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Hi Blake7, well I'm pleasantly surprised that these language schools are so generous with their commission :D

TGS, it's not that I have faith in you. I just don't want to have to climb over BOTH you and the Nana worm..... :o

But don't just take Blake's idea as the answer to your problems. It might turn out to be a crock of sh*t! (When you start doing your 'research' into this idea you might find some insurmountable obstacle etc). So do keep thinking about other possible ideas..

I'm off to wonderful blighty tomorrow night for a week, but I'll be on Thaivisa, so do let me know if you have any ideas (or if you want anything brought back that is not too similar to a white power etc :D )



(soon to be poorer by several thousand baht...)

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I can't afford to put all my eggs in one basket - I'm a natural pessamist from experience, however - for once I'm not and I will consider a variety of options before diving into anything.

In the meantime I just need to survive and keep my mind active but things are looking up.

I also have a sideline idea that could utilize all the musical energy that has built up over the past three years.

Si, have a good flight mate and I will contact you if I need any brochures brought back that could help toward this... Project; I suppose is a more appropriate word than 'cause'.

If sent a PM to Torn and I will PM Blakey and arrange something.


You need to stop saying "If only I had of...." and start saying, "I will do..."

You may want to consider an "On-line" degree from an acredited (sp) university. You may shy away from this approach because it is "on-line" but let me tell you, it is estimated that 80% of all U.S. colleges will offer on-line programs.

My wife got her masters on line from Texas A&M, and I am currenrtly working on my doctorate, and drawing a 6 figure income at the same time. Gone are the days of 100% devotion to education. You can now work and go to school.

You say you have natural business skills.... Well you say it, but a degree provides the proof. You say you are smart, but the degree is the proof. There are a lot of ineternational business schools in Thailand. Go there, pay little, and get a B-degree, and learn to speak Thai on a fluent level.....

After that, the world is yours....

Sure it takes sacrifice, but that sacrifice is what gets you the money. The pay off and the self esteem boost of an education is well worth it.


:oThe Gentleman Scamp - Did you notice there have been several advs in this forum in this thread:

George was looking for a saleman for thaivisa

Jimbo was looking for 2someones for Phuket

just a thought keeep plugging away.

Read on McScamp

A recent article on education highlighted that Aust Universities were fearing the loss of status/reputation as good learning institutions this loss revolved around the lowering of standards to facilitate the Asian pass.

They (Aust Unis) do not want to lose the Gai that laid the golden egg (well heeled asian students) but unless they (the Gai) pass they will take their $$$ elsewhere, the dilema is how to pass the Gai and maintain their credibility as world class providers of higher education?

Why do I mention this well to me it cries out as an opportunity for a new or already established business to open or branch into "not teaching english" but rather open a new course called for want of a better title "understanding english"

Please bear with me - eg. My 17 year old stepson after some 4 years+ in Australian schools is now starting to understand english most of the understanding has been gained in the home environment or after school with my mum, brothers kids, his mates TV etc,

Recently out of the blue I stated - "The early bird gets the worm" - then asked him

what do I mean by that??

He replied " If I go to town early to buy tickets for the concert I will get the good seats"

Yet the TAFE considers a 3 month intensive stint in English (reading & writing) at this stage will do him the world of good with regards to understanding written assignments etc. - I agree and also think he needs a course in self esteem!(the cultural Thai reservedness hold many a student (all nationalitie} back.

Don the thinking caps - how often as a teacher, instructor, manager have you known known your charge/s know the answer but will not spit it out (multiply this by 30+ for a student in the classroom full of peers)

Hence understanding is what the majority of TOFL passers lack - I hope Leigh reads this as I am sure he will pass it onto James. There are extra $$$ to made I am sure.


Mijan24 :D

:oThe Gentleman Scamp - Did you notice there have been several advs in this forum in this thread:

George was looking for a saleman for thaivisa

Jimbo was looking for 2someones for Phuket

just a thought keeep plugging away.

Read on McScamp

A recent article on education highlighted that Aust Universities were fearing the loss of status/reputation as good learning institutions this loss revolved around the lowering of standards to facilitate the Asian pass.

They (Aust Unis) do not want to lose the Gai that laid the golden egg (well heeled asian students) but unless they (the Gai) pass they will take their $$$ elsewhere, the dilema is how to pass the Gai and maintain their credibility as world class providers of higher education?

