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Begs- you are lucky my mate has 35Kg standard! :o My gf says he needs to look in a school yard. :D Guess the idea is he likes small/petite. :D

Kat- think you've had too much to drink today, you are over analyzing- it has naught to do with race, but preference/personality.

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it's a well known fact that "some" women/men will go with others because they are wealthy, this happens in loads of countries, u see company directors in their 50's dating gorgeous young women in their 20's etc it is obvious the only attraction for the young woman is the financial gain and the lifestyle :o

imho a western lady is less likely to consider your financial situation and whether or not u can support her parents etc and will decide to be involved with u or not-for who u are not-what you are!!

Make your mind up!!!!


I didn't say I like "large" black men, but that white men are often "smaller".  That is why I put "small" in quotation marks.  It is not an absolute, but it is a generalization that is very often true.

I seen some of those black guys in Porno Movies, looks likes they pack a lot of meat........

I make do with only 9 Inches myself, its enough ( for a white guy)! :o

Don't you think that was a little impolite, Begs? :D

Can't you see that Kat doesn't want to go any further on that issue?

Can i just ask something,

Do you like woman who are like 1950's typical housewifes?

If they are 40Kgs yes. :o


what about if there 45kg? :D

meemaithai,, No ,she is just like all feminist dykes in the states,they all cry about how men are all power hungry and mistreat all women,,just like she says she overhears men talking about how great it is to live where women have no equal rights, bullshit, I have never heard a guy say that or feels like that,if she did hear it,it was because they wanted her to hear it,knew it would jerk her string.

That is what has ruined it for a lot of round eye women,all run around burning their bras,like that Gloria steinem or what ever her name was. It is not about power or equality,it is about latent dykes,

I am married to a Thai now,I have had a few farang wives,and the reason that I have no more is because of the way most act and feel anymore,,just like you said that they look at the sky when you look at them,,power hungry bitches. thats where it really lies,,they have as much power as the men, always have had,but not satisfied with it,,want more,,most are man hating dykes.

Talk to my wife and see who has the power here in our house,she likes farang because they treat a woman better, and she knows who has the power,she also knows who controls the pussy. :D


Back in May or June I took a high class Bangkok working girl for dinner, then back to my hotel. She took a shower while I made a couple of phone calls, and came out to find me in the middle of shooting up on insulin. She understood very little English, but she understood that I wasn't a drug addict. I explained Diabetes to her as best I could, and told her the injections kept me alive, then I went for a shower.

The phone rang while I was drying off in the bathroom ... hotel security ... "Lady come down without you sir. Are you OK ?" (They kept her ID card when we arrived.) I said I was OK, and to give back her ID and let her go, then the guard said "Lady say she no want her card, she want to come back to your room later. I cannot let her come up without you. Please come down."

As I dressed I noticed that her handbag was still on the table, so I took it down to the lobby with me, thinking that was why she wanted to come back up to my room. The guard was standing just inside the front door. The girl was nowhere to be seen. He pointed through the glass to the shrine outside and said "Lady praying."

I walked out quietly and stood a few feet behind her, not wanting to be rude. She was making wai with several burning incense sticks and whispering quietly in Thai. When she turned around I saw tears streaming down her cheeks. She hugged me tight and sobbed against my chest for a while. When I asked her what was wrong she just shook her head.

When she'd calmed down a bit we went back inside, and the guard asked if everything was OK. She spoke to him in Thai, and he translated "She cry because you have bad sickness. She pray to Lord Buddha to help you. She very nice lady. Big heart."

Although the girl was quite attractive she was definitely "plain" by Miss Universe standards ... but at that moment she was beautiful beyond compare.

Find me a "plain" farang girl/prostitute who would cry and pray for a guy/customer she'd known for only a few hours and I'll think she's beautiful too.

