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Annoyed By Us Immigration Returning From Thailand


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So last week I was in Thailand visiting some friends and when I returned to the US upon going through immigration the agent asked the purpose of my trip and I told him it was a vacation, and told him where I went and he was like where'd you stay, and I responded with my friend, and he goes "Boyfriend or Girlfriend?"....I was like excuse me?? He then asked if I had a laptop and I said yes. So then I got to go stand int he redline, and the next customs agent asked me about my trip and then asked about my laptop, then they took me in the back and started questioning me about my trip to Thailand, then they bust out the "So what kind of pornography are we going to find on your laptop?!"...and lets just say these two guys were being real a-holes. I not having any on said laptop was looking at them with a raised eyebrow and in complete disbelief....I am thinking to myself <deleted>?! are these people insane....So I finally remember I have the Paris Hilton video right and tell them that and then they ask about "Males or Females engaged with animals" and I am like good god no I already told you I don't have any sick or weird stuff on my computer...they then leave the room and tell me to wait...they come back and tell me to leave...so I do...

Can you believe that crap? I was about ready to tell them to if they think they are going to look at my personal files they are going to to have call my attorney who's card I always carry with me...So much for having rights as an American in your own country....

I wish US Customs had better things to do than bother 26yr olds who travel all the time....

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Can you believe that crap?

Sounds kind of familiar. In april I was asked by customs where I had been and if it was buisness or pleasure. I said pleasure and was sent to the inspection area. They went through everything, including questioning what was on my recorded cds. They even took the disks away to "check" them. A wonderful welcome home.

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Don't take it too personally. Thailand has been on the "watch" list for U.S. Customs for years now. They routinely check recent travellers from Thailand for illegal narcotics. The pornography scrutiny? Well, somehow I think that might have been for the tittilation of the agents. I get checked about one out of every four trips I make to Thailand even though I don't fit the profile of a drug mule.

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Time to wake up and realize that america is not the place you thought it was. These immigration people are usefull idiots employed by the state to instill fear and confusion into all of the cattle.

I personally used to travel to the states quite often for work and vacation. However, it is currently the last place on earth i would ever wish to be. Russia is much more appealing - much less hassle and the immigration officers have a better attitude due to education. Most americans working in these kind of jobs wouldnt get a job in macdonalds in most countrys.

Unfortunatley america has been taken over - read the patriot act!

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So last week I was in Thailand visiting some friends and when I returned to the US upon going through immigration the agent asked the purpose of my trip and I told him it was a vacation, and told him where I went and he was like where'd you stay, and I responded with my friend, and he goes "Boyfriend or Girlfriend?"....I was like excuse me?? He then asked if I had a laptop and I said yes. So then I got to go stand int he redline, and the next customs agent asked me about my trip and then asked about my laptop, then they took me in the back and started questioning me about my trip to Thailand, then they bust out the "So what kind of pornography are we going to find on your laptop?!"...and lets just say these two guys were being real a-holes. I not having any on said laptop was looking at them with a raised eyebrow and in complete disbelief....I am thinking to myself <deleted>?! are these people insane....So I finally remember I have the Paris Hilton video right and tell them that and then they ask about "Males or Females engaged with animals" and I am like good god no I already told you I don't have any sick or weird stuff on my computer...they then leave the room and tell me to wait...they come back and tell me to leave...so I do...

Can you believe that crap? I was about ready to tell them to if they think they are going to look at my personal files they are going to to have call my attorney who's card I always carry with me...So much for having rights as an American in your own country....

I wish US Customs had better things to do than bother 26yr olds who travel all the time....

Welcome to the land of the free. :o

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So last week I was in Thailand visiting some friends and when I returned to the US upon going through immigration the agent asked the purpose of my trip and I told him it was a vacation, and told him where I went and he was like where'd you stay, and I responded with my friend, and he goes "Boyfriend or Girlfriend?"....I was like excuse me?? He then asked if I had a laptop and I said yes. So then I got to go stand int he redline, and the next customs agent asked me about my trip and then asked about my laptop, then they took me in the back and started questioning me about my trip to Thailand, then they bust out the "So what kind of pornography are we going to find on your laptop?!"...and lets just say these two guys were being real a-holes. I not having any on said laptop was looking at them with a raised eyebrow and in complete disbelief....I am thinking to myself <deleted>?! are these people insane....So I finally remember I have the Paris Hilton video right and tell them that and then they ask about "Males or Females engaged with animals" and I am like good god no I already told you I don't have any sick or weird stuff on my computer...they then leave the room and tell me to wait...they come back and tell me to leave...so I do...

Can you believe that crap? I was about ready to tell them to if they think they are going to look at my personal files they are going to to have call my attorney who's card I always carry with me...So much for having rights as an American in your own country....

I wish US Customs had better things to do than bother 26yr olds who travel all the time....

