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I just read an artical in the express,which maintains in eight years 1 in 8 britons will be living abroad,over 100,000 every 6 months are leaving

"many people are simply fed up with life in Britain" it goes on to say

todays paper has article about scrapping of HIV tests for immigrants , despite the fact that the UK now spends over a billion pounds on AIDS medications for African immigrants with HIV and full blown AIDS . And that this is likely to collapse the NHS .

3/4 of new infections to heteros are Africans immigrants



I didn't think that there were any AIDS tests for immigrants to the UK ... but what about the illegals? Lots more of them anyway!

I had to have AIDS test years ago to get a visa for the ME to work. Why the ###### is it not needed for visas to the UK?

Why is it not a notifiable disease anyway .... measles is????



Am I detecting a bit of hypocrisy?? A lot of immigrant bashing going on here regarding those who have moved to the UK for whatever reason.

Playing devils advocate for a second.....

Maybe we can apply stricter standards here in Thailand for potential immigrants then, especially if people think that is what they think should be done back into the UK. Here are some proposals:

- No yobs on perpetual 30 day visa runs.

- No more than 6 months in Thailand per year on a tourist visa. Any longer than that, you are not a legitimate tourist and from that point on you are counted as an "illegal"

- You need a degree to get a work permit, only after you have proven that there is no other Thai capable of doing that job.

- You want a non-immigrant visa? Fine, you can have one entry, but at the end of 3 months if you haven't established yourself and extended your stay based on a work permit, legitimate business dealings, family reasons we can kick you out and not let you back in for a year.

- I read somewhere about how someone was whinging about Britain being sold off to foreigners. Well, then why should Thailand then??



Thank you Samran.

My emotions have progressed from depression to fury as i've followed this thread. I am utterly ashamed to share the same nationality with so many rancid bigots that are spewing their odious right-wing filth on this thread.

I have no wish to return to the UK ever. I wouldn't believe what the fascist organ the Daily Express writes, but if that statistic were true and the posters on this thread are representitive of UK expats then the consequence would be (i) it would be impossible to live anywhere in Asia or elsewhere without running into the racists and (ii) there would be a healthy number of immigrants living in Britain filling the chronic skills shortage that the UK needs to maintain its prosperity. In which case it might actually become a pleasant place to live once again.

Okay, to spare you all the effort I'll go and get the fagots and matches right now. :o


oh yeah, forgot this one:

Bloody immigrants, if they come to Thailand they should learn how to speak Thai. No exceptions!


Very good points Samran , but one is missing , the refugees coming to UK, for whatever reason , in the main, bring no skills , no money , no hope to an already overpopulated country.

Does Thailand welcome refugees/illegals/asylum seekers?

Would you prefer them to the current crop of Eurotrash etc?

I agree it is not the fault of the refugee's that their country has become unsuitable or unsafe to live etc. It is not my fault either.

Discuss et tu..


I'd give up if I were you samran.

Let's just hope these numbskulls never have recourse to the NHS which would be non-existent if it wasn't for the legions of unskilled, hopeless sponging criminal Indian and other Asian doctors and nurses. Let's hope they don't pass their twilight years in an overpopulated UK - overpopulated with pensioners and no non-UK born workforce to pay the taxes to pay for the operations on their fcuked up livers after spending their time in LOS drinking themselves stupid and really doing their country proud. :o

I'd give up if I were you samran.

Let's just hope these numbskulls never have recourse to the NHS which would be non-existent if it wasn't for the legions of unskilled, hopeless sponging criminal Indian and other Asian doctors and nurses. Let's hope they don't pass their twilight years in an overpopulated UK - overpopulated with pensioners and no non-UK born workforce to pay the taxes to pay for the operations on their fcuked up livers after spending their time in LOS drinking themselves stupid and really doing their country proud.   :o

I hope you weren't referring to me as a numbskull Andy , there are often 2 or 3 sides to each discussion , I have lived/worked in both countries in question extensively along with 5 others , I rarely use insults in such discussions , or maybe it was some other numbskull you were alluding to?

In my post I was referring to the 50,000 per month that are coming from eastern Europe , not skilled workers from other climes.

