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Here's my opinion on the whole topic.

I've had only two farang girlfriends in my life. One for a little over 2 months, the other for almost 3 years. I now have a thai girlfriend since about 2 months. The difference between these relationships is very big from my point of view. Here's the most visible ones:

Girlfriend 1 (canadian): We'll skip this one. Nothing to complain about, really. Other than she claimed she wanted a real relationship - but said the same thing to 3 or 4 other guys at the same time.

Girlfriend 2 (american): Up and down relationship for 3 years, couldn't decide if she wanted a relationship at 2pm, decided it was over at 4pm and then regretted the whole thing at 9pm and cried for the problems she caused all day long. I'm not kidding. For three years. Two break-ups and other boyfriends for two and four weeks until she came running back. Next thing, every time we talked, she dumped all her issues onto me. Such as "oh, i really want to see you tonight" and then she spent four hours talking about how her roommate called her a bitch. When she was in a bad mood, she blamed it on PMS. And that was about 60% of the time. When i was in the hospital - twice, once for two days and once for a week, she said she couldn't visit because she had to study for exams at college, even though the hospital was three minutes to walk and only two streets from her dorm. When i called her from the hospital at 11pm, she was hanging out with her girlfriends at a bar. I'm not even going to mention the money she spent several days per week on shopping.

Now, as for my thai girlfriend, we've only been together for a little over two months or so, but its such a different and refreshing relationship. When i had to go to the hospital here, only for two days, she called me many times to see if i was okay. We were up country for 3 days and she had already cooked breakfast before i even got up (something none of my ex girlfriends EVER did), she will not complain and tell me about her daily problems - i don't do it neither but she knows she can talk to me about them if there's something serious, she doesn't go buy every thing she sees in stores and i actually have to be pushy to get her to buy sometimes (well, me buying it for her). I'm very generous, sometimes maybe a little too much (especially in previous relationships) - and its nice to see that not being taken advantage of. I also got some small gifts, not on any special occasions, from her. Small, but they mean a lot. My american ex-girlfriend didn't even get me something for christmas because she was quote....too busy studying for exams. We spent two hours shopping for gifts for her friends, though. Feel free to call me stupid or blind, that's ok.

Then the whole thing i already stated before, i think. Thai women are a whole lot more feminine in every way than farang women. Before i get flamed, i'd like to say that i'm sure that not all farang women are like this and there are just way too many bad apples. Sure, Thailand has its bad apples too but i myself would have a hard time going back to a relationship with a farang woman. Not saying it can never happen, but since i don't even feel attracted to them anymore, i just don't see it.

I have friends, female or male, of many races, religions and backgrounds - but my above views are in terms of relationships only.

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OK, after laughing my head off at this thread for the past few minutes it took me to read it, I'll bite.

After reading the original question of: "why slag off farang women" and then counting the number of responders who answered that they don't slag them off but they are all fat and ugly :o , I just had to laugh. Don't be hypocritical. At least KevinN is honest, he admits to slagging us off!

I could just as easily add my own rebuttal of "why slag off farang men", or defend my fellow farang women, but won't bother because there really is no point. We each believe what we want to believe and no matter what others say will still choose to believe what we want.

I am perfectly happy with my Thai husband, much happier than I ever was in the serious relationships I had with men from my own country. But I don't believe my husband is better (or worse) than those men because he is Thai and they are farang, I believe he is better for me because he is my soul mate and they were not.

I am not a firm believer in slagging other people off. If you are happy in your life why must you make others unhappy?

I am perfectly happy with my Thai husband, much happier than I ever was in the serious relationships I had with men from my own country. But I don't believe my husband is better (or worse) than those men because he is Thai and they are farang, I believe he is better for me because he is my soul mate and they were not.

Fair play, I like it when I see a farang girl with a Thai bloke - it doesn't happen much but I always think fair play to them - both of them for tipping the scales the other way a little and showing that it can be done.

I don't like the idea that Thai men think farang girls are out of their league and I don't like the fact that farang girls don't get laid as easily as we do.

