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Thailand Dropping Out Of Global Community


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This, written by a Thai in today's Internet edition of The Nation:

Thailand Dropping Out Of Global Community

So sad these days to read the press and forums around Thailand and the world, also very sad to hear retirees, tourists and foreign business people opinions and experiences becoming more and more negative about the Kingdom of Thailand. As a Thai, I hope that these world views do not represent the majority of Thai people. In the final analysis, I hope that these views are pursued by special interest Thais that only care about themselves and not representative of the Thai people.

Since the 1997 crisis, I have become so proud that Thailand has decided to participate in the Global economy with all of its pain and gains to move up the learning curve and become a part of the global community. Thailand has gained and benefited from increase wealth...........

Warnings to Thailand by World Institutions to develop its domestic financial instruments, Implement foreign exchange hedging by exporters. Develop value added exports, reform education and reform Immigration. Policies, open domestic markets improve human rights to Thais and non Thais. Increase technology investments not censorship and political oppression. Many professionals in Thailand work very hard every day to achieve these goals for a better Thailand.

But, special interests have different answers for Thailand’s future. A recent simple example is the decrease in hotel occupancy rates. Of course the hotel operators blame the baht and fewer tourists when in fact the number of tourist arrivals has increased and the number of new hotels built has increased. Government is not responsible for bad investor decisions. Instead of blaming someone else like children investors should do their homework before whining to the Government.


Special interest will tell you that foreigners may not own business or foreign retirees may not own their own homes that they have bought and paid for after a lifetime of hard work and saving. Foreign Retirees live on a fixed income and live in fear of being kicked out of their homes or fear immigration’s disrespectful sour face in issuing their yearly visa depends on the immigration officer’s mood and ever increasing difficult immigration laws. Foreign Retiree’s economic contribution to Thai society offering security, supporting entire Thai families and raising children are ignored and their efforts are unwelcome by an ungrateful society. Half foreign Thai children are loved and adored as moving stars or singers but growing up they are tortured physically and mentally by other Thai children. Children are not naturally mean they are taught that way by racist parents. Turn this story of foreigner’s experiences in Thailand around and imagine yourself in a foreign country. Do you want your Thai children going abroad to study and being abused by raciest because they are different? Or do you want to retire abroad and then kicked out of your house at 65 years old because you are Thai? Do you want to go abroad and then be kicked out by new immigration laws? Do you want to go shopping abroad and be cheated by being charged more because you are Thai? Or would it be ok if while you are being cheated it is done with a sarcastic smile and you are perceived as rich. There is nothing more irritating than being smiled at while being cheated. Most foreign tourist save a life time to visit Thailand and contrary to popular opinion can not afford to be cheated. Incomes are relevant yes their salaries are higher but so are their cost of living savings rates are the same as a 4.000 Baht per month Thai worker. Foreigners are not stupid people just as Thais do not like to be called poor stupid farmers more and more of these stories are going around the world. I meet people around the world that knows and have friends in many small and large cities around Thailand not just Bangkok. Thailand is not just known by Bangkok in the world community anymore. Remember what you do to others will come back to you. Soon Thais visiting and living in other countries will be treated the same way as foreigners are in Thailand.

Special interests will use the argument that Thailand is a small, pitiful, poor, uneducated, ignorant undeveloped country that can not compete and needs more time to develope. Slogans created such as “Thailand is for Thais” breeding racism by populist politicians. Special interest will tell you we are protecting Thai culture. Thailand has thousands of years of culture it will not disappear by joining the world community. Thailand is classified as an emerging country with the size and population of a European country. By following populist propaganda Thailand will not have to worry about exports exports will be zero will not have to worry about tourism tourist will go elsewhere that pretty much takes care of foreign exchange policy and foreign reserves there will be no need to participate in the world at all. The world has no time to wait for Thailand. The world will move on to Thailand’s neighbors Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, China, and Indonesia where conditions are better and where governments are anxious to join the world community and eventually to Burma ( Myanmar) and Cambodia.

Is this the Thailand we want? Do we just want to go on sabai sabai watching the world go by on TV because the world is too tough for our sabai sabai sanook sanook attitude? .......

