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Thai Males And Children


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Thai people really adore children, and I think all women all over the world naturally love children, but it is always kind of funny to me to see the way Thai men love children. If there is a kid on the skytrain, you see all the Thai men around smiling and looking at it. Western men seem much less smiley and "isnt that such an adorable kid" then Thai males. Even Thai male adolescents seem to have a genuine appreciation of young children. Has anyone else noticed this?

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You know when I see kids I love to play with them , stick out my tongue go cross eyed etc but........... in the west now i would probably be branded a pervert so maybe thats why wetserners arent so keen to play with the kids. I still do it and I dont give a stuff if they think Im a pervert or not its always hilarious!! :o

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I agree. I think Asians are more open, and appreciate the interaction with children. Just as the previous poster, I'll make faces, and stick out my tongue - just having fun. Try that in the US, and you're likely to get knocked on your fanny by an overprotective father.

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You know when I see kids I love to play with them , stick out my tongue go cross eyed etc but........... in the west now i would probably be branded a pervert so maybe thats why wetserners arent so keen to play with the kids. I still do it and I dont give a stuff if they think Im a pervert or not its always hilarious!! :D

I think that is a fairly valid point, the days of innocent fun are long gone. Due, to all of the publicity surrounding peadophiles people are much more suspicious of people, especially males, and a little bit of fun can now easily be misconstrued. It's a great shame and sad reflection of how society has changed in the west. I certainly find that here in Thailand my daughter always gets plenty of attention from people when we are out walking, shopping, eating out and I find so refreshing that there is no suspicion that someone might have an ulterior motive, it certainly makes me happy that this spirit is alive and well and has yet to be tainted by it like it has in other coutries.

Just to clarify the last sentence, I am not saying that there are no peadophiles or abuse in Thaialnd, but I thnk the society here is far more welcoming and respectful of children in general.

Having a bit of a mental block today trying to get the right words out, but I'm sure some people will understand what I'm trying to say. :o

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my thai friend went to germany and while visiting a park he took photos of some kids playing around as they are so cute he said. the parents approached him and threatened him to report to the police he does not delete the photos he took. he was shocked...

in the west, if you are fond of kids you are a phedo... it's crap i know.

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You know when I see kids I love to play with them , stick out my tongue go cross eyed etc but........... in the west now i would probably be branded a pervert so maybe thats why wetserners arent so keen to play with the kids. I still do it and I dont give a stuff if they think Im a pervert or not its always hilarious!! :D

I think that is a fairly valid point, the days of innocent fun are long gone. Due, to all of the publicity surrounding peadophiles people are much more suspicious of people, especially males, and a little bit of fun can now easily be misconstrued. It's a great shame and sad reflection of how society has changed in the west. I certainly find that here in Thailand my daughter always gets plenty of attention from people when we are out walking, shopping, eating out and I find so refreshing that there is no suspicion that someone might have an ulterior motive, it certainly makes me happy that this spirit is alive and well and has yet to be tainted by it like it has in other coutries.

Just to clarify the last sentence, I am not saying that there are no peadophiles or abuse in Thaialnd, but I thnk the society here is far more welcoming and respectful of children in general.

Having a bit of a mental block today trying to get the right words out, but I'm sure some people will understand what I'm trying to say. :D

I thought you stated that pretty well. In the West, protection of The Children TM is being used as a catch-all to limit freedoms and privacy also. An end to innocence indeed. :o

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there are more pedophiles around than most people think so i personally believe it is better to be safe than sorry. that said, thai males ARE children. so of course they love them.

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there are more pedophiles around than most people think so i personally believe it is better to be safe than sorry. that said, thai males ARE children. so of course they love them.

Mmm, not sure about that. I'd like to see some verified research. I agree that there are a fair few around, had the pleasure of working with them, but I think that in the west people are more than aware that they exist, and they have beome extremely wary almost to the point of paranoia. People, now think they are everywhere. I think that if parents use a common sense approach to their children then lots of situations can be avoided. Research shows that most abusers are either family or known to the family.

I'd never say that people shouldn't be cautious, but some of the publicity and the way that the media has handled it has meant that anyone who shows an interest in Children other than their own often get labled as a pervert. Before anyone says, I am not defending paedophiles, in fact I believe that they remain an inherent danger to the public throughout their life as IMO much of the rehabiltation of sex offenders is not effective.

