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Would You Feel Less Secure With Westernised Thai?

The Gentleman Scamp

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I said once before that no matter how beautiful I found a Thai girl, one with a prominent American accent would repel me like pepper spray would a cat.

I assure you that this is not a dig at the yanks, I would find a London accent on a Thai girl just as much of a turn off.

Last night I joined LovelyCutie and a couple of her mates at the Hard Rock Cafe in Siam Square as I hadn't been out for a while and was well in need of a night out.

The clientele was like that of an expensive west end bar in London, and I was uncomfortable with it and felt that everyone, even the live band had no reality or depth and had been irreversibly tainted by the western fasion culture brush.

Most of what the band played was live versions of chart/hip hop music - just the type of music that I had come to get away from and didn't expect from a live band. It was either that or that Nu Metal/Linkin Park crap that the young Thai's can't seem to get enough of.

I was trying to tell LC that music was dying and that I had been sent to save it but I couldn't hear myself think, all I could hear was the Thai singer hopping about on stage behind me, dressed like a New York skaterboy screaming "I'VE TRIED SO HARRRRRD AND NOT SO HARRD - 'NIN THE END, IT DUZN'T REALLY MAD'ERRRR!!!!"

There was about half a metre of floor space between the drumkit and the bar and I was constantly forced to move out of the way by unapologetic Thai strumpets with their nervous looking stocky farang male companions who were looking anxious and obviously trying to keep up with the cool - something they were well accustomed to from back home.

Barstaff were in and out of the flap making it impossible to stand still for more than 30 seconds and any eye contact I made with a Thai girl was met with a swift turn of the head or a dissmissive glance over my shoulder to look for an imaginary friend.

It was EXACTLY like being alone in an English club, only I was in Bangkok and I was with LC, who incedentally was the only Thai girl who told me I was a handsome man!

These were hi-so Thai's, this was the cool gang, the Thai elite, I felt like everyone was out of my league - especially the girls, and that isn't how it should be.

Now any farang girl reading this could be forgiven for assuming that maybe I'm someone who back home was some geekish billygoat who couldn't get laid and never got the back seat on the school bus and who is in Thailand because it's the only place he's ever been laid.

They would be wrong.

I'm not quite model material but I scrub up well and I have always been my own person and have never folllowed the in-crowd flock just as I haven't gone out of my way to be different. It's only since my early twenties that I was considered 'groovy' by my peers for being my own person and thinking on a slightly different level to others and not being affected by all that <deleted> - and they only thought that was cool because it was the 'in thing' to not be like everyone else in your attitude to life at the time.

Anyway boys and girls... I know I am not alone in my views and that the reason we love thai women is because they are so real and all the things that should matter like being a nice guy and loyalty and romance etc... are the only things that matter... That and financial security but that matters with most women as in all species the male is expected to be the provider or at least be able to be if nesscessary... And we like being the provider, we like feeling like men.

I can't help feeling that these 'contaminated' Thai's had been so seduced by western pop culture that they had lost all concept of what it was to be Thai.

Beautiful as many of the girls were, I just wouldn't feel safe with one.

I'm still single and wouldn't want a Hard Rock girl for more than one night.

Don't think that I am against westernisation and would love to be with some shy, no-speek-Englit farm girl, far from it, but westernisation is nice in moderation as you can both meet in the middle...

This isn't that though, this is emancipation from the very attitute and upbringing that caused us to fall in love with them and their country in the first place.

And it's horrible. :D

There's just something about the slightly more traditional, streetwise and only slightly westernised partially innocent, 'avarage' Thai's that offers you a bit more security, leaving you safe in the knowledge that they are yours and romance isn't dead after all. :D

I just need to find one who will listen to all my crap. :o

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Would You Less Secure With A Westernised Thai?

Just a humble observation gentleman, to add more depth to your words and to increase job prospects it would be advisable to ad verbs to your sentences and headlines.

Ain't that a tip!

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all I could hear was the Thai singer hopping about on stage dressed like a New York skaterboi screaming "I'VE TRIED SO HARRRRRD AND NOT SO HARRD - 'NIN THE END, IT DUZN'T REALLY MAD'ERRRR!!!!"

