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English Man Fathers Thai Child


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Some interesting replies.

I have had a few condoms break during my sexual escapades. Once when I was young I just hoped for the best, but more recently I went out and bought the morning after pill. This guy would have known the condom had broken, so he may have assumed the woman was going to get pregnant and he could have mitigated the risk by getting one of these pills to make sure the woman wasn't pregnant.

The woman should have done the same thing - and been worried about getting AIDS or other STDs too.

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Some interesting replies.

I have had a few condoms break during my sexual escapades. Once when I was young I just hoped for the best, but more recently I went out and bought the morning after pill. This guy would have known the condom had broken, so he may have assumed the woman was going to get pregnant and he could have mitigated the risk by getting one of these pills to make sure the woman wasn't pregnant.

The woman should have done the same thing - and been worried about getting AIDS or other STDs too.

I bet the morning after pill was the last thing on his mind and I bet the odds of getting pregnant are not that high off one shot so to speak.

Perfectly possible of course - I have a beautiful God Daughter as evidence :o

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There was nothing in any post by the OP to suggest she was a working girl...

There are many girls worldwide who have slept with guys for money in a one off situation. They dont make a living from doing it.

So all this talk of hookers is irrelevant.

There is nothing to say that the child required medical treatment because of the attempted abortion, many kids need some medical treatment at an early age.


Who is reponsible?....there are arguments for both sides....but from the OP's posts, it seems that she didnt go out for the purpose of having sex, why would she carry protection?

The OP's involvement....

It seems the guy has made it clear that he doesnt want to know, what would happen if you found him?

How would you go about forcing him to support the child? Does the UK have jurisdiction over events that have happened in Thailand. I cant see him being extradited to Thailand for child support. It does appear that the OP or someone has the contact details for this guy, so short of giving that to the girl there is not much he can do. And at the end of the day, it is not the OP's responsibility.

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"It seems the guy has made it clear that he doesnt want to know, what would happen if you found him?

How would you go about forcing him to support the child? Does the UK have jurisdiction over events that have happened in Thailand. I cant see him being extradited to Thailand for child support. It does appear that the OP or someone has the contact details for this guy, so short of giving that to the girl there is not much he can do. And at the end of the day, it is not the OP's responsibility."

Someone can correct me if I am wrong but he would not need to be extradited to Thailand - the case would be held in the UK - I am pretty sure some "Wimmins" groups have helped in situations like this in the past - maybe Empower?

If I was him and going to go to courst in the UK (I still think this is only a distant possiblilty unless the girl gets someone very determined to help her and to keep at it like a dog to a bone) I would probably prefer to negotiate a settlement rather than have UK courts dictate and amount - I would have the DNA first of course.

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Still shocking that a farang would be so intent on helping screw a fellow farang. Could you imagine if the tables were turned and a thai knocked up a farang who took his money? Do you think any thais would side with the farang? HELLLLLLLLLLLO

As for going the legal route, it is extremely difficult without paternal evidence and the suspected father is not required to give a DNa sample without expensive court procedures. Maybe the OP can pay for this also.

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Still shocking that a farang would be so intent on helping screw a fellow farang. Could you imagine if the tables were turned and a thai knocked up a farang who took his money? Do you think any thais would side with the farang? HELLLLLLLLLLLO

As for going the legal route, it is extremely difficult without paternal evidence and the suspected father is not required to give a DNa sample without expensive court procedures. Maybe the OP can pay for this also.

Now I see it - its us against them ie farangs Vs Thai's - come on tell the board how she hurt you or ripped you off :o

As for DNA sample and court procedures would you kindly enlighten us on the "British" procedures being an expert n'all?

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Someone can correct me if I am wrong but he would not need to be extradited to Thailand - the case would be held in the UK - I am pretty sure some "Wimmins" groups have helped in situations like this in the past - maybe Empower?

Again....Does the UK courts have jurisdiction over events that have occurred In Thailand....???

I would think it would be unlikely in this case.

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Someone can correct me if I am wrong but he would not need to be extradited to Thailand - the case would be held in the UK - I am pretty sure some "Wimmins" groups have helped in situations like this in the past - maybe Empower?

Again....Does the UK courts have jurisdiction over events that have occurred In Thailand....???

I would think it would be unlikely in this case.

I am pretty sure you can go for child maintenance in the UK if the "Event" happened abroad and the mother and child is in another country?

Anyone know?

