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Short Changing At Pattaya Mcdonalds


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5 baht is approximately 1.5 UK pennies

I've got some £20 notes in a drawer.

Can we do a deal?

1.5 UK pennies = 5 baht [the "SamuiWatch rate" :o ]

100 UK pennies = 5 * 100 / 1.5 baht = 333 baht

333 baht to the £!! Excellent!

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Touche, JetsetBkk - and well spotted - I don't think anyone would short-change you! But I'm glad somebody out there has got a sense of humour. So let's have some more fun with this thread shall we? How much exactly is 5 baht in GBP - USD - EURO - NZD or AUD - come on you distant farangs - get your thinking caps on! Maths were never my best subject - as you all would have gathered by now. Thanks for the post - and BTW where is Shangri-La?

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and BTW where is Shangri-La?

I actually read that book recently. I stayed at the Shangri-La in Jakarta and they give a nice hard cover copy to you free in your room in their exec. floor. The book is called "Lost Horizon" by James Hilton. Sweet little read. And no, Dorothy, Thailand is NOT Shangri-La.

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Touche, JetsetBkk - and well spotted - I don't think anyone would short-change you! But I'm glad somebody out there has got a sense of humour. So let's have some more fun with this thread shall we? How much exactly is 5 baht in GBP - USD - EURO - NZD or AUD - come on you distant farangs - get your thinking caps on! Maths were never my best subject - as you all would have gathered by now. Thanks for the post - and BTW where is Shangri-La?

5 baht is about 8 UK pence.

Shangri-La? You don't really think I'd tell everybody, do you? :D

I actually read that book recently. I stayed at the Shangri-La in Jakarta and they give a nice hard cover copy to you free in your room in their exec. floor. The book is called "Lost Horizon" by James Hilton. Sweet little read.

And an Oscar winning classic film by Frank Capra. :o

Edited by JetsetBkk
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Thai bashing through a forum supposedly dedicated to Thailand and its people is very worrying to me - as it must be for others who love all things Thai. My own experiences are that, generally speaking, Thais are honest, trustworthy and respectable people - especially the women, the elderly and the youngsters. When any Thai salutes you with the traditional 'wai' it is a sign of respect - to you - and when you return it, it is a sign of respect - to them. Thais are brought up, in fact it is drummed into them from a very early age, to show respect for others - it's one of the main teachings of their religion. How a few farang can have the nerve to come up with such unworthy (and disrespectful) comments about Thai people is beyond me. Does it really matter that someone is short-changed 5 baht for crying out loud? Why start a thread with such a miserly comment about such a miserly sum? For all those interested; 5 baht is approximately 1.5 UK pennies - which puts into perspective what we are talking about here. Why not start a thread applauding the Thai people and their way of life. In fact I think I will - just to see the miserable comments I receive - proving beyond doubt that it's probably not the Thai people who have a screw loose - but the odd psychotic farang who must always jump to judge the Thai first - instead of judging themselves first. Posting#8 says it all and shows as nothing else can that not all Thais are robbing rascals - thanks Kit.

I think you have mistaken the UK for Thailand. Thailand is the Axis of Evil. Have you ever been there? :o

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Touche, JetsetBkk - and well spotted - I don't think anyone would short-change you! But I'm glad somebody out there has got a sense of humour. So let's have some more fun with this thread shall we? How much exactly is 5 baht in GBP - USD - EURO - NZD or AUD - come on you distant farangs - get your thinking caps on! Maths were never my best subject - as you all would have gathered by now. Thanks for the post - and BTW where is Shangri-La?

Then you'd better be careful and stayed out of Thailand. Only hardcore criminals survive in Thailand.

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only imbeciles eat at mcdonalds :D

I love Big Macs.

Anytime you want to match wits/IQ, I'm game :D

Without any doubt at all, cdnvic is one of the most intelligent posters on Thai Visa. :D

go back to sleep guys - just having a laugh, so much for trying to have the last word. :o stick as much greasy crap into your mouths as you want. you dont have to be an imbecile to do it, but i am sure it helps.

i went into an internet cafe yesterday and they let me on for free without the minimum 20B charge, as only wanted to check my mail. it can only mean one thing thailand must be one to the most generous societies in the world. dont take my word for it ask any thai. :D

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You keep bashing the forum and its members, yet you can't stay away. Yeah I know a farang ripped you off a few years ago, but haven't you whinged long enough? You moan more than a ladyboy trying to make a convincing show of it. :o

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You keep bashing the forum and its members, yet you can't stay away. Yeah I know a farang ripped you off a few years ago, but haven't you whinged long enough? You moan more than a ladyboy trying to make a convincing show of it. :o

Come on Vic, he did say your IQ was OVER 70. :D

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I don't think anyone would short-change you!

Well, actually I have to admit that I was short-changed in a 7/11 this very week. 4 bottles of milk - 4x36 = 144 baht. I gave 500 and was waiting for 356 change. She gave me 346. I looked at it, and couldn't be bothered to argue - just wasn't in the mood. :o

But I remember her face and the next time I go there I'll get ready to question any short-changing. fighting5rs.gif

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You keep bashing the forum and its members, yet you can't stay away. Yeah I know a farang ripped you off a few years ago, but haven't you whinged long enough? You moan more than a ladyboy trying to make a convincing show of it. :o

Come on Vic, he did say your IQ was OVER 70. :D

As soon as I have my morning coffee it will be true too (barely, but true) :D

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You keep bashing the forum and its members, yet you can't stay away. Yeah I know a farang ripped you off a few years ago, but haven't you whinged long enough? You moan more than a ladyboy trying to make a convincing show of it. :o

I do stay away, when I'm in Thailand.

