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Getting Away From The "heavy" Shit


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The best laugh I have had for more than 5 years...I took my Son, he can understand Thai and English... and do you know, we both sat there with tears running down our faces from laughing..it puts life into reality!

Funny how cartoon figures are more believable than anything I watch on TV, Soap operas ..Ugh! - anyone seen it? Anyone with a kid - Where Bart (Baht) is shooting Homer in the arse with a load of bricks on his back as a dare....

If You don't like it fair enough, please don't reply, give me a bit of a chance to enjoy...If you haven't seen it...get out there "Spiderpig" is one of the funniest things I have seen in years!

PS...don't leave when the credits start... there is more...we were the only ones left in the Theatre-and there are a few good gags after everyone thinks its finished..wait till the lights come on!

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I'm going to see it with my daughter.

Get away from what 'heavy shit'?

Some of the posts I previously made regarding the politics here...sometimes it's just nice to forget that shit and take you kids out and ENJOY!

\Take your daughter - she'll love it. It crosses language barriers everything, it is just one good laugh!

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I whole heartily agree!

My wife isn't the best with english however put the Simpsons on and she loves it - same when we lived in England for a year (as well as Futurama). We went see the movie a few weeks back on holiday in Oz and she was in hysterics as much as me.

A real feel good movie that makes you realise why the cinema is such a good experience.

For all the people buying the crappy DVD copies from street hawkers you really don't know what you're missing on the big screen.

Great stuff, if I get chance I might see it again on the big screen in a few weeks when we go Udon for the monthly checkup (wife pregnant) - it's been a long time since I've been the cinema to see the same film more than once!


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Lannarebirth - how can you sleeep tonight?

What became of the pig????

I will be awake for hours now..wondering..

We will get banned from here as we are not "discussing Thailand" LOL, but it was a cracking movie!

My little one wants to go and see Ratattouile" - you saeen it? any good...I just don't want a downer after the Simpsons...it was rated 5 * and the Simpsons was 4* - but I believe the reviewer was a cynic

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Lannarebirth - how can you sleeep tonight?

What became of the pig????

I will be awake for hours now..wondering..

We will get banned from here as we are not "discussing Thailand" LOL, but it was a cracking movie!

My little one wants to go and see Ratattouile" - you saeen it? any good...I just don't want a downer after the Simpsons...it was rated 5 * and the Simpsons was 4* - but I believe the reviewer was a cynic

Well, I don't get much sleep at night anyway....

Ok, here's my problem. I've got about 9 of the 18 years of the simpsons on DVD's. When I bought it you could buy each individual season. Now, I can't find anyplace that sells seasonal installments. Only "the complete series". Well, it can't be the complete series, now can it? As they're still producing new episodes for new seasons. Anyone know where I can buy DVD sets by the season? TIA

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The best laugh I have had for more than 5 years...

I am going through the complete DVD set of "only fools and horses" again. That takes my mind of things.

 Any chance I could buy a copy of those from you?

I was hoping a few characters from the past would emerge, but other than that I loved it.

There were a few characters missingbut god, how long has it been running...Mr Burns and being against suicide ...that was enough for me, and where he had the two buttons- provide power or let the dogs loose...ROFL

The best flick I've seen for a long time.

Was great seeing it on the big screen.

Agree, thought beforehand that they would not put it together as a movie...how wrong I was!

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Lannarebirth - how can you sleeep tonight?

What became of the pig????

I will be awake for hours now..wondering..

We will get banned from here as we are not "discussing Thailand" LOL, but it was a cracking movie!

My little one wants to go and see Ratattouile" - you saeen it? any good...I just don't want a downer after the Simpsons...it was rated 5 * and the Simpsons was 4* - but I believe the reviewer was a cynic

Well, I don't get much sleep at night anyway....

Ok, here's my problem. I've got about 9 of the 18 years of the simpsons on DVD's. When I bought it you could buy each individual season. Now, I can't find anyplace that sells seasonal installments. Only "the complete series". Well, it can't be the complete series, now can it? As they're still producing new episodes for new seasons. Anyone know where I can buy DVD sets by the season? TIA

Not seasons but here in Laos we have the Chinese box sets (in english of course) of all seasons selling for $100. I bought the complete Chinese Family Guy box set for just over $15 - 14 DVDs and that is freakin'awesome . . .

