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Three Types Of Expat


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It seems to me that there are 3 types of expats.

1) Those that bitch and moan endlessly

2) Those that see no fault in Thailand & defend it to the hilt

3) Those that see it for what it is

The people that reside in numbers 1 & 2 pigeon hole everybody into either non stop bitchers or alternatively totally blind to what they can see.

Why can't you see there is a diversity of opinions about Thailand and its people & there is no right and wrong in terms of these opinions.

Everybody has the right to comment as they see fit on the way they see things regardless of what some of the self righteous people on this board think. Respect each others opinions as you would hope they respect yours. Realise that Thailand is a great place, like other places but also has faults, like other places. Debate these issues as you see fit, just as Thai's debate the positives and negatives of the West as they see fit.

Enjoy the fact that you have the freedom to debate these issues.

Thats how I see things.

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Hey, there are all sorts of people no matter where you go! However, your view is valid, there are these type who post on tv. I tend to have a realistic view of Thailand, it's like every where else. But it's has its unique features that I love...

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It seems to me that there are 3 types of expats.

1) Those that bitch and moan endlessly

2) Those that see no fault in Thailand & defend it to the hilt

3) Those that see it for what it is

The people that reside in numbers 1 & 2 pigeon hole everybody into either non stop bitchers or alternatively totally blind to what they can see.

Why can't you see there is a diversity of opinions about Thailand and its people & there is no right and wrong in terms of these opinions.

Everybody has the right to comment as they see fit on the way they see things regardless of what some of the self righteous people on this board think. Respect each others opinions as you would hope they respect yours. Realise that Thailand is a great place, like other places but also has faults, like other places. Debate these issues as you see fit, just as Thai's debate the positives and negatives of the West as they see fit.

Enjoy the fact that you have the freedom to debate these issues.

Thats how I see things.

Well, I'm sure that people in category 1 and 2 think that they see Thailand for what it is -- it's just that their view of it disagrees with yours. Also, people go through different phases depending on how long they've been there. I think it's pretty common to go through a "everything is great phase!". I also think that if you can't find anything good about a place anymore, and there's no hope of a change of heart in the future, it's time to go home --- you have a relationship with a place just like you have a relationship with a person, and sometimes, it's just better to call it quits.

There are definitely posters that I picture as fussy old pensioners, forever complaining about how a chocolate bar used to cost a nickel back in their day. :o (I'm looking at you, Pattaya forum, and your endless complaints about the Bath bus costing 15B or whatever) But let's face it, people like that would probably be bitching about something else at home. :-P

But I also think that the everyday frustration and difficulties one has in adapting to a different culture can be quite cumulative, and sometimes hard to understand from the comforts of home. I look back at some of the things that annoyed me in Thailand, and some of them seem quite petty in retrospect. But it's quite different to have something happen once, and have it happen everyday -- when you're already feeling a bit lonely and out of sorts, small things can sometimes become magnified in importance.

From another view, if travel has taught me anything, it's that everyone seeks their own relationship with the places they visit and live in. I try not to impose my own view on them, even if I have more experience. I know that the heady beginnings don't last, but I want to enjoy them while I can, as a sense of excitement and hope at new things is one thing that keeps the heart young. I try to learn from the experience of others, but I also don't like to let the jaded, bitter and bored impose their tiredness with life on me.

Edited by canadiangirl
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It seems to me that there are 3 types of expats.

1) Those that bitch and moan endlessly

2) Those that see no fault in Thailand & defend it to the hilt

3) Those that see it for what it is

Of course you have different types, cos we are all in different circumstances.

You think that the Rich guy with a beautiful house and enough money to CHOOSE to live virtually anywhere he wants, sees Thailand in the same way as a guy that has NO CHOICE but to stay in Thailand even if he doesn't like it, cos he is too broke to buy a ticket out, or can't go back to his own country for fear af arrest?

Do you think that a guy travelling in First Class on a 12 hour flight will have the same opinion of his flight as a guy that was in the last row in economy class? They're on the same plane going to the same destination, they are just travelling in different circumstances. Some people live in fan rooms with hardly enough money to survive, some live in 30 Million Baht houses and have anything they desire.