:o:D :D :D

My Filipino mate who had worked with this band for years will indeed find this statement of yours extremely hilarious and satisfactory.

I shall wait for the full version of your thread, Scampy. :D

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I was uncomfortable with it and felt that everyone, even the live band had no reality or depth and had been irreversibly tainted by the western fasion culture brush.

Another observation, are you looking for depth in Thailand?

Where should we look for it? I'm really interested in this topic. Anyone know? :o

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I said once before that no matter how beautiful I found a Thai girl, one with a prominent American accent would repel me like pepper spray would a cat.

I assure you that this is not a dig at the yanks, I would find a London accent on a Thai girl just as much of a turn off.

Last night I joined LovelyCutie and a couple of her mates at the Hard Rock Cafe in Siam Square as I hadn't been out for a while and was well in need of a night out.

The clientele was like that of an expensive west end bar in London, and I was uncomfortable with it and felt that everyone, even the live band had no reality or depth and had been irreversibly tainted by the western fasion culture brush.

Most of what the band played was live versions of chart/hip hop music - just the type of music that I had come to get away from and didn't expect from a live band. It was either that or that Nu Metal/Linkin Park stuff that the young Thai's can't seem to get enough of.

I was trying to tell LC that music was dying and that I had been sent to save it but I couldn't hear myself think, all I could hear was the Thai singer hopping about on stage dressed like a New York skaterboi screaming "I'VE TRIED SO HARRRRRD AND NOT SO HARRD - 'NIN THE END, IT DUZN'T REALLY MAD'ERRRR!!!!"


I think what it comes down to is that as well as the girl being beautiful, it is also her traditions, beliefs, ways of life that is also attractive.... seeing a Thai girl who is trying to be more westernised or who has spent alot of time overseas in America or Europe is unappealing because she may be losing some or all the character qualities that you find attractive in a more traditional/unwesternised Thai girl.

totster :o

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Would You Less Secure With A Westernised Thai?

Just a humble observation gentleman, to add more depth to your words and to increase job prospects it would be advisable to ad verbs to your sentences and headlines.

Ain't that a tip!

I would have noticed that had I not pressed the TAB key instead of Caps Lock which sent the thread when it was only a third finished.

MODERATORS: Can you correct that?

I can't, you can only edit the script - once the title is sent that's it. :o

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According to my German mate, CLDPI (Chief Long Distance Prostitutes Inspector), almost every girl in there was on the game. I said 90%, he said more. Well, I don't know. I have never made any deal with any of them. But he has. A lot. So, obviously, the possibility to find a true love in such place is just almost zero. Let me say this again, 20 months ago, I met the Darling there. It took us over a year to stop questioning each other's fidelity.

Those were not Hi-So Thais. Only upper middle class, I would say. It costs only 180++ THB for a Heineken. :o:D

As for HRC, it's not a Thai bar. Besides, it's known for being another pick-up joint. So, people assume every Thai/Farang pair is a couple. Well, at least, shagging each other. That's why girls thought you and I were together.

As for being westernised, the Darling quite likes it that I speak English all right and am pretty intelligent (or so he said :D ) and that I understand lots of things such as why he wants me to speak British English (no offense, all you Americans :D ). But that's the Darling.

Actually, I once asked this same question to a mate from the forum. Only specifically asked him about me being westernised and everything. He said he didn't think being pretty westernised caused the failures in my previous relationships. Some like westernised girls. Some don't. Simple as that. Hope the Darling will continue to like it... :D

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Scamp old chappy, you need to find some more work to do; too much idle time is sending your mind into a spin.

And you can shut up mbkudu! Cheeky sod. :D:o

It's quarter to midnight on Saturday night and I'm too knackered to go out cause I was working all day and I was out last night, so there you go.

I'm saving money y'see.

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You have just a hint of an American accent but you're still Thai and proud of it,

Now that's an insult. :o:D

It really shouldn't be LovelyCutie... Actually, I'm quite confident that in a few decades, most, if not all Thais will be speaking English with an American Accent... :D

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I said once before that no matter how beautiful I found a Thai girl, one with a prominent American accent would repel me like pepper spray would a cat.

