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Anyone Ever Have To Pay Money To The Thai Police Or People?


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To be honest, when I drive from BKK to Issan, I always keep some 'small change' to pay the police. I usually get stopped for speeding on most of these trips. It's just part of living in LoS... (better than having points on your licence as would happen in the UK)


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I always get stopped for speeding, doesn't matter if I am over the limit or not. Started to just see it as a Farang road tax.

last month I got pulled over 6 times from Srisaket to BKk.

I desided to speak only english with them an asked to see the man that caught me over the limit. 2 seconds later was talk to just go.

since then no more raod tax, BUT THEY STILL TRY!

Yes, they do indeed!

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We donate 20,000B to the end of year police party. Amongst other benifits this ensures the police actually respond when we have a problem at any of the family bussinesses. :o


this is horrible on so many levels and you are embracing government corruption. plus, youd probably be better paying as you go.

Actually, Soundman is very smart. Less than Bt3,000 a month for year-round police protection. He could probably rob the 7-11 and the cops would arrest the cashier.

I paid Bt3,000 to a Thai jerk who said my dog bit him and Bt5,000 to the driver of a brand new Benz who pulled out of a small soi while I was reversing from my parking spot on the main road. Farang always pay.

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I've never seen nor heard of radar being used in Thailand to catch speeders.

It is used JimJim, I've seen it on the toll road Bkk to Chonburi, hand held speed gun. Then they pull people over at the Toll Booths.

I was lucky as I had noticed a truck driver flashing a warning and went back down to 90 KPH, I always slow down when a fellow motorist gives warning, likewise I always give other motorists the heads up when I can too.

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We donate 20,000B to the end of year police party. Amongst other benifits this ensures the police actually respond when we have a problem at any of the family bussinesses. :D


this is horrible on so many levels and you are embracing government corruption. plus, youd probably be better paying as you go.

Just the reality of doing business in Thailand.

Who is going to argue about the morals of making donations to the police when your service station cashier has just had a gun shoved in her face, the till cleaned out & the police won't respond. :o

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....in the early nineties a major department store was up in flames and firemen actually tried to negotiate on arriving at the scene ....

....when the store owner's rep didn't show any interest :D in "saving" :D the burning property, their demand changed as they insisted on putting the fire out unless.... :D:o

quite a few valuable items like watches and jewellery were reported "missing" during the subsequent salvage operations as well..... :D

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Farang always pay.

I don't believe the farang do always pay. I have heard several instances of police or courts finding in favour of the farang. If the police favour a Thai motorcy driver it's more in the nature of "well the driver of the car can afford it easier" and may well apply to a Thai car driver too. Maybe they've even got it right.

I had one accident here when caused by a Thai woman pulling out across three lanes from a driveway in the most moronic fashion. I threw out the anchors and a young Thai man dorve his saloon into my rear bumper.

He was sorry but it turned out his insurance just ran out. With my (then new) girlfriend's help we negotiated 3000 baht and he paid on the spot. It cost me 3500 and I got the most beautiful work done at Suzuki CM the only garage in the world I truly enjoy visiting. Better still the girlfriend, educated, well off, but more to the point extremely proper (She still wais to me on meeting and leaving after nearly a year!!), was very pleased I handled it well and said "that was our first test". All for 500 baht!

Edited by sleepyjohn
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I saw an officer with a hand-held radar gun. It was dual purpose, it also shoots water!

Actually, I've never seen them here and I've never known anybody stopped for speeding. Someone mentioned the BKK-Chonburi expressway, any other places where they are used?

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I saw an officer with a hand-held radar gun. It was dual purpose, it also shoots water!

Actually, I've never seen them here and I've never known anybody stopped for speeding. Someone mentioned the BKK-Chonburi expressway, any other places where they are used?

Most highway police stations have in their possession one or two radar guns.

They are in use on most major highways throughout the kingdom.

One to watch out for in Bkk over the last six months is the inbound lanes of Rama 9 expressway. 1000B is the official fine for anything over 90km per hour for cars.


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....in the early nineties a major department store was up in flames and firemen actually tried to negotiate on arriving at the scene ....

Reminds me of historical fire brigades in the colonial US, and other turf wars between police divisions, etc., that goes on today around the world, even in first world countries.

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I contacted the US embassy for protection, the police called me now, It looks like I have to go to the police station and explain what happened, I dont know how far this is going but I will definetly let you guys know, Thank you for your replys. This girl is from Chaiya Phum, Im not sure how far she will go , but the embassy did tell me I needed a Lawyer.

