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The Nana Worm-man...

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I haven't seen him for a few days but most of you in Bangkok should know who I'm talking about when I talk about the Nana worm-man.

Sometimes I feel that we get so used to beggars, that we don't actually appreciate how lucky we are.

That poor one legged son of a bitch must have very tough skin on his stomach after sliding along the filthy Sukhumvit pavements for so long, wet and dry and lower than the soi dogs.

He can barely look up if you do drop a penny into his cup and next time you see him - wonder what his childhood was like, what he does at the end of a night, where he lives and what he will be doing when you're in your lovely hotel room with your beautiful wife/girlfriend or escort drinking Margharitas and watching HBO.

Makes me feel better when I feel like moaning about the fact that I am currently in financial dire straits for the first time in LOS.

In fact, when my situation is a little better - maybe a few of us could get together, track down the worm-man and take him out for a half decent meal and a beer?

Either way, spare a thought for the Nana worm-man and next time you see him, give him a biscuit or something.

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Nice thoughts Scampi,

I used to give money to some of the Garbage sorters in Pattaya, only 50 Baht or something, enough for the two of them to buy some food. Although i used to give the money to my Girlfriend to go and give them, as they where actually working.

And when i used to sort out clothes that i no longer wore, i would go to the nearest Building site, and get my Girlfriend to give them to the guys that worked there. And she would hand out some of her clothes that she did not use anymore.

Haha, reminds of when i first came to Thailand, i saw a woman on a building site humping bags of cement, i had never seen this before in my life, i thought i would be the English Gentleman and pick the Bags up for her, ............i nearly broke my freakin back....the woman smiled shyly, picked up a bag with ease and carried on with her work...... :o

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I must admit to stepping over that poor fellow a few times over the years.

It would be interesting to have him followed and find out where he resides during his leisure time. For all we know, he might be a highly paid master of disguise, on a PI investigation, tracking the exploits of Western men's Tee Ruks (unlikely I guess). I wonder if we would hear 'This is agent worm reporting. She's at a noodle stand with a Swedish hunk. He even put 20 baht in my pot. I'll file a full report after my chopper has collected me and I'm in front of my Laptop. My secretary will send you the invoice for services rendered. Agent worm out'.

Whatever the case, he's probably a proud man. I'll wager he's got a few stories to tell of life on Sukhumvit.

GS as far as your fiscal challenge is concerned, 6 months on a UK salary might do you the world of good... unpaletable as it may seem.

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Englishman: When stepping over him I always feel bad that I'm not really in a position to give anything more than a downpayment on a bowel of rice.

R.e. U.K. Salery - well yes, that's a last resort. I've only been back just over two months so I'm hoping it won't come to that.

BodyPaul: *Some laughter* :o

BTW, I wonder if the worm-man knows he's currently the subject of such discussion - or indeed how famous he is?

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Englishman: When stepping over him I always feel bad that I'm not really in a position to give anything more than a downpayment on a bowel of rice.

R.e. U.K. Salery - well yes, that's a last resort. I've only been back just over two months so I'm hoping it won't come to that.

BodyPaul: *Some laughter* :o

BTW, I wonder if the worm-man knows he's currently the subject of such discussion - or indeed how famous he is?

BTW, I wonder if the worm-man knows he's currently the subject of such discussion - or indeed how famous he is?

Scampie, why don't you happen by that area tonight and have a whisper in his ear.

When he realises that he is a celebrity he might move his patch to outside the Oriental or the Regent :D

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One day a few weeks ago I saw him dragging himself in front of Pomodoro near Soi 7. I walked past him and noticed a huge puddle (it had rained a few hours before) blocking the way between soi 7 and the sidewalk leading towards soi 5. What struck me was that there was no drag marks through the puddle... how on Earth had he gotten around it?

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I haven't seen him for a few days but most of you in Bangkok should know who I'm talking about when I talk about the Nana worm-man.

Sometimes I feel that we get so used to beggars, that we don't actually appreciate how lucky we are.

That poor one legged son of a bitch must have very tough skin on his stomach after sliding along the filthy Sukhumvit pavements for so long, wet and dry and lower than the soi dogs.