As he has pals in thailand I am sure a Thai with a little knowledge could make their position very uncomfortable in Thailand - it might put a little pressure on him ;-))

The CSA would be no help though http://www.csa.gov.uk/en/case/enforcement-abroad.asp

Its certainly the case where British mothers have taken foreign men to court - whether they pay or not is another matter!!!

It may depend on this and Thailand has not signed up for it which is quite to be expected given the medieval state of Thai law vis a vis men and women

"Conventions and other Agreements

The UK is a signatory to several international conventions on maintenance obligations, such as

the 1956 United Nations Convention on the Recovery Abroad of Maintenance;

the 1968 Brussels Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters; and

the 1973 Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions Relating to Maintenance Obligations

In addition, the UK has Agreements for maintenance enforcement with most members of the Commonwealth, with the Republic of Ireland, and with most of the United States of America."

Edited by Prakanong
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hey op is girl in question a you know , kind of girl.

meet man first time (its been said its hard to get non working girl in sack within few hours of meeting), eat ( in nana area), man want sex, she agrees and accepts munney. to me sounds like she is.

Really - non-working girls will not eat in the Nana ara - do you mean the plaza, soi 4 or the general lower Sukhumvit area.

If so I had better warn my pals they should not be there if its lower Suk - not much for them to eat in the laza or Suk soi 4!!!

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He knocked her up, he is responsible.

I would argue that it doesn't matter IF she would have been a prostitute. Neither the US, UK or Thailand recognise that as a profession and therefor they are just two adults that had sex and he skipped his responsibility.

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Both have responsibilities, doesnt matter how it happened. If you don't want children, simply don't shag. Not much of a man if he doesnt support his lil ones. :o

Still I do hear very little here about the fact that the girl tried to kill the unborn in a very amateurish way (and then not pulled it through, what is maybe worse because of the potential consequences). Wow, I would not trust such a person with a single cent of my money.

I guess the little baby has really lucked out there with her parents. How the OP can trust this person is absolutely beyond me.

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i could be wrong but girls in nana area look different than regular(97% that r not in the business) thai girls..............lol.

You think so!

If both were off duty so to speak and not going anywhere special my ex-bar girl pal (totally platonic and never been a customer) and my oversea's educated quite well off Thai colleague who is probably my best pal at work dress very similar indeed.

It is much different if going out somewhere decent or special - the pal at work can be quite preppy and the LV and Lacoste is real :o

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my ex-bar girl pal (totally platonic and never been a customer)

I have never understood why on any such statement here on TV immediately a disclaimer is put; as if anybody would give a hoot either way, we all have been here long enough and I find such signs of insecurity rather more disturbing than potentially non-PC facts understood wrong.

Those who actually would be shocked if it was not 'platonic' would most likely not believe you anyway, so why bothering to mention it so specifically?

A little bit the same as 'but my girlfriend is different because blabla'.

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my ex-bar girl pal (totally platonic and never been a customer)

I have never understood why on any such statement here on TV immediately a disclaimer is put; as if anybody would give a hoot either way, we all have been here long enough and I find such signs of insecurity rather more disturbing than potentially non-PC facts understood wrong.

Those who actually would be shocked if it was not 'platonic' would most likely not believe you anyway, so why bothering to mention it so specifically?

A little bit the same as 'but my girlfriend is different because blabla'.

Its not a "my girlfriend but she is different" and I am certainly not insecure sonny jim - over confident if anything :o

Keep trying though - it must be boring up there in the sticks.

Is your's different?

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Its not a "my girlfriend but she is different" and I am certainly not insecure sonny jim - over confident if anything :o

Keep trying though - it must be boring up there in the sticks.

Is your's different?

How else could I have fallen for her? :D

And unluckily I am not 'in the sticks', I would have surely a lot more fun than in overcrowded, greedy Phuket...

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Still shocking that a farang would be so intent on helping screw a fellow farang.

Ah and Racism too - What fine company we find ourselves in these days.

Now what was it I was saying about the dregs of western society?!

If you are not aware that thais are racist you muct be still reading lonely planet.

I do agree with you that the dregs of western society, as you say, live in LOS. I would also say the dregs are quite an honest lot, not much PC to deal with. In this regard it appears the dergs are in fact a step up from yourself

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Your kid is your kid even if the mother happened to accept some money around the time of impregnation. What difference does it make to the unlucky child? Dont they deserve the same as other children? The father should be contacted even if it was to just get the kid a UK passport which would be a massive bonus for her. Any decent guy should give a few thousand baht per month as well if you ask me.