That's why there is debate on a Forum, if a poster started a new topic and everybody just posted , ' Yes I agree with the OP ', it would hardly be worth the bother.

Catagory 1:

If you're not happy in Thailand then do something about it, endless bitching and whining on an anonymous internet Forum will achieve nothing, it will just add to ones own personal depression and bitterness. You managed to move to Thailand from your own country cos you decided Thailand was the place to be. Now if you're not happy, then it's bad planning on your part, lack of foresight etc. If you managed to move to Thailand, then I see no reason that you cannot manage to move back to your own country from Thailand.

Unless of course you can't for reasons I have already pointed out. The problems you have are your own problems , not Thailands.

Catagory 2:

Glad you are happy in Thailand, seems like you have adjusted well and accept that Thailand is indeed different to what you were used to in your own countries of birth. Then again, you already knew that before you moved didn't you, I applaud you for your planning abilities and foresight.

Catagory 3 :

We all see our own circumstances for what they are, but as our own personal circumstances vary so much, we will all have variable outlooks on life, no matter where we live.

If one has a bad relationship in Thailand, you can't blame Thailand and all Thai people, people are having bad relationships all over the planet, that's life.

Read my signature... It's not Thailand that you live or hate, it's your own life and what you've done with it that you love or hate.

Edited by Maigo6
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Of course you have different types, cos we are all in different circumstances.

You think that the Rich guy with a beautiful house and enough money to CHOOSE to live virtually anywhere he wants, sees Thailand in the same way as a guy that has NO CHOICE but to stay in Thailand even if he doesn't like it, cos he is too broke to buy a ticket out, or can't go back to his own country for fear af arrest?

Do you think that a guy travelling in First Class on a 12 hour flight will have the same opinion of his flight as a guy that was in the last row in economy class? They're on the same plane going to the same destination, they are just travelling in different circumstances. Some people live in fan rooms with hardly enough money to survive, some live in 30 Million Baht houses and have anything they desire.

That's why there is debate on a Forum, if a poster started a new topic and everybody just posted , ' Yes I agree with the OP ', it would hardly be worth the bother.

Catagory 1:

If you're not happy in Thailand then do something about it, endless bitching and whining on an anonymous internet Forum will achieve nothing, it will just add to ones own personal depression and bitterness. You managed to move to Thailand from your own country cos you decided Thailand was the place to be. Now if you're not happy, then it's bad planning on your part, lack of foresight etc. If you managed to move to Thailand, then I see no reason that you cannot manage to move back to your own country from Thailand.

Unless of course you can't for reasons I have already pointed out. The problems you have are your own problems , not Thailands.

Catagory 2:

Glad you are happy in Thailand, seems like you have adjusted well and accept that Thailand is indeed different to what you were used to in your own countries of birth. Then again, you already knew that before you moved didn't you, I applaud you for your planning abilities and foresight.

Catagory 3 :

We all see our own circumstances for what they are, but as our own personal circumstances vary so much, we will all have variable outlooks on life, no matter where we live.

If one has a bad relationship in Thailand, you can't blame Thailand and all Thai people, people are having bad relationships all over the planet, that's life.

Read my signature... It's not Thailand that you live or hate, it's your own life and what you've done with it that you love or hate.

An excellent post, Maigo6 and I agree completely. I also notice you occasionally originating threads that draw the complainers and whiners but I like that too because it gives them a place to crab and wheedle and perhaps keeps them a bit away from screwing up other threads that are informative and useful.

I made my decision to live full time in Thialand back in 1966 when I first visited and during the following 35 years traveled the world extensively but did not find any other country/people that changed my mind. Now residing here for six and a half years, I find that my original thought was right on and I am the happiest I have ever been and will live here for the rest of my life if Thailand will allow it.

I would put myself into catagory 3 if pressed. While I am generally optimistic and positive, I am not dopey enough to see Thailand thru rose-colored glasses; there are problems here like anywhere else but to bitch and moan about them only degrades my country of choice and myself at the same time. My Thai wife and I recently returned from two months in the US where we visited old friends in old stomping grounds from Hawaii to the Rockies to New England and we noted that there are just as many problems to deal with there as anywhere else with only some cultural/political/religious differences.

