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Is Pattaya A Safe Place To Live?


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I am somewhat cautious when in Pattaya and will continue to be due to its reputation. In particular, I avoid engaging any nasty thai people who can appear at any time. Baht bust drivers are a prime example as well as any thai drinking. Keep walking, do not involve with these people and Pattaya is basically safe. If you are of the la la mindset to engage thai people and have thai friends Pattaya is not the best place.

Good thread with intresting viewpoints.

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Is Pattaya a safe place to live? I have certainly seen crime rise significantly since first coming there way back in 1986. But crime aside, if you are elderly the extreme heat is not safe. The polluted air is not safe. The polluted water supply is not safe. The polluted food is not safe. The polluted ocean/gulf is not safe. And many of the buildings are constructed using items that give off toxins.......not safe. So, be careful!

I am not having a go at you JR Texas but really if you worry about all these things then a person might as well stay home. I've heard it all before......... Why are you going to Asia? "the plane might fall out of the sky"......... "You might get killed or robbed".... "You will get aids"....... "They will slit your throat"...... "they're not like us"............."if you get sick you will die"..... etc. etc. etc.......... :o

But you know what?.. You could walk out of your home in insert country here and be run over by a car or get robbed or shot just as you can anywhere else in the world. If you were worried about all of these things you might as well just lock your self in your condo in your home country and not go anywhere. What a life! For me I take my risks and go travel, I like to move about but I still call Pattaya home and proud to say it. :D

And while I am at it just for the record, I would rather walk around the streets of Pattaya at 3 or 4 AM than the streets of Sydney. Done both but Sydney is more how ya going, cheers. :D

I was trying to move away from the crime issue to another component of safety: health. I lived there for many years. I know what I am talking about. Many of the buildings are constructed using materials that would be banned in the USA.........they give off toxic materials. The food at most places is often prepared using unsanitary methods (surely you know what I mean....especially the water). Pesticide use in Thailand.......well, surely you know about that too and its impact on you. Swimming in the ocean..........really, is there an argument about that ....it is polluted. The extreme heat.......of course it is dangerous to elderly people. The toxins in the air people are taking in........it is reality. Yes, other places around the world are polluted. We are turning the planet into our private cesspool. I actually do not think I am being too extreme or paranoid. I do not walk around thinking about this all of the time. We have to live. I would just like to change things for the better and choose not to ignore reality.........the reality of Pattaya-Jomtien is that is it filthy and unhealthy......but there are worse places to be like Bangkok and Chiang Mai.

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Pattaya is growing at such a rate that the overall name " Pattaya" is becoming defunct. Like every big city, there are shitty parts and now, again like every city, there are up and coming " burbs" which offer a very pleasant, relatively safe place to live. Every Trolland Patters hater, constantly harps on and on about the more notorious parts of the City. When they do, it just demonstrates their ignorance of what is actually on offer.

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Is Pattaya a safe place to live? I have certainly seen crime rise significantly since first coming there way back in 1986. But crime aside, if you are elderly the extreme heat is not safe. The polluted air is not safe. The polluted water supply is not safe. The polluted food is not safe. The polluted ocean/gulf is not safe. And many of the buildings are constructed using items that give off toxins.......not safe. So, be careful!

I am not having a go at you JR Texas but really if you worry about all these things then a person might as well stay home. I've heard it all before......... Why are you going to Asia? "the plane might fall out of the sky"......... "You might get killed or robbed".... "You will get aids"....... "They will slit your throat"...... "they're not like us"............."if you get sick you will die"..... etc. etc. etc.......... :o

But you know what?.. You could walk out of your home in insert country here and be run over by a car or get robbed or shot just as you can anywhere else in the world. If you were worried about all of these things you might as well just lock your self in your condo in your home country and not go anywhere. What a life! For me I take my risks and go travel, I like to move about but I still call Pattaya home and proud to say it. :D

And while I am at it just for the record, I would rather walk around the streets of Pattaya at 3 or 4 AM than the streets of Sydney. Done both but Sydney is more how ya going, cheers. :D