As a joke, I often say "everyone is entitled to their own wrong opinion."

But in your case Scampy, I don't understand why people are so concerned with what people are or aren't, or what they may or may not be doing to improve themselves.

One of the things I like about Thailand is the "up to you" attitude about so many things. It mirrors the attitude that I took in my life several years ago before I ever came to know any Thai people. My life has been nothing but good since then.

When one is able to do this, it removes so many bad feelings about other people, like ego, jealousy, passing judgement, making assumptions, and so on.

If one doesn't care for what someone else chooses to do, or not to do, then so be it. If you like it and accept it, then good for you. If not, then surely the world is a big enough place for you to find somewhere and someone else.

For what it's worth today, I ate dinner at a Thai restaurant in Soho this evening. There was a table of 3 Thai ladies and a Thai man seated near me. I could overhear that all 3 ladies spoke very good english, in addition to fluent Thai. No way I could ever view them as more or less attractive, just more educated.

A story that is kind of related to this thread ....

A while back someone asked Colin Powell, a career military officer and warfighter, how he could respect and admire someone like Martin Luther King, a career preacher and pacifist. Powell replied by saying something like "I don't judge people by my own morals and principles. I judge them by their own."

When one removes the "I" and the "self" from difficult or new situations, then it seems to become better to make the best of the situation.

In my own case, I wouldn't care if my GF/fiance' learns to speak english better and adopts some western habits, because it is something she wants to do.

Same goes for her daughter, whom we both want to see receive a good education and have many opportunities to make a good life for herself. Almost for sure, this will mean some exposure to life outside of Thailand wherever that may be. Surely this can't be a bad thing.

Same goes for me in that I want to learn to speak Thai better and learn Thai customs and culture better. Surely this can't be a bad thing either.

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You have just a hint of an American accent but you're still Thai and proud of it,

Now that's an insult. :o:D

It really shouldn't be LovelyCutie... Actually, I'm quite confident that in a few decades, most, if not all Thais will be speaking English with an American Accent... :D

what a horrible thought :D

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Would You Less Secure With A Westernised Thai?

Just a humble observation gentleman, to add more depth to your words and to increase job prospects it would be advisable to ad verbs to your sentences and headlines.

Ain't that a tip!

Hmmm, those that live in glass houses should not throw stones- ad should be spelt add, an ad is an abbreviation for an advertisement Aussie. :o

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my thai wife is an Aussie citizen.When she speaks english(fluent), it is with an aussie accent.Has an MBA from an Aussie uni etc.....

No, I am quite secure with this.

Yes,, But then you have grown up somewhat and do not need to keep watching that old movie about the farang teacher and the king of siam.

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Does the avoidance of girls with Western accents come from the ideology of having that sweet innocent little country girl? or is it a worry that she might be westernised and act like all the Farang women you are trying to escape?

For me, communication is way above the sweet innocent farmers daughter who has nothing to say.

My experience is you can seperate Thais into two groups, those who have studied abroad for any amount of time, and those who have not. Doesnt matter if they speak fluent English, if they have never left the country, they are still just as Thai as the next person, with all the traits which get on ur nerves :o

The ones educated abroad come back with a different view on logic, education, and communication, and I have found its easier to work through problems with them, easier to communicate. At the same time, the women I have met in this position have not become Farang monsters, they are still Thai, they are still femenine, family orientated to a large degree, and still have some of those traits underneath they grew up with.

Personally I would much rather have an educated woman, someone who is an equal to me, who can challenge me at the same time as being a femenine pussycat.

Yes I want the best of both worlds!!

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You have just a hint of an American accent but you're still Thai and proud of it,

Now that's an insult. :o:D

Elsie, from most of your posts I gather that you're a Pomophile. Is this correct?

Come now dear lassie; not all we Yanks are as sodding as you think. Don't paint all of us the same as the few twits that you've met. Give us a chance now girlie!

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Elsie, from most of your posts I gather that you're a Pomophile. Is this correct?

Come now dear lassie; not all we Yanks are as sodding as you think. Don't paint all of us the same as the few twits that you've met. Give us a chance now girlie!