We all have to take some responsibility for our own attitudes, eh? Like they say, "Wherever you go, there you are..."

Edited by Dustoff
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It seems to me that there are 3 types of expats.

1) Those that bitch and moan endlessly

2) Those that see no fault in Thailand & defend it to the hilt

3) Those that see it for what it is

Of course you have different types, cos we are all in different circumstances.

You think that the Rich guy with a beautiful house and enough money to CHOOSE to live virtually anywhere he wants, sees Thailand in the same way as a guy that has NO CHOICE but to stay in Thailand even if he doesn't like it, cos he is too broke to buy a ticket out, or can't go back to his own country for fear af arrest?

Do you think that a guy travelling in First Class on a 12 hour flight will have the same opinion of his flight as a guy that was in the last row in economy class? They're on the same plane going to the same destination, they are just travelling in different circumstances. Some people live in fan rooms with hardly enough money to survive, some live in 30 Million Baht houses and have anything they desire.

That's why there is debate on a Forum, if a poster started a new topic and everybody just posted , ' Yes I agree with the OP ', it would hardly be worth the bother.

Catagory 1:

If you're not happy in Thailand then do something about it, endless bitching and whining on an anonymous internet Forum will achieve nothing, it will just add to ones own personal depression and bitterness. You managed to move to Thailand from your own country cos you decided Thailand was the place to be. Now if you're not happy, then it's bad planning on your part, lack of foresight etc. If you managed to move to Thailand, then I see no reason that you cannot manage to move back to your own country from Thailand.

Unless of course you can't for reasons I have already pointed out. The problems you have are your own problems , not Thailands.

Catagory 2:

Glad you are happy in Thailand, seems like you have adjusted well and accept that Thailand is indeed different to what you were used to in your own countries of birth. Then again, you already knew that before you moved didn't you, I applaud you for your planning abilities and foresight.

Catagory 3 :

We all see our own circumstances for what they are, but as our own personal circumstances vary so much, we will all have variable outlooks on life, no matter where we live.

If one has a bad relationship in Thailand, you can't blame Thailand and all Thai people, people are having bad relationships all over the planet, that's life.

Read my signature... It's not Thailand that you live or hate, it's your own life and what you've done with it that you love or hate.


Now that is deep man... :o

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It seems to me that there are 3 types of expats.

1) Those that bitch and moan endlessly

2) Those that see no fault in Thailand & defend it to the hilt

3) Those that see it for what it is

Of course you have different types, cos we are all in different circumstances.

You think that the Rich guy with a beautiful house and enough money to CHOOSE to live virtually anywhere he wants, sees Thailand in the same way as a guy that has NO CHOICE but to stay in Thailand even if he doesn't like it, cos he is too broke to buy a ticket out, or can't go back to his own country for fear af arrest?

Do you think that a guy travelling in First Class on a 12 hour flight will have the same opinion of his flight as a guy that was in the last row in economy class? They're on the same plane going to the same destination, they are just travelling in different circumstances. Some people live in fan rooms with hardly enough money to survive, some live in 30 Million Baht houses and have anything they desire.

That's why there is debate on a Forum, if a poster started a new topic and everybody just posted , ' Yes I agree with the OP ', it would hardly be worth the bother.

Catagory 1:

If you're not happy in Thailand then do something about it, endless bitching and whining on an anonymous internet Forum will achieve nothing, it will just add to ones own personal depression and bitterness. You managed to move to Thailand from your own country cos you decided Thailand was the place to be. Now if you're not happy, then it's bad planning on your part, lack of foresight etc. If you managed to move to Thailand, then I see no reason that you cannot manage to move back to your own country from Thailand.

Unless of course you can't for reasons I have already pointed out. The problems you have are your own problems , not Thailands.

Catagory 2:

Glad you are happy in Thailand, seems like you have adjusted well and accept that Thailand is indeed different to what you were used to in your own countries of birth. Then again, you already knew that before you moved didn't you, I applaud you for your planning abilities and foresight.

Catagory 3 :

We all see our own circumstances for what they are, but as our own personal circumstances vary so much, we will all have variable outlooks on life, no matter where we live.

