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If I was running a country, I would design a special visa just for people like you. I would call it the cool dudes with money visa. Come on down.

There is a negative side effect. Even Newzealand is now suffering from it. Price increases, especially for property but also for many other things.

If you don't want to legalize a two price schema like we have in national parks and in many places in Pattaya the local people might not benefit

from it. Unfortunately it is not so easy.

And don't forget: we are indeed enemies. They are so proud of there upper class system where rich hi-so guys can loot this country and

now we with our morale that people are same and should have same rights are talking to the low-so hookers and there families (and turning

there class system upsite down when the faceless isaan farm girl has suddenly more money then the major).

No this is not acceptable for a society that is build on uneducated working slaves and so they are just fighting back.

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But how to open a Thai bank account without a WP and Visa in the first place? :o

You open their front door, walk over to the clerk, give him/her your passport and a handwritten note (or hotel business card) with your current address and say you want to open an account.

Should take about 10-15 minutes, a few minutes more for activating the ATM card.

Don't forget to bring the 500 baht minimum deposit in cash.

Have you tried that lately ??

I did basically that (above), walked in, showed my passport, gave them some cash, walked out about 15 minutes later with another bank account. No hassles, no one looked at my visa that i know of (they copied my passport front page but not the visa page)

This was at Bangkok bank in Phuket town about 2 weeks ago.

BKK bank in Patong was one of the ones that denied him..

But do you have a non imm O (as per your over 50 comment) cos if so thats not the situation I mean, if they copied oit or not having a non imm O and being on retirement changes it..

Yes, i have a retirement visa, it's a non immigrant OA. But they didn't look past the first page.

I have 3 bank accounts now here in Thailand, and never had anyone question my opening any of them.

I'd like to know why they wouldn't give him one.

By the way, for those who said that they wouldn't put money in a Thai bank, check out the SET price on KBANK (kasikorn) it's up 20% in the past month! (plus there's a 2% interest on top of that) Unfortunately, i didnt' get in. Oh well, luck in some things, not in others.

People do get turned down left and right 4 bank accounts while others have no probs. no consistency on that. Dig?

Source: Pattaya Today October 1-15th Issue

Online at http://www.pattayatoday.net


(original also needs to be produced); 5. Confirmatory letter from bank, not more than one week old.


it seems that everyone talks about the old men with no money but what about the people under 50 with money. how do we get a visa. I have no problem putting any amount of money that they want in a thai bank. but as i am only 45 yrs old and was lucky enough to make good money in my home country, I am srewed. I am not working here, but i do put quite a bit of money in to the local economy.

Anybody with any ideas?

Not really a fan of marriage or even a fake one where she will have me by the b****. dictating what i do and what i buy for her or she goes to immiggration. no thanks seen that from other people.

I believe you can start a thai corp. and issue yourself a wp and visa. Somebody correct me if i'm wrong

Source: Pattaya Today October 1-15th Issue

Online at http://www.pattayatoday.net


Visa changes at Thai Penang consulate

News for visa runners & married men

The Royal Thai consulate general in Penang, Malaysia, has indicated that officers there will now limit applications

from foreigners applying to visit Thailand as tourists to just three 60 day visas. A travel agent in Penang, who handles

applications on a daily basis, said The consulate is now counting the number of times they have issued a single entry

60 day visa to an individual. The new limit is three and there will likely be a note in the applicants passport from now

on. This is not the first time there has been such a crackdown on repeat applications for tourist visas. The logic seems

to be that visit visas are not designed for foreigners seeking residency. It is argued that bona fide retirees with money

in the bank or pension income, foreigners working legally in the kingdom and those with Thai wives and dependants

can apply for one year visas at Thai immigration offices provided they have the requisite documentation and cash back

-up. The current squeeze seems to be aimed at long stay foreigners in Thailand who don't otherwise qualify for long

stay visas, typically men on limited incomes who rely on renewing their visa time and again at Cambodian border posts

or Thai consulates in nearby countries. Penang has recently grown in popularity as a visa haven and the town has a

growing number of bars catering for visa runners. This trend is now under threat after the recent ruling. Other Thai

consulates and embassies in the region are unlikely to offer more generous visa extensions than Penang. Those in

Cambodia, the Philippines, Laos and Singapore to name but four are known to be just as restrictive if not more so.