Edit: The girl (her name was Ana) stayed with me for three days, after going home for some clothes. She spoke very little English, so conversation was limited, but we had a great time. We took a river cruise and went to see the Royal Barges. (I've seen them many times before, but that didn't matter.) She took me to a herbalist and bought me some evil-tasting leaves and bark and stuff, which didn't cure my Diabetes, but didn't kill me either. She bought me a t-shirt and a pair of sandals. She bought me an ice cream. She massaged my neck and shoulders while we watched TV. She kissed me on the cheek at unexpected moments. Sadly, she cried every time I took an insulin shot.

When I left for Pattaya I gave her much more than three times her nightly rate. She didn't want to take it, but I insisted. She was worth it ... not just in bed ... for the company ... the little things ... the way she fussed over me like a mother hen ... the way she made me feel.

No doubt some of you reading this are thinking I'm a sucker who fell for a whore's crocodile tears and threw a shitload of money at her, but you're wrong. I was old when the Lord Buddha was young, I've seen and done it all, and I know her tears came from her heart. You can't buy that.

"But here is an important point I wish to make - I do want to be 'in control'. However I really do believe that in all my relationships I have been kind and considerate and always willingly conceded 'power' when asked. In other words I do not abuse such power. I believe that if both parties have kind hearts then power does not become an issue; the problems arise when one or both parties are motivated by self-interest and it is that that I see as a factor that has become too dominant in the West (I'm talking about both genders here) and where a person is brought up with decent religious values (and in Thailand that means Buddhist) they are much more likely to be considerate of the other rather than simply thinking of themselves. That's what I am looking for."


Thanks, as usual, for your honest and intelligent response. I am not judging what others want, only those that assume a position of false superiority over others and resort to bigotry and name calling when they can't maintain their false sense of superiority any other way. It is quite a textbook example actually. It's all about power and their lack or understanding of real personal power. So they either need a legal/political system that automatically accords them privileged power, or they resort to abuse and name-calling. They illustrate my point better than anything I can ever say.


it's a well known fact that "some" women/men will go with others because they are wealthy, this happens in loads of countries, u see company directors in their 50's dating gorgeous young women in their 20's etc it is obvious the only attraction for the young woman is the financial gain and the lifestyle :D

imho a western lady is less likely to consider your financial situation and whether or not u can support her parents etc and will decide to be involved with u or not-for who u are not-what you are!!

Make your mind up!!!!

lol :o

n.b some, less

and the rest of the post :D

imho a western lady is less likely to consider your financial situation and whether or not u can support her parents etc and will decide to be involved with u or not-for who u are not-what you are!!

That is because the western lady you refered to is most probably capable of taking care of her own self without a man.

I had a somewhat interesting experience at a crosscultural conference on Saturday. The scope of the meeting was for us Westerners to gain some insight into Thai culture, behavior, etc via three Thai ajarns. The Western women in attendance had a list of complaints in regards to Thai society and how they, as Western women are made to feel invisible, aren't liked by Thai women, can't find decent men, are hassled by Thai men, etc. (the biggest complaint by the men was getting fined for dropping a cigarette on the street!) At the lunch I was asked repeatedly by one of the women why I lived in Thailand. Maybe I should've said "sex" because every other answer wasn't good enough. In a way I feel sad for Western women that are having a hard time here. But I did too when I first arrived (I learned to appreciate "difference"). I see alot of Western women going to the extremes of ridiculous mating behavior to get attention from men here and I don't see alot of takers. How can a man who lives here and is happy with a Thai woman explain this to a Western woman? It's as though they think we're insane for being attracted to a woman who (generally) doesn't shout, bully, or force opnions and complaints. It's a hard road for a Western woman--maybe that sounds belittling I don't know.

This reminds me of a scene in 'Killing Plato,' a novel by Jack Needham. In the scene a group of people is at Plato Karsarkis' house for a party. A drunk Australian women starts off on a tyranical speech about how Farang men in Asia

are only interested in Asian women because they are easily dominated and Farang

men don't have the depth or balls to make it with a decent western woman. She goes on and on with her twattle. The funny thing is, is that she is married to a Thai

man who obediently sits by her side listening to her. In the story he says,"He acts

as if he's heard the ranting many times during their marriage."