I was just having some light hearted banter, C'mon Vic, you're from the land of Bubble's, Ricky, Julian and Mr Lahey, you must have some sense of humour, surely. :D

Edited by Maigo6
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You keep bashing the forum and its members, yet you can't stay away. Yeah I know a farang ripped you off a few years ago, but haven't you whinged long enough? You moan more than a ladyboy trying to make a convincing show of it. :o

Come on Vic, he did say your IQ was OVER 70. :D

As soon as I have my morning coffee it will be true too (barely, but true) :D

So I take it you're not in Thailand right now then?

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You keep bashing the forum and its members, yet you can't stay away. Yeah I know a farang ripped you off a few years ago, but haven't you whinged long enough? You moan more than a ladyboy trying to make a convincing show of it. :o

Jeeez, you have absolutely no sense of humour at all, I wasn't bashing you, I was just having some light hearted banter...


You're ad-nauseum rants against farangs and Thaivisa members in general have pretty much negated any chance people will see anything you say as humour. That you can blame yourself for.

You keep bashing the forum and its members, yet you can't stay away. Yeah I know a farang ripped you off a few years ago, but haven't you whinged long enough? You moan more than a ladyboy trying to make a convincing show of it. :D

Come on Vic, he did say your IQ was OVER 70. :D

As soon as I have my morning coffee it will be true too (barely, but true) :D

So I take it you're not in Thailand right now then?

Nope, sunny (hah!) Victoria.

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You're ad-nauseum rants against farangs and Thaivisa members in general have pretty much negated any chance people will see anything you say as humour. That you can blame yourself for.

You sound like my Mother.

That the best you can do? :o

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Morals, ethics and shame are not Thai traits.

Just the way it is.

You aren't meeting the right Thais then.

Been here a long time cdnvic, been in business, married, have lots of experiences with Thais. More than most I assume.

I've met thousands. The list of Thai I consider trustworthy is very small.

Why would you stay in a country like that?

What percentage of Thais do you think have high moral standards?

Better yet, ask some Thais if they feel locals are trustworthy.

really? and how do i know i can trust what they tell me?

personally id like to ask some thais who know you and ask them how trustworthy they think you are.

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Thai bashing through a forum supposedly dedicated to Thailand and its people is very worrying to me - as it must be for others who love all things Thai. My own experiences are that, generally speaking, Thais are honest, trustworthy and respectable people - especially the women, the elderly and the youngsters. When any Thai salutes you with the traditional 'wai' it is a sign of respect - to you - and when you return it, it is a sign of respect - to them. Thais are brought up, in fact it is drummed into them from a very early age, to show respect for others - it's one of the main teachings of their religion. How a few farang can have the nerve to come up with such unworthy (and disrespectful) comments about Thai people is beyond me. Does it really matter that someone is short-changed 5 baht for crying out loud? Why start a thread with such a miserly comment about such a miserly sum? For all those interested; 5 baht is approximately 1.5 UK pennies - which puts into perspective what we are talking about here. Why not start a thread applauding the Thai people and their way of life. In fact I think I will - just to see the miserable comments I receive - proving beyond doubt that it's probably not the Thai people who have a screw loose - but the odd psychotic farang who must always jump to judge the Thai first - instead of judging themselves first. Posting#8 says it all and shows as nothing else can that not all Thais are robbing rascals - thanks Kit.

I think you have mistaken the UK for Thailand. Thailand is the Axis of Evil. Have you ever been there? :o

Edited by SamuiWatch
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Sure I agree that dishonest employees can be found in all businesses in all countries. However, I think it is just not helpful to make such blanket statements that all Thais cannot be trusted or are dishonest. Sure, there is alot of petty dishonesty (ala incorrect bills or change) and massive corruption on the Toxin scale and everything in between. However, in general, for everyday transactions just keep your wits about you, check your bills and change, and you will be alright. In just about all cases, it's usually the opposite, that the cashier takes forever giving out my change because they count and re-count it 2-3 times before giving it to me. I assume this is because they are responsible for any and all shortages out of their drawer at the end of their shift. When you are making B25 baht an hour, that can really hurt if you make a mistake (however, I will allow that it is also a great temptation to short-change the unwitting customer too).

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  • 1 year later...

i have never ever been short changed while in the los, i geniuenly feel sorry for those who have been purposely short changed/robbed.

me and my friends are nearly always polite and give a reasonable tip i think this is why it has never happened to us, we give the lady who runs a street kitchen in central pattaya a 300bht tip because the food and drinks ( milkshakes ) were delicious and the service was brilliant considering she was there on her own, she was so delighted going round us ( must of been 10 or 11 of us ) giving us all a very respectful wai.

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i have never ever been short changed while in the los, i geniuenly feel sorry for those who have been purposely short changed/robbed.

me and my friends are nearly always polite and give a reasonable tip i think this is why it has never happened to us, we give the lady who runs a street kitchen in central pattaya a 300bht tip because the food and drinks ( milkshakes ) were delicious and the service was brilliant considering she was there on her own, she was so delighted going round us ( must of been 10 or 11 of us ) giving us all a very respectful wai.

Wow, some old topics getting dragged up lately.

I bet she did wai too considering you gave her 2 days (or more) wages in one tip.

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