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This, written by a Thai in today's Internet edition of The Nation:

Thailand Dropping Out Of Global Community


An excellent well written article that will unfortunatley fall on deaf ears. As i have said many times on this forum the next government in thailand will be elected on false populist and negative nationalist policies.

Unfortunatley - living in thailand - i now know what it must of felt like being black in the uk in the 50s and 60s.

When things go wrong governments have a tendancy to turn to nationalism - its as plain as the nose on your face (unless your from the north east of course)- and blame foreigners for all that they have messed up.

Edited by Maestro
Quoted text reduced. No need to quote the entire, lengthy post.
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How many Thais do read The Nation :o

Many Thais read both the Nation and the Bangkok Post, especially people in business, civil service and politics.

I wonder if it really was a Thai who wrote it

Yes, it may come as a surprise - there are still Thais with both common sense, and an idea of foreign languages and the rest of the world.

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How many Thais do read The Nation :o

Many Thais read both the Nation and the Bangkok Post, especially people in business, civil service and politics.

I wonder if it really was a Thai who wrote it

Yes, it may come as a surprise - there are still Thais with both common sense, and an idea of foreign languages and the rest of the world.

Seconded, and they are ashamed by some of the self interested foolishness that abounds certain sectors of the country.

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This, written by a Thai in today's Internet edition of The Nation:

Thailand Dropping Out Of Global Community

So sad these days to read the press and forums around Thailand and the world, also very sad to hear retirees, tourists and foreign business people opinions and experiences becoming more and more negative about the Kingdom of Thailand. As a Thai, I hope that these world views do not represent the majority of Thai people. In the final analysis, I hope that these views are pursued by special interest Thais that only care about themselves and not representative of the Thai people.

Since the 1997 crisis, I have become so proud that Thailand has decided to participate in the Global economy with all of its pain and gains to move up the learning curve and become a part of the global community. Thailand has gained and benefited from increase wealth...........

Warnings to Thailand by World Institutions to develop its domestic financial instruments, Implement foreign exchange hedging by exporters. Develop value added exports, reform education and reform Immigration. Policies, open domestic markets improve human rights to Thais and non Thais. Increase technology investments not censorship and political oppression. Many professionals in Thailand work very hard every day to achieve these goals for a better Thailand.

But, special interests have different answers for Thailand's future. A recent simple example is the decrease in hotel occupancy rates. Of course the hotel operators blame the baht and fewer tourists when in fact the number of tourist arrivals has increased and the number of new hotels built has increased. Government is not responsible for bad investor decisions. Instead of blaming someone else like children investors should do their homework before whining to the Government.


Special interest will tell you that foreigners may not own business or foreign retirees may not own their own homes that they have bought and paid for after a lifetime of hard work and saving. Foreign Retirees live on a fixed income and live in fear of being kicked out of their homes or fear immigration's disrespectful sour face in issuing their yearly visa depends on the immigration officer's mood and ever increasing difficult immigration laws. Foreign Retiree's economic contribution to Thai society offering security, supporting entire Thai families and raising children are ignored and their efforts are unwelcome by an ungrateful society. Half foreign Thai children are loved and adored as moving stars or singers but growing up they are tortured physically and mentally by other Thai children. Children are not naturally mean they are taught that way by racist parents. Turn this story of foreigner's experiences in Thailand around and imagine yourself in a foreign country. Do you want your Thai children going abroad to study and being abused by raciest because they are different? Or do you want to retire abroad and then kicked out of your house at 65 years old because you are Thai? Do you want to go abroad and then be kicked out by new immigration laws? Do you want to go shopping abroad and be cheated by being charged more because you are Thai? Or would it be ok if while you are being cheated it is done with a sarcastic smile and you are perceived as rich. There is nothing more irritating than being smiled at while being cheated. Most foreign tourist save a life time to visit Thailand and contrary to popular opinion can not afford to be cheated. Incomes are relevant yes their salaries are higher but so are their cost of living savings rates are the same as a 4.000 Baht per month Thai worker. Foreigners are not stupid people just as Thais do not like to be called poor stupid farmers more and more of these stories are going around the world. I meet people around the world that knows and have friends in many small and large cities around Thailand not just Bangkok. Thailand is not just known by Bangkok in the world community anymore. Remember what you do to others will come back to you. Soon Thais visiting and living in other countries will be treated the same way as foreigners are in Thailand.