Please do not be offended in any way, all you Yanks. It's just what I've experienced. And I have just found out I get along with Poms better (some of them do take a shower more than once a week). Having worked with lots of them for a decade might cause this addiction? And then.. the Darling is a Pom too. Well, I've never said/thought that all Yanks are <deleted>. I'm more realistic than that. Mind you, the most horrible horrible man I've met in my entire life was Australian. The runner-up was... Oh.. I'd better not go into that. Not a Yank though. :o

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Does the avoidance of girls with Western accents come from the ideology of having that sweet innocent little country girl? or is it a worry that she might be westernised and act like all the Farang women you are trying to escape?

For me, communication is way above the sweet innocent farmers daughter who has nothing to say.

My experience is you can seperate Thais into two groups, those who have studied abroad for any amount of time, and those who have not. Doesnt matter if they speak fluent English, if they have never left the country, they are still just as Thai as the next person, with all the traits which get on ur nerves  :o

The ones educated abroad come back with a different view on logic, education, and communication, and I have found its easier to work through problems with them, easier to communicate. At the same time, the women I have met in this position have not become Farang monsters, they are still Thai, they are still femenine, family orientated to a large degree, and still have some of those traits underneath they grew up with.

Personally I would much rather have an educated woman, someone who is an equal to me, who can challenge me at the same time as being a femenine pussycat.

Yes I want the best of both worlds!!


I've said before I wouldn't want an innocent country girl and I'm afraid that, yes, I do judge a Thai girl on her farang accent because IN MY EXPERIENCE, 100% of Thai girls I have met who have had a strong U.S. or U.K. accent have had a hybid version of the monsterous western attitude we have chosen to emancipate ourselves from.

I too give everyone a chance but when some Thai girl tries to be this strong, don't give a <deleted> farang woman they seem almost belligerent and when you disagree they are like, "Whatever, I don't even like, care, it's like sooooo not important". Etc... etc...

I'm sorry if I like, find that sooooo like unnatractive.

Western culture is way off balance.

I am all for equal rights, but nowadays many farang women are like men with tits and vaginas, getting pissed, watching football etc... It's just not ladylike and it's not their fault either - it's OUR society that we created that has made them like that and they don't know any different.

I am not a chauvenist pig by a long shot, but am I wrong to say that men LIKE to take care of their ladies - men WANT to be the provider - it's NATURAL - look at any species. The avarage Thai girl is the one for me - best of both worlds.

Not a maid or a servant but also not a 'ladette'.

Today I saw a Thai girl with a T-Shirt that said - BEHIND EVERY SUCESSFUL WOMAN IS HERSELF. Very true, fair play, I agree... But how long will it be before I see a Thai girl wearing a T-Shirt that says BITCH or A WOMAN NEEDS A MAN LIKE A FISH NEEDS A BICYCLE, cause that is where it goes to far and that is what has belittled men in the west over the past decade.

In the west it seems that romance is dead and marraige is dying - not the case here, I'd like it to stay that way, Kao chai mai?

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Now that's an insult. :o:D

Elsie, from most of your posts I gather that you're a Pomophile. Is this correct?

Come now dear lassie; not all we Yanks are as sodding as you think. Don't paint all of us the same as the few twits that you've met. Give us a chance now girlie!

MBKUDU, I have tried, to no avail, to get the lovely Elsie here to give us Americans a chance. Its no use my friend. Your fighting an uphill battle and she will not budge, not one inch. Nevertheless, she is still a nice person and I enjoy talking to her even if she is crazy. :D:D:D

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Now that you have had your little rant, go back and reread my post, I said THE ONES I HAVE MET, did not act in this way, maybe you have just met all the wrong educated women eh??

While I too dislike everything you have reitterated, I do not however find myself able to have a meaningful relationship with a woman who cannot communicate with me. Lucky for me I have found an educated, family orientated, well travelled, perfect English speaking Asian woman, with a humility and timidness which is priceless. No she is not Thai..