You probabaly had your answer typed out even before you read my post.

btw how many right wing racists have Asian partners and happily have adopted their offspring? Hope we meet up in Bangers to continue your rantings , if you are really there? :D


Well, as a foreigner in Thailand I'm happy to agree with all you say Samran! I have no problems with Thailand imposing such conditions. It's their country! Now I only wish the UK would do the same :o

And it seems some people on this forum are rather confused about fascism and racism. Now if I were either of these things, it's very unlikely I would be shacked up with a Thai woman, or that I would give money to charities that benefit Thai people. Too many confused lefties around methinks :D

Too many confused lefties around methinks :o

Absolutely , too many wannabe intellectuals posing as Philosophers , who sadly , have no idea why are what they are doing on God/Buddah's green earth!


Very good points Samran , but one is missing , the refugees coming to UK, for whatever reason , in the main, bring no skills , no money , no hope to an already overpopulated country.

Does Thailand welcome refugees/illegals/asylum seekers?

Would you prefer them to the current crop of Eurotrash etc?

I agree it is not the fault of the refugee's that their country has become unsuitable or unsafe to live etc. It is not my fault either.

Discuss et tu..

What I'd actually prefer is there is a bit of balance in the debate (which was my real intention when I posted).

But it always annoys me when I read some bright spark who has settled in Thailand whinging about how immigrants have "ruined" the place they grew up in or how they take it out on foriegners cause can't find their way around london and are too thick to read a map.

I dunno about the UK (even though I will be moving there soon) but the overwheming experience is that migrants, of all types, provide an overall positive boost to the places they settle.

The thing about refugees is a tough one. As rich countries, I beleive we owe a duty to look after "genuine" refugees who are fleeing perscution in their own countries. No ifs or buts. Thats the lefty in me speaking

As for economic refugees, rather than make them whipping boys or political fodder for fickle politicians, I think we should examine why people moving. The simple answer isn't higher wages/dole benefits that they may get in one country over another, the world just doesn't work that way.

The real reason is that people usually just want to work, and feed their families. Nothing more. People will do anything if it means it will give their family and kids a better future. Looking into why they can't do this at home is something we all need to examine.

I'd argue that if I was an EU country whinging about illegal economic migrants, I'd take a look at my own EU trade barriers and subsidies such as theCommon Agricultural Policy which selfishly protects my farmers to be lazy and unproductive, while a developing country isn't even allowed to export to the UK/rest of the EU if it means that some fat (insert EU nationality here) farmer can't sit around being paid to do nothing.

People whinge about the unfairness of some poor migrant claiming 50 quid a week on the dole. I'd argue whats more criminal is that some British/French/German farmer is being subsidised to the hilt for sitting around and growing something that the migrant could have grown back home for a quarter of the price.


Oh yeah, Thailand was a pivotal player in helping Cambodian and Loations escaping repressive regiemes in their homelands. Admittedly many were moved on to developed countries who were equipped to take them, Thailand didn't shirk its responsibilities.

As for the question, would I prefer a hungry refugee/immigrant willing to build a life for himself or a fat beer-goggled eurotrash slob, I'd say give me the hungry immigrant anytime.


There is marginally less chance of the slob organising crime rings around the country , but stranger things have happened.

Me ? I'm still in the UK , hope you settle here and enjoy the country!



I note that a lot of posts on this topic from cheerleaders of the UK don't actually have a base there, just visiting of will never return and most certainly don't pay tax there.

To them I would say try living there not in the wilds of rural Shropshire but an inner city ghetto with people who have lived and worked all their lives to end up on the scrap heap with no hope and the government saying that they will have to work till they are 70 years old and then get a crap pension.

As for living on "£50" a week that's with the rent paid and council tax taken care of by taxpayers.

Some skill shortage, there might well be in the construction field but as for machine tool fitters etc there is no shortage as there are no more machine tools that need fitting. All the high tech stuff has been exported, the call centres modern day satanic mills are even being "outsourced" to India.

As for me, I have compassion overload for these poor people who have to suffer the indignity of going to the dole office once a fortnight to pick up their beer tokens.

Brings tears to a glass eye.


I’m in my thirties and I was brought up in northern mining community. So many of those sweet childhood memories of endless summers running through fields of golden corn and hiding in the apple orchards – just do not exist.

I remember pick lines shouting “scab” at the buses and riot police everywhere and cold winters because we couldn’t afford to heat the house.

I hate the U.K. it’s grim ugly and has become a jealous society of people peeking over the neighbor’s fence to look on enviously at the new Ford.

I hate the place and I’ll do my best not to return. :o


It ain't bad, the UK - we've got a lot of things to be proud about. It's just that it ain't good either in comparison.

I was offered a job here while in the UK, took a trip over to visit and found the lifestyle to be much better, so I moved. When tempted with a better lifestyle, who wouldn't take up the option?

