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Double Entry Tourist Visa

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Hi all, I went to the Thai Consulate in Sydney today to submit my application for a double entry tourist Visa. I am leaving for Bangkok on 17 October and assumed that this would be the start date for my Visa, but the consular official told me that the start of the three months is todays date 12 September and that I would have to use my second entry before three months from todays date, This effectively robs me of 1 month of my intended six month stay.

Can anyone out there confirm that the consular official is right and if so, is there any way for me to fix this so that I get my intended six months when I am in country?

Having noticed how knowledgeable you lot are I expect somebody will know the answer. Thankyou in advance


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My first reaction was, no way. But after reading some info on mfa.go.th

It would appear to have something to do with that magic word "discretion".

Anxious to see what Lopburi3's assessment of this situation is.

"Please note that the period of visa validity is different from the period of stay.

Visa validity is the period during which a visa can be used to enter Thailand. In

general, the validity of a visa is 3 months, but in some cases, visas may be

issued to be valid for 6 months, 1 year or 3 years. The validity of a visa is

granted with discretion by the Royal Thai Embassy or Royal Thai

Consulate-General and is displayed on the visa sticker. "

So they're giving you a double-entry tourist visa, but only 3 months

validity to utilize both entries if I've got that right. Crikey! :o

Edited by cali4995
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You can extend your stay after using the second visa at the end of the 60 day stay, apply for a 30 day in-country extension. Consular officials can set these dates how they like, a similar thing happened to me and I challenged them, and they just said "thats our rules here" (take it or leave it).

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Can anyone out there confirm that the consular official is right and if so, is there any way for me to fix this so that I get my intended six months when I am in country?

The consuls explanation is correct, it would have been better if you had walked out and resubmitted it nearer the time. As said you will have to enter Thailand the second time before the 3 month validity expires and then extend that entry by 30days in country. You can get your last 30days (that you were robbed of) by doing a border run and re-entering Thailand (if you have an Oz passport) and getting a 30day visa free entry stamp. (be positive.. it will save you 1 extension fee!)

It doesn't help you but some consulates give a validity period of 6 months for a double/triple entry tourist visa, clearly not Sydney.

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