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You have just a hint of an American accent but you're still Thai and proud of it,

Now that's an insult. :o:D

It really shouldn't be LovelyCutie... Actually, I'm quite confident that in a few decades, most, if not all Thais will be speaking English with an American Accent... :D

what a horrible thought -_-

Not so Horrible, really, just inevitable... It's the Nature of Languages and Empires.. :D

Eventually American - type English will most likely surplant British English usage among the educated Thais in Thailand , considering the huge cultural influence of Hollywood and Madsion Avenue, ( not to mention the fact that there are simply just more Americans than the combined population of England and Thailand twice over ). "Pubs" will turn into "Bars', "Carparks" will turn into "Parking Lots", "Lifts" will turn into "Elevators", "Footpaths" into "Sidewalks"... :D

I admit though, I really do like the way Brits speak ( " Pip Pip and all"... :) ) , English Accents usually sounds to American ears Upper class, Educated and sophisticated. For example, I used to be so totally in love with Naomi Cambell, and I remember when I finally first heard her speak on some fashion show interview years ago, it thru me for a loop! Before I ever heard her talk, I just naturally assumed that she was just another hot Black chick from America, but when I heard her speak British English, It did add a completely totally new dimension to her personality for me ( as I never, if very rarely heard or seen any Black person speak like they are a character in " Masterpiece Theater" :wub: )

But I do predict that That within twenty years, The American English Accent and language will surplant British English more or less for educated Thais, especially in Business and culture, but the vast majority of Thais who do know English will most likely speak it with their very own Style and Usage that is uniquely "Thai". For example, England used to own India, and English is still spoken in India, but "Indian" English accent is not British at all, but "Indian". Yet the IT call centers in India are staffed by people who have been taught, and speak " American " style English for the obvious reasons...... :(

I personally really don't care what accent a Thai woman has, In the end it's irrelavent. As long as the woman is nice and pretty, I'll always be interested! :)

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In the west it seems that romance is dead and marraige is dying - not the case here, I'd like it to stay that way, Kao chai mai?

By the way, it's "Kao Jai Mai khrap?" learn to use polite Thai if you are going to attempt it, and get ur spelling correct :D:o

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Not so Horrible, really, just inevitable... It's the Nature of Languages and Empires.. :D

Eventually  American - type English will most likely surplant British English usage among the educated Thais in Thailand , considering the  huge cultural influence of Hollywood and Madsion Avenue, ( not to mention the fact that there are simply just  more Americans than the combined population of  England and Thailand  twice over ).  "Pubs" will turn into "Bars', "Carparks" will turn into "Parking Lots", "Lifts" will turn into "Elevators", "Footpaths" into "Sidewalks"...  :D

I admit though, I really do like the way Brits speak ( " Pip Pip and all"... :( ) , English Accents usually sounds to American ears Upper class, Educated and sophisticated. For example, I used to be so totally in love with Naomi Cambell, and I remember when I finally first heard her speak on some fashion show interview years ago, it thru me for a loop! Before I ever heard her talk, I just  naturally assumed that she was just another hot Black chick from America, but when I heard her speak British English, It did add  a completely totally new dimension to her personality for me  ( as I never, if very rarely  heard or seen any Black person speak like they are a character in " Masterpiece Theater"  :D

But I do predict that That  within twenty years, The American English Accent and language will surplant British English  more or less for educated Thais, especially in Business and culture, but  the vast majority of Thais who do know English will  most likely speak it with their very own Style  and Usage that is uniquely "Thai".  For example, England used to own India, and English is still spoken in India, but  "Indian" English  accent is not British at all, but "Indian". Yet the IT call centers in India are staffed by people who have been taught, and  speak " American "  style  English for the obvious reasons...... :wub:

What a horrible thought, having yankee english invade the world! The Queens english is THE ONLY true english matey -_- (puts on kevlar suit and arms hisself with fire exstinguishers)

Try working out what a Bostonian is trying to say, you call that English?! Canadians speak better English! LOL :o:D here come da flames....

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Try working out what a Bostonian is trying to say, you call that English?!

Funny thing though, they're mostly friendly people? Everytime I find myself in an MA bar (happens every 3-4 months or so) I get involved in friendly conversations (I will agree that their baaassstown dialect is testing though).

/// dfw

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