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Chiang Mai Farangs Unfriendly The Norm


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Once, years back when I was living in an obscure neighborhood in Tokyo, I was walking to the train station when a farang on a bicycle spotted me. He almost wet his saddlebags with excitement and started to wave at me. I put my head down and marched on, only to hear a crash, bang, wallop and turn around to see that he had crashed into a pile of rubbish bags. That was the single funniest thing I can ever remember seeing.

This is perhaps the saddest post I ever remember seeing. There is something 'funny' in knowing that someone crashed and fell? I fail to see the humor. Maybe I'm just odd.... :o

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Seems that LOS attracts lots of falangs that can't make it in their home countries

America was built by people who couldn't make it in their home countries.

You seem to have left out that these misfits pulled together and created the most powerful, free and economically prosperous nation in the history of the world! :o

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Lived in Chiang Mai for many years and over time have unfortunately discovered a whole new breed of Farang that seem to be unique in unfriendliness and rudeness.

I have experienced curt attitudes in the past from Chiang Mai farangs, and often they make it patently obvious that they don't want to know if other Farangs attempt to attract their attention with a chat, hello or a smile.

But yesterday I suffered the ultimate bad experience that left me feeling downhearted and sad.

I have been seeking a housemaid and yesterday visited the Government job center in Mai Rim for someone suitable. I was not sure which counter to visit that could deal with my enquiry. Walking in front of me was two of my countrymen in their 50s and I thought there is a chance they may have been to the job center before and could assist me. I approached the guy walking on the left and asked if he had any idea which counter I visit to find people searching for work. He and his friend ignored my voice. At first I thought they did not hear me. Still walking the 2 guys went up to a counter, I followed, slightly touched the guy's arm standing on the left and asked my question again. Both these men had their backs to me. They were considerably taller than me and suddenly one guy began swiftly moving backwards, pushing my body hard out of the way. Then he moved forward again to the counter, winking and grinning at his friend.

I felt angry, humiliated and low, almost like being back at school facing bullies.

When I arrived home, my wife could see that I was upset about something. After explaining to her what happened in Mai Rim she said, in the future it is best to do what many other Chiang Mai Farangs do in Chiang Mai when encountering other Farangs and look the other way, also don't speak to them unless they approach first.

Sadly from now on, that is what I shall do. It seems this is the game, and that's how it must be played.

I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you, I certainly hope this is an abberation. My wife and I spent a month in Chiang Mai earlier this year and were overwhelmed by the friendliness and the way not only the Thais (both buddist and islamic) extended themselves but also other farangs, especially the Swedes. In fact the only rude farangs we encountered in our entire visit to Chiang Mai were a few Korean and Brittish (expats or travelers?), but that seemed to be the norm in our travels throughout Thailand. I don't think it says anything about Korea or the U.K. in particular, perhaps just the type of person from these countries that winds upo in Thailand?

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Seems that LOS attracts lots of falangs that can't make it in their home countries

America was built by people who couldn't make it in their home countries.

You seem to have left out that these misfits pulled together and created the most powerful, free and economically prosperous nation in the history of the world! :o

No, I haven't. Actually it was my point.

But I beg to disagree about freedom. Dutch people probably enjoy more freedom than Americans.

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Seems that LOS attracts lots of falangs that can't make it in their home countries

America was built by people who couldn't make it in their home countries.

You seem to have left out that these misfits pulled together and created the most powerful, free and economically prosperous nation in the history of the world! :o

No, I haven't. Actually it was my point.

But I beg to disagree about freedom. Dutch people probably enjoy more freedom than Americans.

American's have freedom to say whatever the hel_l they want, whether or not it will be heard is another story.

I honestly feel a lot more free here in Thailand. In the US. there's a police officer on every other corner who can't seem to differentiate between an actual criminal, and a law abiding citizen. The police and other law enforcement are such a nuisance in the US.

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Ok, I resisted this 'free' point earlier, but...

> But I beg to disagree about freedom. Dutch people probably enjoy more freedom than Americans.

They're all unfree. In Holland you can't shoot guns or go offroading or build a goddamned shed in your own goddamned garden without a license. In the USA you can't buy a beer at 7-eleven and enjoy it in the park on a sunny day. I mean, seriously, what that <deleted>?!