Why do I mention this well to me it cries out as an opportunity for a new or already established business to open or branch into "not teaching english" but rather open a new course called for want of a better title "understanding english"

Please bear with me - eg. My 17 year old stepson after some 4 years+ in Australian schools is now starting to understand english most of the understanding has been gained in the home environment or after school with my mum, brothers kids, his mates TV etc,

Recently out of the blue I stated - "The early bird gets the worm" - then asked him

what do I mean by that??

He replied " If I go to town early to buy tickets for the concert I will get the good seats"

Yet the TAFE considers a 3 month intensive stint in English (reading & writing) at this stage will do him the world of good with regards to understanding written assignments etc. - I agree and also think he needs a course in self esteem!(the cultural Thai reservedness hold many a student (all nationalitie} back.

Don the thinking caps - how often as a teacher, instructor, manager have you known known your charge/s know the answer but will not spit it out (multiply this by 30+ for a student in the classroom full of peers)

Hence understanding is what the majority of TOFL passers lack - I hope Leigh reads this as I am sure he will pass it onto James. There are extra $$$ to made I am sure.


Mijan24 :D

Hello, and thankyou by the way.

I've responded to two of George's ads so far, the Radio Bkk one and a recent one which I had no reply to.

I will look into the others and as for the 'Understanding English', and explaining the meaning of coloquialisms and phrases, well that would suit me down to the ground.

When people learn English from school, uni's books etc, it is always formal English, even the informal English seems to be formal-informal English and the way we speak and our use of phrases and even mild slang to an extent is only ever learned when Thai's move abroard or spend lots of time in farang company.

I have just been ripped off the 7,000 baht I was owed by my old boss. She denies it and has wrangled her way out of it and there is nothing I can do. Theres no point in complaining or getting upset - it's not my country and even if it was - people get shat on.

I've yet to meet a couple of the previous posters who have offered to help but I need to get on my feet again before I can persue anything.

Right now I am struggling to survive and worrying about my rent... I do not want to ask friends, family or anyone for money but do not want to fly back to England - there's nothing for me there.

I have some private tuition tomorrow and I work 18rs a week at a school but it's just bits and pieces of work here and there and doesn't pay by the day anyway.

I could create a very impressive looking business card but would not know how to start the business which is where the advice from the last two pages comes in.

One of the posters on this thread is a millionaire who came here with nothing, so if you can come from not having a pot to piss in to having a business it proves it's possible.

I just have to find my feet... I already know how to run.


To the Gentlemen Scamp I honestly wish you the best of luck, remember sometime you need to create your own luck!

Quote of the Day

“Nobody got anywhere in the world by simply being content.” - Louis L'Amour, author

I am currently in Australia due to a family matter but read an add on Baht & Sold to which I responded via email and subsequently purchased a Kawasaki 150 motorbike in Bangkok - The chap I bought it from was amazed, I would buy something sight unseen send the money (banktransfer) and have some Thai friends pick it up for me.

The point of my rendition is just that sometimes you have to take a risk and always remember "If you dont ask then you dont give people (companies) the chance to say know. Eventually one or more will say Yes.

I commend you on the spunk it took to post your position on this forum and I would also commend the members of the forum on their responsiveness to an honest down to earth post by an obiously open down to earth person.

For all their (thai visa members) flaming they know how to sort the chaff from the hay.

Regards & all the best look forward to having a beer with one day

Mijan24 :o


''rodney ,this time next year we ll be moillionaires " scamp ,IMHO you should forget the schemes that lead to riches and just try and get on with making a living . so you dont enjoy your job , so what ?? most people dont . you say a reasonable living with income of 30-40 thousand baht . an average thai wage ??? i think not .. if you want to stay in thailand , become more accustomed to living as thais live . my income is nowhere near that ,and i support the 2 of us easily . i accept i cant earn the money here so go overseas for it each year . yes its an ###### to leave ,but its something i need to do to take care of me and mine . sacrificing MY wants for the short time is something i am prepared to do ( being an ex soldier helps ) and then when i get home to LOS ,i have no worries about finding money . youve obviously got much more education than i have ,surely there is a short term job you could do each year that would cover your living expenses for the year . doubles as a trip home to see family also ,chance to renew visas etc . just another option . :o

