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The Heat Is On!


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I have had a problem with chafing and heat rash all of my life and have never found a solution. I shower regularly but I have always been prone to excessive sweating (No matter where my fitness level is at) which is a major factor in this problem. Loose cotton clothing never worked for me. I have used powders with varying levels of success. Fitted trunk style underwear with longer legs delay the onset but it still comes.
Quadriderm, immediate relief ! wonderful stuff,. with me its temperature related,i get over a certain heat, bang up it comes, apply this cream and its effect takes hold immediaatly, at 200 baht a tube its worth a try,.
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Pepe' can you clarify what heat rash is?

is it the chaffing that sometimes occurs around the tops of your legs where your undies are not smooth enough?

I have heard a lot about heat rash but not sure if I have ever suffered from it, as I am not sure what it is.


Put that together with intense heat, moisture, friction and darkness it's common to get secondary bacterial infections that if go untreated can become quite serious staph, strep etc.

Ha, you are probably getting too moist and having too much friction, better take a break from the GF.

Seriously though I think there was a thread about this last year, I am going to find it.

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Daktacort cream (not Daktarin) or local equivalent is excellent. Its a triple action anti-fungal, anti bacteria and anti-inflamatory. Thinly applied twice a day should be gone in a week. After applying use Pricky Heat powder.

The Thai equvalent is just as good and cheaper but I forget the name. Google Daktacort for info.

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