Too bad that you received quite a rough treatment.

I have to post this cos I always got the welcome home attitude from them either at the JFK or US immigration in Canada. They were friendly and carried a small talk that I found myself joking back, everyone ended up with a delightful laugh. :D This has been repeated going on for years on my overseas trips to TL, China, EU and Africa.

I would say Egypt and China are not very friendly. :D

In Egypt, after they throughly serched on my 2 luggages, they asked me to step inside the booth hanged with the drape, then they had this two police women strip off my street clothes and ran their hands serching. It was so humiliated :o that I never been back to that country again. Luckily, that was my third trip and became my last.

In China, at Baiyan a/p in Guanzhou, oh boy, how many times they need to satified their serch, I was stop 4 times :D and opened my luggages to be serched by four different parties. :D I always joking that beaking any US maximum security prison is much easier than walking through Baiyan airport.

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The US customs agents are a DISGRACE. They practice fear and intimidation and indeed do represent the absolute worse (police state friendly facism) face of American society. Lucky for the US tourist industry our dollars are so worthless. People will do anything for a bargain.

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Last year on our return from LOS my buddy, a urology surgeon, was told to hand over his laptop which was then gone over for a half hour.

He was carrying several different types of prescription medications with the prescriptions.

The customs agent asked him if he had ever been arrested.

My buddy started to get angry and asked if he was being arrested.

We got their badge numbers and requested the paper work to put in a complaint.

Be polite but if it gets out of hand say you want to file a complaint.

More later.

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Most people would be afraid to complain about bad treatment for fear they would get on some kind of bad people list. Who can say they wouldn't? I have seen one smirk too many from these bozos and once when these dumbos were trying to profile me by reading my reading material, any small amount of respect I might had for them vanished. Yes, of course, they need to go after real drug smugglers and such, but the insulting behavior and remarks are vile. What really amuses me are people who think these goons are their friends.

BTW, probably similar to other countries, but until you pass customs at the airport you are not yet in the United States and do not enjoy the same (now more limited than ever) civil rights as after entering the country. The thing about US customs is that they really make you feel this, sniffer dogs, spies, and all.

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The US customs agents are a DISGRACE. They practice fear and intimidation and indeed do represent the absolute worse (police state friendly facism) face of American society. Lucky for the US tourist industry our dollars are so worthless. People will do anything for a bargain.

I am American and I totally agree. My worst customs and immigration experiences have been in the US and it is getting worse. This August I returned for a visit with my two young daughters. The immigrations official was extremely curt to the point of rudeness, and barked orders at my two daughters when one inadvertently touched his fingerprint scanner and the other strayed 2 inches over the line. He was such an ###### that when we were finished my 10 year old asked me, "Daddy, who was that man, he made me afraid!" It was downhill from there as we then instructed to go to an inspection line after getting our bags. We spent about an hour there while the agents debated whether or not Ma Ma dried noodle soup was allowed in the US or not. After confiscating it and telling me I could be fined $500 they determined it was OK and told me I was free to go. Not so fast! When I handed my form to the agent at the final door he noted that I had declared $150 in commercial goods and told me to go back to get inspected. I told him I had already been inspected, and in a very gruff voice basically accused me of lying. Turns out the first inspection was for food only. I then spent another hour while the agents played keystone cops and debated under what classification the goods fell under, finally determining that nothing was owed. Totally unprofessional behavior by almost everyone there. Took 2 1/2 hours to clear. To top it off about 3/4 of the agents have shaved their heads so that the group looks like some kind of Aryan brotherhood reunion. It embarrasses me to see the kind of welcome (or lack thereof) that visitors to my country receive. By contrast, our treatment by Thai customs and immigration was exemplary.

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Most people would be afraid to complain about bad treatment for fear they would get on some kind of bad people list. How can say they wouldn't? I have seen one smirk too many from these bozos and once when these dumbos were trying to profile me by reading my reading material, any small amount of respect I might had for them vanished. Yes, of course, they need to go after real drug smugglers and such, but the insulting behavior and remarks are vile. What really amuses me are people who think these goons are their friends.

These people are selected due to their own personal profileing - they tend to be psychotic bullys with lower than average intelect. Belive me, they are chosen deliberatley so as to have them on the right side of the fence. America - like Britain - is a faciast police state. The most worrying aspect is that at one time they tried to disguise the fact (wolves in sheeps clothing), now they dont even bother to wear a mask.

The american sheep are easily lead - they still believe that the republicans and democrats have different agendas. The cold fact is americans are being enslaved but to admit the truth is too much for the average guy - read the patriot act!

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The american sheep are easily lead - they still believe that the republicans and democrats have different agendas. The cold fact is americans are being enslaved but to admit the truth is too much for the average guy - read the patriot act!

