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Time To Sit Back And Think


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What was that old "sexy" woman from the Sullivans called - the old widow, with black curly hair....I can't sleep tonight...it wasn't Miss Marple...she was a hot piece! answers on a postcard to ....BBC Television..London, Un United KIngdom

She was the same woman who played Kylie's gandmother in Neighbours. I saw harold Bishop when I went to the set in Melbourne.

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Don't want to be ...what is the word? .... pessisimist?, mm not sure if that fits..

When I first came here it was like the "great escape" I forgot my "slave" job in Shanghai, and welcomed the thought to be living here.

After 4 or 5 years, the novelty appears to have worn off, don't get me wrong, I would rather be struck down with a bolt of lightning than 

o back to the UK, but Thailand seems to becoming a bit depresseing. Maybe due to a certain Boonyaratklin?

Maybe it is a middle age crisis, but the place does not hold for  me what it held before...the wife's got FAT, the kids are a pain in the arse....maybe I am just getting old.. you enjoy blowing old ice lolly sticks around the table? ( A Thai childs game)  Bow Bow Bow!

The future for someone of my aga looks pretty bleak here, no prospect of jobs...(you want a dishwasher turned microwave engineer?) Every opportunity there is a money sucking scam..and the Temples are NO1.

I thought me and the family would have been happy here, to get out of the rat race, but it seems at times, that the rats are 2nd favourite!



You grumpy old b@stard. Get a job, get a life, get a purpose in life :o

Write down a list of all the great things that have happened in your life. If you don't take positive action you'll get even more miserable.

As son as you start to pursue a dream your life wakes up and everything has a meaning.

Even if it's completing a jigsaw, or building a model - doesn't have to be saving the human race. Anything is bettr that sipping your half bitter and double rum(if I remember correctly)


Wrote down everything great that has happened in my life...finished the jigsaw of the boat on the lake with the clouds and the dreamy blue sky, the model Spitfire is finished and ready to fly (saved the human race already)...can't get bitter here "Thankfully". Rather drink cats piss anyway! (you sound like a REAL ALE MAN!) like it warm, and flat?...so where do we go from here? I certainly feel so much more enlightened....maybe at last I have reached peace, tranquility and transcended mortal values....oops ther seems to be a piece of the sky missing, the

Spitfire has crashed, and my glass appears to be somewhat empty!

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Mrs Mangel?


Yes Mrs. Mangel...you need to scrape me off the floor tonight, I never thought I would see that rosy cheeked harlot again!

Christ, brings back some meories!

Cheers for that,

couldn't have sleapt tonight with that going on in my head....

Time to go and raid the fridge! the night is young..alas.. I am not!

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I am a bit concerned about this Baboon and Injury lawyers for you. No win no fee. Someone must have to pay...I bet it is me.

Back to the list, I feel better now...Speeding, caught on camera, cant say who was driving ? OK they will now fine the registered keeper and give him SIX points for being so forgetfull...

Nope its no good I am depressed again...

You bet? You bet? Do you bet on LICENCED premesis? Are you aware of stiff legal penalties for illegal gambling?

"Someone will have to pay." Is that a threat? A van full of police is now on its way to your house. What do you mean I took your quote out of context? Sorry, but I PERCIEVED your post as threatening. Are you not aware there are stiff legal penalties for threats and intimidation? Are you also aware I am half Spanish and I find your comments RACIST?

You are going to Jail, pal. Not until I am suitably financially compensated for my distress first, of course. And dont talk to me about depression. :o:D

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Don't want to be ...what is the word? .... pessisimist?, mm not sure if that fits..

When I first came here it was like the "great escape" I forgot my "slave" job in Shanghai, and welcomed the thought to be living here.

After 4 or 5 years, the novelty appears to have worn off, don't get me wrong, I would rather be struck down with a bolt of lightning than

o back to the UK, but Thailand seems to becoming a bit depresseing. Maybe due to a certain Boonyaratklin?

Maybe it is a middle age crisis, but the place does not hold for me what it held before...the wife's got FAT, the kids are a pain in the arse....maybe I am just getting old.. you enjoy blowing old ice lolly sticks around the table? ( A Thai childs game) Bow Bow Bow!

The future for someone of my aga looks pretty bleak here, no prospect of jobs...(you want a dishwasher turned microwave engineer?) Every opportunity there is a money sucking scam..and the Temples are NO1.

I thought me and the family would have been happy here, to get out of the rat race, but it seems at times, that the rats are 2nd favourite!


dont worry there lots of us who are in the same boat ,been here 15 years full of youth ,well 32 ,now pushing 50 and tired ,tired of yhe thai mentality ,ah you farang big money springs to mind ,i made my money in thailand through hard work and long hours ,sometimes beating my head against the wall out of sheer frustration at what was going on around me ,i hate my life here but am to scared to start again ,ground hog day springs to mind,never mind we have thai visa ,my own get out fantasy world .