I'd say that that Thai's in general are pretty family orientated hence their respect and love of children, unlike in the West were the breakdown of the family unit has probably led to many of the socail ills and access to vulnerable children. Whilst abuse and peadophilia certainly exist, the media coverage of it in Thailand is far less and not so imbalanced as it is in the west, hence people see the good rather than suspect the bad, and I like that.

I can't think of a better place as a father of a young child to bring a child up, the genuine compassion, friendliness and interest of people is something that us farangs could learn a lot from when dealing with children.

Edited by mrtoad
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I saw this thread just as it was posted & thought what a lovely sentiment. (I'll admit, I'd expected it to be another one dedicated to slagging off Thai men). It's sad, but I guess predictable that it has developed into a discourse on the dangers of being mistaken for a paedophile. What a shame that this is how the world is now, and that men (particularly in the West) are scared to innocently play with or befriend children, in case their friendship is misconstrued. :o

My mother's partner is the same. He's a truly lovely guy, who genuinely adores my little boy, but he won't bathe him or take him to the toilet, or anything similar, just to make sure to everyone that his intentions will not be misunderstood.

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Thai people really adore children, and I think all women all over the world naturally love children, but it is always kind of funny to me to see the way Thai men love children. If there is a kid on the skytrain, you see all the Thai men around smiling and looking at it. Western men seem much less smiley and "isnt that such an adorable kid" then Thai males. Even Thai male adolescents seem to have a genuine appreciation of young children. Has anyone else noticed this?

They really love puppies too. They are less fond of the dogs they become it seems.

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It is an absolute pleasure to be a young father with a son in Thailand. It's a big reason for bringing up a child here. I find the Thais much more openly compassionate to children wherever you are, with the woman (young and old) giving lovely warm smiles and starting a conversation, to the 20 something Thai guys giving you a nice smile to see you with your son walking hand in hand. A guy smiling at us in the West? Yeah right. A woman giving a big smile and coming to hold the little one's hand in the West? Sometimes...but not likely if she's under 30.

Having said that, children "playing up" and bawling is quite the norm in the West, but if your little one plays up on the MRT or BTS here...have a look at the shocked expressions all around! :o

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I agree that there are a fair few around, had the pleasure of working with them, but I think that in the west people are more than aware that they exist

sorry, but that's bullshit. i have known 2 pedophiles in my life, and no one would ever have guessed they were pedophiles. one was a mormon missionary. one was a highly successful designer. both are incredibly charming. monsters wear masks.

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Im going to have to disagree that westerner strangers dont smile and pay lots of attention to kids.

I take my friends kids out every so often, and plenty of people on the street interact with the kids, be it sticking their tounges out, saying how cute they are or offering friendly parenting advice (thinking im the parent).

Cant disagree with the paranoia regarding safety of kids in England, the same kids mentined above never played out in the street until they moved to one of the roughest areas in our region where all the kids play outside.

On the points people have raised about pedos kids are far more likely to be abused by a family member then any stranger.

Edited by howtoescape
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Maybe a old Thai tradition brings the smiles, each child means another source of income for the family, grandparents.

Must be the pension plan in their thoughts.

What you said does not come from nowhere's it's part of the picture.

I just can't understand why so many references to deviants came up in this tread.

Who does not love a baby, even a sight of it, theirs or anyone's?

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Who does not love a baby, even a sight of it, theirs or anyone's?

i am much more appreciative of other peoples children now that i have my own. Before i couldn't really be bothered unless there was some sort of connection.

i think it is great that the motor ike guys on my soi fall over themselves to play with my kid.

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Maybe a old Thai tradition brings the smiles, each child means another source of income for the family, grandparents.

Must be the pension plan in their thoughts.

What a load of rubbish. All you are doing is showing us YOUR mind not the Thai's in question. :o

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there are more pedophiles around than most people think so i personally believe it is better to be safe than sorry. that said, thai males ARE children. so of course they love them.


Thank you...

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Thai people really adore children, and I think all women all over the world naturally love children, but it is always kind of funny to me to see the way Thai men love children. If there is a kid on the skytrain, you see all the Thai men around smiling and looking at it. Western men seem much less smiley and "isnt that such an adorable kid" then Thai males. Even Thai male adolescents seem to have a genuine appreciation of young children. Has anyone else noticed this?