I was trying to move away from the crime issue to another component of safety: health. I lived there for many years. I know what I am talking about. Many of the buildings are constructed using materials that would be banned in the USA.........they give off toxic materials. The food at most places is often prepared using unsanitary methods (surely you know what I mean....especially the water). Pesticide use in Thailand.......well, surely you know about that too and its impact on you. Swimming in the ocean..........really, is there an argument about that ....it is polluted. The extreme heat.......of course it is dangerous to elderly people. The toxins in the air people are taking in........it is reality. Yes, other places around the world are polluted. We are turning the planet into our private cesspool. I actually do not think I am being too extreme or paranoid. I do not walk around thinking about this all of the time. We have to live. I would just like to change things for the better and choose not to ignore reality.........the reality of Pattaya-Jomtien is that is it filthy and unhealthy......but there are worse places to be like Bangkok and Chiang Mai.

You've gone way off topic JR...... The OP was talking about safety and crime in Pattaya and the fact that his wife had her gold ripped of her but that's ok these things happen.

I don't have any arguments with you regarding to "We are turning the planet into our private cesspool." You are right but that's another whole subject and thread again.

One day we might meet up in a bar and try and work out the worlds problems but I know what will happen....... we will end up pissed and enjoying a Go Go or two and enjoying Pattaya, love the place....Cheers mate. :D

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l've lived in Pattaya for 7 years now and it seems the crime situation is getting worse, everyday someone gets shot or robbed, and quite often people are killed over petty arguments. ls it just me or is serious crime on the rise in Pattaya ?? :o

Generally speaking I believe it's safe to live in Pattaya. However, there are areas/places here which I consider are less safe at particular times of the night, or day. It is unfair to Pattaya and its mainly law-abiding inhabitants to label the place as unsafe.

Incidentally, where is this place many people refer to as Pattaya CITY? Pattaya is not a city, it's an area that simply occupies most of the coastline of Banglamung.

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been visiting pattaya since 96 and have never had a spot of bother..hence I have decided to live there and move into my new house 4 weeks tomorrow :o

Good luck to you Hullmonkey, I hope you have a really good life here. BUT don't do as I did. Don't burn all your bridges back in the country you're leaving. One day you might want/have to leave Thailand permanently and return to, (I'm guessing], England.

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To save you the trouble of reading the previous 2 pages, I think all of can agree that there's a visibly increasing (as opposed to decreasing) trouble element in certain parts of Pattaya.

Having said that, I'm interested in focusing on the solutions if there is one at all.

I'm very pleased with the presence of tourist police volunteers posted nightly on the beach and walking street. We can't even guesstimate how many incidents have been eliminated or reduced due to this.

I don't see enough random police check points. I think this is the key. I still see a large number of young Thai boys/men riding around 3 to a bike rather wildly at all hours of the night. Many don't have license plates. My suggestion for solution is to have the police harass these ######ers non stop every night. Non stop ID checks, Non stop vehicle registration checks, Non stop checks under the bike seat, etc. It's obvious discrimination but nobody would complain. Ladyboys get rounded up periodically on the beach and are fined for....being ladyboys!!

Any failure to pass these simple tests results in an impounding of at least 30 days. Even if no fines changed hands, without the means to escape, some of Pattaya's popular crime plans would've never hatched. I'm also guessing the offenders might reconsider their next move if they could possibly lose their transport over it.

Next problem: Fake police officers!


Edited by piker
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First of all you have to establish is that what these boys on bikes are doing is against Thai law (apart from 3 on a bike?!?!) and detrimental to society (us) - then it might be worth harassing them - are they a danger to the general public though?

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First of all you have to establish is that what these boys on bikes are doing is against Thai law (apart from 3 on a bike?!?!) and detrimental to society (us) - then it might be worth harassing them - are they a danger to the general public though?

I fully agree with you but my radical suggestion is to harrass them anyway. With the good, the police are bound to round up some bad too. All part of the plan as it's a major warning that enough is enough and there's a new sherrif in town. Obviously die hard criminals will try to find a way to thwart the law enforcers but a good percentage will be scared off from carrying out any future plans. I still think the key to reducing and/or eliminating most of the problems is to knock out these lads' transport.