That is if it can be proved it is his kid.

You are right since the average Thai gives less than two thousand to care for a child the Farangs should give the same as a Thai not more.

Pemeber this is Thailand not EU or America.

I dont follow the 'this is Thailand' logic. You really wouldnt have any interest in playing a role in your child's life besides fulfilling your legal responsibilities? If you distrust the mother, perhaps you should seek sole custody of the child. If you do not want to have any business raising a child, perhaps you should be more selective in who you choose to sleep with.

Farangs are guests in Thailand and they should fellow the laws of Thailand. The average Thai doesn't have more than 2000 to give. What will her brother pay that's is the going rate. Your idea are great for EU or America.

I think you have no logic except you just like to pay for no reason.

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I do agree with you that the dregs of western society, as you say, live in LOS

You'ld have trouble agreeing with me on that, since I've never made such a statement.

I have said 'the dregs of western society are increasingly heading to Thailand'.

I have reason to believe there are still quite a few dregs left in the west who have not yet made it to Thailand.


Perhaps the term 'Dregs' is a little un-PC but I know how that PC nonsense offends you.

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suppose the mother is using the child simply to extort money from you. bynot giving in, who is hurt?, the mother? no, its the child who ends up hurt.

Once again Farang should pay no more than a Thai Man will pay. Remeber this is Thailand

You keep missing the point because you are a selfish <deleted>. I am saying that a father should take a role in his child's life because it is the morally correct thing to do, not because of the legality of such matters, or because a court will sentence him to jail if he doesn't.

Let me ask you this, previously women were not allowed to press rape charges against a husband. Does this mean that it is okay for men to rape their wifes because this is Thailand?

The fact that the role you will play in your child's life is based solely on your legal responsibility - give as little and do as little as required is frankly disgusting to me.

Edited by realmadrid25
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In NY under any circumstances proven paternity would land you paying for your child - which is the way it should be.

I realize that the idea of sex without responsibility might seem an attractive idea - but the bottom line is, you play you pay.

Just in case this was a P4P transaction here (we still have NOT really heard that from the OP, just that see did get some benefit from it -- this is not the same).

But I digress; if it was a P4P transaction, you do exactly that, PAY upfront so that future commitments are NOT your responsibility any more.

It is that simple really; we are not talking about relationships here, even though some here do not seem to be able to make this distinction.

If a taxi driver makes an accident, maybe even killing somebody, I as the passenger would not be responsible for the damage caused, even if there is ongoing financial help necessary for medical treatment of accident victims on the road.

When The Children are being involved, it is always very sad, but just out of PC lets do not get overly clouded over the facts in this issue...

So far we know:

- the mother was not using birth control but did sleep with a man (who actually used a condom)

- the mother did not want to have an abortion (albeit illegal, neither difficult nor expensive to get)

- she tried to kill the baby in an amateurish way (what in NY would land her in jail, would it??)

- after the home abortion did not succeed, she obviously saw still no cause to follow up with expert advice... now with serious risk that the baby might have birth defects and health issues

- she actually does not really want to track the father down, for unknown reasons

Rather confusing, and it definitely does not speak for the mother; very PC to speak of the fathers' responsibility, but I see criminal neglect of her duties and a confused personality badly out of whack. So who protects the baby from her?

PC is about not causing offense to anyone. This is about morality. Dont confuse the 2.

There is a child, ergo there's a mother and a father. Both have a responsibility to look after it. (note the full stop)

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PC is about not causing offense to anyone. This is about morality. Dont confuse the 2.

There is a child, ergo there's a mother and a father. Both have a responsibility to look after it. (note the full stop)

PC is saying things which you think most people will agree with so they like you more. Mostly practiced by politicians and insecure chickenshits. This is about a wanking sod scheming to extort money from an honorable landmark customer and high end sex tourist. Don't confuse the 2. :o

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There are a number of subjects, words and phrases that are banned under the TV rules.

They are banned for good reason.

You may regard this as Political Correctness on TV.

It works to everyone's favor here on TV and it works to everyone's favor in wider society.

If you are inarticulate and unable to express yourself without recourse to offensive language or if the ideas you wish to express are obscene and unacceptable to the wider society, then take some time to consider the reason why you are bumping in the Political Correctness (or the forum rules) so often.

Eager to blame 'Political Correctness' that catch all and last resort excuse of the feeble minded, it is perhaps more likely that the world has moved on and you've failed to keep up.

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