He can barely look up if you do drop a penny into his cup and next time you see him - wonder what his childhood was like, what he does at the end of a night, where he lives and what he will be doing when you're in your lovely hotel room with your beautiful wife/girlfriend or escort drinking Margharitas and watching HBO.

Makes me feel better when I feel like moaning about the fact that I am currently in financial dire straits for the first time in LOS.

In fact, when my situation is a little better - maybe a few of us could get together, track down the worm-man and take him out for a half decent meal and a beer?

Either way, spare a thought for the Nana worm-man and next time you see him, give him a biscuit or something.

that guy aint nothing compared to the one on tha New York subway, hes go no legs at all and walks on his hands like a chimp, carrying his money tin in his mouth and rattling it at the same time :D He can run / climb stairs and the lot :o

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I haven't seen him for a few days but most of you in Bangkok should know who I'm talking about when I talk about the Nana worm-man.

I have heard that this man is actually from Cambodia, not Thailand. Most likely a

land mine victim.

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I used to see one all the time in Taipei that had no arms or legs. He was literally just a torso sitting on the sidewalk. I watched from a distance one day until knocking off time, when a man in an expensive car came to pick him up.

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Having lost a leg or an arm doesn't give you the right to slide on sidewalks and beg. So many people are disabled and still working somewhere. Even if its just making pottery or whatever. I knew a guy many years ago who was a good friend of my parents. He was from South Africa and lost one leg after being attacked by a lion on a hunting trip. The guy still went skiing every winter in Switzerland and even played tennis (and slept with my sister, but that's another story). Yes, he may have more money than the guy begging on the streets. But no work - no money. I understand begging may be a good source of income, though. This may sound a little harsh, but think about it.

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Yes, life is so easy behind a computer screen.

I'm not saying that (and it isn't, really). But having only one leg doesn't mean you have to drag your body up the street like you have nothing left but one arm. I know people who walk fine with only one leg, without a prosthetic (or whatever its called) and do work like anyone else. It doesn't matter if you have education or not - do a job that suits you. Do pottery, work in a store, whatever ...life isn't over.

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Having lost a leg or an arm doesn't give you the right to slide on sidewalks and beg. So many people are disabled and still working somewhere. Even if its just making pottery or whatever. I knew a guy many years ago who was a good friend of my parents. He was from South Africa and lost one leg after being attacked by a lion on a hunting trip. The guy still went skiing every winter in Switzerland and even played tennis (and slept with my sister, but that's another story). Yes, he may have more money than the guy begging on the streets. But no work - no money. I understand begging may be a good source of income, though. This may sound a little harsh, but think about it.

It's refreshingy naiive to think that the Thai's attitude towards cripples would soften enough to employ "Worm Man". The concept of disability allowances/pensions , ###### even dole money is as far removed from this society as is your slightly "rosy" view of the world. Live a decade or two longer and your view may become more inline with the way things work in Asia. :o

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First of all, to beg on sukhumvit he need to be part of or owned by one of the beggar gangs. Most of them come in the morning on a pickup truck and are dropped off at their designated spots and are again picked up by the same pickup at night. Anyone attempting to beg without being part of the gangs won't last many hours before the police will drag them away.

There was a series of newspaper articles about the sukhumvit beggars a few years ago where it was claimed they made B30k-B50k per month for their gang. Not bad considering that the average apartment building guard make maybe B4-5k/month. Of course the guard get to keep his money while the beggars need to give most of it to the "owner"/leader of the gang.

Don't give them any money but buy a box of khao pat and give to them. Some of them accept food, some don't. Be prepared to have the box thrown after you if you give it to the wrong beggar...

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I don't understand why the government or some such agency does'nt take him away and help . Yes I know that sounds rather nieave . But I feel sorry for people like that and hate to see it . Maybe he does make more money that way. In that case they should tie him to a chair or something so I dont trip over him . Mixed emotion's I guess.

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I don't understand why the government or some such agency does'nt take him away and help . Yes I know that sounds rather nieave . But I feel sorry for people like that and hate to see it . Maybe he does make more money that way. In that case they should tie him to a chair or something so I dont trip over him . Mixed emotion's I guess.

Because he is the property of the gangs that control the beggars in that area. The police in the area are paid by said gangs. Who would take him where and why?