If one has a bad relationship in Thailand, you can't blame Thailand and all Thai people, people are having bad relationships all over the planet, that's life.

Read my signature... It's not Thailand that you live or hate, it's your own life and what you've done with it that you love or hate.


Now that is deep man... :o

i fall into all 3 ,depends on which side of the bed i get out of in the morning as to which one is apt to me,today?more coffee first then? :D

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It seems to me that there are 3 types of expats.

1) Those that bitch and moan endlessly

2) Those that see no fault in Thailand & defend it to the hilt

3) Those that see it for what it is

Of course you have different types, cos we are all in different circumstances.

You think that the Rich guy with a beautiful house and enough money to CHOOSE to live virtually anywhere he wants, sees Thailand in the same way as a guy that has NO CHOICE but to stay in Thailand even if he doesn't like it, cos he is too broke to buy a ticket out, or can't go back to his own country for fear af arrest?

Do you think that a guy travelling in First Class on a 12 hour flight will have the same opinion of his flight as a guy that was in the last row in economy class? They're on the same plane going to the same destination, they are just travelling in different circumstances. Some people live in fan rooms with hardly enough money to survive, some live in 30 Million Baht houses and have anything they desire.

That's why there is debate on a Forum, if a poster started a new topic and everybody just posted , ' Yes I agree with the OP ', it would hardly be worth the bother.

Catagory 1:

If you're not happy in Thailand then do something about it, endless bitching and whining on an anonymous internet Forum will achieve nothing, it will just add to ones own personal depression and bitterness. You managed to move to Thailand from your own country cos you decided Thailand was the place to be. Now if you're not happy, then it's bad planning on your part, lack of foresight etc. If you managed to move to Thailand, then I see no reason that you cannot manage to move back to your own country from Thailand.

Unless of course you can't for reasons I have already pointed out. The problems you have are your own problems , not Thailands.

Catagory 2:

Glad you are happy in Thailand, seems like you have adjusted well and accept that Thailand is indeed different to what you were used to in your own countries of birth. Then again, you already knew that before you moved didn't you, I applaud you for your planning abilities and foresight.

Catagory 3 :

We all see our own circumstances for what they are, but as our own personal circumstances vary so much, we will all have variable outlooks on life, no matter where we live.

If one has a bad relationship in Thailand, you can't blame Thailand and all Thai people, people are having bad relationships all over the planet, that's life.

Read my signature... It's not Thailand that you live or hate, it's your own life and what you've done with it that you love or hate.

LOL, didn't take you long! must say though thats a 10 out of 10.

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I fit into all 3 also.I am happy living here with my family.I enjoy the company of various Thai people out side our own family.I understand this is a different culture,but in my 50+ years of living,and visiting a number of countries,I have concluded that people are basically the same.This does not blind me to the fact that there is a lot of weird shit going on here in Thailand.Sometimes I express it,many times I don't bother.All depends on how I feel that particular day.I react to whats happening in my environment.

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It seems to me that there are 3 types of expats.

1) Those that bitch and moan endlessly

2) Those that see no fault in Thailand & defend it to the hilt

3) Those that see it for what it is

The people that reside in numbers 1 & 2 pigeon hole everybody into either non stop bitchers or alternatively totally blind to what they can see.

Why can't you see there is a diversity of opinions about Thailand and its people & there is no right and wrong in terms of these opinions.

Everybody has the right to comment as they see fit on the way they see things regardless of what some of the self righteous people on this board think. Respect each others opinions as you would hope they respect yours. Realise that Thailand is a great place, like other places but also has faults, like other places. Debate these issues as you see fit, just as Thai's debate the positives and negatives of the West as they see fit.

Enjoy the fact that you have the freedom to debate these issues.

Thats how I see things.

I am all of these at times, thailand dosent change, its me :o ..but if im feeling down it dosent last long, i smile at someone and they smile back,,im back to normal !
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It seems to me that there are 3 types of expats.

1) Those that bitch and moan endlessly

2) Those that see no fault in Thailand & defend it to the hilt

3) Those that see it for what it is

Now let me see, what catagory do I fit into ? :o

I think your in a catagory of your own!!!!

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