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Returning To The Uk


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disagree with you on this. Look at the Times 100 richest Britains and see how many of them were born outside of the UK.

Sure I see it all the time, people from the sub continent say "I came here 30 years ago with two suitcases now look at me" what they failed to say what was in those two suitcases.

I am sorry but that is a load of crap.

The Times 100 is not some listing of drug dealers but people who create real wealth and pay taxes. A Brit with any common sense would understand that - the UK is not Thailand where no questions are asked as to how you achieved your wealth.

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Interesting question and very interesting and diverse answers.

From own personal experience as a person born in the UK and have travelled and experienced the world from behind a camera, I can honestly say the country has no future and has lost itself in its past glory.

I do not blame the immigrants, I don’t blame the people but the entire country is in the grip of a few grey haired men in grey suits that steer a grey paths.

I left the UK vowing never to return as the county will have no future for my kids and soon many others will leave as the incentive for life is drained from individuals who try in preference for those who don’t.

To sum up the UK --- Bad weather, bad government, bad rules, bad councils, bad feelings bad service, many restrictions, rules, little Hitler’s in the councils, expensive, dull, boring, speed cameras, Blair & Bush sharing the same brain, traffic wardens, the Dome, tax, tax and more tax followed by more tax and then stealth tax………. and at PETROL at $3000000000.05 a litre

Well its best you go and dont look back should you ever need a new passport.

Loyalty is beyond words and people like you deserve none whatsoever. Please go try and find another country that you are considered acceptable to become their citizen and I suspect you will be hard pressed to find anywhere. Jesus moaning about speed cameras - follow the law of the land and you will have no problems.

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Teach, I was about to go to bed and had logged off and I just read your views on this obviously painful subject.

The empire was lost well before 1939, the world was changing but the UK carried on regardless. There is no point in blaming Europe, Europeans seem more content with their lives they are not so eager to leave their homeland and are less sad on leaving Thailand.

The problem does not with the world but with the UK. The English language has demised to American thanks to films, television and Bill Gates. But the worst thing about the UK today is the jealousy, vindictiveness and the lack of tolerance we have towards each other and fellow humans.

There is bitterness in the air and it reeks of bureaucracy and little people that think their jobs worth more than the lives of others. This Country had pride in innovation and people were proud of being self-employed but no more.

What ever happened to great British industry, the car companies that made Brummies proud of their strange nasal accent, the coal miners: proud people, with lamps on their heads and little tits in cages, and soon the farmers will go.

The proud British Industry has all been replaced by service businesses thanks to a greed-promoting woman who carried her brain in a handbag during the 1980s.

In this mad never-ending circle of 24 Million workforces, 16 Million is directly employed in governmental or council services, which explains the silly taxes paid and the price of petrol at $300000000.05 a litre.

The UK is an island in a shrinking world and just like the Titanic was on collision with an iceberg so is the UK, and its not Europe’s fault, but the idiots that steer.

Good night Teach

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Yeah your right about that bloody woman and the handbag! It is thanks to her that there is rampant out of control housing market. Leaving so many people homeless. It is thanks to her that so much of British industry has now gone to foreigners or to the dogs. Long may she rot in that handbag.

In the Uk we now have me me culture. Partly thanks to her and the imbeciles who kept voting for her. Blair is really not much better, yet labour as it exists today, is a by product of Thatcherism. Having had to radically change it's outlook to cater for the me me masses. My advice to anyone living in Britain who does not like it. Get out whilst you still can!!

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Just arrived HOME in pattaya after a 3 week holiday back in london.

the place still looks great BUT thats about all that was good about it.

as said before, poxy speed cameras, inflated prices and too many bloody refugee's etc.

i'm 31 and i'm telling everyone now it will take a ###### of alot to get me to go back there, especially london.

On the up side i spent a week in our hoilday home in devon, completely unspoilt and had a great time.

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I can think of 300+ reasons to leave the UK. Thats the amount of CCTV cameras in my little part of London that the local authorities can now use for traffic enforcement to issue tickets for parking offences. 4.30 am on a deserted street, not a soul in sight far less a traffic warden and I stop to check a map. My crime, a front wheel on a zig zag. Ticket arrives in the post...£100, but the nice people reduce it to £50 if I pay in 14 days.

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london is a great city ,not a slum as some of you would say

    We have never had it so good , yes their are some bad things but who cares ,i at least love         

        this city.and above all business are booming. How do i know ?  I live here.