An official source said, There seems to be a progressive squeeze against foreign men with very limited resources

trying to live in Thailand. If they don't qualify for one year visas in Thailand, their options of going repeatedly to a

Cambodian border post (30 days on arrival) or getting numerous prior visas in Penang (60 days) are disappearing.

He added that he advised people in this situation to return to their home countries, usually in Europe, to obtain

multiple entry non immigrant visas which are valid for a year at a time. But we all know, he explained, that many can't

afford the trip or are reluctant to fly home in case they come to official attention at the airport.

Another consequence of visa squeezes is that some foreigners go into overstay in Thailand as they can't find a way

to renew cheaply. The number of arrests for visa overstayers in Pattaya is rising, but there are no published figures.

But there is better news from Penang for foreign men married to a Thai woman. They can now obtain a multiple entry

non immigrant "O" visa, valid for a year, provided they take 1. Their original passport (copy of ID page) and two passport

photos; 2. Signed copy of wife's Thai ID card; 3. Signed copy of marriage certificate signed by both parties

(original needs to be shown too); 4. Copy of personal Thai bank book showing at least 400,000 baht

(original also needs to be produced); 5. Confirmatory letter from bank, not more than one week old.


Contributor's note: The Pattayatoday is a bit of a tabloid. The generalizations, the

haughty, offensive tone throughout. Quoting official sources who are never named.

Let's face it, Bangkok Post it's not. October 1st is the 1 year anniversary of the

changes so I guess the next few weeks will tell if this is just more bad news. :o

it seems that everyone talks about the old men with no money but what about the people under 50 with money. how do we get a visa. I have no problem putting any amount of money that they want in a thai bank. but as i am only 45 yrs old and was lucky enough to make good money in my home country, I am srewed. I am not working here, but i do put quite a bit of money in to the local economy.

Anybody with any ideas?

Not really a fan of marriage or even a fake one where she will have me by the b****. dictating what i do and what i buy for her or she goes to immiggration. no thanks seen that from other people.

Is the 40 million baht special investor visa not still going ??

Its not used much but it used to be valid..

You did say 'any amount'


You got that right 'THEDUDE' I'm making 20% on my Thai Stock's despite the recent downturns .. the Thai stock market ain't bad .. and I just got a call from one of the real estate agents here in pattaya..she wants me to pay 4 million Baht cash for a condo (I already live in a house that I bought 10 years ago in my wifes name), no problem that I am only here on a Tourist Visa..AND I will be allowed to own it outright, no wife name, no company..it's a condo and by the 49/51 thing she's confident that the land office will approve the ownership especially if I transfer most of the funds from the US. .. one more detail about me-she's not really my wife! we never got married legally..why should the govt here force that on us, we're both happy together living this way, we don't wan't to get married.

I find it a little absurd that I have been here for 10 years on a tourist visa, have millions of bahts worth of stocks, mutually funds, and cash accounts-all of which were approved no problem using my tourist visa..and I'm sitting here trying to figure out if I'm allowed to stay here!

I'm gonna do some wishfull thinking and I think we're all over-reacting here..I feel that I have a right as an American citizen (USA/Thailand have good relations and good trade relationship) to LIVE yes Live here on a tourist visa..BUT

I think the point the Thai constabulary/immigration is making is this: If your going to live here on a tourist visa, don't just keep taking that bus to Penang or to Viantian, or to Phenom Penn..get your butt on a PLANE and take off for a week or so at least every 6 months.. go somewhere further than that, and while your at it, why don't you go back to your country every once in a while..that way we don't think your an escaped felon..if you keep going to Penang that makes us think that you are either cheap, or poor..and we don't want cheap, poor tourists here..we want tourists who spend money.. I think the Thai govt has a right to demand this.