Love the neck piece. Armed robbery?
Bestiality and sexual deviance actually. It was taken at the Bangkok Hilton.
Looks like Hugh twatface Grant to me

I'm cursed with this face. I walk about looking like a stuck up, smug British <deleted> who's starred in too many bad romantic comedy films.


Samran, while I agree with you that tightening imm laws in Thailand would be great, I resent your comment about me getting lost in London. Are you trying to tell me you've never been caught without a map before? Are you telling me it is unreasonable of me to expect to be able to find someone who can speak my language in my home country???!!!

When you move to England, will you be on Base rate tax or 40 percent tax? Will you, like me then have to pay 260 per month on top of that in NI contributions (if I could opt out, that would get me an outstanding BUPA plan)... and when you fuel up your car at 80 pence per litre (around 60 baht) remember that 80 percent of your hard earned fuel money is going to the treasury.

Enjoy your stay.

Are you trying to tell me you've never been caught without a map before? Are you telling me it is unreasonable of me to expect to be able to find someone who can speak my language in my home country???!!!
maybe I have a better sense of direction that most, but I am usually pretty good in finding my way around. :D

Seriously though, comments like "it is unreasonable of me to expect to be able to find someone who can speak my language in my home country" in my experience have only ever come from the mouth of a rabid right wing politician and bears no resemblance to the truth.

I was in London a fortnight ago, and i have stayed places like Whitechappel and Tooting Bec where finding a native born Londoner is admittedly hard. Having said that, most people spoke english, albeit heavily accented, so I still maintain your comment was a bit far fetched.

When you move to England, will you be on Base rate tax or 40 percent tax? Will you, like me then have to pay 260 per month on top of that in NI contributions (if I could opt out, that would get me an outstanding BUPA plan)... and when you fuel up your car at 80 pence per litre (around 60 baht) remember that 80 percent of your hard earned fuel money is going to the treasury.

Most likely I will. Furthermore, as an economist, I agree with those tax stuctures, and I particularly agree with high taxes on things like petrol, alchol and cigarettes. Futhermore, I probably will end up working at treasury as well. :o


Then you reveal yourself as the highly paid, clueless about street level reality, stuff the proles type that you are. The excuse, for high fuel taxation, being an environmental one... What if you live in the countryside? What if your job means road transport is unavoidable. The public transport network is inadequate compared to say, Hong Kong or France. A car is a necessity of life for all classes in the UK. If the government want less cars on the roads, why do they keep building more roads but have no public transport masterplan?

Then you reveal yourself as the highly paid, clueless about street level reality, stuff the proles type that you are.

ahh a class conscious soap dodger with an chip on his shoulder about education...geez that’s new.

Sorry, I don't subscribe to the view that to have "street cred" and to understand "the real people" in this world I have to be an uneducated moron who didn't get his O levels and reads "The Sun".

But this debate has been had before, and it never goes anywhere.


Not until I've said that street cred is for children, I read the Times and I do have my O'levels... and where the chip about education? I can't see it... and you don't have to be uneducated to be a moron.

... but then, I never did confuse intelligence with education.


Living in GREAT BRITAIN is not that bad, hard to beat the beautiful landscapes, as for the yob culture well perhaps they are all moving to Thailand from what I saw last time I was there. Its so easy for them to stay there with the visa runs being an easy option, we dont have visa runs in the UK. As for the weather its not that bad! Thailand is now one of the worst places in the world for the aids virus, the pollution is terrible one has to gasp for a breath of freshair. Thailand is great for a while but there is no place like home.

there is no place like home.

You can say that again, that's why I am here in Thailand.

People here ask me what's it is like in the UK I tell it's great providing you don't work, be a parasite on the state, breed loads of kids all with different fathers so they can grow up and have an "anti social behaviour order" given to them for making peoples lives a misery.

My accountant lives in a very nice part of Manchester he also a devout churchgoer when I go to see him he was a bit like Queen Victoria who didn't believe that lesbians exsited.

He didn't believe me that there were scumbags who broke into houses rather than work for a living, that is until 5 houses in his road got turned over one morning all the same way of entry, smashed down the patio doors with sledge hammers.

He has since changed his mind about these people.

How about means testing? My elderly aunt worked all her life and was frugal to say the least so she could provide for her old age.

She is now being penalised as she has "too much" money to qualify for benefits that her not so frugal friends get.

So the trick is don't put something by when you are working just blow the lot.

I wouls appreciate the name and address of the optician where I can get some of these rose tinted spectacles from.

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