I love them all - Futurama, Family Guy and The Simpsons.

My top 3 would be:

1) Family Guy

2) Futurama

3) The Simpsons

I know - it's sacriliege but for me the more cutting and slight more controversial humour in Family Guy wins its. Bender is probably the best cartoon creation of all time - bite my shiney metal ass! :o

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You know,

I have been here on a permanent basis for about 4 years, visiting for nearly 10, I have read Thai visa for over seven years, and sometimes I get a bit hot under the collar about some of the posts, but I can seriously say, the last few posts regarding the Simpsons have made me change my opinion about a lot of things...you guys ...whatever your opinions on some of the shit that gets dished around, still have GOOD sense of humour, gives a bit of faith in humanity...whatever your political views may be...and that is beside the point...

Good to hear your opinions, you are a long time dead...so let's make the most of it....LOL before we get reborn as cockroaches..LOL..unless you have your Jatukam round your neck.

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God don't talk to me about Southpark...I never watched it before, but when I worked i China, I bought the "long Hard and Uncut" thinking it was a cartoon.

I never watched it until one evenig I came home from work and my son...who was 3 at the time, was dancing round the apartment singing " ###### you up the arse uncle ######er"

My wife undestands a fair bit of English, but she was lost on this, and thought it was great how he was progressing!

Now I have to suffer.." She's a Bitch She''s a bitch..................... apparently acccording to my son I am a "Shit Faced Cockmister"

Well they will learn one day ....sooner or later!

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I love Southpark - that movie was the funniest thing I'd sen for f'years.

I Just Noticed your lovely curls Hilda.....where did you go my love?

Can you meet me back at the Rovers for an 'alf ..I got some cheap Viagra...not sure if its real, but if me dick drops off...we could take it to Weatherfield General..or give it to Ken Barlow

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I love Southpark - that movie was the funniest thing I'd sen for f'years.

LOL, Love the photo..I am sure to get kicked off here soon, but what the hel_l!

Where did you find such a ravishing pose?

You look just like I remember... Baywatch has nothing on you!

And ( I fogot to mention before) Hilda, I for one will guarantee -you never had silicon breast implants...or botox....you were 100% a real woman!

Weatherfields finest...good job that fat bastard Stan died..menage et trois...I think not!

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The best laugh I have had for more than 5 years...

I am going through the complete DVD set of "only fools and horses" again. That takes my mind of things.

Any chance I could buy a copy of those from you?

I have the original box set, including Christmas specials, everything that has ever been done. Dunno how to copy that, don't have a DVD writer.

But it's well worth the investment. Another one for bad days is my "Yes, minister/Yes Prime Minister" - complete as well.

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I was hoping a few characters from the past would emerge, but other than that I loved it.

Some of the voice actors that played the older characters are dead so it wouldn't be the same.

No one is going to replace Phil Hartman as Lionel Hutz for example.

I was thinking more along the lines of Mona Simpson (aka Muddie Mae Suggins), and Herb Powell (aka Unky Herb). :o

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I was hoping a few characters from the past would emerge, but other than that I loved it.


does my hero have a starring role?

He does. In fact, one of the funniest moments before the movie actually starts as the Fox logo appears.

Go see it. It's a great laugh. The Simpsons is one of the greatest tv programs of all time.

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I have read Thai visa for over seven years, and sometimes I get a bit hot under the collar about some of the posts,

yeah, me too... especially when people lie in their posts... :o

btw, The Simpsons was an extremely funny movie and a great testament to the long-living television series.


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PS...don't leave when the credits start... there is more...we were the only ones left in the Theatre-and there are a few good gags after everyone thinks its finished..wait till the lights come on!

Absolutely! This is very important. If you leave before the credits are over you will miss hearing Maggie's first spoken word!

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I have read Thai visa for over seven years, and sometimes I get a bit hot under the collar about some of the posts,

yeah, me too... especially when people lie in their posts... :o

Sometimes it's just a mistake :D

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I have read Thai visa for over seven years, and sometimes I get a bit hot under the collar about some of the posts,

yeah, me too... especially when people lie in their posts... :o

Sometimes it's just a mistake :D

honest mistake.... :D

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