But if they start doing something crazy like forcing me to go back to the USA EVERY 3 MONTHS! and NO tourist visa's anywhere else because I was just here recently..now that would just be unfair..lets hope they don't go that crazy with it, I don't think they will but we'll have to wait and see..but better hold off and that condo for now, better to keep assets here liquid.


I disagree. If they want a police report just ask for it. In the Philippines you can generate an accepted police clearance for yourself while staying in the Philippines.

As usual, people are trying to read the tea leaves to make rational conclusions out of the irrational. This only leads to madness. Acceptance of ambiguity is the better path.


Thais don't hide news like this.  If its real, it will hit in both Bangkokpost and Nation, with the exact details.  "pre-news" such as this just goes to make people nervous by not really understanding...

Also...that man with 10 year overstay...is precisely why the govt does these things.  He may be right to not make too much of the news, but he is certainly not helping the farang cause.

Thais don't hide news like this. If its real, it will hit in both Bangkokpost and Nation, with the exact details. "pre-news" such as this just goes to make people nervous by not really understanding...

Also...that man with 10 year overstay...is precisely why the govt does these things. He may be right to not make too much of the news, but he is certainly not helping the farang cause.

Erm I have read very little of the changes that have been applied in the Post or Nation.. All evidence suggests (stamps in passports etc) that this is the new interpretation there...

As to the overstay guy.. Arrest him, deport him, create better checks and measures.. But why throw the babay out with the bathwater.. The genuine comedy is, the guy with 973 days overstay I mentioned.. didnt even leave the country to fix it.. Local immigration fixed it all for a contribution to the christmas party, how else do they drive new BMW's at those salaries..


Spoke to my Visa Agent in Penang today. He confirms that the Thai Consulate is only going to issue 3 back to back visas. If you apply for one now and have a 'collection' of tourist visas they will issue one more with the stamp about you may be refused the next time. He said that this was up to the officer issuing the visa catch him/her on a good day visa may not be endorsed with the warning.

He went on to say that the reason the consualte is doing this is to try and stop people working illegally here and if I was to show proof of income from overseas or prove I am not working there may also be no problem.

Hopefully my bank statements from Aus will do the job.

He confirms that the Thai Consulate is only going to issue 3 back to back visas.

Three visas absolutely back-to-back or three visas within a certain time frame? Any indication as to whether they are counting visas solely issued by Penang of if Penang sees three visas issues in succession by Timbuktu then you're also denied?


Judging by the massive response to the original post, this new regulation will effect ALL you postees, that means I will be the only true expat on this forum ............

One should now consider a seperate Tourist and Expatriate forum for clarity !!!!


From what I can gather the consulate has some discretion as to issuing more than 3 visas but nothing was said about a time frame. The thing seems to be that the applicant does not appear to be working in Thailand. So maybe a gap between visas might do the trick. Its early days though so more information may come to light.

My agent did advise getting a new passport and this would solve all problems. If I was to go down this track I would apply for it in Malaysia rather than here in Thailand.

I will be morre than happy to a 'break' in Malaysia, not being here in Thailand for Boom Boom or the Grog my lifestyle would not be all that different

Judging by the massive response to the original post, this new regulation will effect ALL you postees

While this change does not effect me personally, I keep a close on such happenings as they are indicative of the overall trend. Whether or not the change-du-jour effects a particular individual, anybody lacking PR or Thai citizenship who thinks they are sorted is foolish.

From what I can gather the consulate has some discretion as to issuing more than 3 visas but nothing was said about a time frame. The thing seems to be that the applicant does not appear to be working in Thailand. So maybe a gap between visas might do the trick. Its early days though so more information may come to light.