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So this woman puts an add in the personals. Seems all her life her boyfriends have beat her and then run out on her. Early the next morning she hears a ring at the doorbell. When she answers the door, thogh, she doesn't see anyone. She starts closing it when she hears "Hey, Lady! Down here!" She sees a quadruplegic laying on her doorstep.

"Errr, what can I do for you?"

"I saw your ad in the personals. I'm the perfect guy for you!"

"How do you figure?"

"Well, I don't have arms, so I'm not going to beat you, and I don't have legs, so I'm not going to run out on you"

"Well, OK, but how do I know you can, you know, satisfy me?"

"Hey Lady, I rang the doorbell, didn't I?" :D:o


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Yes, life is so easy behind a computer screen.

I'm not saying that (and it isn't, really). But having only one leg doesn't mean you have to drag your body up the street like you have nothing left but one arm. I know people who walk fine with only one leg, without a prosthetic (or whatever its called) and do work like anyone else. It doesn't matter if you have education or not - do a job that suits you. Do pottery, work in a store, whatever ...life isn't over.

I know a guy in Idaho that lost his right leg above the knee in a small plane crash [to low and to slow].

He now has a false leg from almost his hip, doesn't seem to stop him from doing what he wants,he still flys a plane that he and his son built,he bought a used engine and o'hauled it him self as he has an A&E license,also flys helo's,drives a Honda car and a Chev 4X4 pickup,snowmobiles and 4 wheel ATV's,built and uses his own snow blower made from a Honda car,,there is nothing that guy can't do,so it is possible. :o

Sorry to piss on your pity parade ,but it just don't make it on the street where I live.

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Yes, life is so easy behind a computer screen.

I'm not saying that (and it isn't, really). But having only one leg doesn't mean you have to drag your body up the street like you have nothing left but one arm. I know people who walk fine with only one leg, without a prosthetic (or whatever its called) and do work like anyone else. It doesn't matter if you have education or not - do a job that suits you. Do pottery, work in a store, whatever ...life isn't over.

I know a guy in Idaho that lost his right leg above the knee in a small plane crash [to low and to slow].

He now has a false leg from almost his hip, doesn't seem to stop him from doing what he wants,he still flys a plane that he and his son built,he bought a used engine and o'hauled it him self as he has an A&E license,also flys helo's,drives a Honda car and a Chev 4X4 pickup,snowmobiles and 4 wheel ATV's,built and uses his own snow blower made from a Honda car,,there is nothing that guy can't do,so it is possible. :o

Sure, if you've got the money (and the will).

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Yes, life is so easy behind a computer screen.

I'm not saying that (and it isn't, really). But having only one leg doesn't mean you have to drag your body up the street like you have nothing left but one arm. I know people who walk fine with only one leg, without a prosthetic (or whatever its called) and do work like anyone else. It doesn't matter if you have education or not - do a job that suits you. Do pottery, work in a store, whatever ...life isn't over.

I know a guy in Idaho that lost his right leg above the knee in a small plane crash [to low and to slow].

He now has a false leg from almost his hip, doesn't seem to stop him from doing what he wants,he still flys a plane that he and his son built,he bought a used engine and o'hauled it him self as he has an A&E license,also flys helo's,drives a Honda car and a Chev 4X4 pickup,snowmobiles and 4 wheel ATV's,built and uses his own snow blower made from a Honda car,,there is nothing that guy can't do,so it is possible. :o

In Thailand I fear that the gangs etc will make the paraplegic an offer that cannot be refused , Worm man probably had the choice of the Nana terrain or the bottom of the Klong Toey , poor old bugger....

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quote;;; Sure, if you've got the money (and the will)."""

He wasn't born with the money, he lost the leg 40 years ago and worked everyday in his marine/ATV repair shop. made some wise investments in property,built a few houses,sold and built others. but he never depended on begging for his daily bread.

Anything is possible if you want it to happen,but you have to do the footwork,nothing comes to him who waits,unless he works like ###### while he waits. :o

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Yes, life is so easy behind a computer screen.

I'm not saying that (and it isn't, really). But having only one leg doesn't mean you have to drag your body up the street like you have nothing left but one arm. I know people who walk fine with only one leg, without a prosthetic (or whatever its called) and do work like anyone else. It doesn't matter if you have education or not - do a job that suits you. Do pottery, work in a store, whatever ...life isn't over.