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Always look on the bright side of life.....errr Albert. Just think for each one of you not enjoying it right now, there are probaly ten waiting or wanting to take your place.

I come over through work many times, but this year due to the whole 'political' scene, trips have dried up, looks like only three this year....

As for me and jail....ha, you obviously dont know who I think I am, I have connections....few phone calls, £3.65p in the right hands soon sorts things.

Edited by Cobalt60
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Mrs Mangel?


Yes Mrs. Mangel...you need to scrape me off the floor tonight, I never thought I would see that rosy cheeked harlot again!

Christ, brings back some meories!

Cheers for that,

couldn't have sleapt tonight with that going on in my head....

Time to go and raid the fridge! the night is young..alas.. I am not!

whos mrs mangel ?

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Is it just me or are you lot on smack? I being the only sane one on a fix of Chang? Baboon seems to have had a bit toooooo much of Mr Sohndis YA BA or did I lose the plot?

Anyway, fridge succesfully plundered - 34 Changs to go until the supply dries up!

Not sure as whether to go and ###### the dog and kick the wife or vice phersa....not much difference really I suppose! And my beer appears to be 70% insects!

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Always look on the bright side of life.....errr Albert. Just think for each one of you not enjoying it right now, there are probaly ten waiting or wanting to take your place.

I come over through work many times, but this year due to the whole 'political' scene, trips have dried up, looks like only three this year....

As for me and jail....ha, you obviously dont know who I think I am, I have connections....few phone calls, £3.65p in the right hands soon sorts things.

And I suppose 3 quid odd for a bloody phone call expensive? Is it not a small price to pay for democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan? Their Majesties Blair and Brown have pledged an end to poverty in Africa, not to mention social welfare for our Polish brethren. I suppose you think it is down to the people to form the future of their own countries? Not on my watch, hitler. :o:D:D:D

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Don't want to be ...what is the word? .... pessisimist?, mm not sure if that fits..

When I first came here it was like the "great escape" I forgot my "slave" job in Shanghai, and welcomed the thought to be living here.

After 4 or 5 years, the novelty appears to have worn off, don't get me wrong, I would rather be struck down with a bolt of lightning than

o back to the UK, but Thailand seems to becoming a bit depresseing. Maybe due to a certain Boonyaratklin?

Maybe it is a middle age crisis, but the place does not hold for me what it held before...the wife's got FAT, the kids are a pain in the arse....maybe I am just getting old.. you enjoy blowing old ice lolly sticks around the table? ( A Thai childs game) Bow Bow Bow!

The future for someone of my aga looks pretty bleak here, no prospect of jobs...(you want a dishwasher turned microwave engineer?) Every opportunity there is a money sucking scam..and the Temples are NO1.

I thought me and the family would have been happy here, to get out of the rat race, but it seems at times, that the rats are 2nd favourite!


dont worry there lots of us who are in the same boat ,been here 15 years full of youth ,well 32 ,now pushing 50 and tired ,tired of yhe thai mentality ,ah you farang big money springs to mind ,i made my money in thailand through hard work and long hours ,sometimes beating my head against the wall out of sheer frustration at what was going on around me ,i hate my life here but am to scared to start again ,ground hog day springs to mind,never mind we have thai visa ,my own get out fantasy world .

Nice to hear an honest reply!

Me too, I put too much in to ever get out! What is the alterantive? back to the USSE (UK) not for me! I suppose as I said earlier, the grass is always greener on the other side, what the hel_l, maybe we are on the other side already!

Look how yellow the grass looks after a couple of weeks back in the UK.

Funnny really, didn't mean to upset the applecart with this post, it was only mean't in humour and FRUSTRATION ...Kaw Tan! (t he missus  will never forgive me!) get me a burning crucifix!

really is time for bed...before my foot ends up in my mouth...but I thought the monks were supposed to give the food (ALMS) they collected, to the poor...not to eat the ######ing lot themselves...

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I think all the replys have been in good spirit and meant to lift you out of your mini downer mate. Its niceto see some humour and goodwill. Well apart from that Baboon, he has got it in for me, I am sure. :o

Funny how it looks on the front page... Last Post by Albert Tatlock Deceased, ...I expect somehow to hear a lone bugler play when I open the thread.

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Just trying to help :D

I know where I want to be......and its Not where I am now.

But what about the UKs vibrant multicultural, multiethnic society? Investers in PEOPLE? The friendly British Bobby? Cricket? Old ladies cycling to church?