Special interests will use the argument that Thailand is a small, pitiful, poor, uneducated, ignorant undeveloped country that can not compete and needs more time to develope. Slogans created such as "Thailand is for Thais" breeding racism by populist politicians. Special interest will tell you we are protecting Thai culture. Thailand has thousands of years of culture it will not disappear by joining the world community. Thailand is classified as an emerging country with the size and population of a European country. By following populist propaganda Thailand will not have to worry about exports exports will be zero will not have to worry about tourism tourist will go elsewhere that pretty much takes care of foreign exchange policy and foreign reserves there will be no need to participate in the world at all. The world has no time to wait for Thailand. The world will move on to Thailand's neighbors Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, China, and Indonesia where conditions are better and where governments are anxious to join the world community and eventually to Burma ( Myanmar) and Cambodia.

Is this the Thailand we want? Do we just want to go on sabai sabai watching the world go by on TV because the world is too tough for our sabai sabai sanook sanook attitude? .......

An excellent well written article that will unfortunatley fall on deaf ears. As i have said many times on this forum the next government in thailand will be elected on false populist and negative nationalist policies.

Unfortunatley - living in thailand - i now know what it must of felt like being black in the uk in the 50s and 60s.

When things go wrong governments have a tendancy to turn to nationalism - its as plain as the nose on your face (unless your from the north east of course)- and blame foreigners for all that they have messed up.

Right, like post-Weimar Republic Germany. Political/military platitudes and slogans become substitutes for reality. It's all about power and control.

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But, special interests have different answers for Thailand’s future. A recent simple example is the decrease in hotel occupancy rates. Of course the hotel operators blame the baht and fewer tourists when in fact the number of tourist arrivals has increased and the number of new hotels built has increased. Government is not responsible for bad investor decisions. Instead of blaming someone else like children investors should do their homework before whining to the Government.

His problem is not the junta, but hotel occupancy

Remember what you do to others will come back to you. Soon Thais visiting and living in other countries will be treated the same way as foreigners are in Thailand.[/b]

That is not true. What would America, Australia, Canada, UK do to the people (whole nations that live there) against them? Nothing.

That takes democratic institutions that the poster does not understand.

So naive the post is.

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Thailand Dropping Out Of Global Community?

Well I couldn't care less. As long as it remains cheap enough for me as a playground and a place for retirement.

Right.... You've obviously read and understood the article.

I don't see anything in the article saying I can't reitre in thailand?

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What is written in the internet edition of The Nation doesn't have such a wide audience. The next really scary thing however must surely be that if the party that wins the next election is TRT in new clothes what will happen then?

Why exactly, in your opinion, would that be scary? I'm sure you do have an opinion and are not simply..... baiting???

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What is written in the internet edition of The Nation doesn't have such a wide audience. The next really scary thing however must surely be that if the party that wins the next election is TRT in new clothes what will happen then?

What is scary about that: a party won the elections. Then it comes...

Would the Republicans in the US send the tanks if the Democrats won the elections?

Would they beat and jail their opposition?

The OP does not understand that.

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Thailand Dropping Out Of Global Community?

Well I couldn't care less. As long as it remains cheap enough for me as a playground and a place for retirement.

Right.... You've obviously read and understood the article.

I don't see anything in the article saying I can't reitre in thailand?


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My perception of "middle class Thais" so to speak has at recent been tested. I have met the wry smile and racist / xenophobic attitude of several well educated Thais too often over the last 6 months in a new job that I have been working on. I was happy to read the op's perception and am glad that not all Thais have the same attitude towards the 'Farang'. I, as many other foreigners do, help not just our immediate family but the wider family and neighbors around us also, and although I am treated well by them I have heard, seen and witnessed some extremely in bread and racist attitudes by all classes of Thais.