There's a lesson somewhere.


imho a western lady is less likely to consider your financial situation and whether or not u can support her parents etc and will decide to be involved with u or not-for who u are not-what you are!!

That is because the western lady you refered to is most probably capable of taking care of her own self without a man.

imo that's closer to "love" than a girl being with you for "love of her family"

OMG!!! Are you guys molesting new born babies?

meemiathai- only winding, he's into legal age ladies, just likes them really small. Each their own I guess. :o

Kat- as far as a control issue, not with me my gf is my equal and she does quite well on her own before/after we met one another.


Beautiful stories Rod. I once took a young prostitute back to my apartment when I lived in Amsterdam. She was only 17, and was a streetwalker, and was floored that someone, especially another girl, would actually offer a safe place without judging her, simply because she was a human being.

I let her shower, fed her chile, gave her clean clothes, a dry and warm place to sleep, and just basically treated her like a younger teenage girl for a change, rather than a prostitute. I was just an older sister helping out a younger sister. It several hours for her to open up, but when she did, she cried torrents. I actually let her stay a couple of more nights until we could find her a spot in a shelter, because it turned out she wanted to leave the streets but think she could, and didn't have a soul with whom to hash it out, the way many of us need friends to hash out important decisions.

We're all human Rod. Some of us just have different defenses for different reasons, and express it differently in different cultures. You've also been in Thailand a long time, right? By now you've had much more experience with people here than elsewhere, no? Just a thought, but not an important one. I like your stories.

Back in May or June I took a high class Bangkok working girl for dinner, then back to my hotel. She took a shower while I made a couple of phone calls, and came out to find me in the middle of shooting up on insulin. She understood very little English, but she understood that I wasn't a drug addict. I explained Diabetes to her as best I could, and told her the injections kept me alive, then I went for a shower.

The phone rang while I was drying off in the bathroom ... hotel security ... "Lady come down without you sir. Are you OK ?" (They kept her ID card when we arrived.) I said I was OK, and to give back her ID and let her go, then the guard said "Lady say she no want her card, she want to come back to your room later. I cannot let her come up without you. Please come down."

As I dressed I noticed that her handbag was still on the table, so I took it down to the lobby with me, thinking that was why she wanted to come back up to my room. The guard was standing just inside the front door. The girl was nowhere to be seen. He pointed through the glass to the shrine outside and said "Lady praying."

I walked out quietly and stood a few feet behind her, not wanting to be rude. She was making wai with several burning incense sticks and whispering quietly in Thai. When she turned around I saw tears streaming down her cheeks. She hugged me tight and sobbed against my chest for a while. When I asked her what was wrong she just shook her head.

When she'd calmed down a bit we went back inside, and the guard asked if everything was OK. She spoke to him in Thai, and he translated "She cry because you have bad sickness. She pray to Lord Buddha to help you. She very nice lady. Big heart."

Although the girl was quite attractive she was definitely "plain" by Miss Universe standards ... but at that moment she was beautiful beyond compare.

Find me a "plain" farang girl/prostitute who would cry and pray for a guy/customer she'd known for only a few hours and I'll think she's beautiful too.

Edit: The girl (her name was Ana) stayed with me for three days, after going home for some clothes. She spoke very little English, so conversation was limited, but we had a great time. We took a river cruise and went to see the Royal Barges. (I've seen them many times before, but that didn't matter.) She took me to a herbalist and bought me some evil-tasting leaves and bark and stuff, which didn't cure my Diabetes, but didn't kill me either. She bought me a t-shirt and a pair of sandals. She bought me an ice cream. She massaged my neck and shoulders while we watched TV. She kissed me on the cheek at unexpected moments. Sadly, she cried every time I took an insulin shot.