In your face maybe, but my experience is that they care less about or are less interested in their children than many Western people. I am generalizing of course, but how many parents here are, due to their work, separated from their kids?

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I agree that there are a fair few around, had the pleasure of working with them, but I think that in the west people are more than aware that they exist

sorry, but that's bullshit. i have known 2 pedophiles in my life, and no one would ever have guessed they were pedophiles. one was a mormon missionary. one was a highly successful designer. both are incredibly charming. monsters wear masks.

Sorry, that you don't understand what I was trying to say. This was a comment on the media exposure of peadophiles in general and not on personal isolated experiences. Maybe I didn't make it clear enough, but thankfully you have validated what I actually said. Thanks very much.

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Thai people really adore children, and I think all women all over the world naturally love children, but it is always kind of funny to me to see the way Thai men love children. If there is a kid on the skytrain, you see all the Thai men around smiling and looking at it. Western men seem much less smiley and "isnt that such an adorable kid" then Thai males. Even Thai male adolescents seem to have a genuine appreciation of young children. Has anyone else noticed this?

As I read this I am wondering why do so many thai men, who naturally love children as you say, do not take care of their own children? Has anyone else noticed this?

As with everything in Thailand reality is not so easily seen.

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Such sweeping generalizations are usually based on one's own experience. I know more responsible Thai fathers than irresponsible ones so I , naturally, have a different view of Thai fathers. Many of the men I know are actively involved in their kids lives and do take care of them.

Its a pity that it isn't possible for some people to realize that there are all types of men in Thailand just as there are at home. Many US state govts have enacted legislation deducting child support payments from father's paychecks. I am not assuming this was done because a very small minority were irresponsible.

Lets try not to get into the Thai male bashing mode here, it will get this thread closed and posters warned rather immediately.

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As I read this I am wondering why do so many thai men, who naturally love children as you say, do not take care of their own children? Has anyone else noticed this?

Not what I've seen. Just yesterday, I was driving very slowly in a small soi at dusk, and a Thai man was out walking, giving his baby some air. I couldn't help but smile at him because he looked so proud and he smiled back and held up his baby - probably less than 6 months old - for all to see.

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The western media is so in love with stories about pedos that they would like to have everyone believe that any man is just a molester in waiting. So many people fall into this trap that they are afraid to hug their own kids fearing the ACLU or some such group of nannies will try to take them to court. Men need to start acting like men again. What would your grandfather say about what is going on now?? I know what mine would say, but I better not say it here. PC is slowly killing western culture and it needs to be reversed quickly if it is to survive. Education and self-reliance are the real answers but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen soon enough......... :o

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Such sweeping generalizations are usually based on one's own experience. I know more responsible Thai fathers than irresponsible ones so I , naturally, have a different view of Thai fathers. Many of the men I know are actively involved in their kids lives and do take care of them.

Its a pity that it isn't possible for some people to realize that there are all types of men in Thailand just as there are at home.

Agree 100% sbk. Like you, I've had experience (had contact with/been around) of very loving, responsible, caring Thai fathers.

I think that some of the men on this forum who are so against Thai males need to realise that they are only hearing one side of the story from their paramours/gfs/wives.

For all of you guys slagging off Thai men's commitment to their children/their wives/their families/relationships, who have heard these stories from a Thai woman, ask yourself this:

If you were on a date in farangland with a Western woman (single mother/divorced/whatever) and she started telling you how awful Western men are, how she was deserted, how her husband went out drinking with his mates, gambled, never bothers to come & see his kids etc., would you:

automatically believe her & start calling down all other Western men,

or would you perhaps believe her, but think she was just unlucky in her experiences & realise that not all men are like her ex,

or would you just think she was a bitter, man-hating woman?

If your response in that situation would be any different from your response when hearing the same stories here, maybe you should re-examine your attitudes?

Good & bad everywhere. :o

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As I read this I am wondering why do so many thai men, who naturally love children as you say, do not take care of their own children? Has anyone else noticed this?

As with everything in Thailand reality is not so easily seen.

Aghh …another one with “a goody farang knight syndrome”! :o

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girlx you need to take a reality check. There are few out there in comparison, so you had the misfortune to know 2, how many people have you met in your life?

On the points people have raised about pedos kids are far more likely to be abused by a family member then any stranger.

Thats is sadly true.

Back to the OP point yes i've found The Thai men to be more appreciating of children than thier western counterparts.

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