As an Englishman I too love my home town London, my country and my fast disappearing culture.

Englishman doesn't for his own reasons and they must be respected. The whole structure of debate is difference of opinion. However, never one to shit in my own back yard I must agree on certain issues that Englishman has.

My last experience in London was between July/Nov last year. living in Chelsea, and a frequent pub goer around Sloan sq. I was dismayed and often appauled at the general attitude of 'Londoners' toward their city. The new breed appear indifferent to the current changes that seem to be dragging us back into the middle ages.

In New York city you can and would expect an air of "###### you brother I'm alright"

but not in London. But I guess it all depends on which level one exists. The nearer to the ground you are the more shit you wade through.

The underground is dirty, no filthy, empty soda cans and Macdonald's boxes strew both the platforms and the trains. Men and women now gobbing everywhere, taxi drivers calling you a miser for not leaving them the change out of seven pounds for 6.20p, 4min fare. London transport buses new recruitment drive-east european refugees training for silverstone. I saw many old and infirm native Lononers cowering in crowds for fear of being run over by the rush of pedestrians who now don't bother pivoting to get by the other, just like in Hong Kong.

London is still a great city, it's the people in it that are ruining it.


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What nobody has mentioned yet is where are they going to live if they do return to the UK.

OK if you have a house there but just look at the property prices now, in the better parts of the South of Engalnd house prices are rising by £1,000 a week and tax free as no capital gains on your own dwelling.

In the parts of Manchester a run down terrace have seen 1000 % (yes 10 times) increase in price over the last 5 years or so.

In Longsight, Openshaw and Clayton these places could have been purchased for £4.000 are now selling at auction for £40,000 and auction prices are at the low end.

Check out the auction sites on the web, a boarded up two up two down terraces house in Moston of all places, guide price £45.000.

Ther are several reasons for this one is the buy to let bandwagon, sooner or later a wheel or two will fall off and then where will they be? Judging by past experience a county court and a repossesion order.

They are finacing these purchases with using their own homes as security, so we are all property speculators now.

What they say is the same as they did during the last boom "my house is worth so much" of course it is but they miss the point it is only worth the price of another house.

Perhaps some of these property speculators should buy a calculator and do the math, £40,000 to buy the property at least £20,000 to renovate to make it habitable.

Just how much rent do they think they will get in return?

£75 a week? It might have slipped their mind but there are such things as rent officers who will set a "fair rent" and there is no appeal from landlords.

It seems to me this is another legacy from the Thatcher era we are all capitalists now, make money by not working.

Yeah right on Maggie.

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The interesting point to emerge is why so many underachieving, half-educated Brits gravitate to this forum with their yobbish and ignorant comments on the royal family, immigration etc etc.I suspect that in many cases these people come from the disaffected lower middle class with little money, educational or intellectual resources.They would have little chance to survive in a competitive environment and thus drift to places like Thailand where standards, how to put it politely, are not so demanding.

Appreciate the positive comments about England, Boris, but.... Steady On!!! :o

Thailand, although a very enjoyable place to live, can also be quite demanding. Unless you've got money flying out your a*se, to make it long term you have to learn the language and make a decent, honest attempt to "fit in". This is what I've found anyways...

Reading the posts of many members of this forum, I believe they've done just that. There's a much larger percentage of people that come out here with the wrong attitude, then find themselves leaving 6 months later pennyless.

I take your point Insight and it's agood one, but I have also read carefully the subsequent contributions to this thread.On this evidence I still adhere, without any pleasure in doing so, that most of the "I loathe the UK brigade" are a rather sad bunch.Incidentally, to the guy who claimed both a Ph.D and a 1st Class Honours degree(yeah, sure), there is no problem at all in criticising the UK royal family, Blair's immigration policy etc, but the manner in which it's done and the quality of argument says a great deat deal about the writer.Didn't they teach you that at your "university"?

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The interesting point to emerge is why so many underachieving, half-educated Brits gravitate to this forum with their yobbish and ignorant comments on the royal family, immigration etc etc.I suspect that in many cases these people come from the disaffected lower middle class with little money, educational or intellectual resources.They would have little chance to survive in a competitive environment and thus drift to places like Thailand where standards, how to put it politely, are not so demanding.

Appreciate the positive comments about England, Boris, but.... Steady On!!! :o

Thailand, although a very enjoyable place to live, can also be quite demanding. Unless you've got money flying out your a*se, to make it long term you have to learn the language and make a decent, honest attempt to "fit in". This is what I've found anyways...