Rainman, this is Thailand, it's slightly different here for a Guy with No Legs than it is for a guy with no Legs in Switzerland. In fact i was in Geneva and saw quite a few immigrants with lost limbs, looked like Serbs or Croats, but why was they in Switzerland? Cos in their own country they would have been in real problems, the Swiss on the other hand will do their best to help these people with some kind of Employment opportunity. Plus state handouts and free everything.

I am sure that given the opportunity, the guys with no limbs begging in Asian cities would love to go to Geneva also, but life just ain't like that.

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That poor tortured soul is probably stuck between wishing his mortal coil would end... and fear of death.

Flying helicopters and racing around in all terrain vehicles is all very well if you're only missing a leg and you're in the West but gat real man!!! This worm fellow is devoid of arms and legs and this is Thailand. Have you actually been here or seen this guy?!?!?!?

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Well I have seen him climb into a specially modified 7 series BMW parked at the back of the Dynasty Inn and drive off to his luxury apartment at the President Solitaire Sukumvit Rd. :D
My secretary will send you the invoice for services rendered. Agent worm out'.
That poor one legged son of a bitch must have very tough skin on his stomach after sliding along the filthy Sukhumvit pavements for so long, wet and dry and lower than the soi dogs.

I think he's either an undercover immigration officer reporting directly to Suan Phlu;or,a clandestine nature photographer taking up-skirt snapshots of passer-by beavers! :o

Cheers. :D


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quote;;; Sure, if you've got the money (and the will)."""

He wasn't born with the money, he lost the leg 40 years ago and worked everyday in his marine/ATV repair shop. made some wise investments in property,built a few houses,sold and built others. but he never depended on begging for his daily bread.

Anything is possible if you want it to happen,but you have to do the footwork,nothing comes to him who waits,unless he works like ###### while he waits. :o

You know, I am really split on this issue. I do not know what to think.

On the one hand, I totally agree. I don't have money handed to me, although my opportunities are better than most. I was brought up to work for what you want, with the idea that if you want something enough, you will *make* it happen. Whatever it takes.

That said, it really takes an extroidinary person to make something out of nothing. It is infinitely easier to do well in life if you have opportunities and means handed to you. If for no other reason that you are *expected* to make something of your life. If you don't people go "What went wrong?"

It is entirely possible, but it is really difficult.

In terms of opportunities in LoS for disabled people, it is much harder.

But begging as a career strikes me differently. How much work is it to drag yourself along the street, really? Its a dirty, nasty job. Even for beggars in the States, it can't be that easy.

It really strikes me that there is something else going on here. Self respect and controlling your own fate is a human need, like food and sex. It is universal. These people *give up* these things to beg, every day. It really seems to me there there is some sort of mental disorder going on. Especially in the States.

But this, I think, is a human charecteristic more than a cultural / economic phenomena. As such, I suspect the same rules apply to Thais as to Americans.

This makes them sadder, to me. What must they think of themselves to allow themselves to do that kind of work?

re: he gentleman in question getting an offer he can't refuse... I have suspected that before, when I was first told that the gangs control the beggars. Rather speculation, but forced labor throws my above ideas straight out the window. Poor guy. No matter how you slice it.

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Have you actually been here or seen this guy?!?!?!?

I live on Sukhumvit. A few hundred feet from where he drags himself up and down the street. I've even seen him stand up; but that was at 2am. :o

Lets start with the very basics here. Yes, he may be poor. Yes, he may not have a job. But that doesn't stop anyone from getting up and onto the one leg he has, that was my point. He's dragging himself up the street like he has no legs at all - there's no need for that unless its his begging strategy.

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Have you actually been here or seen this guy?!?!?!?

I live on Sukhumvit. A few hundred feet from where he drags himself up and down the street. I've even seen him stand up; but that was at 2am. :o

Lets start with the very basics here. Yes, he may be poor. Yes, he may not have a job. But that doesn't stop anyone from getting up and onto the one leg he has, that was my point. He's dragging himself up the street like he has no legs at all - there's no need for that unless its his begging strategy.

Fair play to him.

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