dogs perminatly camped outside of our gate.

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This is Batman, pictures taken today, He was born on May 21 2007 so he will be 3 months old in a week. He will be moving to Bangkok in a few days to his new house. He will also be greatly missed, he is a fine dog and I wanted to keep him but unfortunately I cannot keep every dog, I'm just happy he will go to a fine loving home.

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Heres some pictures of "Beau Beau" pronounced Bo Bo. Hes a full brother to Batman and he was the fattest puppy of all. I will be keeping him for my personal dog and hope he turns into a nice Stud for breeding in a few years. He tore down my wives Papaya trees that were recently planted along with a nice small manao tree, so far hes done about 500 baht worth of damage around here but he has quite a personality.

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They're beautiful dogs, Mai Krap. Some good common sense advice there. How do you feel about neutering? I know some Pure bred "purists" would never neuter a pure bred dog. How about breeding by inexperienced owners? I am referring only to Pit Bulls here, not any other breed.

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Good looking pups Mai Krap. I have a 5 month old pit named Petey. He joined our family when he was one month old. I'm raising him to be a family dog and has the run of the house. Here are a few pic's of him a few weeks after we got him.



BTW, to this very day Petey is never too far away from my 2 yr old daughter when she's having her nap.

Hope it's ok to post this link:



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They're beautiful dogs, Mai Krap. Some good common sense advice there. How do you feel about neutering? I know some Pure bred "purists" would never neuter a pure bred dog. How about breeding by inexperienced owners? I am referring only to Pit Bulls here, not any other breed.

Sorry for short answers but Im crunched for time. "Breeding is a art, most people ain't artists!" I studied Artificial Insemination at university level and have a background in dealing with horses valued up to one million dollars and more. Breeding Pit Bulls in Thailand is something I love to be involved with and in a simple way it replaces the Horse Ranch I once owned that was sold off because of a divorce.

Neutering, I have personally cut the nuts off around a hundred horses and a couple dozen dogs while I worked for a vet one summer during a university break. As a rule I don't cut my dogs that I keep but I'm prepared to deal the situation. At one time me and one other man had over one hundred bulls and I have worked in situations where we had more than 10 Stallions that were actively used as studs in one breeding barn. I don't mind saying every time I clipped a male animal of his dignity it caused major shrinkage to parts of my own body. So while Neutering is not the answer for my personal dogs it is a good solution for many people to avoid the associated behavior and reproduction problems.

I'm still shocked by the irresponsible dog ownership in this country, I'm a firm believer in putting things out of their misery. However one feels about Mike Vick and whatever the truth is as none of us were there to actually know. It left me sick to my stomach to know they would destroy more than 60 Pit Bulls confiscated during that investigation. Then I look around here and mangy puss dripping hairless and crippled dogs are left to run up and down the street to breed as they please and provide Vietnam with a endless supply of diseased appetizers and my neighbors with plastic buckets, go figure?

Rito, Great looking pup, You will have to tell us some more about him, I will be back in a couple days and have some more pictures to post too.

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Here are a couple shocking pictures from Atlanta Georgia, The dog showed up at the vet but nobody knows what exactly happened. Either someone was being cruel, scared of the dog maybe? Who knows but pictures do one thing, show the hardiness of the breed. Its just a very confusing thing to see this, I will update if I hear anything else.

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Here are a couple shocking pictures from Atlanta Georgia, The dog showed up at the vet but nobody knows what exactly happened. Either someone was being cruel, scared of the dog maybe? Who knows but pictures do one thing, show the hardiness of the breed. Its just a very confusing thing to see this, I will update if I hear anything else.

Maybe he escaped from Michael Vick's place.

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"Breeding is a art, most people ain't artists!" I studied Artificial Insemination at university level Very interesting, does this include genetics? Can you tell a bit more about it, if you llike to?and have a background in dealing with horses valued up to one million dollars and moredo I sense a little boasting here?:o . Breeding Pit Bulls in Thailand is something I love to be involved with and in a simple way it replaces the Horse Ranch I once owned that was sold off because of a divorce

I'm still shocked by the irresponsible dog ownership in this country, I'm a firm believer in putting things out of their misery. However one feels about Mike Vick and whatever the truth is as none of us were there to actually know. It left me sick to my stomach to know they would destroy more than 60 Pit Bulls confiscated during that investigation. They are euthanized already? I thought it was the plan, but they didn't do it yet due to a lot of opposition. Then I look around here and mangy puss dripping hairless and crippled dogs are left to run up and down the street to breed as they please and provide Vietnam with a endless supply of diseased appetizers and my neighbors with plastic buckets, go figure?Can you compare Micheal Vick with the dog situation in Thailand?

Nice thread, BTW. I've had a few pits in lately and all were very nice dogs to people, not to dogs. Except for the most cute looking little 2 1/2 month old pup. Told his owner about you, as he's looking for a female. So, it is possible you may receive a PM from him one of these days, weeks or months.