Thanks for the follow-up. Things have always blown hot and cold over time at the Thai consulate in Penang so what appears to be an iron-clad crackdown today may be a distant memory in six month's time. Or not. :o

He confirms that the Thai Consulate is only going to issue 3 back to back visas.

Three visas absolutely back-to-back or three visas within a certain time frame? Any indication as to whether they are counting visas solely issued by Penang of if Penang sees three visas issues in succession by Timbuktu then you're also denied?

Just for clarity sake, if you find yourself in the northwestern African nation of Mali, there is no Thai consulate in Timbuktu, however you could avail yourself of consular services in nearby Rabat, Morocco.


Judging by the massive response to the original post, this new regulation will effect ALL you postees

While this change does not effect me personally, I keep a close on such happenings as they are indicative of the overall trend. Whether or not the change-du-jour effects a particular individual, anybody lacking PR or Thai citizenship who thinks they are sorted is foolish.

...with a caveat emptor for even those falling into the latter two categories. :o

No indication on the time frame for the issuance of the 3 tourist visas. Is this over a year's time? A three year time frame?

Or for the entire lifetime of the passport holder?

*Edit* With apologies to OP, is it possible for a Mod to have the thread title rewritten in order to put forth the issue more clearly,


It seems obvious to me that if the information being put forth was more clearly delineated in the thread title, there would be a far greater response to this thread.

Thank you.

Might I propose a thread title change to:

Penang Consulate To Limit Issuance of Tourist Visas To Three


Judging by the massive response to the original post

Since the above change, the 136-posts, 8241-views is a testament to the importance of clearly descriptive thread titling... :o

He confirms that the Thai Consulate is only going to issue 3 back to back visas.

Three visas absolutely back-to-back or three visas within a certain time frame? Any indication as to whether they are counting visas solely issued by Penang of if Penang sees three visas issues in succession by Timbuktu then you're also denied?

Just for clarity sake, if you find yourself in the northwestern African nation of Mali, there is no Thai consulate in Timbuktu, however you could avail yourself of consular services in nearby Rabat, Morocco.


Oh no, another border run? :D

This is wonderful news. I have been hoping for this.

It means that more foreign visa applicants will have to go through the official Immigration departments in The Kingdom of Thailand.

Will mean improved vetting which will make it more difficult for terrorists, criminals, human traffickers, illegal workers and especialy economic refugees to enter Thailand.

A tourist is a tourist and should be treated as such. No tourist should need to stay in a foreign country for more than 6 months. Other foreigners that wish to stay long term in any particular foreign country, should be vetted and have to apply within the official immigration departments for reasons quoted above,

Better for my family that live here, better for us long-term residents who stay here legitimately.

Well thank our lucky stars that they have not seen fit to put you in charge. Get off your high horse, tourists should not have to explain themselves to you and remember that the 50 year old retirement age was higher at 55 until not so long ago. If they had another option for people less than 50 years old then people would not need long term tourist visas year after year.

what is a tourist but someone visitng a country.

I don't see any time restrictions on the defanition.

In most countries, the one who stay more than half a year (183 days) is no more a Tourist, but a Resident...

what is a tourist but someone visitng a country.

I don't see any time restrictions on the defanition.

In most countries, the one who stay more than half a year (183 days) is no more a Tourist, but a Resident...

Yes, but we are talking about THAILAND!

Here we have people who have lived here for over a decade on retirement extensions and legally they are no more than a long term TOURIST! And they have no route whatsoever to improve their status.

So, bring on the long term tourists. Bend whatever "rules" as long as you like if that is what you wish, and don't listen to those on so called "proper" visas. They are just here on a LONGER LEASH. Woof. Woof.



So I am sure there will be ways around but life does become more difficult. By the way I have started a thread with a few tips on the Penang visa run.


It still doesn´t say anything about if it ´cos u had 2 back-to-back visas before or if it would be the same thing for a guy who had 2 TV:s with some months between them?

They are obviosly couting visas that are not issued by the Penang consulate, but would they denie someone with, lets say, 6 back-to-back tv:s?