When I left for Pattaya I gave her much more than three times her nightly rate. She didn't want to take it, but I insisted. She was worth it ... not just in bed ... for the company ... the little things ... the way she fussed over me like a mother hen ... the way she made me feel.

No doubt some of you reading this are thinking I'm a sucker who fell for a whore's crocodile tears and threw a shitload of money at her, but you're wrong. I was old when the Lord Buddha was young, I've seen and done it all, and I know her tears came from her heart. You can't buy that.

Nice story, truly. I really wish all thai men and girls were like this,in fact the whole world was like this, but, we're not. :o

Unfortunatly in every culture we have bad and from the little i've seen of thailand i've seen beautilful but also alot of bad, people addicted to yaba(sp), killings, guns, lady-boys literally raping farang men, thai men beating dogs till there virtually dead. Now i love the whole buddism religion but not all of thailand's buddist's act like buddist's and in fact i've met some very cruel thai people.

so moral of the story:

There are many beautiful people with big hearts from all over the world, there are also many cruel discusting idiots too...culture has nothing to do with it.

P.s i have been scoulded by farang men badly and had them try to control me(power), this does not mean i will now go out looking for a man with no control so as not to get hurt..


imho a western lady is less likely to consider your financial situation and whether or not u can support her parents etc and will decide to be involved with u or not-for who u are not-what you are!!

That is because the western lady you refered to is most probably capable of taking care of her own self without a man.

imo that's closer to "love" than a girl being with you for "love of her family"

I'm not sure if I understood what you meant but I guess I did.

In a same manner, taking care of the girl's family is a way of showing your love to her. I love my wife and knowing that she loves her family, I try my best to take care of her family as well(not only financially but how my wife should interact with them). Not only because my wife is Thai, I will do that to my wife even if she was of any other nationality. Just to show that I am a understanding person. And most important is, my father, mother and sisters in law are very nice people. The brother is a bit inmature though but not really bad in nature.

I doubt if a western girl would put money out of consideration in a marriage if her parents were in serious poverty. Please excuse me if I didn't get your point.(and my poor english as well)


Lookit this thread, 9 pages already!

What really gets me is the way most farang women love to use such sad cliches to describe the reasons why we are attracted to Asian women. Do you want a subservient wife? do you want a woman straight out of the 50's who just cooks and cleans and never says a word?

Cmon do you women really believe this <deleted> you are sprouting? I have NEVER met a subservient Asian woman, and of the dozens I have known and dated, non of them have acted in the way you Western women like to think they do. What they do very well is project a strong proud personality whilst maintaining femeninity and balance to the male/female part of the relationship.

I have nothing against farang women from a potential date point of view, and find plenty of 'white women' (like that kitty?) attractive. Finding one that doesnt want to lecture me or bust my balls or goes all feminazi when I speak on very un PC topics, thats the hard part.

As for Thai women, I dont find them attractive from anything more than the physical side. And even then, I have found the guys who find the majority of Thai women gorgeous, or say that Thai women are by far the best looking in Asia, havent really travelled around that much.

Who is into body hair?? so many thai girls have got the most revolting looking legs, makes me cringe when I see a relatively attractive girl with huge black leg hairs all over the place! At least farang women understand this and for the larger part do something about it.

Who was the naive woman he said farang women for the large part are not interested in taking more than what they brought into the relationship?!?! Are you on drugs?! :o Go and do a little survey and have a chat to every divorced man you can find, ask him what he was left with, he is lucky if he gets half the house, if there is a child, forget it, she gets everything! And we all know how spiteful Farang women are when it comes to divorce and children, using the kids to fuk the man over is a normal occurance.

Farang women have buried themselves in a hole so deep these days that its going to take a real effort and change of attitude to return to a normal balance.

I have hardly heard a word spoken about Farang women whilst in Thailand, most of my friends have far better topics to discuss than dissing out on Farang women.

