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Abandoned Kittens


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Can anyone advise me?

Found some abandoned kittens playing in the road yesterday, unfortunately 2 were dead and 2 were OK.

I couldn't leave them there to die, so brought them home with me.

They are now living in my spare bathroom. Got a litter tray, etc. from Tesco yesterday and was pleasantly surprised to find them using it straight away.

I'm feeding them kitten-food. They're roughly 6 weeks old and seem in good health...

Now I'm not too sure what to do with them next, do I take them to see a Vet?... My concern is they could be carrying anything, fleas, parasites etc. Is there any vets around the BoPhut area and how expensive are they for a check-over?...

I'm not planning on keeping the kittens, figured I'd feed them for a while and let them beef up before letting them back in to the wild.


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Can anyone advise me?

Found some abandoned kittens playing in the road yesterday, unfortunately 2 were dead and 2 were OK.

I couldn't leave them there to die, so brought them home with me.

They are now living in my spare bathroom. Got a litter tray, etc. from Tesco yesterday and was pleasantly surprised to find them using it straight away.

I'm feeding them kitten-food. They're roughly 6 weeks old and seem in good health...

Now I'm not too sure what to do with them next, do I take them to see a Vet?... My concern is they could be carrying anything, fleas, parasites etc. Is there any vets around the BoPhut area and how expensive are they for a check-over?...

I'm not planning on keeping the kittens, figured I'd feed them for a while and let them beef up before letting them back in to the wild.


Very noble of you to save the little ones.There is a vet in Chaweng on the ring road,opposite the post office.Not that expensive for a check up & a few shots.

Just one little suggestion, why don't you follow up on your good deed & maybe post a couple of pics here & try to find them a home,better then letting them loose again.

Another suggestion is Samui rescue,I think they will eventually desex them.l

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I'm not planning on keeping the kittens, figured I'd feed them for a while and let them beef up before letting them back in to the wild.


Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of two kittens. You think you can get rid of them that easy? It's only a small island, they will probably be back before you. Seriously though, well done for rescuing them, and a little bit of food and milk left outside on a daily basis and you will have some pleasant company

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well done! if you are short of cash, the dog rescue centre also treats cats for free.

As mention before, you will find it hard to get rid of them, from both sides.

I did the same as you 1 and 1/2 years ago, rescued 2 brother kittens, and they are still with me.

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I couldn't have left them there, poor things were scared sh*tless - I hate seeing animals in pain.

Will take them to the vets for a checkup tomorrow lunchtime.

I'd love to look after them and keep them myself, but I just don't have time to dedicate to them, I don't even have time to go to the beach these days!

If anyone knows anyone who might be after some kittens... drop me an IM.

Here are some pics of the little blighters... 8 )





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well done and thank you for not looking away when seeing the two. very pretty indeed!

i got 10 kitten at the moment and cannot find homes for them, all very pretty and healthy.

so why not keep them, they don't need much of your time, just feed them, let them have their shots and in a few months have them spayed to prevent from multiplying...

just have fun with them :o

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Had them at the vets earlier (opposite post office) - the kittens are fine. Were given a worming tablet to make sure. No fleas, etc (which is good)

They're 8 weeks old (judging by their teeth) - I take them back in 3 weeks for their shots.

Total Bill was 90 baht - not bad at all. I had visions of UK Vet charges for some reason - that would have cost me 30 quid back home!

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The good thing about cats is that they are independent - as long as they have food and water and a cuddle occasionally (when they decide) they will be fine.

PS the black and white one looks remarkably like my Jimmy here in swiss land!!

Edited by Patsycat
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