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Can anyone explain why? I'm not talking about the sois of BKK but all the other places in Thailand.

A Thai person has a dog. The dog is not allowed in the house - it has to stay outside, but develops a territory, usually close to the house that feeds it.

The theory is - I suppose - that the dog will bark if a stranger comes by.

OK the dog barks. What do the Thai owners do - rush outisde with a shotgun? No. They ignore it. Totally.

Not so long ago, one of the dogs close to me went into AUTOBARK. Woo woo woo woo ... pause woo woo woo woo... pause - woo woo woo woo and so on. For two hours. For no reason other than it was looking at the moon - or was bored - who knows.

It woke me at 3.am and after 30 minutes I was so annoyed I took a chunk of timber and went after it.

I chased it round its house for 3 or 4 minutes, whacking at it with the wood and chucking rocks and yelling at it.

Not one light came on and not one person came out to yell at me. (or shoot me)

They don't train them, they don't cuddle them, they don't love them and they ignore them completely.

So WHY do Thai people have dogs?

Any ideas?


Maybe it's like car alarms. No one pays attention when they go off, but studies still find that thieves tend to avoid alarmed cars. The thinking is that theives are worried about bringing attention to themselves so they pick easier targets.


There is also the solution of buying an ultrasonic anti-barking device. A quick internet search will give you several online shops. I've never tried them but did consider doing so when I moved in because the neighbours two large german shepperd where barking at anything. They are much quieter now.

They very often bark at me when they see me, and recently I came close to them (I do like dogs, and these are quite nice) with the palm of my hand down. They where really barking loader as I was approaching, but as i was just behind the fence, they stopped altogether! They turned their back and sat down. It looked to me as if they saw i was not afraid, and simply gave up; big mouths and no balls!

For the anti-barking device, I think you need a line-of-sight. High frequencies don't travel well around corners.

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