Edited by Totster
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"Breeding is a art, most people ain't artists!" I studied Artificial Insemination at university level Very interesting, does this include genetics? Can you tell a bit more about it, if you llike to?and have a background in dealing with horses valued up to one million dollars and moredo I sense a little boasting here?:o . Breeding Pit Bulls in Thailand is something I love to be involved with and in a simple way it replaces the Horse Ranch I once owned that was sold off because of a divorce.Be aware that there are two lines: the show line and the fighting line. There is pitbull fighting in Thailand, illegal but still ...

I'm still shocked by the irresponsible dog ownership in this country, I'm a firm believer in putting things out of their misery. However one feels about Mike Vick and whatever the truth is as none of us were there to actually know. It left me sick to my stomach to know they would destroy more than 60 Pit Bulls confiscated during that investigation. They are euthanized already? I thought it was the plan, but they didn't do it yet due to a lot of opposition. Then I look around here and mangy puss dripping hairless and crippled dogs are left to run up and down the street to breed as they please and provide Vietnam with a endless supply of diseased appetizers and my neighbors with plastic buckets, go figure?Can you compare Micheal Vick with the dog situation in Thailand?

Nice thread, BTW. I've had a few pits in lately and all were very nice dogs to people, not to dogs. Except for the most cute looking little 2 1/2 month old pup. Told his owner about you, as he's looking for a female. So, it is possible you may receive a PM from him one of these days, weeks or months.


"Breeding is a art, most people ain't artists!" My own little quote there, kinda proud of that actually. The thing is most people are just not inclined to put the work into breeding that it takes to get predetermined results. Ive been dealing with dogs for 25 years and this is my first litter that is my deal 100%. I'm holding back both females from this litter and one male as I consider this my foundation litter here, something I have spent years planning for. I will wait a couple years then evaluate the puppies as adults and see what if they cut the mustard to breed at that time.

My basic strategy is to get around a half dozen high quality bitches and then import frozen semen for insemination. By the way the dogs in my yard are all members of the family, it is in no way a commercial operation. If anything we hope to buy some dog food out of the deal but I love the dogs and want to improve the breed by selectively breeding healthy and sound dogs. I also want to provide some great dogs to friends and other folks who are burned out with some of the goings on with kennel dogs here.

AKC dogs are pretty much crap in my book, they have single handedly ruined most American dog breeds with their stuck up and snooty breed standards and hifalutin dog shows. UKC is ok but even that doesn't mean much compared to 20 years ago. The US Military doesn't care what if any papers any dog has since they go straight in the trash. Its all about what a dog really is, what its about, whats in its head, not if it can prance like a Katoey and likes its hair all done up. I like the fighting bloodlines for pets, If I want the nuts off something I can just use a scalpel for that, no need to ruin the breed by breeding show dogs. Most of the people currently commenting about fighting dogs have not one clue as to what they are speaking or typing of. All American Bull Dogs come from fighting stock, some just choose to ignore that fact. Just like any ring sport, as long as animals or humans are put head to head they will fight till something or someone stops it. Take away the ring and put two pits into a fight and one will end up running off. Hardly ever in the wild will you have two animals go head to head for more than a minute much less to the death, they get ruff, one gets the best of another one, then one runs off.

I have contacts in the dog fighting scene here but I'm extremely unimpressed. I grew up around dog fighting and know it first hand, not the crap you see all over TV and the news. I'm not involved in it at all anymore but members of my family in the United States are active to this very day in it as a sport. I don't expect many to agree with what they do but they have been doing it their entire lives and their dogs are treated like royalty, like the champions they are. The biggest problem to ever hit dog fighting was making it criminal. Many of us on this board are well aware of the reality of Muey Thai as a regulated sport, how much worse would it be if it were underground? Rap music and the gang banger scene was the second huge blow to the breed and the sport. This forum is not the place to get all into this but I can say this, dog fighting is the single thing that saved the Pitbull breed from the likes of the AKC and its idiotic practices of breeding. Anyone who disagrees with that can just try to sell a AKC German Shepard to a police department, they will laugh in your face.

Mike Vicks dogs will be put down, now or later it doesn't matter. Its standard practice for most Humane or as I call them Inhumane societies to kill every single Pitbull they get in. There was some talk of having prisoners try and train them but there is much opposition to that. The PETAphiles hate PitBulls and they are an easy target for the them and the other do gooders in America. With the current state of things considering the Middle East and Americans getting shot everyday the Mike Vick thing should have never even made the papers, much less be brought up on the House floor as it was. Its just weird that we can starve out children for years with embargoes and them drop billions of dollars of bombs on their heads without much fuss but let an obscure and misunderstood sport that has a dark side reach the public eye and everyone is up in arms. Mike Vick most likely is the Scum Bag hes been made out to be but he in no way represents the old school dog fighters, those guys loved the breed, not money.