Everybody should enjoy Thailand and everybody should be able to enjoy an embrace with the opposite sex once in a while or preferably; every morning.


I am working in Japan, and i have been out with a few Japanese women, but there is no contest......i dunno what it is, it can't be just an Asian thing with me............

I can walk around Tokyo all day and not see too many headturners, but when i go home to Thailand, i have fallen in love 5 times before i get out of the arrivals hall.

I am not Anti Farang woman, i was married to a very lovely French girl, she was beautiful. I think its just something about Thai women, can't really put my finger on it, but.............Thai women Rock! :o


Nah...one of them's Canadian. That might've been it. :o

And actually the other one was born in Canada, but is a British citizen.

So, yeah. It's because they're Canadian.

The girls were hippies staying around Soi Ngam Duplee. I don't know why they even bothered.

The reason is easy to see,This type of broad will do it everytime.

Not so much that they are feminist,,but the fact of the long black hair down to their waist,,all the way from their arm pits. and the fur looking socks that are really leg hair,and if they let you get close enough you will get a whiff of their underarms and so they know what you will say,so beat you to it and say FUK OFF.

To say nothing about the skid marks in their skivvies. :D


Nah...one of them's Canadian. That might've been it. :o

And actually the other one was born in Canada, but is a British citizen.

So, yeah. It's because they're Canadian.

The girls were hippies staying around Soi Ngam Duplee. I don't know why they even bothered.

They got cut off at hello?

Perhaps, because Canadian women have some sort of spidey sense where they detect flaming degenerates within seconds...which stems from years of observing their savage counter-parts in various drunken states back home.


Ok, I've thought about this, and about all the things I would want to say here, and then realized: why bother? But now here I am. I guess we all like to be heard within a community. That is the point of this forum, or so I thought.

I just want to say that I am respectful of Thai culture, dress properly, comport myself properly, and work with the marginalized and underprivileged on a regular basis. I am also starting to turn my attention toward issues regarding women, human rights, and abuse in Asia. Let me say for the record that the biggest fault of abuse does not lie with farang men or farang culture, but with Thailand and other parts of Asia itself. I'm sorry if that offends some people; I would not, and do not, say that casually or without ample research and reason.

I honestly could not care less who farang men here date, and have some farang male friends who date and want to marry Thai women. I have dated many men here myself, but lost interest for a variety of reasons.

My problem is not with your choices. Thai women are gorgeous, who can blame a man? There are gorgeous women everywhere, and guess what, we women know it. We have been bombarded with this since birth, as well as all our corresponding deficiencies. You have not invented anything new.

There are a lot of things I can say here. I've gleaned a lot of insights from listening to all of you. But I'm not going to waste my time. Suffice it to say that none of us are from cultures where we are expected to withold an opinion, and most of you don't, so why is a woman a fat ugly demading masculine slag whenever she has one? Personally, I think it's all about control. You like opinions, as long as they mirror your own. A woman that is not dependent on your approval is a dangerous woman as far as most of you are concerned, because your own fragile concept of masculinity could be challenged. I could elaborate on this, but why?

I am not jealous. Contrary to what many of you think, I am not thinking of how much it sucks that the shoe is on the other foot. I can easily go home. I can easily date the several other guys that I didn't want to date. I don't look at most of you with your Thai women, because I'm not interested. But when you talk about withering contempt from foreign women, it could have something to do with the power dynamic. Not your own, but the fact that you boast of a "role reversal" in a region where women don't have protected legal and human rights. Do you know what I hear and see? I hear a bunch of western men, boast about how they don't have to live in a society that values equal rights. I don't see much difference between you and hypothetical white people that may have moved to Apartheid South Africa and then bragged about it, really.

And yes, I know many of you have been burned by western women, etc., as if most of us have not been burned by each other before? In actuality, I am not attracted to white men. I much prefer latin and black men, but I don't go around talking about how "small" white men are in comparison, or how badly they compare in bed next to these other men. I may believe it, but what is the point of me posting this every day, all day? The fact of the matter is, although I don't prefer white men, I have had great white boyfriends. And I don't feel the need to essentalize or objectify black and latino men in that manner, because it is racist and disrespectful. All men that I have been with have always treated me with dignity and respect, and that's why I don't essentalize or racialize my preferences. But I'm sure for most of you I have already said too much. So be it.


