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Why So Many Poms

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Australia was Englands prison island.

Dispicable behaviour

Yep! That's why they sent them there :D

Again I can visualise <deleted> leaning back in his chair, folding his arms and grinning in satisfaction while his mother turns over fish fingers in the kitchen downstairs. :o

Birdseye Fishfingers an' all :D

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Again I can visualise <deleted> leaning back in his chair, folding his arms and grinning in satisfaction while his mother turns over fish fingers in the kitchen downstairs.  :o

I know, I know, but it was an itch, and I just had to scratch it :D

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Being unsure of this, I thought I would ask.  Is there some sort of natural animosity between people from England and people from Australia?  Thanks to anyone for clearing this up for me.

Animosity, nah, we just like taking the piss out of each other :D

I've worked with loads of Aussies and for two Australian companies, the barracking was always given and taken as a laugh. No worries. :o

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Being unsure of this, I thought I would ask. Is there some sort of natural animosity between people from England and people from Australia? Thanks to anyone for clearing this up for me.

no animosity at all we just don't like them.

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Being unsure of this, I thought I would ask.  Is there some sort of natural animosity between people from England and people from Australia?  Thanks to anyone for clearing this up for me.

no animosity at all we just don't like them.

We're just jealous of the culture Australia stole/have.... :o

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Being unsure of this, I thought I would ask.  Is there some sort of natural animosity between people from England and people from Australia?  Thanks to anyone for clearing this up for me.

no animosity at all we just don't like them.

We're just jealous of the culture Australia stole/have.... :o

Winter there soon Chon. Then you'll dream of warmer weather, and loads of that unusual meteorological happenings in the Dart called sunshine. :D

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Being unsure of this, I thought I would ask.  Is there some sort of natural animosity between people from England and people from Australia?  Thanks to anyone for clearing this up for me.

Animosity, nah, we just like taking the piss out of each other :D

I've worked with loads of Aussies and for two Australian companies, the barracking was always given and taken as a laugh. No worries. :o

I agree wholeheartedly. ( Except for little Johnny of footer fame incident :D )

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I suspect that young Darren's stay on the forum will be somewhat limited Dave.

He's already started a new life as Percy Morris the wrinkly who's had his teeth nicked and I think his Major Hunt and Johnny Moron persona are also valid at the moment. It has to be the same bloke :o

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Should anyone be concerned with the actual facts of the matter...

Total person-days in-country by Nationality per TAT for 2003.

7,139,666 Japan
6,762,194 United Kingdom
6,192,635 Germany
4,835,891 Malaysia
4,749,862 USA
4,081,616 China
3,473,183 Korea
3,310,048 Taiwan
3,255,197 Sweden
2,841,947 Singapore
2,819,919 Hong Kong
2,740,117 Australia
2,680,490 France
2,058,208 Netherlands
1,843,125 Switzerland
1,808,795 India
1,276,536 Laos
1,229,435 Italy
1,163,955 Denmark
1,122,752 Norway
1,057,787 Russia
1,038,350 Canada
1,005,415 Philippines
 882,307 Finland
 869,005 Israel
 777,540 Vietnam
 749,099 Indonesia
 731,337 Belgium
 711,946 Austria
 531,825 New Zealand
 484,840 Myanmar
 425,216 Cambodia
 408,956 U.A.E.
 393,112 Bangladesh
 307,386 Spain
 276,202 South Africa
 237,646 Kuwait
 212,790 Pakistan
 193,048 Sri Lanka
 178,841 Nepal
 109,144 Saudi Arabia
  76,599 Brunei
  45,733 Brazil
  44,965 Egypt
  19,184 Argentina

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I say! This Australian fellow is just about the most uncouth gentleman I have ever had the misfortune to come accross... He has obviously never had a good long chat with one of his own country women of whom many have confided to me that they wish that their fellow country men could take a leaf out of any upstanding British Gentlemans note book at the section noted 'decorum' and perhaps learn a dashed trick or two from us.

I am booking the first steam boat back to blighty to avoid the chance that I might meet the rapscalion in the flesh and feel the need for a bout of fisticuffs.

I shall also be dictating a letter to my MP upon my return and petition Her Majesty to have this terrible internet discussion forum shut down for the forseeable future.

Yours outraged,

scratt (A 'POM')


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Yep, You're a troller.....You Kiwis can't fool us!! :o

Hold the sheep Surin ... hold the sheep.

Somebody recently told me their are more sheep per head of population in Scotland than NZ.


PS agree with the Two camps scenario and unfort the poms do rank as the worst behaved.

True enough,,and the sheep in NZ are very shy at the sound of a zipper being drawn down,,while there are no zippers on a kilt,the scots sheep are more at ease. :D

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True enough,,and the sheep in NZ are very shy at the sound of a zipper being drawn down,,while there are no zippers on a kilt,the scots sheep are more at ease. :D

Yep... and the Welsh have found an ingenious use for velcro.. :o

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True enough,,and the sheep in NZ are very shy at the sound of a zipper being drawn down,,while there are no zippers on a kilt,the scots sheep are more at ease. :D

Yep... and the Welsh have found an ingenious use for velcro.. :o

But then again, The kiwi's say that it is the aussie sheep that are worried about zippers and that kiwi do not do that unspeakable thing to sheep,that it is the aussies that gave the bad name to down under.

I just do not know what to believe.

I do know that in the state of Montana that beastiality is "sexual intercoarse with any animal other than a sheep" tho. :D

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