Many of us can't be empathetic until we're victims. I've never been mugged per se but I was once parked near the side of the road in front of Buakow Market around 2am and some young helmetless joy rider sped by and grazed my leg but just not close enough to hurt me but it did knock off my shoe! I'm sure many wouldn't argue that's the stereotypical <deleted> that needs to be off the road (as a driver at least).

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Ive just got back after a long weekend in pattaya and jomtien had a great weekend hanging out at with local thais at a few kari oke bars ( just near going up the hill to jomtien ) had no hassle from anyone , only trouble i saw was last night at jomtien beach a guy from the states was cracked over the head and robbed ( a deep cut to his head and on his back ) so many thai people tried to help him including the ambulance crew and local police but he refused all help and left ( last seen staggering down the beach) he was abit drunk but did need to go to hospital

i tried to help offerd to get a cab for him and call his wife but he didnt what any help from anybody i hope if anybody living down there knows this guy i think his name is stephen and he lives in the jomtien area , please check that he is ok today

as i have already said the people were really good they brought him bottles of water and cans of coke, plus coffee and cigs, one thai guy even gave him his flip flops ,i watched 3 farangs just walk by , so like many places you get a few bad people but the majority are good decent people

thumbs up to the people of jomtien

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First of all you have to establish is that what these boys on bikes are doing is against Thai law (apart from 3 on a bike?!?!) and detrimental to society (us) - then it might be worth harassing them - are they a danger to the general public though?

I fully agree with you but my radical suggestion is to harrass them anyway. With the good, the police are bound to round up some bad too. All part of the plan as it's a major warning that enough is enough and there's a new sherrif in town. Obviously die hard criminals will try to find a way to thwart the law enforcers but a good percentage will be scared off from carrying out any future plans. I still think the key to reducing and/or eliminating most of the problems is to knock out these lads' transport.

Many of us can't be empathetic until we're victims. I've never been mugged per se but I was once parked near the side of the road in front of Buakow Market around 2am and some young helmetless joy rider sped by and grazed my leg but just not close enough to hurt me but it did knock off my shoe! I'm sure many wouldn't argue that's the stereotypical <deleted> that needs to be off the road (as a driver at least).

so you're saying that it won't get any die-hards but do it anyway - haven't you ever heard of habeas corpus - it took about 500 years for the west to get that sort of thing.

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No need to harrass anyone. " Rule of Law " is the thing. The Thai's have good law ( believe it or not ), all they have to do is enforce it without fear or favour.

Before I burn to death, I know it is easier said than done. But there is no need for anything in Thailand other than a stringently enforced code of laws, that already exist.

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been visiting pattaya since 96 and have never had a spot of bother..hence I have decided to live there and move into my new house 4 weeks tomorrow :D

Good luck to you Hullmonkey, I hope you have a really good life here. BUT don't do as I did. Don't burn all your bridges back in the country you're leaving. One day you might want/have to leave Thailand permanently and return to, (I'm guessing], England.

Thanks chealsea. I may well return to the UK to work at some point as I am not wealthy enough to retire just yet, but I will still consider thailand as home as long as the anti-farang visa rules dont make it impossible. The wife has a brit passport so no big problems if I do end up back in sunny hull.

Back on thread...as a few here have pointed out, you can find trouble anywere if you are either unlucky or asking for it. I used to travel to pattaya on my own and didnt know a sole in the place and as I said never had a spot of bother....and I was one of the fools that could be seen walking back to my hotel along the beach road in the early hours :o

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I don't see enough random police check points. I think this is the key. I still see a large number of young Thai boys/men riding around 3 to a bike rather wildly at all hours of the night. Many don't have license plates. My suggestion for solution is to have the police harass these ######ers non stop every night. Non stop ID checks, Non stop vehicle registration checks, Non stop checks under the bike seat, etc. It's obvious discrimination but nobody would complain. Ladyboys get rounded up periodically on the beach and are fined for....being ladyboys!!