Kat- no one is slagging off farang women. I'm certainly not - there are beautiful women all over the world, just comes down to preference IMO. You like what you like for a multitude of reasons and this varies from person to person.

Take issue with the small caucasion bit...simply not true! :D:o:D

Just to add another point that is often made by women and by one woman in particular I heard

"thai women look down on us because we are competition"

Er no, thai women look down on you because you are wearing no bra, a low cut top, a mini skirt and are about 30kg too big to be wearing an outfit like that.

Dress respectfully and you will be given respect. How many thai women when bending down to pick something up will try and close their blouse to stop anything ( as in bra/cleavage ) being seen? Quite a few.

how many falang women will do that, not too many.

I'm sorry but his is hilarious! :o

All of you seem to be painting all farangs with the same brush :D

I am farang and i dislike typical 'english' men and woman, BUT we are not all the same, we are NOT all over weight , we do not all wear mini skirts and we do not all let our bits hang out. The same as not all thai woman like to keep them selves covered :D

Now I dont care if someone doesnt have a preference for farangs, we cant fancy everyone, however i think if your willing to tar all farang girls as the same and not give any the chance,well, its pathetic...love is about the person inside not the colour or size. What if you men met a farang as sweet and "feminine" as a thai woman(cause all thai woman are like this :D )?

would you dismiss someone you felt strongly for just because they are farang?

Does no one realise that not ALL thai woman are as your describing?

All cultures and races have different types of people,

stereotypings for the playground isnt it? :D

rant over...

I don't see much difference between you and hypothetical white people that may have moved to Apartheid South Africa and then bragged about it, really.

How do you work that out?

I'm sorry but his is hilarious! :o

Kitty, i think that is the general idea of most of the posts, doubt they are meant to be taken as Hardline policies..............

But if i see a 40Kg white woman, i fancy her as well, its just that there are not that many of them .

Maybe i am shallow, but as Kat likes LARGE black men, i like Small Asian women.



Can i just ask something,

Do you like woman who are like 1950's typical housewifes?they'll let you do as you please,wont moan,will give to your every need and will in general not have a personality? They'll agree with everything you say, do whatever you want them to and will never challange you or disagree,be strong or independant?

Just from what "some"(not all) of you say it sounds like you dont want a woman who is equal to you. Now im not saying this is wrong, infact my mum is this typical 50's housewife, i'm mearly asking a question.. :o

I don't see much difference between you and hypothetical white people that may have moved to Apartheid South Africa and then bragged about it, really. 

How do you work that out?

Because the whole gender construct that many men here like to favor is really about power. When they say a woman is "masculine" or "feminine" they are using a power construct that serves their own idea of themselves and their position of male privilege.

Apartheid South Africa was also about racial power constructs between "superior" and "inferior", which were largely created or "constructed" to serve and justify the attitudes of the elite and maintain their position of control.

Can i just ask something,

Do you like woman who are like 1950's typical housewifes?

If they are 40Kgs yes. :o


what about if there 45kg? :D


Kat said,

But I'm sure for most of you I have already said too much. So be it.
No, no, no. Not too much, I like to listen.

Is it true that latin and black men are better in bed? :o

As for farang girls, I can't really tell, I have never had any farang friends except a farang girlfriend when I was 15/16. She was a very lovely girl. If all farang girls are like her, I would think then farang girls are great.

The farang girls I see in the streets tend to be more arrogant than their thai counterparts(I am talking about the average and my feelings only). They seem to care very much about their pride. Say for example, if I try to smile at a farang girl in the street, 99% of the time they would look up into the sky and show discontent. So they really give me quite a bad impression. But in recent years, I start to think of reasons for them being like that. Could this be caused by the behaviours of farang men? Could it be that they have to act strong so as to protect themselves from abusive farang males? Perhaps they sustain a lot of pressure in western society? I really don't know. (no offense to anyone, just a guess!)