There are many beautiful people with big hearts from all over the world,
but not enough. :o
P.s i have been scoulded by farang men badly and had them try to control me(power),
Just don't let it happen again!

P.s It's funny though, where i was staying in Thailand the Thai men also only liked farang girls, many of them would never go near a thai lady, funnily enough saying they "fat" :o

However i also know they prefered farang girls because farang girls would spend their money on these men, same as the thai ladies there openly admitted they only want farang men because they spend money on them...now thats shallow! :D

P.s It's funny though, where i was staying in Thailand the Thai men also only liked farang girls, many of them would never go near a thai lady, funnily enough saying they "fat" :o

However i also know they prefered farang girls because farang girls would spend their money on these men, same as the thai ladies there openly admitted they only want farang men because they spend money on them...now thats shallow! :D

Shallow but true.

I have slagged off farang girls I admit, but only because they seem as unfriendly here as they do back home, however, once the ice is broken a new friend is made easily - but it almost seems a foregone conclusion between both parties that that's as far as it will go.

I was once told that the difference between Thai girls and English girls is that Thai girls get out of the bath to have a piss!

Not my words Kat, don't flame me honey - the words of Mike Rolf from Hampshire. :D:D

I once took a young prostitute back to my apartment when I lived in Amsterdam.

I've done that a few times in Amsterdam myself. :o

I was just an older sister helping out a younger sister.  It several hours for her to open up, but when she did, she cried torrents.  I actually let her stay a couple of more nights until we could find her a spot in a shelter, because it turned out she wanted to leave the streets but think she could, and didn't have a soul with whom to hash it out, the way many of us need friends to hash out important decisions.
Yeah ... but when you're down in the gutter it's often hard to find a friend who can reach down to lift you up, because everyone you know is down there with you.

I have a great deal of respect for the Salvation Army ... those guys and girls are just about the only "god-botherers" who will lift a drunken drug-addicted prostitute covered in her own piss and vomit out of the gutter and try to clean her up. Good people. (Like you, by the sound of it.)

You've also been in Thailand a long time, right?

I've never actually been a resident, but my face has been seen so often in Thailand since 1960 that some people think I'm a local. :D

By now you've had much more experience with people here than elsewhere, no?  Just a thought, but not an important one.
I've had experience with people all over the world. There aren't many places I haven't been.
I like your stories.

Thanks Kat. On my 21st birthday I received the only letter my father ever wrote me. He said I'd done and seen more in the 21 years of my life than he had in the 67 years of his. I guess he was right ... I've lived much longer than my years, so I have a lot of memories.

Lookit this thread, 9 pages already!

What really gets me is the way most farang women love to use such sad cliches to describe the reasons why we are attracted to Asian women. Do you want a subservient wife? do you want a woman straight out of the 50's who just cooks and cleans and never says a word?

Cmon do you women really believe this <deleted> you are sprouting? I have NEVER met a subservient Asian woman, and of the dozens I have known and dated, non of them have acted in the way you Western women like to think they do. What they do very well is project a strong proud personality whilst maintaining femeninity and balance to the male/female part of the relationship.

I have nothing against farang women from a potential date point of view, and find plenty of 'white women' (like that kitty?) attractive. Finding one that doesnt want to lecture me or bust my balls or goes all feminazi when I speak on very un PC topics, thats the hard part.

As for Thai women, I dont find them attractive from anything more than the physical side. And even then, I have found the guys who find the majority of Thai women gorgeous, or say that Thai women are by far the best looking in Asia, havent really travelled around that much.

Who is into body hair?? so many thai girls have got the most revolting looking legs, makes me cringe when I see a relatively attractive girl with huge black leg hairs all over the place! At least farang women understand this and for the larger part do something about it.