Any failure to pass these simple tests results in an impounding of at least 30 days. Even if no fines changed hands, without the means to escape, some of Pattaya's popular crime plans would've never hatched. I'm also guessing the offenders might reconsider their next move if they could possibly lose their transport over it.

You make some good points here piker. I come home between the hours of 12 midnight and 3 AM usually and in all the years I have been doing this I have never seen or been through a Police check point at that time. 3rd. Road would be a good place to set up such a check point. It is not harassment to do random checks on anybody that might pass by. The question is why are check points only set up through the day and not at night when most of the trouble happens? At that time of night there are plenty riding around without helmets and that's a start, what else could they be up too?

License, rego and under the seat checks could be carried out at these checkpoints and whilst doing that I wonder how many weapons and drugs could be found?

Why are the Police out in full force during the day but rarely seen at night?

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I don't see enough random police check points. I think this is the key. I still see a large number of young Thai boys/men riding around 3 to a bike rather wildly at all hours of the night. Many don't have license plates. My suggestion for solution is to have the police harass these ######ers non stop every night. Non stop ID checks, Non stop vehicle registration checks, Non stop checks under the bike seat, etc. It's obvious discrimination but nobody would complain. Ladyboys get rounded up periodically on the beach and are fined for....being ladyboys!!

Any failure to pass these simple tests results in an impounding of at least 30 days. Even if no fines changed hands, without the means to escape, some of Pattaya's popular crime plans would've never hatched. I'm also guessing the offenders might reconsider their next move if they could possibly lose their transport over it.

You make some good points here piker. I come home between the hours of 12 midnight and 3 AM usually and in all the years I have been doing this I have never seen or been through a Police check point at that time. 3rd. Road would be a good place to set up such a check point. It is not harassment to do random checks on anybody that might pass by. The question is why are check points only set up through the day and not at night when most of the trouble happens? At that time of night there are plenty riding around without helmets and that's a start, what else could they be up too?

License, rego and under the seat checks could be carried out at these checkpoints and whilst doing that I wonder how many weapons and drugs could be found?

Why are the Police out in full force during the day but rarely seen at night?


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No need to harrass anyone. " Rule of Law " is the thing. The Thai's have good law ( believe it or not ), all they have to do is enforce it without fear or favour.

Before I burn to death, I know it is easier said than done. But there is no need for anything in Thailand other than a stringently enforced code of laws, that already exist.

Not really rule of law that's Thailand's problem its the division on power legislative, executive and judiciary etc. - all that sort of stuff is just not established here - they don't even bother to keep the military out of politics. with all this overlapping interests you're bound to get corruption and ineffective law keeping at all levels.

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Yeah, corruption is the evil.

But what do we discuss, we can't change it, and many Thais's who would like to change it, can't do it.

So either you arrange with it, or you go home. It makes no sense to complain about it.

Make some friends in the Police, build up some network, and this simplifies many things.

These are the rules, whether one likes them or not, it doesn't matter.

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Pattaya is generally a shit hole that is full of: hookers, drug dealers; criminals, perverts and other scum bags.

Thank God! Without these Pattaya would suck! :o

Hopefully you get done - tough guy!

Too bad you wish for unpleasant things. Hey, you'd fit in really well in Pat with that kind of attitude!

Back to the post: Pat can be dangerous if you make the wrong moves but generally it is safe. The thais don't wish to do harm to foreigners but if you cross the line then you've got probs.

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Pattaya is generally a shit hole that is full of: hookers, drug dealers; criminals, perverts and other scum bags.

Thank God! Without these Pattaya would suck! :o

Hopefully you get done - tough guy!

Too bad you wish for unpleasant things. Hey, you'd fit in really well in Pat with that kind of attitude!

Back to the post: Pat can be dangerous if you make the wrong moves but generally it is safe. The thais don't wish to do harm to foreigners but if you cross the line then you've got probs.

I agree. Pattaya (or anywhere) can be a dangerous place if you piss up the wrong tree!

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