There are a lot of things I can say here. I've gleaned a lot of insights from listening to all of you. But I'm not going to waste my time. Suffice it to say that none of us are from cultures where we are expected to withold an opinion, and most of you don't, so why is a woman a fat ugly demading masculine slag whenever she has one? Personally, I think it's all about control. You like opinions, as long as they mirror your own. A woman that is not dependent on your approval is a dangerous woman as far as most of you are concerned, because your own fragile concept of masculinity could be challenged. I could elaborate on this, but why?

I am not jealous. Contrary to what many of you think, I am not thinking of how much it sucks that the shoe is on the other foot. I can easily go home. I can easily date the several other guys that I didn't want to date. I don't look at most of you with your Thai women, because I'm not interested. But when you talk about withering contempt from foreign women, it could have something to do with the power dynamic. Not your own, but the fact that you boast of a "role reversal" in a region where women don't have protected legal and human rights. Do you know what I hear and see? I hear a bunch of western men, boast about how they don't have to live in a society that values equal rights. I don't see much difference between you and hypothetical white people that may have moved to Apartheid South Africa and then bragged about it, really.

I guess I know what you are talking about. Yes, a lot of men are like that.(A lot of men in HK are like that) But I guess there are quite a few that are different. I hope that includes me.
Can i just ask something,

Do you like woman who are like 1950's typical housewifes?

If they are 40Kgs yes. :o


what about if there 45kg? :D

Yes i take the height to weight ratio into account. 45 Kgs is acceptable if over 157cms.

How gallant of me eh?


I'm sorry but his is hilarious! :o

Kitty, i think that is the general idea of most of the posts, doubt they are meant to be taken as Hardline policies..............

But if i see a 40Kg white woman, i fancy her as well, its just that there are not that many of them .

Maybe i am shallow, but as Kat likes LARGE black men, i like Small Asian women.


I didn't say I like "large" black men, but that white men are often "smaller". That is why I put "small" in quotation marks. It is not an absolute, but it is a generalization that is very often true. I also said that I like white men and have had white boyfriends who were great, and that I don't racialize my preferences, because all of the men I have been with treated me with dignity and respect, etc. blah blah blah

But now no one is hearing it. I guess it's not so great to have all of your qualities reduced down to one "small" white man, is it?

Can i just ask something,

Do you like woman who are like 1950's typical housewifes?

If they are 40Kgs yes. :o


what about if there 45kg? :D

Are you 45kg then? Why aren't you in the museum then? :D:D

Can i just ask something,

Do you like woman who are like 1950's typical housewifes?

If they are 40Kgs yes. :o


what about if there 45kg? :D

Are you 45kg then? Why aren't you in the museum then? :D:D



"Is it true that latin and black men are better in bed? :o "

My intention was to make a point about comparisons, but if truth be told, I've had black, latino, and white boyfriends and loved them all. They were all great in different ways, because I'm not dependent on the race of a man to feel like a woman.


probably gonna get flamed here but....

here's my 2 pence worth

if a woman is attractive then i'll be attracted to her, it doesn't matter where she comes from :no:

imho from reading several posts on the forum, a lot of the peeps on here are fooling themselves, jusging others and justifying their actions "love" cough cough

it's a well known fact that "some" women/men will go with others because they are wealthy, this happens in loads of countries, u see company directors in their 50's dating gorgeous young women in their 20's etc it is obvious the only attraction for the young woman is the financial gain and the lifestyle :D

now i'd hazard a guess(gonna get flamed)that this is what happens in a lot of relationships between ferang men and thai women

if the ferang had been in his own country he'd probably either be stuck with some1 his own age or single because he's too old or boring etc

the only way they'd have young girls lusting after them in their own country is if they were very wealthy/succesful or had a personality transplant........

so they travel to a land where their money goes further, makes them many times more attractive, then when they end up in a relationship with a younger girl they say, it's because" it's love" "thai girls treat their men better" etc what a load of bullshit!!!