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I saw an officer with a hand-held radar gun. It was dual purpose, it also shoots water!

Actually, I've never seen them here and I've never known anybody stopped for speeding. Someone mentioned the BKK-Chonburi expressway, any other places where they are used?

If you go up onto the expressway at Rama9 just after turning right from Ramkhamhaeng there is regularly one on the slip road there.

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I was hit by a truck head on during a late afternoon bicycle ride 5 years ago. Police showed-up the next day at the hospital and informed me that I wasn't at fault ( duh ) and would be reimbursed for my medical bills.

My body was a wreck and I told them I wasn't concerned about medical bills. Nice gesture and I probably should have taken them up on the offer. The man that hit me visited me a few times, but after hearing I wasn't asking for damages, he stopped visiting.

A few weeks later I got out of the hospital and went to pick-up my bicycle which was supposedly being stored at the police station. The bike was no where to be found. The next week I tried to no avail to get the bike back and was told they were investigating the theft. I was convinced that the bike was lost/stolen and there would be no compensation. A Thai friend got me a lawyer and we met with the police chief. A week later my wife received a call from the police and was told to meet them at a local restaurant. They gave me an envelope with 120,000 baht and apologized.

Probably pissed off the wrong people. I left Thailand a week later and haven't been back to Chiang Mai. Looking back, I probably should have listened to my farang friends and not made the police pay. The lawyer wouldn't accept any compensation - I think she was scared.

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Probably pissed off the wrong people. I left Thailand a week later and haven't been back to Chiang Mai. Looking back, I probably should have listened to my farang friends and not made the police pay. The lawyer wouldn't accept any compensation - I think she was scared.

siamamerican, maybe I'm being too optimistic, or naive, but I wonder what made you feel that way. General sense of unease, or did you sense something in the police chief's demeanor to scare you? Did anything suspicious happen vis-a-vis the police you encountered after you got the money?

It seemed like the chief did the honorable thing to reimburse you for a bike that was supposed be in their care.

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I saw an officer with a hand-held radar gun. It was dual purpose, it also shoots water!

Actually, I've never seen them here and I've never known anybody stopped for speeding. Someone mentioned the BKK-Chonburi expressway, any other places where they are used?

chaengwattana bangkok expressway inbound most every sunday around noon. never outbound. knock wood.

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I contacted the US embassy for protection, the police called me now, It looks like I have to go to the police station and explain what happened, I dont know how far this is going but I will definetly let you guys know, Thank you for your replys. This girl is from Chaiya Phum, Im not sure how far she will go , but the embassy did tell me I needed a Lawyer.

What police station e.g. name/location?

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Please give us the whole narrative, from when you first encountered this woman, how you know her, the scenario in which you ended up shaking her hand, etc.

It would help us understand better. Maybe another poster will remember a similar situation.

Can't you sue here for defamation or similar. I would get a lawyer and prepare a case against her. Then send the lawyer to see her with an offer that she eigher drops the charges or you will take her to court and she will have to pay all costs when you prove her to be a liar. I would also look into charges of wasting police time and any other offence she has made and explain to her that when you prove she is lying you will then look at having her held responsible criminally.

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ok this is what happened.

I first saw her last week on the 6th flr, she's new in the condo, I guess, I was being nice and shook her hand and said she was cute and we ought to have lunch sometime, she doesnt speak a word of english ok, she works on the 6th flr of my condo(Where the pool,steam and fitness is)(I also have to give my ID card with my picture on it so that she can record in the log book) , This was day 1, then day 2 I used the swimming pool and steam room on the 6th floor and I saw her again and very sweetly greeted her(kissed her hand and shook her hand) for the 2nd time and talk to her for about 1 min, no problem the 2nd time. As I was getting a sun-tan at the pool area after 30min I went to the rest room (There was no-one on this floor just the two of us)(There is also 1 camera on the 6th floor and 2 in the elavators) And I did the same thing that I did the 2nd time except this time she just ran off and got scared cause I guess I was wearing my swimming trunks thats all. Another thing I'd like to note is that I did nothing wrong except for a handshake and being super friendly, ok maby flirty a little bit, so we should call this case "The case of the Handshake" Honestly I have no idea what my chances are at this point but I am definetly gonna stand up for my rights because I have a clean record back home and here, Ive been living here for 2 years, My girlfriend also believes what happened, I also have friends that I worked with and my previous poisitions that say I helped the thai community and never touched a girl anywhere and have a good moral attitude and they know I love thailand and the king.