Reading the posts of many members of this forum, I believe they've done just that. There's a much larger percentage of people that come out here with the wrong attitude, then find themselves leaving 6 months later pennyless.

I take your point Insight and it's agood one, but I have also read carefully the subsequent contributions to this thread.On this evidence I still adhere, without any pleasure in doing so, that most of the "I loathe the UK brigade" are a rather sad bunch.Incidentally, to the guy who claimed both a Ph.D and a 1st Class Honours degree(yeah, sure), there is no problem at all in criticising the UK royal family, Blair's immigration policy etc, but the manner in which it's done and the quality of argument says a great deat deal about the writer.Didn't they teach you that at your "university"?

Ok Boris, now put the brush back in the tar.

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Sure I see it all the time, people from the sub continent say "I came here 30 years ago with two suitcases now look at me" what they failed to say what was in those two suitcases.

30Kgs of Smack will generate enough money for a very nice start to the new life.

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London is a superficial place full of callous people who lead hollow lives in pursuit of money and nothing else. God that place depresses me. Every time I’ve set foot off a plane in the UK I become morbid. There seems little joy there anymore if there ever was. And it’s ugly. Bangkok is no picture but it has at least some character.

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Sure I see it all the time, people from the sub continent say "I came here 30 years ago with two suitcases now look at me" what they failed to say what was in those two suitcases.

30Kgs of Smack will generate enough money for a very nice start to the new life.

Hope thats an anti comment Begs considering you have over 500 postings :o

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Here is an example of how batty the UK has gone, I filmed this story for Welsh TV about a guy who built a log cabin in his garden under the permitted development rule.

The building complied to the rules of not exceed 4 meters in height and covered less than 50% of the garden area or curtilage and its use would be incidental to the main dwellinghouse. He wanted it as an office to work from home. He bought the kit from Sweden and erected it himself its had triple glazing, kitchen and bathroom the lot and it looked good, and the council gave him a letter stating that no planning was required.

This was back in 2001, but two years ago he had an accident and broke his legs and pelvis so he could not use the bathroom in the main house so he obviously moved into the log cabin. The council got hear about this and ordered him to move out but he refused so they took out an enforcement notice. He lost against the enforcement as he defended himself and the council ordered him no only to move out of the log cabin but to demolish it within three months and restore the land.

He appealed to the High Court and lost in a big way. The judge awarded full costs against him and he had legal bills of over 90,000.00 UK Sterling

This ruined him he tried to end it all but the Council took him to court while he was in hospital for not compiling with the High Court decision. The magistrates fined him another 2K and gave the Council the rights to pull the log cabin down with cost against him, but the workers were stopped by another council department because the log cabin by now had bats living in it.

Who the ###### wants to live in such a batty country?

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[/quoteWho the ###### wants to live in such a batty country?

Try people from countries where there is no state handouts will do for a start.

I am still trying to get an answer from the bleeding hearts on here as to why people who are in fear of their lives travel through at least five countries where they are not in "fear" of their lives to get to the UK?

I see many people living in Thailand from the West paying their way the next asylum seeker I see from Europe will be the first.

I have no doubt the lack of benefits here has no inffluence on the matter at all.

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what a load of shit...

people come to the UK to work and to earn good money and support their families, they certainly don't come all the way here to claim the measly pittance they get on the dole...

get a life, stop reading the Sun and the Daily f**king Mail and stop believing the poison and bulls*hit that the tabliod newspapers spew out to the masses of Britain

these people have more to offer the UK than the legions of jobless ENGLISH layabouts who think the world owes them a living...

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what a load of shit...

people come to the UK to work and to earn good money and support their families, they certainly don't come all the way here to claim the measly pittance they get on the dole...

get a life, stop reading the Sun and the Daily f**king Mail and stop believing the poison and bulls*hit that they spew out to the masses in Britain

Ahh another expert.

So why don't they stop at France?

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listen, the only reason Britain has got where it is in the world is because we sailed the seven seas and stole anything worth having off everybody else... (India, America, Australia etc etc...)

you can't start griping when people want to come here and start a new life

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listen, the only reason Britain has got where it is in the world is because we sailed the seven seas and stole anything worth having off everybody else... (India, America, Australia etc etc...)

Are you British, Rob?

But anyway, whatever they did, what do you mean by "Britain has got where it is,..."?

Another proof that crime never goes unpunished,... :o:D

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