it's because in los u are considered a wealthy catch and will be able to support your spouce's family(something which is very important to thais, more so than westerners imho)

imho a western lady is less likely to consider your financial situation and whether or not u can support her parents etc and will decide to be involved with u or not-for who u are, not-what you are!!

another point i read in the thread was comparing a spanish holiday(both parties/sexes there for the same reason) with a thai holiday (where a man is paying for a woman to be his escort and paying for any sexual activity)

the spanish holiday would imo be a"drunken 1 night stand" and the thai holiday would be "paying a prostitute"

if u think both scenarios are the same, then u need to show some more respect to ferang women and maybe u'd have more luck....instead of flying 1/2 round the world to pay a prostitute to sleep with you then trying to convince yourself that it's then same as meeting a "non-working girl" on a night out

end of rant :o

I didn't say I like "large" black men, but that white men are often "smaller". That is why I put "small" in quotation marks. It is not an absolute, but it is a generalization that is very often true.

I seen some of those black guys in Porno Movies, looks likes they pack a lot of meat........

I make do with only 9 Inches myself, its enough ( for a white guy)! :o

Can i just ask something,

Do you like woman who are like 1950's typical housewifes?they'll let you do as you please,wont moan,will give to your every need and will in general not have a personality? They'll agree with everything you say, do whatever you want them to and will never challange you or disagree,be strong or independant?

Just from what "some"(not all) of you say it sounds like you dont want a woman who is equal to you. Now im not saying this is wrong, infact my mum is this typical 50's housewife, i'm mearly asking a question.. 

Kitty - and Kat, very simply, the answer is 'yes'.

Now I can only speak from a personal perspective; I do not claim to represent the views of other posters here or any other men.

I absolutely agree with Kat's accusation that this is about power and that I am not looking for the modern western understanding of 'equality' in a relationship. And I know this makes me sound appalling and pathetic to a western woman but let me explain.

I have tried. I have really tried. I had three relationships in England. The first was okay until my then wife undertook an MA in Feminist Studies and began accusing me of being a tyrant - for the simple reason that I was male. This despite me being a househusband and raising our child so that my wife could pursue her career and hold all the economic power. She chucke dme out and moved her lady friend in.

The two subsequent relationships were with women who liked to establish their 'equality'. This involved going out drinking with the lads (and me staying at home with my daughter). In both cases they turned out to be sleeping with the lads.

Yes, I've been repeatedly burned. Every time I felt equality in a relationship was right and every time I was abused. Of course all western women are not like that but I've got to an age when I'm not prepared to spend years trying to find out only to be burned yet again.

So Asian women, with their '1950s' values do appeal to me and it is not because of physical factors. I spent two years in Nepal where I made many female friends but never laid a finger on one or made any lewd suggestion - there is no 'bar girl' culture there and not even words in Nepali for 'dating' or 'girlfriend'. I was extremely impressed by their attitudes stemming from their culture and upbringing. There are downsides to this as Kat alludes to; nearly all these women were bringing up children single-handedly as their husbands had deserted them - such a culture does indeed render women extremely vulnerable.

Thailand is of course far more westernised - with all the pros and cons that that entails. But if I find an 'old-fashioned' girl from a good family and who not simply behaves outwardly in a 'feminine way' but also has a good heart then I will be interested. Yes there are good, bad and inbetween in every society in every grouping, but I tend to believe that finding such a woman will be easier in Asian societies than in the West.

But here is an important point I wish to make - I do want to be 'in control'. However I really do believe that in all my relationships I have been kind and considerate and always willingly conceded 'power' when asked. In other words I do not abuse such power. I believe that if both parties have kind hearts then power does not become an issue; the problems arise when one or both parties are motivated by self-interest and it is that that I see as a factor that has become too dominant in the West (I'm talking about both genders here) and where a person is brought up with decent religious values (and in Thailand that means Buddhist) they are much more likely to be considerate of the other rather than simply thinking of themselves. That's what I am looking for.

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