''rodney ,this time next year we ll be moillionaires " scamp ,IMHO you should forget the schemes that lead to riches and just try and get on with making a living . so you dont enjoy your job , so what ??  most people dont . you say a reasonable living with income of 30-40 thousand baht . an average thai wage ??? i think not .. if you want to stay in thailand , become more accustomed to living as thais live . my income is nowhere near that ,and i support the 2 of us easily . i accept i cant earn the money here so go overseas for it each year . yes its an ###### to leave ,but its something i need to do to take care of me and mine .  sacrificing MY wants for the short time  is something  i am prepared to  do ( being an ex soldier helps ) and then when i get home to LOS ,i have no worries about finding money . youve obviously got much more education than i have ,surely there is a short term job you could do each year that would cover your living expenses for the year . doubles as a trip home to see family also ,chance to renew visas etc . just another option . :o

Trying to make ends meet is what I'm trying to do now which is the problem because I have to focus on that and don't have the mindset, time or money to make business cards or phone the universities.

The teaching job I'm currently doing is actually ok, it's just that it's only 18hrs a week and very far from where I live and nowhere near enough what I need to live on to have a half decent life which is about 25-30k a month.

I would love not to be single, and probably wouldn't spend as much either but poverty (maybe too strong a word at this stage) has forced me to find cheaper food and stand up on hot buses and in the long run, i.e. when I am back on my feet, it will make me appreciate my western lifestyle more.

Okay, here's where it all went wrong...

The teaching agency I was working for (who had said they would get me a work permit) had written me a letter to take to England (when I returned home in March) to get a 3 month visa from the Embassy in London - but it wasn't possible.

It transpired that I could have got one from the Thai consulate in Birmingham and that the London Embassy are known for being difficult and less than freindly, however, by the time I knew this it was too late so I'm now here 30 days at a time and I've always used the same tour company for the Poi Pet visa runs at a cost of 2,000 a month.

On my visa run prior to the most recent, I met a young Aussie guy who had started a teaching agency with his Thai GF so we exchanged details and I quit my previous job teaching kindergartens last month as it was causing exhaustion, depression and worst of all - severe insomnia and it was time to move on.

As much as I hated it, I didn't leave my boss in the shit and gave her the two weeks notice she asked for but she only paid me for one week saying I'd get the rest at the end of July... She's now saying she gave it to me already but she didn't, and I was relying on that for my rent which was due today.

To know the company you would think it was very professional and well equipped but I never had a payslip.

The new company (A bloke called Chris and his girlfriend) seem genuine and have so far paid me for a short stint of private tuition and have found me this new school that takes me almost two hrs to get to each morning, but there was a one week gap where I wasn't working because the ideal sounding teaching job they did have (that was the catalyst for me quitting the previous job) had gone to another teacher during the two weeks notice I was working... It turned out they couldn't wait for me.

So after a week I got this new school, taught for two days and had the rest of the week off due to rehearsals for some production - another major financial setback.

It's a big comprehensive school and teaching young adults is something I am much more suited to, however, it's only 18hrs a week and it's via ANOTHER agent so I'm on less than 20k a month which I have to wait a month for.

It's supposed to be a temporary position lasting a week but I have put my creative efforts into classes, proved popular with the kids so now the teachers think I'm the best thing since sliced durian and have asked me to stay until the end of term - another month I think. I had no other option and I do like the school so I accepted.

I will survive and the kind and positive postings here have given me inner strength and all that stuff and I will have to do everything I can to get myself out of the quagmire before I can concentrate on doing something better and being a little richer.

As for borrowing money, I would lose self respect if I did that and I'm thirty years old and it was my decision to come here and I should get myself out of this mess. There are people that would help me, but as grateful as I am it would be a cop out - especially at this stage as it's not a metter of life and death.

If I had to borrow money then I would ask this Chris bloke or his girlfriend seeing as they helped get me in this mess - where's all this work they said was pouring in?

Regarding moving out of my apartment, it is actually the cheapest deal I could get for a place that includes a fridge, microwave and TV and if I moved out now, my deducted rent would leave me with bt 2,300 from my deposit - not enough to get a new place.