COBALT! Put that down! I mean it! Cobalt, Im warning you! Hey get off me you f@cking...... :D:D:D

Also... Trying to get served at the bar on a weekend - no sexy waitress service, no smiles - people whinging about the cost of living and everything else. Gas £1000 a year. Elec £1000 a year. Mortgage rates rising. Council Tax. Speed cameras. CCTV on every corner and so many more wonderful things about the UK :o

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Don't want to be ...what is the word? .... pessisimist?, mm not sure if that fits..

When I first came here it was like the "great escape" I forgot my "slave" job in Shanghai, and welcomed the thought to be living here.

After 4 or 5 years, the novelty appears to have worn off, don't get me wrong, I would rather be struck down with a bolt of lightning than 

o back to the UK, but Thailand seems to becoming a bit depresseing. Maybe due to a certain Boonyaratklin?

Maybe it is a middle age crisis, but the place does not hold for  me what it held before...the wife's got FAT, the kids are a pain in the arse....maybe I am just getting old.. you enjoy blowing old ice lolly sticks around the table? ( A Thai childs game)  Bow Bow Bow!

The future for someone of my aga looks pretty bleak here, no prospect of jobs...(you want a dishwasher turned microwave engineer?) Every opportunity there is a money sucking scam..and the Temples are NO1.

I thought me and the family would have been happy here, to get out of the rat race, but it seems at times, that the rats are 2nd favourite!



I spend my days dreaming of my next holiday to Thailand with my Thai wife, due to go again next March. This will be my 7th trip since 2002. I'd go more often if it were'nt for the airfair. Often flirt with the idea of living there when i retire but the wife thinks the UK is a better place to live and i guess in many respects she's right, health service, better infrastructure, pension, maybe more democratic? and a load of other stuff but it seems pretty dull compared to the postives of Thailand, warm weather, food, people, Pattaya :o, Singer beer, temples, beautiful scenery and so on. But thats the difference between the wife and i she thinks with her head i with my heart. Oh well role on March.

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England...Its just starting to turn into full Autumn with winter around the corner. Nights are drawing in, clocks will change soon. It will be dark when people get up. it will be dark when they travel home from work. The leaves are falling from the trees and you can be sure the mornings of scraping ice off the car windscreen wont be far away. Those long legged pointless flying things will be invading the house and driving the wife nuts. The local chavs will be setting off fireworks in the street and terrorising pensioners. Snow and or floods will come with the ensuing chaos that only half an inch of snow can bring to the travelling public in UK. The postmen and women are due to strike, the prison officers may not have finished with industrial action yet.The Daily Express is still going on about Princess Diana, and England is being run by a Jock while Scotland is trying to shape up for independance. Petrol and Diesel are about 98p a litre, some places the beer is near £3 a pint.

I cant go on, I am getting to depressed......

Oh and I just looked outside...Fon dtok maak maak

Ahhh, you sound like a man after my own heart ! Currently trapped in North Scotland preparing for winter. Could see my own breath tonight as I walked to the car, frost tonight apparently. God I hate winter. Neighbourhood full of little neds (chavs for you southerners) causing havoc, I can't remember the last time I walked to the shop without abuse being hurled at me (can't do anything though, as they know their rights) I'm only 28 but if I had tried that shi* at their age I was of got my ass kicked for my trouble.

I could go on, all night....... but I won't.

Last time I spent too much time in Thailand I was actually looking forwards to coming back here. Looking at it with misty eyed sentimentality. All that lovely steak pie, roast lamb etc, good laugh with the lads. BOLLOC*S! IT IS RUBBISH HERE.

At least I have learned this time that lesson, and next time I leave here it will be for good, bridges burned and all that. Don't know my destination, just know it won't be here, will be very warm and laid back. Just the old question of funds.

I think I'll take my medication now.

Cobalt, I will buy you a drink sometime. With our maniacal depressive rhetoric combined, we will be unstoppable !! That is if you don't mind drinking with a Jock :o


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Don't want to be ...what is the word? .... pessisimist?, mm not sure if that fits..

When I first came here it was like the "great escape" I forgot my "slave" job in Shanghai, and welcomed the thought to be living here.

After 4 or 5 years, the novelty appears to have worn off, don't get me wrong, I would rather be struck down with a bolt of lightning than 

o back to the UK, but Thailand seems to becoming a bit depresseing. Maybe due to a certain Boonyaratklin?

Maybe it is a middle age crisis, but the place does not hold for  me what it held before...the wife's got FAT, the kids are a pain in the arse....maybe I am just getting old.. you enjoy blowing old ice lolly sticks around the table? ( A Thai childs game)  Bow Bow Bow!

The future for someone of my aga looks pretty bleak here, no prospect of jobs...(you want a dishwasher turned microwave engineer?) Every opportunity there is a money sucking scam..and the Temples are NO1.

I thought me and the family would have been happy here, to get out of the rat race, but it seems at times, that the rats are 2nd favourite!



Your problem lies within, not without!!!!!!