Having been around the race horse industry and also dog sled racing I consider both much more cruel than anything I ever saw in my youth growing up around dog fighting. I stood right there as one of the most well known sled dog trainers in Alaska had a argument over having to pay 5 dollars per dog to have a &*&&$%$%$ murder the poor things. The base of the argument was he had paid three dollars per each for almost twenty years and I guess the price of bullets must have went up but I know for a fact he didn't shoot the dogs, it was just a ploy in the argument. These were all perfectly healthy dogs out in a Indian Village, he started with a hundred dogs every year and killed down to fifty or so to sell even though these dogs gave their heart and ran mile after mile everyday but Sunday. The rest of the time they stayed on a very short chain in what I considered hellish conditions. I'm still disgusted by the whole thing to this day but its typical insider dog sled racing dealing.

I tend to rant about the whole dog fighting thing, As I stated, I'm no longer involved with any of it and have not been since I was 18 years old nor do I have any desire to be in it now but I would be incompetent to be involved with the breed without a great understanding of their history.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Mai Krap,

Received your e-mail via the forum but not sure if my reply reached you. I already have a male dog so i am after a female puppy. Let me know if you have any further matings and i will wait.

toonarmygeorge :o

Just got it, reply sent in PM

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a 3 years old american pitbull (spicy) very friendly to humans and i love him very much!

unforthntly i will have to leave thailand on the 15.9 and i will not be able to take him with me to my country .

I'm looking for new house for my dog from somone that really love and know about this kind of brand.

this dog are very important for me and i really want to find him a new loving owner (i dont want any payment for him).

I live near central bangna so if someone interesting in this handsome boy please contact me as soon as possible at 081-1920708

Attached it's a few pictures of my baby... :o




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I have a 3 years old american pitbull (spicy) very friendly to humans and i love him very much!

unforthntly i will have to leave thailand on the 15.9 and i will not be able to take him with me to my country .

I'm looking for new house for my dog from somone that really love and know about this kind of brand.

this dog are very important for me and i really want to find him a new loving owner (i dont want any payment for him).

I live near central bangna so if someone interesting in this handsome boy please contact me as soon as possible at 081-1920708

Attached it's a few pictures of my baby... :o




reccommended by the ghost of little Ellie, she's the girl whose head was severed in Liverpool by a pit bull

76% of all fatal attacks in states by pit pull or pit bull crosses................thats several hundred deaths, yes they make lovely pets.

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Alsations make better pets than pitbulls, even in the tropics.

Short hair, good with kids, a good temperment and a loyal hound to the death.

Carefull, JimsKnight, with remarks like this. :o I happen to have a 4 year old most sweet and sensitive neutered male stock-haired full-bred GSD looking for a new home. :D:D


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Carefull, JimsKnight, with remarks like this. :o I happen to have a 4 year old most sweet and sensitive neutered male stock-haired full-bred GSD looking for a new home. :D:D

if i could have him at my apartment, i'd take him.. alas im not allowed pets!

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Carefull, JimsKnight, with remarks like this. :o I happen to have a 4 year old most sweet and sensitive neutered male stock-haired full-bred GSD looking for a new home. :D:D

if i could have him at my apartment, i'd take him.. alas im not allowed pets!

Perfect reason to move .... :D

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I thought it was illegal to bring a pit bull into thailand!

Anyone at all owning one of these dogs is certifiabley insane and should be deported for introducing such a potential danger into a country already over run with dog owners( noy dog lovers)

I hear yuh...but it is entertaining to watch litttle furry kittens torn limb from limb by crazed vicious animals with howling humans in attendance...

nice doggy...

Harry Dean Stanton in Repo Man: 'I'm gonna get a couple of pit bulls and a tow truck an' open my own yard...' :o:D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Alsations make better pets than pitbulls, even in the tropics.

Short hair, good with kids, a good temperment and a loyal hound to the death.

I've always been a fan of GSDs, but I'd disagree on a couple of points. Pit Bull and other bull terrier breeds have a much shorter coat and are smaller dogs, therefore coping with heat better. GSD

s are also guard and police dogs, and can be prone to being people aggressive. Pit Bulls are often dog aggressive, which is different to being ppl aggressive. Here's a quote:

A recent study of the medical charts of minors seeking medical attention for dog bites did actually reference the breed involved (as identified by the veterinarian providing proof of rabies vaccination) to the total breed population as could reasonably be determined by administrative district records (Pediatrics, March 2006). The resulting risk index showed that German Shepherd Dogs were 5 times more likely to cause bite trauma than “pit bulls” over a ten year period. It also stated that “we did not identify any of these fighting breeds to be likely to attack more frequently than the average.” http://www.pediatrics.org/cgi/content/full/117/3/e374

Bringing Pit Bulls into Thailand is illegal, but so is importing Rotts (I think), the latter breed has killed several ppl over here, however I'm unaware of a Pit Bull death here. In fact few ppl have heard of them, although there are plenty in Thailand.

In the US and Canada an English Staff is considered a Pit Bull and often subject to breed specific legislation.

Banning dogs has proved ineffective in reducing attacks, while education programs and emphasizing responsible ownership has worked much better.

The fact is any dog can attack and children are the most common victims. Owners should be aware of this, a child should never be left alone with any large dog.

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