Going back to England? I certainly couldn't go back to living with my (foster) mum after fifteen years so it would be kipping in a mates spare room and working behind the bar at the pub like I did for the two months I was back earlier in the year. I have a changeable ticket to go back but I wouldn't be able to save much.

I have just over bt 3,000, on me, and bt 2,000 owed to me by a travel magazine for my contributions, and bits of tutorial work popping up here and there.

I thankyou all for your suggestions so far no matter how useful or not - just thanks for giving me support and keeping the flamers away.

It's going to be a struggle and a challenge but one that will make me look back and learn one day and smile, and if the day comes when I can look in my wallet and keep a relitavly sustained smile, then the beers are on me. :D


TGS, hang on in their mate! No matter how bad it looks now, life could be 100 times worst :o If I wern't in blighty right now I would take you down the pub for a good meal and a few bevvies.

In the short-term, are you not able to find some more teaching work from Ajarn.com? After all, you are teaching now, so a potential new employer should feel confident that you can do the job.

See you soon


PS - It's 29 degrees here right now! Just like LoS but only fat women here :D



I've only posted one thing on this forum before but I read it everyday, and you have prompted me to write on it again.

Firstly, I'm not moaning about you man, but you have gotta get yourself sorted out soon before you go down the plughole back to the green grasses of home.

You know I met two people who I have known a while, one of them has got into teaching again, (he taught over here for a few months a number of years ago), he's bringing in 50 000 a month (through private teaching as well), work permit sorted and he has no eduaction to speak of, no university, not even sure he finished school. And before everybody jumps on at me saying these people shouldn't be teaching if they are not qualified blah de blah, then I have to add everybody says he's an excellent teacher, and I can well believe it from knowing him and how he is with the Thais and kids alike. He just completed a 2 week extra training course as well (I think to cement the work permit).

The other guy has only been over here for 4 months, been in the pub most nights and decided to stay on teaching. Again, no real teaching qualifications, though to be honest I don't know if he went uni or not, he walked into a 35 000 a month job.

What I'm saying is you reckon you only need 25-30 000 to survive, there are plently of teaching jobs that pay more than that out there. Your a native english teacher, got plenty of Thailand experience, and teaching experience, why don't you just take a week off posting on this forum and do a proper search looking for work. I'm sure that once you find a well paid job that your happy with, your life will be buzzin out here. What I'm saying man, and I don't wanna be rude so don't take it as offensive, and I always enjoy reading your posts, but you GOTTA GET OFF YOUR A*** MAN, wake up and start calling people and networking and be smart enough to find these 35000 - 50 000 baht teaching posts.

Anyway, good luck mate, I'm 27 myself, and felt at that weird "what the f*** has happened to my life age" myself. It's like I hit a mid life crisis 20 yrs too early. I might just keep posting now and get into this community, a lot of cool people here.

ps. I see on your other topic you can't find spuds, you gotta get down the carrefours, always got them there, top notch bread as well. And the tesco tomatoe soup is not too bad either.


I am in the process of moving to LOS, trying to formulate my plan for business, and my future....working on ensuring that I do not end up in the spot Scamp is in. I know I can identify with your situation, and I wish you the best.

Simon,I am not rich, but, I could certainly kick in a few bucks :D PM me if you will be meeting Scamp, maybe I can work something out. I will be in BKK end of this month. If I am ever in this spot...I would like to think someone would help.....instead of telling me to go back where I came from. It's shameful.

This is what this board should be more about I think....helping people in similar circumstances. Not necessarily with money, but, advice they can use....not all that flaming nonsense.

Good Luck :o


Now this is that rare genre of thread which is critical in a helpfull way and supportive.

Nice to see.

Here's my two satang:

Gent Scamp, yes, do get over to ajarn.com and get networking. You certainly can (and will) do better than 18k per month.

Immediately inform your landlord you'll be late on the rent and take it on the chin. Bring 1000 baht as good faith. They just may cut you some slack and you'll have alot of stress temporaily lifted. At least you'll know where you stand.

Starting today, get out of your apt for at least one hour. I know it's tough to find a greenspace in Bangers but find something suitable and walk it off, regularily. Turn off the TV for a bit and instead make notes on your goals- you may see a 'map' forming after a while, with directions on howto get there.