So I am sure there will be ways around but life does become more difficult. By the way I have started a thread with a few tips on the Penang visa run.

Suppose this answers the question about mixing up where people get their visas and whether they count or not in Penang. Sounds like they do and no doubt the visa exempt entries do as well. This is not a very diggable situation, scrap all your shovels.


They are just not playing the game properly anymore! Foul! There always has to be a loophole. They have violated our trust.

Tip to Burma, kick out the generals, offer cheap and easy lifetime visas to all westerners, and get ready to partee! Frankly, Thailand is now playing just a little too hard to get for its own good, don't you think? Its one thing to tease, its another not to give it up sometimes.

I am kind of serious about Burma. We aren't appreciated here anymore, if we ever were. Imagine the benefit a poor country could get from becoming openly WELCOMING?

I would love to hear Thailand's logic here. The thing I don't understand is do they really think foreigners are beating down the door to get paid here illegally in baht vs their home countries currency?

FWIW I just went to Cambodia to get my 3rd tourist visa this year figuring it would be nice and easy. They grilled me way harder than they did my past 2 times and it ended up taking 4 days total. The lady made me have proof of where I was staying (I have an apt) but couldn't prove it. I had to quick go find an internet cafe and book a room for 1 night for $2.47 and show her the confirmation. After that the "financial department" (person who opens the cash drawer and puts my $35 in?), was closed and I had to come back the next day and re-apply. When I got one in Amsterdam this summer it took <1hr.

I'm 23 and have more or less passive income coming in from the internet that I'd be making no matter what country I was in.

This is sorta a rant and I wholeheartedly agree I'm not a tourist, just someone who likes pumping money from my home country into the thai economy and don't see why there is not a visa for people like me.

There is a visa for you.

If you are the sort of person who already has a business as you quote and likes pumping money from your home country into the Thai economy and you are not a tourist, why dont you just use the official Thai Immigration system, apply for a non Immigrant visa and save yourself a load of hassle? Whats the problem?


I also work for a business in uk...get paid from uk...what is the official thai immigration system....how and what are the rules for a non immigrant visa....all advice greatly appriciated as i am not the only one seeking advice on this.



I would love to hear Thailand's logic here. The thing I don't understand is do they really think foreigners are beating down the door to get paid here illegally in baht vs their home countries currency?

FWIW I just went to Cambodia to get my 3rd tourist visa this year figuring it would be nice and easy. They grilled me way harder than they did my past 2 times and it ended up taking 4 days total. The lady made me have proof of where I was staying (I have an apt) but couldn't prove it. I had to quick go find an internet cafe and book a room for 1 night for $2.47 and show her the confirmation. After that the "financial department" (person who opens the cash drawer and puts my $35 in?), was closed and I had to come back the next day and re-apply. When I got one in Amsterdam this summer it took <1hr.

I'm 23 and have more or less passive income coming in from the internet that I'd be making no matter what country I was in.

This is sorta a rant and I wholeheartedly agree I'm not a tourist, just someone who likes pumping money from my home country into the thai economy and don't see why there is not a visa for people like me.

There is a visa for you.

If you are the sort of person who already has a business as you quote and likes pumping money from your home country into the Thai economy and you are not a tourist, why dont you just use the official Thai Immigration system, apply for a non Immigrant visa and save yourself a load of hassle? Whats the problem?


I also work for a business in uk...get paid from uk...what is the official thai immigration system....how and what are the rules for a non immigrant visa....all advice greatly appriciated as i am not the only one seeking advice on this.



It seems very hard for a man under 50, single, income outside of thailand to stay here on anything else then alot of tourist visas and visa exemptions...however, that might change quickly to not being an option.

A visa for this group with some good requirements like; show proof of overseas income on atleast 50k/month, no criminal records, to get a type of non-immigrant visa which allows u for a 1 year stay....

Cant really see what could "damage" the Kingdom by offering this visa?

But.... this is probably just me dreaming

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