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Eat the same food for too long, you will eventually become sick of it.

Ditto staying in the same place too long. Try and treat yourself to a bit of a holiday somewhere else. Maybe that will change your perception.

Spot on !! two days into my recent holiday to England I realised why I moved to Thailand !!

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cheer up..every one..!! :o

you guys sounds so depressed.

if you not happy within yourself.. well

i supposed you won't be happy where ever you are.

and if you get bored why don't you take a trip to somewhere nice.

a short break might help..don't you think! :D

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You know I had a very weird dream the other night (before reading OP's topic).

I was walking on a bridge when I saw a grey haired man climbing to a higher part of the bridge.

I was a bit surprised to see an older person doing that, for what?

He then positioned himself so he was facing the road and then bended forwards leaning over in an angle that was impossible to get back.

Next thing he did he let himself fall (face down) on the road but he did not die as it was not high enough.

He then got a second opportunity as a big truck hit him full speed.

The bad part was that I did not do anything to stop him.......... :o

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Don't want to be ...what is the word? .... pessisimist?, mm not sure if that fits..

When I first came here it was like the "great escape" I forgot my "slave" job in Shanghai, and welcomed the thought to be living here.

After 4 or 5 years, the novelty appears to have worn off, don't get me wrong, I would rather be struck down with a bolt of lightning than

o back to the UK, but Thailand seems to becoming a bit depresseing. Maybe due to a certain Boonyaratklin?

Maybe it is a middle age crisis, but the place does not hold for me what it held before...the wife's got FAT, the kids are a pain in the arse....maybe I am just getting old.. you enjoy blowing old ice lolly sticks around the table? ( A Thai childs game) Bow Bow Bow!

The future for someone of my aga looks pretty bleak here, no prospect of jobs...(you want a dishwasher turned microwave engineer?) Every opportunity there is a money sucking scam..and the Temples are NO1.

I thought me and the family would have been happy here, to get out of the rat race, but it seems at times, that the rats are 2nd favourite!


:o Try a Rodney Dangerfield video in lieu of American Beauty. I think you will find you have a lot in common with Rodney.

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So you're one of the typical cranky old men that are such a joy to run into. You don't sound like you're happy wherever you are. Try and find joy in the small things because they end up accumulating and before you know it your whole personality will change and people will actually like you instead of finding you such a pain to be around.

Don't like your life, change it. It's no one else's responsibility.

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So you're one of the typical cranky old men that are such a joy to run into. You don't sound like you're happy wherever you are. Try and find joy in the small things because they end up accumulating and before you know it your whole personality will change and people will actually like you instead of finding you such a pain to be around.

Don't like your life, change it. It's no one else's responsibility.

Yes, but complaining is just so darn ENJOYABLE. :o

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.the wife's got FAT, the kids are a pain in the arse....maybe I am just getting old..

I often wonder what someone with a wife and kids finds appealing about thailand, especially bangkok. Young kids upcountry could have alot of outdoor fun but once they are school age it must be a struggle for the farang. Another case of poor planning


Is your wife Thai or Farang??? :o No way she could be FAT if she is Thai;right???

Are those (kids) yours??

MEN never get older they just got more (finer) with years just like wine!! Only WOMEN get FATTER and OLDER!

Just try to do body building to impress the teens in your soi as Kevin Spacey did with his daughter's friend in that movie and you will not be bored!

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Kankaroo any snow on the hills yet? Thinking of looking out the window and seeing the first dusting of snow makes me think of a trip back home, then again being able to walk out the front door and take the mutt for a walk on the beach of an evening in a pair of shorts soon gets rid of the feeling. :o:D:D

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Kankaroo any snow on the hills yet? Thinking of looking out the window and seeing the first dusting of snow makes me think of a trip back home, then again being able to walk out the front door and take the mutt for a walk on the beach of an evening in a pair of shorts soon gets rid of the feeling. :D:D:D

No snow here just yet, but last night freezing. I think some snow on higher grounds north of here?

Last night wearing 2 t-shirts in bed under goose down blankets and still cold !

Morning shower is starting to be morning every second day shower :o

I was never designed for this climate my friend !

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You sound like you need friends!

Well, let me help. See, yesterday, this annoying chap came up to me telling me I could be saved. Now, I'm all for saving, particularly when it comes to managing the grocery bill, so I asked if he had coupons. He said no, but he had something better, the way to peace and salvation. I said, yea well thats nice, even though the club name sounded nice, but I don't go to clubs, particularly ones where it sounds like folks do drugs. I think he though I was a boring tit, and maybe that's why he said that I could bring friends or anyone else I could think of.

So long story short, do you want this guy's coordinates? I can send you his phone number. Like I said, I can't go. Ever since I slipped in the mosh pit at a Ramones concert, clubbing hasn't been the same.

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