Inform a trusted friend or family member of your post here. You sound like someone alot of folks probably care about back in the UK and you owe it to yourself and them to 'let them in'. You may be pleasantly surprised at the result. No pride lost, rather gained.

-I liked Tornado's comments regarding- 'we'll have to change that (pessimisstic attitude) mate'. Kudos Tornado.

-Mijan, glad the bike thing worked out. Alot of that going on it seems (leaps o' faith). Good stuff. Buyer beware et al (of course) still applies tho.

Also to Mijan and others here, excellent posts.

Gent Scamp (great name btw) keep the chin up mate and keep us posted. Better days are ahead. Take care, take charge and no letting up.

Bloody well done all

Now this is that rare genre of thread which is critical in a helpfull way and supportive.

Nice to see.

Here's my two satang:

Inform a trusted friend or family member of your post here. You sound like someone alot of folks probably care about back in the UK and you owe it to yourself and them to 'let them in'. You may be pleasantly surprised at the result. No pride lost, rather gained.

-I liked Tornado's comments regarding- 'we'll have to change that (pessimisstic attitude) mate'. Kudos Tornado.

Bloody well done all

I second that last comment... There was me thinking that this thread had more than achieved it's aim and was ready to sink into the archives.

I have been taking all the private tuition I can get and am working seven days a week which (being single) is lonely to say the least, but it means I am saving as well as earning money.

My rent is now paid, and if I am careful I can survive the next month and maybe even go out for a drink once a week.

The school and the private tuitions are very far from where I live and the travel really takes it out of me but I'm getting there, and at the moment, 'there' is back where I was before things went wrong, my aim is to overtake that.

I did inform my mother of this thread but got no response and after being ripped off the 7,000 from my previous boss I decided to ring her. She hadn't given me her opinion on this thread because she didn't have one and knew nothing about working in Thailand.

Regarding Tornado and Simon 43's very kind offers she told me I was being rather nieve and gullible which angered me because I've met enough bullshitters in my time to know the hay from the chuff so to speak, was really put petrol on the fire was being told to live in the real world. As far as I'm concerned, being independent and surviving in a foreign country is about as real as it gets.

I reluctantly insinuated I could do with a financial leg up, and she would have done had I lost face and asked her with enough desperation, however it turns out I didn't have to because I had a call for work the following day and was also told I could be paid for the bits of work I had done at the end of July and that there was plenty more if I wanted it.

I may e-mail this link to my father although by doing so I would be risking the embarrassment of him becoming a member and joining in. :o

I have been in contact with Tornado who is currently out of the country until Xmas which is a shame as we didn't have a chance to meet up before he left.

He sounds like a great bloke and has said he may be able to sort something out for me after Xmas which would mean re-locating and adapting to beach life which would suit me just fine. In the meantime I will continue the teaching and saving and hopefully meet up with Simon for a drink and a game of 'business idea tennis' when he returns to LOS this week I think....

  You know I met two people who I have known a while, one of them has got into teaching again, (he taught over here for a few months a number of years ago), he's bringing in 50 000 a month (through private teaching as well), work permit sorted and he has no eduaction to speak of, no university, not even sure he finished school.  And before everybody jumps on at me saying these people shouldn't be teaching if they are not qualified blah de blah, then I have to add everybody says he's an excellent teacher, and I can well believe it from knowing him and how he is with the Thais and kids alike.  He just completed a 2 week extra training course as well (I think to cement the work permit).

He sounds just like me!

I want so much to be legal, and yes, I do worry who might be reading this but at the same time I also know that I'm offering a good and needed service to one school and three private students - (one who has just called me to thank me for giving her the confidence to do her speech) - so I'm just the victim of a rule that is far to tight and needs losening in some areas.

I got out of teaching young kids to get away from the association and aquaintance of 'dosser teachers' and I'm much more suited to comprehensive and adult tuition and it's great to feel I'm helping people, it's great to be told I'm doing a great job, it's great being popular and it's great wearing nice long sleeve shirts and decent ties, knowing that they are not going to get drenched in sewat and peppered with chalk dust after a day of shouting orders and singing 'Head, shoulders knees & toes'.