Can I ask all Thai TV members to confirm: does the OP state what a lot of Thais are feeling/thinking, or is the OP in the minority?


Edited by crewcut
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Do we just want to go on sabai sabai watching the world go by on TV because the world is too tough for our sabai sabai sanook sanook attitude? .......

Sounds like it's written by a Farang that's been in the beer bars too much. :o

A Thai wrote this.

But if, hypothetically, it were a farang, could the writing style be symptomatic of someone who, in addition to gulping down those beers, became mal-adjusted by watching (in that beer bar) too many Lee Van Cleef -vintage movies? I ask this only in passing!

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Do we just want to go on sabai sabai watching the world go by on TV because the world is too tough for our sabai sabai sanook sanook attitude? .......

Sounds like it's written by a Farang that's been in the beer bars too much. :o

If it was written by a Thai they more than likely grew up in the west. I have never met a Thai educated in Thailand that could empaphise with the problems affecting foreigners in thailand to that degree.

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Do we just want to go on sabai sabai watching the world go by on TV because the world is too tough for our sabai sabai sanook sanook attitude? .......

Sounds like it's written by a Farang that's been in the beer bars too much. :o

I want to buy that pair of glasses that you are wearing!

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Do we just want to go on sabai sabai watching the world go by on TV because the world is too tough for our sabai sabai sanook sanook attitude? .......

Sounds like it's written by a Farang that's been in the beer bars too much. :o

If it was written by a Thai they more than likely grew up in the west. I have never met a Thai educated in Thailand that could empaphise with the problems affecting foreigners in thailand to that degree.

yeah, growing up in the west is always better!

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Do we just want to go on sabai sabai watching the world go by on TV because the world is too tough for our sabai sabai sanook sanook attitude? .......

Sounds like it's written by a Farang that's been in the beer bars too much. :o

If it was written by a Thai they more than likely grew up in the west. I have never met a Thai educated in Thailand that could empaphise with the problems affecting foreigners in thailand to that degree.

yeah, growing up in the west is always better!

Do you agree with me again?

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Do we just want to go on sabai sabai watching the world go by on TV because the world is too tough for our sabai sabai sanook sanook attitude? .......

Sounds like it's written by a Farang that's been in the beer bars too much. :o

If it was written by a Thai they more than likely grew up in the west. I have never met a Thai educated in Thailand that could empathise with the problems affecting foreigners in thailand to that degree.

I'll second that motion, with the disclaimer that I haven't known many Thais very well. I find most folks who never left home (mine, yours, theirs, etc.), even for a holiday, don't empathize with foreigners in their country.

One point the author of the first post here makes repeatedly, is "how would you feel if you were a foreigner in another country, and...and..." They don't understand. They don't know the proverb "...until you walk a mile in another man's mocasins."

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Do we just want to go on sabai sabai watching the world go by on TV because the world is too tough for our sabai sabai sanook sanook attitude? .......

Sounds like it's written by a Farang that's been in the beer bars too much. :D

If it was written by a Thai they more than likely grew up in the west. I have never met a Thai educated in Thailand that could empaphise with the problems affecting foreigners in thailand to that degree.

yeah, growing up in the west is always better!

Do you agree with me again?

sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't. There are good things they can learn from the west that is for sure.

Honestly I can't disagree with you but I cannot agree with you fully. :o

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"A Thai wrote this.

But if, hypothetically, it were a farang, could the writing style be symptomatic of someone who, in addition to gulping down those beers, became mal-adjusted by watching (in that beer bar) too many Lee Van Cleef -vintage movies? I ask this only in passing!"


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I do not for one moment believe the missive was written by a Thai.

All the pseudo ecconomic speak, the proud to be Thai.. 'but' and then the explict addressing of the problems faced by 'some' (but by no means all) foreign retirees.

Thai? Nah!..

The 'Special Interest' is the Farang, retired in Thailand or soon to retire in Thailand who wrote the piece.

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Sorry, but I'm having trouble finding this article despite searching their site. Do you have a link or can say which section it was in?

Does the article identify the writer?

It seems the only confirmation that the writer is Thai is the single phrase, "As a Thai,"

Edited by sriracha john
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