Thailand's free. That's why I's here. It's also a military/absolute M. run feudal anarchy, but a very free one. :o

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Why do I want to converse with a man I don't know or to be honest, give a ###### about? just because we share the same skin colour?

If I want to talk to men I don't know, I'd move home and hang around the gay bars.

If you need/long to be accepted and liked then hang out at an old folks home, or with the other farangs here who've nothing wholesome in their life and converse about 'how often you inflate your car tyres'.

If you didn't catch the thread on it.

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At first I thought they did not hear me. Still walking the 2 guys went up to a counter, I followed, slightly touched the guy's arm standing on the left and asked my question again.

One thing I hate about thailand is how thais like to touch farang. This is considered really rude in western cultures and an opening to fighting. You should not touch people you don't know. I probably would've helped answer your question, however.

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My wife and I spent a month in Chiang Mai earlier this year and were overwhelmed by the friendliness and the way not only the Thais (both buddist and islamic) extended themselves but also other farangs, especially the Swedes. In fact the only rude farangs we encountered in our entire visit to Chiang Mai were a few Korean and Brittish (expats or travelers?), but that seemed to be the norm in our travels throughout Thailand. I don't think it says anything about Korea or the U.K. in particular, perhaps just the type of person from these countries that winds upo in Thailand?

You make an excellent observation, Vegasvic,

In my experiences of associating with Farangs over a long period in Chiang Mai I found my nationals the English expats to be the rudest. Australians coming a close second followed by the Canadians who many seem to intensely dislike Brits for some reason and last but not least our old comrades the Germans and I wont do a Basil Faulty here and mention the W--

I have to say that the most polite Farangs I have met in Chiang Mai are the Americans. Always a smile, love a laugh and most would definitely give you the time of day if asked, both as tourists and ex-pats. They never show any holier than thou attitude and never met any that are openly hostile.

Also I have found Scandinavians very courteous. Nice clean smart people and highly educated. Oh, and not forgetting the New Zealanders, similar to Australians but more sophisticated.

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The generalisations of nations on this thread is in my opinion despicable.

I agree. Will remind members of the forum rules.

2) Posting another members personal details, photos or web site details is forbidden and will result in being banned. Excessive, aggressive posts against other members, moderators and admin; or flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is best defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, rants, and/or for launching personal attacks, insulting, being hateful, useless criticism, name calling, swearing and other bad behavior or comments meant to incite anger.

I've asked once for members to keep this civil, continuing in the direction it has been going will require me to shut the thread down. Last caution.

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Can someone define 'freedom'? What is it?


Freedom is the right to choose one's attitude and actions, coupled with the responsibility to see that these attitudes and actions don't infringe upon other's rights. One without the other is simply selfishness.

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I have to say that the most polite Farangs I have met in Chiang Mai are the Americans. Always a smile, love a laugh and most would definitely give you the time of day if asked, both as tourists and ex-pats. They never show any holier than thou attitude and never met any that are openly hostile.

As an American, I'm forced to agree with you. We really are nice folks.

We definitely do NOT have a superiority complex. We simply ARE superior!! :o

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If I want to talk to men I don't know, I'd move home and hang around the gay bars.

Got some issues there, t-homo? (sorry, couldn't help it) Do you only know women and family members, then?

I am a bit of a lone wolf myself, but I enjoy enriching my life by meeting other people. One may become part of my small circle of friends.

I just hope for a positive encounter and I can deal with a disappointing one. Most are positive or neutral in CM. Pattaya is another story.


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Seems that LOS attracts lots of falangs that can't make it in their home countries

America was built by people who couldn't make it in their home countries.

You seem to have left out that these misfits pulled together and created the most powerful, free and economically prosperous nation in the history of the world! :D

And you left out war mongering, not that it matters a jot I think you'll find most econonomically prosperous nation goes to Japan. :o

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I think you'll find most econonomically prosperous nation goes to Japan.

Only everything cost 20 times more than in the US, so everyone lives in tiny cubicles and eats rice instead of beef steaks. :D

good things come in small packages. if you know what i mean :D

on the other hand, thats why the Japanese owns a lot of America and so do the Indians, the Hispanics, the Vietnamese, more recently the Chinese, etc etc etc. :o

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