Who was the naive woman he said farang women for the large part are not interested in taking more than what they brought into the relationship?!?! Are you on drugs?! :D Go and do a little survey and have a chat to every divorced man you can find, ask him what he was left with, he is lucky if he gets half the house, if there is a child, forget it, she gets everything! And we all know how spiteful Farang women are when it comes to divorce and children, using the kids to fuk the man over is a normal occurance.

Farang women have buried themselves in a hole so deep these days that its going to take a real effort and change of attitude to return to a normal balance.

I have hardly heard a word spoken about Farang women whilst in Thailand, most of my friends have far better topics to discuss than dissing out on Farang women.

Did i mention before about stereotyping,maybe squeezing all farang females into the same hole? :o

We are not all bad, infact most of my friends including me are not "typical"english girls and wouldnt hurt a fly...ahhhhhh :D

P.s It's funny though, where i was staying in Thailand the Thai men also only liked farang girls, many of them would never go near a thai lady, funnily enough saying they "fat" :o

However i also know they prefered farang girls because farang girls would spend their money on these men, same as the thai ladies there openly admitted they only want farang men because they spend money on them...now thats shallow! :D

Shallow but true.

I have slagged off farang girls I admit, but only because they seem as unfriendly here as they do back home, however, once the ice is broken a new friend is made easily - but it almost seems a foregone conclusion between both parties that that's as far as it will go.

I was once told that the difference between Thai girls and English girls is that Thai girls get out of the bath to have a piss!

Not my words Kat, don't flame me honey - the words of Mike Rolf from Hampshire. :D:D

No, I easily let go of grudges. Let's start on a new foot. The sun rises and gives us a new sky everyday. No worries.

Rod, you've already been everywhere by the time you were 21? Holy heck man, are you in Thailand now? I definitely would like to buy you a cold one if you are.

Nice story, truly. I really wish all thai men and girls were like this, in fact the whole world was like this, but, we're not. :o

No ... we're not.

Unfortunatly in every culture we have bad and from the little i've seen of thailand i've seen beautilful but also alot of bad, people addicted to yaba(sp), killings, guns, lady-boys literally raping farang men, thai men beating dogs till there virtually dead. Now i love the whole buddism religion but not all of thailand's buddist's act like buddist's and in fact i've met some very cruel thai people.
I've got plenty of horror stories of my own, Kitty, but I keep most of them to myself. I don't feel they're representative of Thailand as a whole.
so moral of the story:

There are many beautiful people with big hearts from all over the world, there are also many cruel discusting idiots too...culture has nothing to do with it.

Every country has its bad eggs, but they're usually outnumbered by the good eggs ... and the good eggs are usually easier to find.

P.s i have been scoulded by farang men badly and had them try to control me (power), this does not mean i will now go out looking for a man with no control so as not to get hurt..

Pick me! Pick me! :D:D

Rod, you've already been everywhere by the time you were 21?

I left home on my 15th birthday. I was old by the time I was 17. :o

Holy heck man, are you in Thailand now?
No ... I'm in Australia at the moment. I was in Thailand for a couple of weeks in late May and early June, had three weeks in Europe, then another ten days in Thailand in July on the way back to Australia.
I definitely would like to buy you a cold one if you are.

I'll take you up on that on my next trip.

Do you want a subservient wife?

I think a lot of people confuse "subservient" with "respectful" and "trying to please".

By the same token, I think a lot of farangs take advantage of those traits and treat Thai girls like shit.

Rod: do you work everywhere you go? :o

No ... but some parts of my trips are business-related.

One of my partners said a while back, "You're the only guy I know who can turn a three-day conference into a two-month trip around the world." :D

It's a lot easier to find a submissive woman in LOS.
Why do you think that ?
I have NEVER met a subservient Asian woman.

And neither have I. In Thailand they are (usually) more polite, considerate and less aggressive that their roundeye counterparts, but this is *not* 'subservience' ! Now if we could just get roundeye guys to be more polite, considerate and less aggressive...and maybe a bit less fat and wrinkly...

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