My three month visa is the next step, a bank account is being opened for me and when those are sorted I want to concentrate on getting a work permit, though I'm not sure how I'd get one for private tuition and I'd be very interested to know how I can get one without a degree.

I have been told you can pay 7,000 to a company who will put you on some register to get a work permit, but that sounds just like getting a fake degree and that's so not what I want to do... I shouldn't have to pay for a work permit or aquire one in a slightly unorthodox or dodgy way.

I want everything to be legal and above board.

I wish I could meet the powers that be in the Thai government and tell them my situation and prove to them that despite not having a degree I am certainly a worthy and useful expatriate and the sort of guy that they would want teaching their people... The head of language at my school has even mentioned fixing me up with her daughter, a suggestion I hope was a friendly joke. :o

Of course, I'm far from perfect, but I am a good foreigner and the gratitude I have for waking up in Bangkok every morning is reflected in my unrelenting respect for Thailand and it's people.


I will be seeking advice regarding the wk permit on this very forum at some point and if the powers that be read this and have me deported then it really is a very cruel and unfair world and it would be their loss as much as mine.

I am hoping, however, that they are an understanding bunch who acknowledge the fact that I will be fully authorized soon enough and that at this point they have bigger fish to fry.


This is the 2nd post that I have seen you mention getting a 3 month visa. Exactly what kind of visa are you refering to. I have not heard of a 3 month visa.

This is the 2nd post that I have seen you mention getting a 3 month visa. Exactly what kind of visa are you refering to. I have not heard of a 3 month visa.

The information I've had has been rather vague so I need to do my homework on this before getting a train or especially a flight to Malaysia or Vientiene.

I've been informed that a letter from one's employer is the main item of paperwork required to get a visa that is valid for 90 days instead of 30.


but scamp if you havent got a work permit dont you think you are going to get ya self in deep doodoo.as you cant have a job without work permit

i think that maybe you are thinking of a non immigration business visa see http://www.thaiconsul-uk.com/ also check out the hull consul postal service (Only to uk address's) if so you do need to seek advice as i believe these to be difficult to get from asia countrys, but i may be wrong.


It is of upmost importance to me to get a work permit for this very reason and it is not easy but it's possible, I just need to find out how.

Unfortunatly I need to support myself while sorting out all the legalities which puts me in this slightly risky catch 22 situation for the time being.

At least I'm trying, there's many who don't bother who take life out here for granted and assume that nobody really gives a toss.

The law is too black and white and foreigners wishing to live and work here should be vetted and interviewed to assess if they are 'worthy' of being here.

Unfortunatly that isn't the way things are and the law is the law.


Scamp, I'll add my two baht's worth. It seems that a lack of degree is nagging at you and you don't want to return to the UK. I would understand.

My younger brother enrolled at Asumption University in Bangkok in the faculty of business and earned a bachelor's degree in international business in 4 years all the while living (and working, teaching English on the side) happily in Bangkok. It was much, much cheaper than what he would have paid at a US university. The tuition for the 4 year degree was about $US 7,500 which is around 300,000 Baht.

In the US he would have had to pay anywhere from $20,000-30,000 for the same degree. It is a fully recognised degree worldwide. When he finished, about 5 years ago, the US was not in good condition economically, but he found work. A few jobs later and now he is working for Levi Strauss in San Francisco.

Going to school at ABAC you could stay here on a student visa and continue working and living in Bangkok without missing out on the 'action.'

Just a thought.

P.S. Just think of all the chickadees you'd meet there!



I totally agree with u. I am sure your bro. is very proud of his degree, and I am sure his VITA/Resume always floats to the top of every application stack it has been in.

The rariety of a B. degree from Thailand from and Anglo.... WOW that would be something. I aslo hear tell that Thailand B. schools are extremely good.

I tell people all the time, the world can be yours, with sacrifice....


Hi there,

New to this forum and after reading this thread , decided to register and add a post.

My situation is actually worse than scamp’s. Been here 3 ½ months but not managed to find any work. Until April I’d been working in Engineering management in Asia for 11 years and when parted company with last company decided to try my luck here (have Thai gf of 5 years so strong reason for being here), whilst also contacting all my previous liaisons to see they had any going. Still waiting on one or two, but not looking good. Registered on a couple of job search engines and read Bangkok post every day (seems unlikely anything will come from there). But so far, alas, no joy.

