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Ugly Football Players


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Game4shame.... have you been to Thailand lately? The Thai guys don't give it a second thought wearing a hair band...& that's the straght guys :o

I've not been in thailand for a few months now. I'll keep a lookout next time. :D

I like to think I am open minded..........but hairbands are where I draw the line. :D

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I can recall a small discussion on football players looks the other evening with Chavy, Legag, Mig et al....

Legag couldn't remember Peter Beradsley, so thought I'd post a nice picture of the "Hunchback" on the forum.


Really quite scary.

Any other suggestions and pictures of player with terrible haircuts et al.

Why would anyone be interested in these sods ... get a life

Do one jimmy :o

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I can recall a small discussion on football players looks the other evening with Chavy, Legag, Mig et al....

Legag couldn't remember Peter Beradsley, so thought I'd post a nice picture of the "Hunchback" on the forum.


Really quite scary.

Any other suggestions and pictures of player with terrible haircuts et al.

Why would anyone be interested in these sods ... get a life

Do one jimmy :o

:D:D I like it :D

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Do one jimmy :o

:D:D I like it :D

I wonder if he knows what Jimmy is short for in cockney? :D

But, as he has taken an interest in Football, here's the USA's only true soccer great.


A fine goalie & still managed to escape the clutches of the nazis :bah:

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Do one jimmy :D

:D:D I like it :D

I wonder if he knows what Jimmy is short for in cockney? :bah:

But, as he has taken an interest in Football, here's the USA's only true soccer great.


A fine goalie & still managed to escape the clutches of the nazis :o

As always, they save the day :o:bah:

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O.K. Folks ! Here's a team that hardly won a game,

......hardly won a heart,

..........and didn't do to well in the fashion stakes either.

St.Bridgets Primary School, West Kirby. 1957/58

.....and I'm not telling which one is me. :o

A great picture Ken. Circa 57/58, wow suprised they had camera's back then :D

I reckon that you are second from left on the back row. I think that when one of us gets it right you should tell us, and then maybe someone else my post a picture. I'd say Chavy should be next :D:D

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