I might not take it quite that far, but most certainly what we were trying to protect (our freedoms and what made fighting for our country worth fighting for) by fighting terrorism, we voluntarily gave up without a fight to our own fear mongering leaders, and you are right, they were from both parties.

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The american sheep are easily lead - they still believe that the republicans and democrats have different agendas. The cold fact is americans are being enslaved but to admit the truth is too much for the average guy - read the patriot act!

I might not take it quite that far, but most certainly what we were trying to protect (our freedoms and what made fighting for our country worth fighting for) by fighting terrorism, we voluntarily gave up without a fight to our own fear mongering leaders, and you are right, they were from both parties.

"Gave up your freedom to protect your freedom"?? Read it again! Most americans are virtually iliterate - fact. They are brainwashed by the corperate mainstream media whose agenda they refuse to aknowlege. The patriot act is very clear in having removed your personal rights and freedoms. It was signed and accepted by all of your senate without one of them having read it. The average american would rather watch sport or believe what they hear on fox news. Google the patriot act! Or would that be too much for you to take in. It was for your elected representatives!

During the 70s and 80s there were many acts of terrorism in the Uk: the queens guards and their horses were blown up (men and horses killed and mutilated); Senior MPs were bombed in their hotel in Brighton; numerous bombs caused mayhem and distruction in major citys. All these acts caried out by a known and tangable terrorist organization - the IRA. However, it was never deemed necessary to consider every citizen a potential threat, even though an irish terrorist was obvioulsy white and could have looked like any guy in the street. For decades the government had to deal with regular acts of terrorism - but they never found it neccessary to take away freedom. Ask youself why?

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Generalised sweeping insults of whole nations are not acceptable on Thaivisa. If you can't be civil, be quiet.

Sorry i do appologise, but it is a fact that - unfortunatley - the majority of americans have great difficulity reading and understanding basic text. There are obviously many very well educated americans, but unfortunatley they are the minority. I dont mean to insult americans - infact i have total empathy for the many who cant express there opinions through having been sh*t on by there masters.

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Generalised sweeping insults of whole nations are not acceptable on Thaivisa. If you can't be civil, be quiet.

Sorry i do appologise, but it is a fact that - unfortunatley - the majority of americans have great difficulity reading and understanding basic text. There are obviously many very well educated americans, but unfortunatley they are the minority. I dont mean to insult americans - infact i have total empathy for the many who cant express there opinions through having been sh*t on by there masters.

It's not a fact. The United Nations Development Programme Report 2005 reports that the USA has a literacy rate of 99.9% along with most of Europe and other developed countries.

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Generalised sweeping insults of whole nations are not acceptable on Thaivisa. If you can't be civil, be quiet.

Sorry i do appologise, but it is a fact that - unfortunatley - the majority of americans have great difficulity reading and understanding basic text. There are obviously many very well educated americans, but unfortunatley they are the minority. I dont mean to insult americans - infact i have total empathy for the many who cant express there opinions through having been sh*t on by there masters.

It's not a fact. The United Nations Development Programme Report 2005 reports that the USA has a literacy rate of 99.9% along with most of Europe and other developed countries.

I personaly choose not to believe the UN report or infact any report which is sponsored by the UN. I suppose you would agree with a UN report if it stated that MR Bush did not sancion torture - as he now states>

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Generalised sweeping insults of whole nations are not acceptable on Thaivisa. If you can't be civil, be quiet.

Sorry i do appologise, but it is a fact that - unfortunatley - the majority of americans have great difficulity reading and understanding basic text. There are obviously many very well educated americans, but unfortunatley they are the minority. I dont mean to insult americans - infact i have total empathy for the many who cant express there opinions through having been sh*t on by there masters.

It's not a fact. The United Nations Development Programme Report 2005 reports that the USA has a literacy rate of 99.9% along with most of Europe and other developed countries.

I personaly choose not to believe the UN report or infact any report which is sponsored by the UN. I suppose you would agree with a UN report if it stated that MR Bush did not sancion torture - as he now states>

Maybe you'll believe this:


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Anyhow, I've cleared US Customs probably 200 times. Seldom a problem, though it's true Customs officials have been granted extraordinary power (which long predates 911/Bush). The worst US Customs problems I had were just after 911 in border crossing between US and Canada. Canadian Customs were equally short tempered at the time.

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I have cleared customs in LA , HNL and SFO in the US hundreds of times and I have never had any problems and the vast majority of the times the customs officers have been cheerful and very pleasant. (I probably shouldn't have said that as now my luck will probably change !!!)

I do not think you can take your experience personally as they are just doing their job. If it is an inconvenience to us but can make our countries safer then that is just the way it probably is going to be. With so many random searches being done, even our Congressmen and other well known big names get hit with searches from time to time. IMHO taking it personally and bitching about it is a waste of time and energy.

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