To be honest now I’m getting to that stage where I may well just have cut my losses and head back to blighty, but you can imagine how tough it’ll be after 11 years of Asia.

Anyway the thread has provided very useful information and even lifted my rapidity sinking sprits. Given me a more positive outlook and made me more determined to remain in the los with me girl.

Hope your situation works out scamp


Hello Scampy, I hope things are going well for you?

I have a business plan for the ideas we were chatting about (well I jotted a few notes on the plane :o ) The new year will bring good fortune - hang in there.

My best advice would be to get out of Thailand as soon as possible

You need to get back to reality and England could a be good start

a dating agency and a web shop ???? pleeeaaassseee

how many loser farangs have started those businesses and got broke ? a few thousands is a low estimate

You don't become a HTML guru overnight and you can get excellent work here for less than 500 B a page. No future for farangs there, only Thais can survive on those low fees

Its good solid advice you're getting here. Although it might not be what you want to hear!



I sincerely wish you the best of luck and although I can't help with an engineering job you may make a good teacher.

I know the money isn't great and it may not be what you want long term but it could keep you going until you found something you did want.

PM me if you would like a contact or more info.


With all due respect, it's not good solid advice, it's bad, spirit extinguishing, negative advice that's only shared with one other contributor to this thread - but it's your right to reply.


Good to hear from you mate.

Things are okay - I'm still struggling, although not as much, and best of all I'm much happier and the glass is half full these days.

Looking forward to the future and will contact you soon. :o


With all due respect, it's not good solid advice, it's bad, spirit extinguishing, negative advice that's only shared with one other contributor to this thread - but it's your right to reply.

Ok maybe its not the best advice for you; I'm now writing with a bit more knowledge about the conversations had.

However I feel that you're going to find it hard to maximize your potential out in Thailand. The UK is a hard place to beat from the work and study points of view. Though I grant you, the quality of life (unless you're extrmely wealthy) leaves a lot to be desired.

As for businesses in Thailand all I can offer is 25 years of IT expertese. If anything you come up involves this area I'm happy to lend a hand.

As someone said if you really want it you can do it!

Good luck...


Maybe Bangkok is not the place for you, maybe the islands might give a better choice?

I know that places like Samui (where I live) have rapidly expanding tourism which results in a lot of associated work. For example the foreign owners of the villas here often rent them out while they are away, this requires marketing (via websites), local property management etc. There are also a lot of westerners coming for holidays and deciding to invest (in property), there is definitely a market for someone to show these people around, explain the options etc.

This is not a new idea - there are several sites and local companies already doign this. However the people with houses to rest/land to sell are not limited to only one 'shop' and the pay can be quite high - a deal including (single) web site presence, maid, airport pickup and property management would typically cost 25% of the rent. When the rent is over 300 US per night you don't need to rent very many to make enough to survive...



I've isn't there a high demand for English Techers these days?? I am conistantly being offer a teching job even though i cna't spell worth a ######, and my gramar is as good as grade 9's english essay.

I used to teach english for SIAM computer school, okay pay, and was offer to work in their college, can't remember what its call, but it seems like a decent wage, and it won't be that hard to get too aswell.

but i have to say, u should find another job other than teaching english. i undertstand that it is an job for now, but what of the future?

for me i took a lower wage job but doing something i like. i suggest you try to do the same aswell once u get yourself together.

and for the chix situation, for get about them and worrie about yourself first. thaigirls are easy to find trust me. there are soo many down to earth girls here, u don't need money to get a nice girl here in BKK.

i was having a hard time in thailand too about 2-3 months ago, when i can't find a job. but once u get a job, it seems like everyone wants to hire u. so hang tight... and just think of what you really want to do.... i mean REALLY want to do with your life... one must set goals and dont be affride of changes!! changes can be good



an oh just one more thing, educaiton is view highly here. But u finsih school high school from UK and have done some post sec. its all good, just have some confidence in yourself.

i don't even have a degree and i am choosing and picking where i want to work. what i find in thailand, is that you have to sometime act cocky to get what you want, errr for that matter anywhere in the world.

but what im trying to say here is don't stop yourself short because you don't have a degree. remember your biggest asset is your command of the english language. and that my friend is worth more than some University degree here in thailand,

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