Police station is by kao sarn RD called Bangyee Kun(sounds like Donkey Kong), where I have to report to tommorow with my passport, Im not too sure what the police is gonna say but i do have to state my case, Im not sure whether I should bring my lawyer at the time or just when we have to go to court but I am speaking to two lawyers at the moment.

Now looking back Im thinking I should of payed the 5000 baht, but then again I am completely Innocent , so when she asked me for more money (I offered her 3000 baht) she said no, then I said ok then nothing for you, take me to court Ill get a lawyer.

Im not sure what kind of police tactics they will try to use on me, But I am kinda scared that I have to pay alot of $$$. I was asking around and speaking to my Thai friends and they said Im looking at spending between 1-100,000 Baht for court and lawyer, The US emabassy said if the police want my passport I should give it to them. I dont want to Leave thailand Ive made long lasting friends, like Family here and they all support me to stay and fight that she is wrong and other peolpe might be trying to dictate what she says, another thing Id like to mention is that she is 16, why is she working in a condo anyways??? isnt the legal age 18??? her boyfriend is also security at this condo and took my picture(3 hours later) while I was walking out of the condo when this happened. So far Today I took pictures of the 6th flr area from elavators to the bathroom to explain my case to the police tommorow. Also for a criminal case I heard that by thai law you have to put up 100,000 baht (that they we refund you back 100%) either cash, land, or car title to make a case for criminal court in thailand + lawyer fee's, is this true?

Edited by DragonQuest
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Dragonquest I read back on the story some more, at the start you was claiming innocence just because you only shook her hand. Now we hear you have been hitting on this 16 yr old girl for a week and let's face it, inappropriately kissing her. And if you don't think it's inappropriate then you don't know Thailand. How old are you I wonder?

So the final incident comes when you approach her wearing only your swimming trunks, again you start with the flirting and the kissing. Perhaps she noticed a little twinge in the swimming trunks and it freaked her out, so shes runs off to tell the bf and the both decide to set the police on you. Perhaps she did honestly think you was going to try to rape her.

Now of course it ain't rape but it was the most stupid thing you could have done. The girl is 16, her boyfriend is the security guard, at what point didn't you think this would end up causing you trouble?

Go and ask your girlfriend and your friends if they think you acted correctly at all times and you was right to be chatting up this 16 yr old girl and kissing her. In fact I'm guessing you haven't told your gf the full story either? I'd take it further and say we haven't the full story yet as well.

I think you should have gave them some cash and been done with it because I reckon the police are going to have a field day with you.

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Dragonquest I haven't read the whole story but you say you have been bumping into this girl wearing only your swimming trunks and kissing her hand? And you knew at this time the security guard was her boyfriend?
Sorry but sounds like a bit of a lech to me,. 16 ? come on, not all thai girls that age are "up for it " you probably scared her,.
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I've never seen nor heard of radar being used in Thailand to catch speeders.

It is used JimJim, I've seen it on the toll road Bkk to Chonburi, hand held speed gun. Then they pull people over at the Toll Booths.

I was lucky as I had noticed a truck driver flashing a warning and went back down to 90 KPH, I always slow down when a fellow motorist gives warning, likewise I always give other motorists the heads up when I can too.

They have it, 100 per cent, i know, i was that soldier !,also had a photo of me ,. nice :o
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Dragonquest I haven't read the whole story but you say you have been bumping into this girl wearing only your swimming trunks and kissing her hand? And you knew at this time the security guard was her boyfriend?
Sorry but sounds like a bit of a lech to me,. 16 ? come on, not all thai girls that age are "up for it " you probably scared her,.

She got scared, the boyfriend got angry and he'll have to explain to the police, court and probably girlfriend why he was perving on and kissing a 16 yr old girl. Can't believe he even put himself in that situation.

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don't fight battles you cannot win - pay the 5k and then have both of them sacked - and learn not to be such a d1ck next time.

I saw an officer with a hand-held radar gun. It was dual purpose, it also shoots water!

Actually, I've never seen them here and I've never known anybody stopped for speeding. Someone mentioned the BKK-Chonburi expressway, any other places where they are used?

chaengwattana bangkok expressway inbound most every sunday around noon. never outbound. knock wood.

yes - at the top of the ngam wong wam on ramp pointing toward cheang wattana road - and it is most mornings , early afternoon - I have never seen them there after 4 pm.

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